<br /> s
<br /> .. �
<br /> �ti � .. -c+ru': ,.
<br /> .. _.. .. �,.,,.. - . , ., .... . ............._.
<br /> .:s..__.._..._.._„---.____. .. .. . .. . .. .._.. _.. . �
<br /> �, o
<br /> gg-�c��,��� .. �
<br /> ' B. All fulure advances from Beneficiacy to Trustor oe other Pomre obligations of Trustor to BeneBciary under any
<br /> , . promiesory note,conuuct. guerenty. or other evidence of debt existing now or executed after this Deed of Trust . ,
<br /> ' whether or not this De�d of'Truet ia speclfically referred to in the evidence of debt. �
<br /> " C. All o6lfgatloas Trussor owes to Beneficiary, wl�ch aow exist or may later arise, to the extent not prohibited by
<br /> 1aw. iacluding,but not limited to, liabilittes for averdrafts relatin� to eny deposit accouat agceement bet�veen •� � '
<br /> Tru;,¢or aad 8��eticiury. ..
<br /> � D. All additional sums advaaced and experoses incurred by AeneRciary for iasuriag,preserving or otherwise protecting _;,
<br /> We Properry aud its value aad any other sums advenced and expeuse�incuned by Beneficiary un�er the terms of '
<br /> . t h i a D e e d o f T n i s t, p l u s i n t e r e s t a t t h e h i g 6 e s t r a t e i n e f f e c t, f r o m t i m e t o t i m e, a s provided in the Evlde.nce of .��'"•`
<br /> ' ~'_` Debt. •��;'ec;:'e;
<br /> E. Trustor's performAnce uader the terais of any inatrument evidencing a debt by Trustor to Beneficiary and any Deecl �� ��.�r,�_
<br /> ' of'd'sust seair�ng� 8narantying�or othervilse relating to the debt. '...:�,����
<br /> �,k,i.�
<br /> . ��:.ytZ�yi9Fr.:
<br /> �� If more th�nons rson si thie Dced of Tn�st as Tmstar, each Tniswr a tbat thlls Dced of 1Yuat wIU aecure aU � •?�,��`
<br /> AB B� � '� � -- --
<br /> funue advances and future obliIIationa described above that ate�iven to or iucwxed by any one or more TYustor.or any .�•�,��.-�
<br /> " one or more Ttustor and others. This Deed of Trust wi11 not secure any other debt if Beneficiary fails,with respect to such ,�
<br /> , ather debt, to make aay required disclosure about this Deed of Trust or if Benefici fails to ive an re uired notice of 11���'='�?'�k�
<br /> ac�' b' y q l::��4;:°=�
<br /> the dght of rescisaion. =.°—_
<br /> �:�—
<br /> '- - S. pAYi1�N'a'3.Trustar agrees to make all pay�ents on the Secured Debt when due and in accordance with the tem�s af the —���.,,-
<br /> � •;: Evidence of Debt or this Deed of Tnist. 'f� ""`
<br /> :;.��, . ,:.�. ,r�::::
<br /> ; ,��, ;_
<br /> ..'a(�St�. �''.1.{'.; . �`���j1•.•:-�
<br /> .-,;.;:+�'{ � 6. WARaBAt�'4'�'OFTIIT�.E.Trustar covenants that Trustor is Iawfulfy seized of the estate cmnv��ad by tbis Deed of Truat ±�,•,;�:
<br /> Y. ,)5f��('1�t.'�..'�::f��c: •' � .
<br /> ;,,l;sr„c�!,,?�,;;�;.;� and has the dgtet w irrevocahly grant,wnvey aud sell to'�'mstee,in trust. with power of sale, t�e Property and warrants __�r;;�:��
<br /> '��•�,�';';:±��,.`i� ?��,: Wat the Property ia uwencu�abered,eacept for encum�O�ances of tecord. w`�,::':-
<br /> .,i.t:u,,-
<br /> ,:� : � a '.( �:;j;.�sa3�,
<br />;.t;;;;;;:� ',,,,;,,..
<br /> - :�;.• i 7. CLAII�IS AGAlN3T T'd�'i.E.Tn�swr wW pay all taxes.assessments. �iens, encumbrances.lease paymants,ground rents. ,;;;,:,;;,_
<br />=;�;�=', • f udlides,and other chnrges relating to the Property when due. BeneRciary may require Tn�stor to pmvide to Beneflciary �:_
<br /> ",';•'t cop9es of ail natices thai such amount�are due and the receipts evidencing Trustor's payment.'I"rustar will defend fltle to ';;,;`;
<br /> ..�,;, :.
<br />_ �,:,;�f�.., �, ,��.�;` the Peoperty agaiast aay claiina that would impair the flen of this Deed of Trust.TrustQr a�rees to osai�to��aeficIary,es �,•�,:,
<br /> .�;�,�+,;: =;�,; requested by geneflctary, any rigbts, claims or def�nses which Tcuator tnay have against partles wha suprply labor or
<br /> �:_, ,tfr�,i'_
<br /> � �•- lII3tCl�19 i�ldljl109P�c i*i8ftltnir�the P[oFfertV. ,
<br /> � g, pRIpg 8!EC(1�31TY IAl'1'ERE51'8, With regacd to any other mortgaga. deed of uust, secudty agreem�tt or ott�er Iten =
<br /> " docucn�ent that created a prIor security interest or encumbrauce on thQ Property and that raay have prtorlry over tbls Deed -_
<br /> �. of'Cnist,Tnutor agscea:
<br /> n A. To malce all paymeate when due uad W perfomt or comply wlth oll covennate.
<br /> �. �� B. To promptly deltver w Beneficlary any nottces that Truetor receivea from the holder.
<br /> ; � C. Not to malce or pern�it any moditieation or eateaston oY.nnd not to request or nccept any tluuro ndvanrA.�+under ony
<br /> note or t�gteement secured by, the other mortgaga.deed of uvst or sc�curity oIIreemem unlese Beytstlalucy consenta
<br /> . � fa wdting.
<br /> �• �' 9. DIIE ON 9ALE OIa EAICUNmRANCE.Beaeficinay mny�at ite optioa,declare the enti�+e balaace of thfl Secured Debt to �
<br /> - be immBdlauly due aad payable upon the creatton of aay lien.eacumbrance�treasfer.or sale,or conhn�tt for�ay of these
<br /> � on the P�vpeny.However. if the P►�op�ty iacludes Tnistor's residence. this section shall be sublect ta th�ceau'lcuoas
<br /> ` {mposed by fedcrei law(12 C.F.R.S91),as appllcable.Por the pueposes of this section.the term"Property°alco includes
<br /> • ��� aay interest ro aU or aay prut of thc Pcoperty Tlila cuvenant shaU run with the Property aad ahall rc�muin in ef�cct until the
<br /> ,',;;,,�. Secused D�bt is paid in full and thta Deect of Ttuat ls releaxed. --
<br />;i''`;�;. � 10.TitANSFER OF A1V L1VT'�RE.Sf IN T�GRANTOI�. if Tniswr is an entity other thaa a nuturnl prsaan(such as a ==
<br /> , :'� eorporattonor other or�on),Beaeficiary may de�na�nd iu►m�Iate payment if(1)a bEaeScial interast in'IYustor Is _
<br /> sold or uaa+ferced; (2) there is a chanSe ia either the idendty or numbee of inembera of a panaeiship;or(3)Were is a
<br />=:';; chense in ownership of more thaa 2S perceat of the vot�stock of a coipondon.However,Heneflcfaey may aos demand _
<br /> :t _ _ . payment tn the above sitwstions if it is prohibited by law as of the date of this Dead of Ttust. __
<br /> _,.::�:�: tt.RNTa'I'4► WARRAN'1'IES AND REP1tEBENTATIONS. If Ttustor ia�eadty other thau a aaturnl per�on(such aa a ___
<br /> .._ -=1-.�:�.::•:.: - -
<br />�_ - °,,,:��.�� coipoiationor otheY orgsni�ation)�Trustur umkes to i3Enencisry thc fottowing w:utaulies ar�r�rc�,.-ai��o�:,x3�fr�^hsZI ��,,
<br /> � .�,�;`.�`'' be condnuing as long as the Secured Debt remaina outst�nding:
<br /> i• ,,;:--
<br />- ' A. Tnistor is an entdty whieh ie duly organirRd ead validly existiing in the Ttustor's state of inzorporatiom(or °�._�._.
<br /> . '. . ,�..� orgmdaadon).Tevator ie in gaod standing in etl states fn which TzvsWr uansacts business.Ttu9tor hoa the po�ver _-_-
<br /> . am�eutlaodty to owa the Property end to carry on its husiaess as now being conducted aa�� as applieablo, is __�„_,y
<br /> � q�x�llCced to do so in each state in which Tn�ator operetes. ��*;=�
<br /> B. 'R�e ez�cudon, delivery snd pedormnuce of this Decd of Trust by Ttustor and the obligatlon evidenced by the
<br /> Evidence of Debt are wtthia the power of Tn�stor. bave been duly authoti�od, huve reseived ult a�snry "-=``�
<br /> -. � govecnrnPntal approval.and will aot vtolate aay prnvtsion of law�or order of court or govemm��nl ageacy. ;��:���
<br /> C. Ot1�er then disclosed in writing Tcustor hes not changod ita name withia the lest ten yearo ansl has not used any ��=r
<br /> t otlia t�rade or fictitious name. Without Beneflciary's prior wclnen consent�Ttustor doco not and will not use any "�'
<br /> . othor aame and wi11 pt+eserve its acisdnE nam,e,trade aames and frc�chises nntU the Secun+d Debt is eatisfied. --
<br /> ., _� _�....
<br /> _ __-__- _-= 12.PROPEYt'fY �ONDTPION► ALTF.'ttATiUiv�nivu uva�t:i�iuri.itustor wui iceep iuc FTUpony iu�.,w .�.a.•••••, ,
<br /> t �.,..
<br /> and make ell rrzpairs that are masoaably necesstuy. Tcustor will give BeneSclacy prompt notice of any loas or damage to ���?��:�.
<br /> � the Propeny.'Tmstor will keep thu Proporty free of noxrous weeds and grasses,Tmswr will not initiate.join in or consent ;;�,,,�;�
<br /> • to a+ny c2saage in any prtvate restcietive covenaz�t. zonin� ordinauee or othor publle or private cesuietion limittng or �,`::,..
<br /> ;,;� `.. detining tbe usea vJhich may be macle of tho Property or nAy��rc of thss Property.w�thour Heneficiary's prtor wtltt�n �<i`'•
<br /> ,,;,,, s
<br /> _.. , �s:.•..,...
<br /> coasent. `Trustor will notify BEneflclary of o11 damands. pt�ie�din�, c�aim9 and actions a$ainst Trnstor or any other ,�r::;
<br /> � �,��,±,:
<br /> � � owaer made under law ur regulat9on regazding use��wnersbip and occupaacy of the Pmperty.Tmstar svi�I�cc�mply wtth all 4�r;;:;��5;}:
<br /> �,.,•<<„ legat requiree�ents and restrtcttoas,whether public or prlvate, with respect to the use of the Property.'fivator also agrees ��r:,'.�•
<br /> l�,,,(,F s .•..
<br /> <;r:if:' that the nntuc+�oF the occ.upaacy and wse wtll not change wtthout iteaeRcinry's prior wdtt¢�cvnseat. ,b;�� :
<br /> ,�'� ,�s'�.
<br /> �� No poatoa of the Property will be removed,demviished or matedally altered without Beneflciary's prtor written oonsent �`'•�•:
<br /> except that Tn�stor has the ti�t►t to remove itetns of personal property comprtsing a purt of the Pcoperty that beeome tvorn '��F .
<br /> � . • � � pap n18
<br /> 0�93�Umken6YCtrnn.�nc.St.Ctdd.MNt1�Q00��87•7S411FOrmA6lCO�OT•NE t0/30/87
<br /> � ,
<br /> .�-------^--- .-..-�.,..---�-^°---�--- _
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