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<br /> .• � KNOW AY�L NiEN B�t 1'HESE PRESENT3: �_ _'°
<br /> ° '� That, x, ROBLRT LARSON, ae Attoxaey-in-Fact under a writte�a G �
<br /> - ' `�� Durable Pawer of Attorney to 3a11 and Cosavey Real Estate by and for � =-_
<br /> � � . all the following ovmera of recoled: --
<br />� ';
<br /> � Chr3stine Isom, a/k/a Christine 8. isom, and Harold Isom,
<br />-, � . �, ;.� v�ife and husbands
<br /> , Diame Tatro, a/k/a Diane R. Tatro, and James Tatro, wife
<br /> and hueband;
<br /> a� ° '���" Michael Ellis, a/k/a Michael H. Bllis, a sinqle personj
<br /> Dobra Zimm�gman, a/k/a Debra An� Zimmerman, and Rick
<br /> � r � Zimmerman, wife and hus?sands by Terx�y L. McAfee, Attornay-
<br /> -� -.:�r,, Ze]l�a McAf�e, a aingle perac�n,
<br /> �� a in-Fact under a Power ef Attoraey �a�����5huaband -
<br /> ='";''`'� Steven Curry, a/kJa 8teven s. CusrY.
<br /> ti• ,,;
<br /> '�='�'��• �� � and wife;
<br />��'`. • � �g�an ven Minden, a/k/a 3uaan R. Vo�.1 Mixtdexi, aiad Steve
<br />-��.��r•. .
<br /> ;:,,, ,r � , dmn Minden, wife and husbaad;
<br />�-� � •F � War�1 Curry, a/k/a W�rd E. G�iz'rY', and Carole Cursy, husba�ad
<br />������ ;�w
<br />__�,�ti�,, and wife:
<br /> __. v ,,es , a k a Janet E. Clarka
<br />�f1_��1�T.��,. Janet Clark, a/k/a Ja.net Curry / /
<br />-�t��r,x��u�_ and �d Cl�rk, wife and hueband;
<br />�� RicSaard H. Raian�orth and Eva Raiafort&, husbaad and wi�o;
<br /> �;�_.::,�:�� c3ertrude Juilfs, a eingle person; _
<br /> ��.��� aiaami Ellis, a singlQ per.sonj
<br /> ��!��rs� Mary Lee Walah and William Waleh, wife and husbandJ
<br /> ""��`�.�"�`= Kenneth Rainforth and �az Rainforth, huab�ad aad wife;
<br /> =-� Ru�sell Raingorth, a aingl� peraont
<br />------ John JuiYfs, a single pereons
<br />� �-� Mary Ellen asensee and Dar Isensee, wife aad hu�k�aad;
<br /> '��w Richard E17�is and Shari Ellis, hueband and wife;
<br />�-�"�:;'`.� Dwain B19.�.� and Bonnie Ell��s� husband and U�ife;
<br />_`_�""" __`�"'°�c� na�r5.d Elli�t and AonaEt Elli�, husb�nd and wifo;
<br />"'"6Y�`""`"� �A��ara illian, a single p�xaonj
<br />�� Te��'y McAfee and Shari McA�ee, husband and wife; -
<br /> -"----_= Eugene M. Lundin, a/k/a Eugene Luridin, a single personj
<br /> ------� Billy Wetterer and Bill Wetterer, wife and husbands .
<br /> :�-�.�...,.�.M
<br /> --� in cons�lderatinn of -----oNS DoL�A�t ($1.00) AND OTHER VAT+DABLE
<br />���--_� CONS3llLtntAx`tGY3- .---- s:er:eipt o� uhi^.h 3.s hereby ac�knewledged. do _
<br /> ��`T�~�� hereby graai�, bargain, seli, convey and confirm tho following °_
<br /> �v:..a,:.;,
<br />�''`�°�t"�` de�cribGd real estate in Hal l C�wnty, Nebraska:
<br /> " �` iit•'.ii.'•;
<br /> �;��f�,�;,, .,�:
<br />��;;.�;�,'rrxM T��n� Nor�heaet Quartex (NEi/4) of ��ction Seventeen (17) ,
<br />-�i.��;���;: �p�vnship Fleven (7.1) Narth. Raa�e ;E'da�ven tlt) Weet of. th�+
<br /> '�,�,.';•.,..::,'' 6th P.M. . I�al l County, Nebaaska, d
<br /> .��".,� •.�,
<br />-=x;'�i;`;:�;'�i•�:��.
<br /> �rtr��i':'`-��' : , to the following named persons:
<br /> '��-'���"' �` A�n undividod on�-th3rd (1/3) thereof equally to VEfYNDN A.
<br />�^:.i��.a.: HFaRDERS and BEVEitLY A. HATt1)BR,9, hueband axid w�tfe, aa -
<br /> ;.;�:'}`•x�� tenants in common;
<br />_.,, �. , } _
<br /> � . = An undivided one-third (1/3) ttzereof to DANIEL J. I3ARDERS _
<br /> ;�. and LptTg,A A. HAItDERB, hueband and wife, as joiat teaants -
<br />= � aot tenanta ia commons =
<br /> : „ ��.. =
<br />=r� " " . Ari undivfded one-third (1/3) thereof to ICEt�N�TH V. -
<br /> ' � �A,RDER31
<br />