. . •- 1 e . _.. . .� . . . .
<br /> �,� �i;;ri«,r,�.
<br /> �:�'. , r i '��" '.,�j.rf'�f i� '�'��'� �
<br /> ',,
<br /> � .'��« -`a+i� � '= _ .. . _ _ .._a..�:..__�..
<br /> .,. _
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<br /> .'.
<br /> ,� _ p �>
<br /> --- -_=-�_-- g3= �.o��
<br /> - - -- fh�Prop�AY 1�a Wc�n or d�mp�d,l.�nd�►�hdf h�w tlw optlon�In iq��oN and�beoluM dl�aadon�ta�pphr�II wah ProoNd�,
<br /> -- — - �Ite►dadua�np�N►an aN oaM and�xpm�Inaurnd b�r It In oonn�oNon wUh auot�ProcMd�,upon�nY in�badn�N Mcund _ _
<br /> �-- ---. - - 1�,�lr�►and In wch ord�u I.�nd�r m�y dM�rm�rw,or b appy ul�uoh ProoMd�.dar wch deduaUon�,to th�n�tontlon d Ih�
<br /> ����t u�y P�Y��b und�r th�t��po�,a a n�n�dd�wU thanund�r��wndK.�M uMPPU Iid undr�hW b��p�id�b
<br /> - ��o�es by LM+dM.Upan th�oaaurr�of an Ewm d ON�ult tN►wndY►.a if�ny�at la uk�n or I�I prooNdlnO �
<br /> comm�na�d whlch matKi�Ny dhab L�ndar's intuWt in Ih�Prop�ry,I.�nd�r maY in Ib own dl�oretion,but wlthoul obllp�tlon W tio
<br /> � w�and wlthoul notk�to or d�m�nd upon Tru�tor�nd without nla�lnp T�u�to►Irom any ubllpotlon,do any act wh�h Trustor ha4 ��_
<br /> ��y �pn�d bul i�ib to do and m�y alw do any othsr�ct It ds�ms n�csswry to probnt Ih�sscuriy h�reoL Tru�tor shall,imm�dl�t�ly
<br /> �.� upon d�►nd qiereb�by I.�ndsr,p�y to Lend�r�tl co�t�a�d sxpen�e�Inaunsd�►nd wmi�xp�nd�d by L�nder In conn�cdon wlth
<br /> IIN�x�clN py L.�nd�r of tM forepolnp Nphts,topsthW with�nterut theeon et ths dahult raq providsd in ths Nots,whlah th�N be
<br />--- ---_� tld�d b�r ind�OMdmss Ncuad h�r�bY. L,�nd�►�11 noR inaur�ny N�bNily b�o�uN of anyehinp It may do or omH w do
<br /> =,'i --- h�rMM�dM, -�
<br /> _ �. N�1�Aws Y�WW�.T�uaa�hall kMp th�Praperty in compli�nce wlfh all appllaabls 4wi.adin�nces a�d rpulations ��
<br /> = �inp tp ir�Nqtr1N h�tpiene pr onvironmontal protaction(cc118ctiwely rofarred w hereln ae"Emironm�nW law�'�.T�uator shW �-._,
<br /> r� kMp 11�Prop�yr In�hom�11 wbsfa�ces A�em�d to b�hs�rardous ar toxia und��r Enviroqm�nt+d Laws(coll�clivoyr rM�r►�d b --
<br /> h�►ein a��Nu�u�dow MpMirials'�.T�wtor her�by wanAnb And repressnb to Ur�tlu�t thers ue no Fi�rck�us Mate►lab on ar �
<br />:i•�,. under dN P� Tru �eby apree�to I�demni f���d 71a 1 d h�rmles�Lender,Ns dkecroro.o�icara empta]�ae�and apsn�s.and
<br /> - �ny succaao�to lend�v�iht�re�t,hom and a��in3f amp and ell olaimt,damapes.losses and 141allNies a�da�;;n�onnectbn wilh �':�.
<br />;:.�:�---�...�„� the pre�nce,use,diepoaal or trenep�t M any Heiwrdqau Material�on,undar.Bom or�baut tRm�Poaperry. 7N�FORE(iO11�K3 �,.�
<br /> - nr_y�,�ru�� 10.Awiydn�i 01 Naa7i.7rustor�g asat�na?a Lsnder the rente,lesues ar+d proflb of the Proporty;pror�¢ied th�t Trurior _
<br /> „_� "- shall,uMil the occwrer�e�•�i�an Even9 oi i�tauii iwamu,�ua��,rava itia rl ht ta cattec:a:C ratatn such rs�sta,l;.au�s w��proNb ea they �;::
<br /> — — bscome due and poye�l�.B�Aon the accurrence a9 an£vanl df Oe1a�u�t Lender nwy,elther in perwn or by adqrn,with or wlMout __
<br />-� � t 6rinpinp�ny�cdo�or prxeedin�,ov by a receiver a�pointed b�A�c�o�rt and without re�ard ta the adepuacy of ita aeauryty,onrer a
<br /> .� upon and ta ke poqession of the Properay.or any part tf�er�of,in its ow n neme or in the neme of td�e F�a+nee,and do any ects w�i��n rt �_
<br />;�' de�rna nacess�ry or de�irabte ro p►e�erva Me valua,mark�taWliry o►rentebility of the P►opeAy.or any�aA thereot a inte►eet tlrtora�n,
<br /> t-�—�� � < inerease the Ineome the�rmlrom or prateet the eeeueitye t�oreol and,with or without takinp posseaslan o1 the Peoperly,eue!ar a
<br /> � oth�rwite collect ths rene�,Issua and proflts thereot,i�cludinp those past due and unpeld,and apply the eame,lats coste and � '�
<br /> ;�, ���-• exp�n�as oi op�►adon and collecdon ineludlnp ettomeys'1oes,upon eny indebtedneas secwed hetaby,all In awon ader ea Lenda► —
<br /> •4 ��••�'� F• n�y detKmine.The snterinp upon end tekin�posoeesion of the Properly,the collecGon of auoh v��nts,i�e�es And profits and th� —_
<br />'� � ����-'�'.�ta �pplicadon thereof as atora�aid,shall not cure or waive eny detault or nodce of delault hereunder or Inval3�ate eny aot done In __
<br />__ � ��� ���'' rasponi�to such detault or purauant to such notice ol default and,notwith�tanding the condnuaaec�on posaesaion of ths PropsAy or �,
<br /> '�' �. > th�Coll�ctlon,receipt and app8catbn ol renU,loeyea w protits,and Tru4tee and Lender shel�be antitled W eKerci�e every rlyht �-_
<br /> provld�d lor In�ny of the Loan Inatruments or by law upon occurrence ot any Evenl ol0elault IneludMp wHhou t IxnifaUon th�ripht �_;,
<br />- '"�5���' . lo exsrci�s t!»pow�t of+Ial�.Further,Lender's rlyhu and remedles upder this parapreph shefl be cumui�Gve w8it,efiti in no w�y i► :_--
<br /> .! �'`�r`��';� limifadon on.Linder's riphts end remediee under any aseipnment o1 baaes and renh�ecorded aflehut Uw Properly.Lando►,T�wq�
<br /> `, .;�:..
<br /> ' .� ,, and the receiver afwll be Ifable to account only for those rents aatualiy recefved.
<br />--� . � ` �� 11.EvM�ti o1 D�fauN.The following ahall constltute an EveM ot Detault under this Deed o1 Trust
<br /> .�.� 6,�I�f•��� _
<br /> -_ k - l��h� (U Fallure to p�y any fnafallment of principel or interest of any othor sum secured hereby when due;
<br /> -- (Cj :.Cr:,.:;,:�i ar det�c.".u.^.�a:a.".y Frc:•!�lon ccse!s!^td!n!!!e r:olc.�:Is L�:�d of Truet,eny nt thw l�n Inehumenn,w any �,_
<br /> �•����� ' '• oltwr Ilan or encumbrance upon the Properly:
<br /> �f ' '�r � •��� 'y (o) A wrft of executlon or attachment or any efmilar procec4 shall be entared o�aMst Trwlor whiah�hall becomo�Ilen on _�
<br />--::� ���`��+�� ' ' tho Praperly or any poAion thereof or Inte►eat therein; _
<br /> ��•:�,;•. ,•�•,' "; (� Thore ahall be Illed by or apalnst Trustor or Borrower an actlon under any presecat or 1utwe federal,state or other --__
<br /> = �f• : � �'"'�'��"� sfatute,Iow or repuladon relatlny to bankruptcy,i�aolvency or other relfef for debtore;or tharv snall be appolnted eny frusteo. �__
<br /> '�;c+r.j-P,i�'� nA
<br /> ', > :•.� �ecelve�or Ilquldator of Trusto►or Bwrower or of all or any part of the Property,or the renn,is9ue�or prolNs thvroof,or Truator �,,
<br /> _:' �;.,,. '��' , •, �• � or Bonower ehall make any penaral assipnment for the benelit ol creditoro; t 4
<br /> �%'����,� (�) Th�eele,ha�nsl�r,laa:e,as�iynment,conveyance or lurther encumbrance of ell or am�paR ot or any Interest in the �,.
<br />-'" ,�'"'�^tiX! ' .Property.'either voluntarlly or involunfarNy,without the expre�s written conseM cl Lend�r:�revlded that Truetor shall bs �•'1�,
<br /> � '�� �"`�:��"'''����% parm(t�ai b e�ecute a Ioase of the Praperly that doas not aontpin aa optlon to purc haee e n G O i h3 e e r m o l w h i o h d o o t n o t e�c a a d �•_=:��
<br /> .f1r-' ..�+ , .�..c� ��1..
<br /> _ ��,;:'� t (�,r , 011o.yea�r, [:�.
<br /> .• f-"�•�S�•`'. t ' (Q Abondonment ot the Properly;or
<br /> "f �� }3 If Trustor is no1 an fndividual,tho is4uance,sale,tran�for,esaiynmont,conveyance or encur+nMac+ce�cimora than a WW ��-
<br /> .:,';� ;v��:�, (�I
<br /> t .� . „ `
<br /> _ '�•.. - ." .r ---�'..
<br /> � of--percant of(N a corporutfon)Its Issued and outstendinp stock or(il e partnersi+Ep?a total oi`.�parcent of - � `
<br />-- • �)r'► •°., •-� � partnerahip Intereste durinp the period thls Deed ol Trust rempins a Ifen on the Property. "•'"=
<br /> ��• ,d;.� s��;:•'� .; 12, R�dl�s;AawlKallon Upon Mhu14 In the event ol eny Event of De}eult Lender may,w�hQa i naficeex�ept a4►equired by }'�;
<br /> :.f}�,��'.�� lew,decl�rs aN indebtedneas ascured he►eby to be due and payebfe end the same ahall thereupon become due and payabt� �-==
<br /> wifhout any preaentmen4 demend,protest or notice of any kfnd.ThereaRer Lende+may: �'`��'
<br /> - � (a) t?cmand tt�at Tronee exaelee the PQyyFR OF RAI F �ranfN!1 h[+�P�n and Truntae Rhell Ihereniter r,auee Trustor's ""`�_�
<br />... , i�!Jt�y�y,�,.f�v,' �Gi�..
<br /> ��r j Vy�� �,!�•� intere�t In ihe Property to be sold and the proceed9 to be d�strlbuted,all in the manner provitled In the Neb�aska Trust Deeds
<br /> • -,�a � ,:-�'...:,,,." � . �
<br /> _ .• .{.,�, �,���.�� Ac� ��;
<br /> � �1;��;�.,r�fi:�,'i;,.� • (b) Exerclte any end oll��gh�s provlded ta f�a�y of the�o�n Instruments or by law upon occurrence of any Event of r,
<br /> �, ��H�?:�..•:.f,•.:�,� Defeul�and � �'
<br /> y,�;:.. '•,_.�. �:•_
<br /> :�,. (c) COmmence an ACtIOr�to IoreClOiO thla OeEL!Of�WS188 B mONpepe,epAOlnt e r@CYlvar,Ot apeciflcally eMoroo any of lho
<br /> __ _ .,iT..T%'•''Y!Yei",'.. ,".-
<br /> � � ,..: .., .! ��.,,.;. COVAl18�11s h@f60}. �n:�.
<br /> � �''�' '`�'�'��,?,y'`�� No remecfy hereln conferr�d upon or reserved to 7rust�e or Lerder is��tended to be exclusive o�any other remedy herefn,in the _
<br /> ''+�' �� ���1;���''��_°i� Loan Instvumnents ot by lew p►ovided or wermNied.but eech eha"b�cumulpUVe,shall be in ac:c•'c^to every other remedy given __
<br /> ,i' `';�'�(,';�i:,y1,�:�r� __--
<br /> � . ,t,:r.+c. r;,,{.•�:';: hereunder.���the Loen In9lrumpnfs or naw o�hereaflei extetlnp aQ�aw�or in eqwty or by stelute.8��may be exercl�w!concurr�nUy, .,..
<br /> . + � �, b•,:����„:`•� IndepenCem•tryr or euccesilvely. W r+�
<br /> ��`.� ,r' �'r.«::'._.
<br /> � ���}.�� �l!�i'}�.� 13. TrusON. The Trus7ee mey real�n at any ttme w�!hout ceuse,and len�el mey at any time and w�th�ut cause appamt a
<br /> . 'i"•:,��1�,e .r�..�.� � g_ °�1
<br /> successor or aubautute Trustee.Truatee shell not be t�.�@t�to any pa�tty.lnclud�mg w i�aut Ilmltedon Lender,8orrmwer,Trustor or eny
<br /> . !��yy��'�r� �, . purChae�o11he ProEwrty,{or any loss or demeqe unfpss due to retk!esa Cr w1f'.°ui�^sconduCt and ohall not be required to teke any
<br /> '• �• eclion in conneCtion wlth the eMorcement a1 thia Deed of Truat:;.c+'�es9 intlemmffed.In wrftfnp,fa ell costs,compens9tlon or
<br />`'" � `' •� ex nsss which me be aesocieted Merewrth.I�additlon.Trustee m�y become e purchaser at any sele of the Property Qudlciel or
<br />— .•��FJ�� � .y � ..���� ... ....:..��►.e e��_��u_._�„.,�..��.,�.,�thw pmnwrN.as orovfdod by law:or Bell the '
<br /> — �_� •• .- �--- •-- - --�gso.. ,
<br /> Yi�VO�uw pvwo� ��vow �.'v-.�.r•••••r .� •�••• •• r- - - •.
<br /> i , . '�`j, � Properry as a whole,or Ih seperete parcels or lots at Trustee's dfscretlon. � '
<br /> � . 14. FNS�nd�cp�ntN.In the event Truatee sells Ihe PropeAy by exerGse of power o1 sele,Trualee shall be enUUed to apply , •
<br /> : any�aN ptocoeds Ilr�t to peyment ol ell coata and expenaes of exerclsing powe►of sate.inciudfrp ell Tru4tee'a ieea,end Lender'a `
<br /> }� � ,��' � artd TrustM'sattorn9y's 18et,actually incurred to exlent pormftted by epp uca b l e law.Irt f)te e r e n t 8 orr o w e r o r T r u a t o r e x e r c i a e s a n y �',
<br /> ripht pravid�d by I�w to Cure an Event of DefaulR Lender sf►all be entllled ro recover frorn Trustar all coata and expenses ectually
<br /> � ,,�,,.:,�„�,,:; .� , Incurrad at a�uft of Tru�tor'�defaul�Includlny w�thout Ilmitatlon ell Truse�e's and avomey's fees,to the extent parmuted by
<br /> � 'w. ` ,� . oppllCable law.
<br /> �' •'�� ' ib. Rutun Adrawcw.Upon requeat ot Borrower.Lender may,at its onnon, make edditlonal and luture edvancea and re-
<br /> t'� ^�• . edvances to Bonow�r.3uch advancea and readvenCes,with Interest thereon,shall be secured by thfs Deed ol True4 At no tlme shell ,
<br /> I � I �� ths princlpal amounl of the Indebtedness aecurpd by this Oeed of Trw�not fncludlnp suma advanced fo prolect the securlry of this �
<br /> '�,j, OMd of Tru�t,�xaNd 1M orlpinal prMOlpd amOUM ataWd horoln.or s �•�•�—whichwrar it�reater.
<br />_,-,•r � , • ,:""�� � '
<br /> � .^,'rA;l ,� .
<br /> . ' � �.:ti�.
<br /> �',�. 1 •
<br /> �
<br />