�'��,61!t,j�1.. :;�"p. .'
<br /> � .:�,'• , • ,. • !d`.•..'•,i1:' .
<br /> i
<br /> ;� ' ' � � , ��r.� � - . . .
<br /> � . � n•, -�',:i'. � -�1t�2r:;�1 .. � . ..
<br /> , . •. ..i• . .,
<br /> . ' . . �t�%;i•�)'` ,i_' � � .,�� �:'.}"', .i ., . " . .,
<br /> •,. ,h� �:`'�51�: �l . ..
<br /> ' . _ . - ,. • •'Fi�p;a', e•, . ,. • �'i'i4iri:t:. . ' n. . _
<br /> TQO@THER WIYH au tho 6nprovemants now or hereaftsr erected on the property, and all easemsnta, eppuRenances, nnd �
<br /> , fMlUroa now or horoaMr�r a pt�rt of the property All rep�aaements end RddiNena shall also be oovered by th10 SeOUtity InstNrttclnf.
<br /> AO ot!ho forOgoing ts raierrvd to in U�s Seaurily Mstrument as the"Property."
<br /> OOAROWER COVENAY�TS that Bortower Is Iawfuih� selzed af ihe estete hereby conveyod and hae tho rtght to grant und ,
<br /> , oonvoy iho Property nnd tB�st tho Properry Is unencumtrered. except tor enoumbrances of reoord. 8onowar wBnuMO nnd wlu ..
<br /> dotr.nd Qsnareity tho titb to the Prapaty against all olatma und demands,subJeot to any enaumbranaes of reoord. , ,
<br /> '� THIB SHCUAITY INSTiiUMENT aombinas unNorm covenants for natlonai use and non•unifotm oovonflnte nah OmitoE
<br /> vntlptton0 by Jutind�tlon to constRute fl unitorm aecurlhj Instrument covering real proporiy. (�
<br /> UNIFOAM CAV�PIANTS. Borrorrer and Lender acvenant&nd aproe as fotlows: , .,
<br /> 1. Peyr��a�!of Pr6�otpaA ond leu4er�st; F�repaymen4 and Lote Chargee. Oonower ahal�promptry paY When �
<br /> duo tR0 prlt►ol�,3b o1¢Td In4�rost on the debt evldencaa by the Note and any prepayment and lete ohargea due under thq No4e. '�•
<br /> 2. FYO�I�e 401 Tex�a and Insurance.SubJeat to spplbabte Iaw or to a written waMer by Lendor, Bonowor shell pey � '�'��.,,�,�'
<br /> to Lendor on t?+�D dny monY�ty payments are due under the Note,until!he Noto Is pald in tull,a sum("Funde") for. (e)yeBM
<br /> . - tnxoa and nae�sasm.ents wP�bh mny ettain prbrfty over lhls Securfty Inatrument aa tt Ibn on the Property; (b) yeary tasaehotd � ,
<br /> payrrtonta or Qround rents on tho PropaAy, B any; (c)yeary haznrd or property insuranco prem4�ms; (d)yeariy tload tnaurance �
<br /> promlumn, If artJ;(o)yoary mortgago hsurance promiums,if any;and (n any sums payabte by 8onower to Lander fn aocordanco
<br /> with tho pro��o�ana of pnrcayraph 8,h Ileu of lhe payment of mortgege Insurance promiuma. These kems are oaued 'Escrow _
<br /> • Itnnio' Land+sr mny, at eny tlm2,colloct and hold Funds In an Amount no!to exceed the mextmum amount a lender for e ..
<br /> ' cl fo08rqlty rolated matgnyo lonn may requlre tor Oortowors esorow a000unt under the federai Real Estate Settbment Pro�aduros � �
<br /> Aot o} 1974 aa umr,ndod from tim9 to time, 12 U.S.C.@ 2601 et aeq. ("FIESPA"), unless another taw that applles to the Funds '"�_�
<br /> ooln a bssor amquni. If �o,Lsnder may, at any tlme, ca0eet und hotd Funds h an amount not to excesd the bseor emount. � " =-_,
<br /> • . Lpnder m8y estimnto tho tunount of Funds due on the basis of current data and reasonabie estimatos of expendttures of luture "' 't �
<br /> Eeprow�temo cr oth¢rv�lae in acoordence wftfi app�kabie law. ,�„�;-
<br /> � 7he Fundn atuttl 0o hotd In an InstUutlon whose deAostta are Inaured by a federal agenoy, instrumentalriy,or entiry(tnaUding " �.°.%:
<br /> .. Lendar, If len�tr la such c�n inst[Yulbn)or in any Federat Home Loan BAnk. Lender shali appy the Funds to psy the Esorow c�;.
<br /> - Itema. tand+x rtray rsot Chmrgo Borror+ot for hotding end apptyinp the Funds, annualry anatyainfl the esorow acoount or vorlfymg . '-°`
<br /> • the Eoorow Ilnma, uniosa lct�dor pays Borrower Internst on the Funds and appllcabie Iaw pennka Lender to meke euch a " ��
<br /> oharpe. Hqw¢vcr, Lendor mny requYe Borto�var to pay a onatlme ohorge for en independont rea� estata tex reponhg eerviee �:�:�h�
<br /> � �• uood by Lsnd�tr In eonneratlon wrilh thla Iasn, un�sss appltoable t w provides otherwlse. UNess an agreement b mado or -
<br /> ppplbabiti Inw roRuirao Ntorest t0 be pald, Lander shall not bo required to pay Borrower any Intarast or eamtngs on lhe Funds.
<br /> � Barcowor an�S lendur muy agree tn writNg, Bowever, that Intereat shali be pald on the Fund9. Lender shell gbe lo Barower, ==n:-,,;,:
<br /> wlthout ehnrQo, nn annual acCOUntNg ot the Funds, showing eredfts and debHs to the Funds and tha purpose for whteh each
<br /> � debit to tho�ersda wao made. The Funds are plsdped ae addittonai ceeurNy inr elt sums seoured by the Soourity Inatwrnant. �.,�i�;o,
<br /> � ' �� If th9 Furtdu hold by �endor �xetsed the amounts perm(Hed to be held by epplbable iaw,Lendet shall eaoount to 8arower - . �`
<br /> tor the azcoDO Funda in acCOrdanco wtth tho requkements of applloebie Iaw. It the amount of the Funds held by t.ender at ony r-��w-
<br /> - �E•' tYne Is not oufftclent to pay the Hsaow Itema when due,Lender may so notity Borrower In writtng,and, In suoh oase Barower ___
<br /> Ghell psy to Landur tRO amount necesewry to meko up the deflabnoy. Bortower shalt make up the detb�enoy In no r+�ore than �u �-
<br /> `-_-
<br /> ",�, tweMe monthty puymenM,at Lcndete aote dlsoretion. `��
<br /> ,..._:,.
<br /> , • Upon paqment M tuA ot nll sums eioourod by thls �eaurlty Instrument,Lender shaA promptry re4und to Borrower Any Funds ��-��
<br /> „ _ .; _:
<br /> � held by 4artdHr. If,undsr parograph 21,Lendor ahull aoquire ar seit the Properiy,Lender,prbr to th0 eoquispion or sEaale ot the _
<br /> # Property, aknl�upply any Fundu hold by Londor ttt the tlme ot aoqutsklon or sal�as a oredft apainst the sums secured by thls _�y�-
<br /> • ° 8eourlty Ur�trument. �u.�
<br /> " 3. A��O�e�on o� Pey�nente. Unl�sa appibable tew providos otherwise, all payments recehred by Lender u�dar °-
<br /> �, pnraQraphn t end 2 ehall be nppped: tkct, to uny propayment ohargea due under the Note; seoond,to emounta peyabie under ��-�-
<br /> �' pamgrnph 2;thlyd,to InMrsat due: kunh,to prinotpnl duo;end Isst,to any Wte chargea due under the Note. ;�,�,�,,,�r
<br /> ' r � 4. CIGnPQ�i; �IE11i. Bor+►owor ehell pay aIi texee, aseessmente, oharges, flnea and Impoatttons att�utable to the .;---
<br /> . „. Property whlch may attaln prtorfty Over this Sncuriry InatrumonP,and bssehokt peymenta or ground rents,if any. Bortower shali �l[.
<br /> � pay these a4il�attono N the menna providod tn pamflmph 2, or M not puld In that manner, BoROwer shalt pay thern on tMe _
<br /> _ ,� dVeotty to tho(s�ean owod paytnent. 8onowor ahnll prompty fumish to lender ali not�es o}amounts to ba paid undar thl� -
<br /> ,� parapreah. If DortoaOr makea these paymonto dUOOtly, Borrower ahall promptry tumish to Lendor roCelpta c�vider�ahg !he E
<br /> paymsnta �----
<br /> - Bom3wor Ohnli promptty dlacAe�pa any Ibn whbf► hns pdudty over this Security �nstrument untess Borrower. (a) agrees In D.--�.
<br /> writing to tNO pnymont of iho obtippbn eoourod by tho Ilen In &manner aooeptabte to Lender, (b)conteste h qood lekh the -
<br /> tlen by,c�defondu againot enlor�Nnent o! th0 Ilsn In, Iopni pnocaedhgs whbh In the Lenders opinion opemte to pnewnt the -. _____
<br /> � • onforaement ot tho I{an;or(o)oeauroa hom tho holdnr of tho Ilon an egraoment setlafaotory to Lender subardinatinp the Iien to �.
<br /> this 8aaurtly UntrumunG If lender d�tarmhoa that any part of thn propeRy b eubJeat to a 1len whiah may attain prtorAy aver thb _ _
<br /> SocurRy Inotrument,Lendor moy�Ne Borrowar n notfco IdenNfyMp the Ilen.Qonower sha0 aetlsry the IWn or take one or more of =--
<br /> the actinnn aot foRh flbovo within 10 daye ot tho flbinp of notice. �`=
<br /> S. Ha�aard or Proporty Inauranco. Borrowor shall keep the Improvementa now exlsthg or heroafter erected on the ��.;�-
<br /> Property tnsurod ag9lnot toc0 by f�re, hors�rda tnoludod �vfthln tho torm "oxtended ooverege" and any other hesards. tatudhg ��_._ -
<br /> ,' �. flooda ar fioodinp,tor whl�h lenda roqulroD Innumnco. Thls Ineuranae shall be maintetned in the amounts and tor tho perbda =__-
<br /> - � thnt Lender raquiros. Tho hounncl aartar provtdln0 tho inaumnae uhaU 4e ohosan by Borrower subJeot to Lenders approvat _--
<br /> • . � ` whiah ai�p�l not be unroaaonnby wlthh919. I} BoRO►vctr Iniio to maintaEn ooverage desorR�ed above, lendor may,at lendora � _
<br />__. .. _ _._�. optien,cbtaln oovom8eto orotnct lendaro rfphto N tho Proporty�n a000rdanae with paregraph 7, �---��- _
<br /> :: ..,
<br /> _-"'> - Afl ��tourCrtC. Fca.l:� :r:d :"w"^� �tta!! �B ^:�A;te�E2 t^. �^nd.w rnd shatf t,ic��c�a e st3ndard moKgogo otwso.Lendar
<br /> --- �:-
<br /> ..-� -:.. . ...'... �__�-�
<br /> .. �.,_.,.-_... ,_
<br /> ehnll havo thp rEpht to hold tho po0olea nnd ronowala. If Londor requlma,Bortower shal!prompty gNe to I.snder eu recelpts of �
<br /> �nid promlumo Md�nativut notl¢ea. In the evont ot Woo, Borrowor shall gMe prompt notice to tho insuranco caMer and lender. ��=�_ ___
<br /> Lender mny mako proof of boe M nol mid�prompty by BoROwor. c'•,�Y:-T�=
<br /> ° • Unteso Lendar and Bortower olherwl9e apr08 In wdtUg, Inauranca procaeds ahall bo appllod to restoratbn or repelr of tha ag'-
<br /> � PropoRy dt+mugod,(t the roetomtton or repat ib 000numbally toaaibis end Lcndora securiry is not 4essened. If the reatorettan or ,_� �=
<br /> . t��r�.
<br /> . rapaU h�rtet oeonombaly to�elbta a Loadtfo oo¢urlty�vould bo tassnnnd,the Inaurence proceads ahatl b0 apptfed to the suma : rt�
<br /> �� • � soourod by thla 8nourily Indhu�en4 whathar or not thon duo, wlth ony oxcosa patd to 8artowor. It Borrower abandons fhe .-f: :
<br /> � PropeAy, or does not ana�rer witAln 30 dayu u no1�o hom Londor thpt N�o tnsuranoe earrier hes oHered to aettla e atahi, then __
<br /> ,; Lendor may aolleat the tnnumoao preccdda. 4ondnr mny uuo tho prooeod� to repetr or restare the Property or to pey sums "
<br /> . securod by th�s&eCUdry InaWmaz�t,whothar or not than duo. Tho 3aday poriod wll�begin when the not�e Is given. •
<br /> � Unbsa Lender end Oorrowt�►othenwtao nproe in wrlting, any upplbntfon ot proceods to principal shall not exlend or � �~ ..
<br /> poatpono tho duo dnto af tho mmnthry paymanto rotorrod to In pnragrephu 1 and 2 or ohenge the emount ot the payments.It ��
<br /> , � undar pnrttgr9ph 21 tho Prope�ly 1�ocqukad by LondBt, 8ortowor'o right ro any Inaurence polloies and proCeeds resciAFig from .
<br /> �! dttmapo to tho Propoity prlor t� Uw aoqul�ntUn ohpU pnoo to Londer to ths extent ot the sums by th�s Seourlty inenument " "
<br /> __--.----�_1 ►mnwdlomtv eriar tn the QeQUlGttloef.
<br /> _ - - ___ -- _ _ ,. ..
<br /> . 8. OoaG�e�ttty, �vaaevat0on� Mc�lntononao and ProWoUon of 4he Property; 8orrower's Loen
<br /> AppllcaUon; �e�seP�tdm. Da�owcr ohnll oaoupy,ootabllah, and uso tho Property as Borrowors prinolpal reskl�ence wkhin �. J
<br /> abRy duye aRer the exeaution mf Ihls Saouipy Inotrumnnf nnd ohnti oonthuo to ocoupy the Property es 8orrawer's prtnc�ai ••
<br /> roatdonco tor at teaot ono roar nfia tho dAto 01 oaeupnnoy,unlsao Londter othorwlsn agrees In wrfting, whbh consen4 ehail not
<br /> � bo unroaoonpbty wilhhotd. or w�taa�uxtunuAt►��oYaumatanaon ox�at whbf�aro bayond Bonower's control. Borrower shall not
<br /> � � destroy,damapo or tmpat�tho PrA0m1Y.a��a�v thn 1►roQ�Ay to datorlornto, or commft waste on the i'roporty. Borrower�het be in
<br /> " doiuutt i1 any IoAORuro eotton Gr proCOpolnp, �vhatlio�cNll or ortminnl,la bogun thot In Lendor'e good taNh Judgment aoukl resu�t
<br /> , In fortolturo o}tho PrOpORy or Othurwlao inotOt4HlT�UngnY iho t1Dn orontod hy th19 Soourfty Inatrument or lenBePa sseaity htereat.
<br /> _ F�a�o.�MO��iao� ��no�v m e -� „
<br /> ..i
<br /> } .
<br /> .. � on¢o� !
<br /> _ {
<br />