i ..
<br /> �
<br /> „ .. � ii
<br /> ., ' . . . ' ,. . .�.�...
<br /> . . .. . .. . .. . ._ .....�
<br /> 1. '-"-' .�
<br /> 99� �G����
<br /> S. All future ad�an�from 8eneficiary to Tnistor or other tiiture obligatione of Trustor to Beneticiiuy ander any � �
<br /> ". promissory note, caatraet,guarunty,or other evidencc of debt existinQ aaw or exccutcd after this Deed af Trust i,
<br /> whether or not thie De@d ot Truet ia specificnlly referred to in the evidence of debt.
<br /> ., . C• la�w°incguding, b�ut$uot limited t�ottl ubilAi ies foir overdraRetrelating tontnn deposit�nccount agreem ntibietwcen �� �'•
<br /> Trustor aad Henet'iclary. "
<br /> , reserviag oe otherwise protecting
<br /> • D. All additianel sums advenced aad expenses incurred by Beneftciary for inauring p �;��
<br /> this D�d o f Tcust plus I n t e r e s�t at the bi g hestaratein effec�tefro�m tlmecto t meyas provid�In the Evidence of .
<br /> .. • Debt. �.t°�:�?�,��:
<br /> e. Trustor's performaace�u►der the eem�s of aay instrument evidencing a�1ebt by Trusror ro Beneficlary and uny Dc�d ;,F.�.,,��
<br /> of Tsusc securistg, guarantyin8�or othenvise relstin�to the debt. ��'-='`v
<br /> ':r,:id4=
<br /> If more thaa one person signs thls Dced of Ttust as Tmstor,each Trustor agrees that this Deed�o�'Trtts T�stor�oreany �`'.,:i�+��i
<br /> ����ances and future obligetiona descrlbed above that am�iven to or incurred by any •�?.r�L..ry
<br /> � one or more Trustor and otbers•'lhis Deed of Ttust will not secure any other debt tf Beneficiary faila,with resp��ct to such _f ._
<br /> � � other debt, w t�al�e anY r�lu���closure about thia Deed of Tnist oc if&neficiary faita to give any required notiee of ,4rY_••
<br /> ., . the right of�scissian. �`.+
<br /> � S. PAYMEN'�S.'1Yustor agees to a�ake ait paYments an t�e Secw�ed Debt when due aad in accordance with the terms of We �_-_
<br />' � kvidence of Debt or this Deed otTrust. T"
<br /> 6. WpgRpIVTY 4F T1TLE.Tn�staa covenaats that Truator is lawf�lly seized of the estaie conveyed by this Deed of Tn�st `�� ry,n
<br /> ia tcust�with power of sale,the PtopertY aad w�urants ��_'_'�_�
<br /> ,�;�.. ' '" and has the rlght to irtevocably�rant,coavey and seU w Truetee, - --
<br /> �� fa unencumbered. except for eacumbrances of record.
<br /> ,c� that the Propet4�+
<br /> •''!'f��: �. , r:._
<br /> ��"";�� { LAIMS AGAINST TITLE.Tiustor wUl pay all taxes,assessments.ltens,encumbrauces.lease payments�Bmuad rente� �..
<br /> f� �� uti.lides.and otber char�es relatin�to the PropertY when due. Beneficiary may re4uire Tnistor to pmvide to Beneficiary ..;�.-...
<br /> .�:
<br /> �'i capiea af all nodces that euch awowtte are due aad tha recetpte evidenctng Tcustor's payment.Tnu�tor wUl defend dde to ,J�,•-�
<br /> . • + � the Pm p e r t y afiaioet any clainas that wonld impair che lien of this Deed of Tcust.Trustor agrees to essiga to Beneflciary.as ----
<br /> �;� requested by BeneSctary,aay dghts. c l a i m s or de fens e s w h i c h T r u s t o r m a y h ave a gainst partles who supply labar or �__.
<br /> ., r rn�terfata to uuprove ui u�tntafr►ihe Prsg�t;• �a�;::�
<br /> . 8. p�OR�•t•y Qe1TE1tESr8.Wifli regard to aay other mortgegs. deed of trust,security s�reement or other lien �_--
<br /> , +,. docucnent tbat created a pdor securlry interest or encumbraace on the Property and that may have priority over this Deed -----
<br /> . ". of Ttust�Tntator agceES:
<br /> ':�`�� '� A. To meke all paymaents when due and to gerfor�n or comply with a11 wvenunss. d
<br /> ; ;���y'�' ,,. �,,. B. To promptly delnver to Beneflciury any nodces 3liat Tcustor reeetves from thE haldcr. �;;;,`
<br /> „ .. � C. NoY to taake or P�u� b�th�ther�rmortgage�deed ofdtnut orts�uriry agrce ent unless Beneficlary con5entys _�
<br /> ' notc ar a�t Y•
<br /> . � ln wtiting.
<br /> ., .' g. �'[)E ON SAT.E OR ENC[J1V�R.ANCE.Beneflciary may.at its optioa,de�l���e o��e.or contract fa�r aln�y ofethese
<br /> ••'; �' . y�i�nsnediately due aad payable upon the creation of any lien.encumbraax.
<br /> . oa the Property. However. if the Property iacludea Tcustor's residence.this section shall be subject to the resulctions
<br />_; : � _ imposed by federallaw(12 C.F.R.S91),as applicable.For the purposes of thia secdon,the tea�:n"PmpertY"also iaclados _-
<br /> „ any intere3t to all or aay Part of the Prapei'ty.Tdis covenaat shall tua with the Pmpe�ty aad aha1H n�neia iv.effect untll the --------
<br /> �..
<br /> e.
<br /> 5eeured Debt is paid ia fuU and tbis Deed of Ttust is released. —.---
<br /> . 10.TRANSFEI� OT AN INTEREST IIV'i'HE GRAN'1'OR. If Tcustor is an endry other thaa a natural p�n(such as a ��,
<br /> . , ° corporation or other o:ganlzad )� a t if 1 a beneflcial intemst La Trvstor is v
<br /> on B�nEficiary may demand iatuaedlete P Y� � � -.�_
<br /> . ' �"� sold or transfen+ed:(2)the�b a change ia etther the identtry or number oi membere of a�e���Y3not�dsnnand —
<br />_; .'• � cban�e fn ownership oS more ihan 2S i�r�ent of the voting stock of a cosporation.However. ��
<br /> ' puyment in the abuve sltuations if it ia pml�ibited by law as of the date of this Dee�1 of'lYvst. �_
<br />-'�='--_`•=:��::-�_ -
<br /> _ . _ 11. , t WAK�tAi�z�'i�r.S dIv'�s P.�'"3''i���R"f'nsZON�.if Tr�t�sr�� ae ent t j a t her t h�n e t�t a t e t r e r s o n (s u c h a s e �-__-_
<br /> - �`� coiporatioa or other organi��don),Tcustor makes to Beneftcinry the following warrandes and cePrese�►tadona wl►Ich eu�ali
<br /> ... , ; be continuiag es loag as the Secured Debt remafns outstanding: --
<br /> A. Tcustor is an entity which is duly orgnnized and validly eaistiag in s�e Trusior's state of iawrpnr�tion (or � .
<br />- ' oiganization). Tcustor ia in good standin�in all atates ia whtch Tn�stor xrtmse�ts buainesa.'frus2o3 bas ths power ;{,;;,___
<br /> aad suthortty to own the Property and w carry on ita business es now being conducted and, us applicable� is °�.�sa.-
<br /> . ...,� Y.�:--
<br /> qualified to do so in each state in which TYustor operates.
<br /> � g, 'I1�e eaecuttoa.delivery and perfom�ance of thta Daed of Tnist by Ttuscor and the obligation evldenced by e�,� ���:;?;'._
<br /> Lvldence of I1ebt are within the power of Trustor. have heen duly authorized. have teceived all necessary :;-:r•_A_
<br /> .�.1., � 1 governmeawl��a1�a�d will aot violate any provision of Inv.o:azd�er of aourt or Qovemme�7�ncY• __;`;�''-�:
<br /> ..:�e:.,
<br /> C. Other than disclosed In wrtting 1Yustor hos not changed its aame wiqhia�the last ten yeare s�ad t�'�s not used any •,-,Y..-
<br /> ` . aiher name�sad wfl! pteserve i vexi�adnB nutne,�tr de�s paamcs andafranchises nncii�he Secured Deb t s satisfied.e�y _�'_ �
<br /> _t.� ��..d....w.iLinw � r
<br /> --_ - `_– 1Z.�'ROP'GRTY CONDITION�ALTEatATIO;VS AND U�18P`ECiTON. Ttu�tor aui e�eep ino Fiv�rc.`.� ,�,8.,..........,........ _ :
<br /> � and make all repufcs that are reasoaably ne�sary.�'custor will give Denefici T+custor�will not initiate,join in o�sent
<br /> the Pcopert3+•Tcustor wili kcep the Pcupezty free of aoaious weeds and grasses.
<br /> � to nny rhun8e i�►anY Prtvete resMcdve covenant. zoning ardinuaoe or other publlc or privute mstrlctioa limiting or - „�,
<br /> . deMfng Uee uses which may be�naclN of the Pcoperty ar ar+y p:u't of the Property.without Beneficlery's prior wdtten
<br /> consent.Truator wlil notify Ser►eficiary of sill demanda, pro�tn�s•�clatms. and actlona eIIainst Ttustor or pny other ".
<br /> owner made ur.det law or reguladon rcEatdinB use.ownership and occupnncy of the Property.Trustor wtl�pmp�l so��1 b
<br /> . �� . � legnl�'e9uirements and resulctioa�nd,usewill nnt ehnnge withouWBcnef CI�t ts p or wrltt�oo��Y•
<br /> ' thnt the nature of the aaupam.y •
<br /> � ' No portlun ot the Pc�operty►aill be removod.demolfahod or materlally�terallwi IIou�Bof the P,8 p�tha b oo�� rut
<br /> eacept thac 7rustor has the dght to remnve items of personnl propetty tnp n8 p P'�T�Y ,
<br /> ., s,� oadS��at3d .
<br /> � . y t097 OnNoro G�ttama.mc.SI C�cvO.AtN tl�OD197•25411 /am A01CO OT�Nt 10/J09� -
<br /> � - —
<br />