04 -28 -00 01:18pm From -LONG ALDRIDGE NORMAN
<br />� +4045274198 T -228 P.16/33 F -654
<br />/
<br />- 041.053'7:.
<br />'M
<br />Exhibit
<br />A tract of lAhd.coopr�siag all of Tor. One (l)t. Bark I91ahC1JQui+c PQUt:ta,- 4tlbdiYY�t }+ipl -.SiA the=
<br />City oT Grand island, rle0r"ka, wore Weicularly descvibed c,follgwe: a.'• ;
<br />peginning at rho port hvosr. corner, of 4414 Lot •-One (7,i, "said.•poinL also tzeigg.-a n- ehm;,sopzherTy�.
<br />right of Nay line of 13th Street; -thence runnin4 oaaCetl)+• along t(te north line of :0a:Z0. Otte' (1).,
<br />4(w r:hm southerly. right of way line at 13th streer, on An aa4w244 oaaring of pt .9p . ,!d4. " -'E, .:a
<br />dizzancc of Five qundred Seventy Six and Eignty Tdrmm 1lundrg4tAs (576.89) fmwEf to tte'•nwarWaaao-
<br />corniLr of Raid Lot one - (1)•, and the weacerly rigor .of wa l�,tie of . Piero Jk=nue�- ihcA" running
<br />4 45 QQ'QO- E. along cue eaatQeT.Y line of skid LQt Ono (1�, o.hd Ghe .vesGeclX -right of Way line .of .
<br />11i0% Avenue, a dtatance of Tvency Right And Forty Two Hun4reaths (28.42) tee t. ttieaee rahaiAg
<br />3 QO 34113" E. along the easterly line of zatd Lot one •(1). Anal Cne westerly right of. }ray iina'af
<br />Piers Avenue, a distririce of four eund[Ed r+enty Three and six Sundrasc)ths (433..06) feet.. �Q. a poi,nc
<br />of curvature; cnsnce running moutnaastevly along the are of a curve t.) the left those radius to Vwo
<br />Hundred Five (205.0) fear, the long eRord of Rhich bears S 15 04128-. E, a long'crtord didtagce of One
<br />sangrad Two and sir,Ly eignt ayndredzhs (102.56) feet, to a point of tangency; cnence rujttriag
<br />523 34•43' 6, along the ensr:erly line of said Lot one (l), and the irearerly .right of way line of
<br />PisrS Avenuo, a distance of Seventy Five and Pifty Nine Hundradtha (75_59) feet to the •SoyLnaasr
<br />Corner of Said Lot Odle (1) ; rhenae running Sr 69927'29' W, a distance sf Three Hundred (�OO.Q) feet;
<br />chenco running M og 32.31' W. a•distance of Ona Hundred Thirty and hoar HaAdredtlts (330.44) feet:
<br />thence running s 09 27129- W. a distance of Tvp Hundred Thirteen alto one nunareatna (213 -oil t"vi
<br />thence running 5 004412.31" 5, a distance of One k(undred Thirty and boar 8gndr1jdtA3 (130_0q) feet;
<br />rhonce running s 89 27.29, W, a distance of qno Hundred Forty Five (145.0) fcoc: to thq seurhveSt
<br />cocncr of oaia Loc One (1); thence running W 00 41103' W. along the westerly line of said Lac or-c
<br />(1), a distance oc Six Hundred Fourteen and Twenty six Hyndcadtns (614_261 feet, to, the point of
<br />beginning and containing 7.815 acres (340.425 5Q*u4re FQ*t) more or less.
<br />AND
<br />A tract of land coMp rising All of Lot Three (3) „Parg'Talano Square Sgodivision. in 'the city of
<br />Grand lulond, Nedrazxa, more psrticulacly 4a4cribed As follows:
<br />6zginnine ac the northwest corner or Said Lot Three (3); toeace running easterly along the
<br />nortn line of 4asd Lat Threes (3), on an Assumed bearing of N 90 01)'QO" H,(aaid Assumec) Rearing
<br />coincides vicb Gnat used an the deecriprion for Lot Ana (l). Park I51.nd square pourth Supd�vision),
<br />a distance of One Hundred Fartr one' And Forty Hight H4ndredth5' (141.4e) fear, to the horrheast
<br />corner of said Lat Three (3), and to 4 point' on the Westerly rignr cot way 11.44 of U.S. -0ighway.Ko.
<br />281; Chance runnanq 5 00 °34'13" % along the easterly line of acid Lut Three (3), and Cbs wescgriy
<br />right of ray line of u_5- Highway Pa. 781, a diarance of Five 9undced Fourteen and SevgrleySeven
<br />Qyndredtna (514.77) seer, to ehe aouthea3F corner of said Lot Theea (:t). and to a paint of curvature
<br />on the easterly right of v4y line of fliers Avenue; [hence cuntling nticr�oweeterly along the %4*rcrly
<br />right of ray lint of Piers Avesae and Ghe arc: of a curve to the left whose radige fa Qne Hundred
<br />rlinecy Seven and Five Tentrts (157.50) fear, the long chord of 4nich Gears 11.15 04 "2.8" W, a 1909
<br />chard distance of Ninety rignr and Ninety Three Hundredcho (98.93). feet, to .& point of tangency;
<br />cnence running of zso34'a3, W along the e4:3cerly right of way lino of Dior* Av'cttue, a distance of Two
<br />4un4t'ed Three and -Thirteen tivndredtha (203 -13) fear-, ro 4 poinr of curvature; thence runnFn9
<br />n0rthg4storlY along chi eaatvrly riynt of way lan6 of .niece Avenuq and the arc of 'a -curt co the
<br />right vpose radium is* One $wndrad Forty rive (145.0) feet, the torjg crtoed of vhion bears K15 Q41284N,
<br />A *10 `-chord distance of Seventy Two and Siazy Three Hundt:s4ah9 (72.63) feet, -to a p4iar of
<br />[;agency; [;agency; thence cunaing N- 00'34'13" W 41ons the easterly rignr oP vaY line of Piel:s I,vepus". a
<br />di9Ganca of Ono iuladred Svversty Tro and Forty Pive gundredtno (172. a5) feet, to the poutt of
<br />beginning ass- "coazai.ning 1_495 acres (47,751 Square rmcs•) more or leaf.
<br />