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<br /> ���.�� B.USE OF PItOP�CTY;COAiPLIAPI�CE WITH LAW.Barrowershall not seek.agree to or make •s y�
<br /> , a dianga in the use of tha Piroperry or its zoning classiticatton,unless Lender has agreed in wdting to the _
<br /> chanae. Sonotiver shall comply with all laws, ordinwices, regulatbns and requircments of aay `�-
<br /> .. govornmentul body applicable to tha Property. `_
<br /> G SiJBORDINATE LIENS.Except as permittcd by federal law. Bonower shall not al►ow any lien =�=
<br /> infedor to the Security lnstrumeat to bcs perfected against the Property without Lender's pdor wri[ten -
<br /> � permission. w����:
<br /> " D.EtENT LOSS IIVSURAPICE.Borrowcr shall maintain insurana ageinst rcnt loss In addiUon to -_
<br /> ° ' � the other hazards for which insurance ia required by Uaiform Covenunt S, _
<br /> E,''BORROWEYi'S YtIGYYT'II't3 R�IId�TATE"D�dE'�'�D.Unitorm Covenaut 18 is deleted. �
<br /> _ . � F. BOdtROWEfl�'S OCCUPANCY. Ualess Lender and Banower otherwise agree in writing. the -
<br /> firet sentence in Uniform C;ovenunt 6 cuncsr�sing Borrower's occupancy of thc Property is deleted. All �.:_
<br /> � �'. remaining covenants tund agreements set forth in Uniform Covenant 6 shall remain in effect. •��;
<br /> G,pSSIG1VMENT OF LEASES.Upon Lender's request, Borcower shali assiga to Lender all leases �:
<br /> .,,,� of the Property and all security deposlts made in connection with ltases of the Property. Upon thes =—
<br /> ° a s�l g n m e n t, L e n d e r s h a l l h a v e t h e r�g h t t o m o d i f y.eatend or twrminate�he existin g leasea and to execute
<br /> � new leases. in Lender's sole discretion. As used in this par��gcaph a. the word "lease" she11 mean
<br /> .. "sublease"if the Security Instnunent ia on a leasehold. s�s:==��
<br /> ..
<br /> . :� Borro�rer absolutely aad uaconditionally assigas and tranafers to Lcnder all the rente aad revenues �"°�
<br />-,�r.�; . . ,�: ('Rcnin} of th� �':cy-�ty. r$gsrdl�.° af to whom tt�e [�enty �9�he Pr�perty are payabte. Bomower .
<br /> authorizes i.snder or Y.eader's agents to collect the Rents.and u�r�ees thet each ceaaat of the Property shall -_
<br /> `�'l�rt�`��� pay the Rcnts to Lundor or Lender's agents. However� Sorrower shall receive the Renu undl (i)Lender �-
<br /> ,�`•�;�; .• :�'- ha��iven Borrower notice of default pursuant to paragraph 21 of the Sxiavlry lasuumsnt and(ii)Lender
<br /> '`'�ti�';,� has�iven aotice to the tenant(s)that the Reats are to be paid to I.cncUer a Lender's agent.This asstgnmvnt _
<br /> ,,�;,.y,-r�"-:.
<br /> - �-��•,�<<�; of Renta constlt�tes aa ebsolute assigaraent and not an assi�unpnt for additional security oniy.
<br />-=,�"�.,,'�'4: If Lender�ives notice of breach to Borrowor: (i) ell Rents received by Borrower ahall be hetd by
<br />__��=�__�a��;'• Borrower as auatee for the beneHt of I.ender only, to be applied to the sums secuced by the Secudty
<br />:';•-%,�_ . Instruaeent; (li) I.ender shalt be entitled to collect end receive all ot the Rents of the Property; (iii)
<br /> "'�"� Borrower agrees that cach tenant of the Property shail pay all Rents due ead unpaid sa I.ender or�ender's
<br /> �.��1��`'� agen3s upmt Lender's wdtten demaad to the tennnt;(iv)uNess applicable law pmvides otherwise,all Renta
<br /> `�`=`'_=�,�:1.� oollecteci by Lender or Lender'�agenta shell be applted flrst to the costaof teking conuul of end managing -
<br /> - -°°'=".=�'-° the property and collecting the Rents. including. but not limited to,attorneys' fees, reteiver's f�s,
<br />'-;�-� premtums on receiver'a bonda. repair eaa matuteaance costs.Ins�uance pr�mtums.taaes,ass�smencs aad
<br /> �:::,;,�-�=,a�caRm other charges on tPrs Property, and then to the sums sect�d by the Securlty Iastrument; (v) Leatdox, _
<br /> '==—'''�"^�`~==�� Lender's agenta or aay Judicially appointed r�celver shatl�e Gabie to ascouat for only those Rents actually —.
<br />=- -w�� received; aud(vi)Leader sball be endtled to dave a�ceiver appointed to wke possession of und maaage
<br /> -"':,:���;;���, the Progerty and collect the Itents and pmfits clerlved fmm the Progeny without Any showing as to the
<br />�;�:�;— inadequucy of the Property es securlty. _. -..
<br /> initlais•
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