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<br /> k•�T„ F Q �11�AHE.P! �Ol�!!R Q� ATTAnit811l13[
<br /> . ; a/������ TQ AR�JU 11ld� GO�Y f6l�L1AI�&�TIA��
<br /> �
<br /> �• f I{NOW ALI, MS'�T BY THESE PRESEYJTB� that we, ST� EN C Y and LORN� �
<br /> .r_• CURRY, husband and wife, of the Cour►ty oP�� � 3ta�e oE
<br /> � � .�,. � C a l i Porn ia do here b m a ko, ao n e t i t u t e a n d a p p o n t Y t a S E R T L+A Y t S O N o f �
<br />= � �" Cairo, Hall County, Neb�aska, oux� true� and l.awful Attorney in Faat, _
<br />:�s; , foac the following purposes, to-wit:
<br />- � • ,;��. . Tn g���, barg�aiti arr�c� sell all o� ou� undividad interoc�t ia� -
<br />- and to the following desaribed xeal p�o��rty si�uated in Ha11 _=-
<br /> -- �„ �, Couat�y, Nebsaska, ��-wit:
<br /> .., :�:::
<br />" '�'�°:,.�� �' T2te Na�fiheaa� q�uar�er (NBL/4) of Section Beventeen (17 j ,
<br /> , ., ."::;f .� Towna4��pa �lev�a� (11) �lorth, Rango Elevoa� (11) W��t af tlta$
<br /> • 6th P.F3., Hx�lJl Caunty, Nebraska,
<br /> :�" � . '� efth�r at g�ublia os pri.vate sale, for euah pr�ae and pn such terias -
<br /> �.:. .,. �;
<br />„ � as to him axe fair and reasoaable in his sole disaretion, atYd i.n
<br /> Y;�}},;t.4�':��'..- oux.names, to make, execu�s� ackr�owlec�ge and deliver good aQd
<br />-tlr"r;�,+.v.r Bu==1G1O11� ��C�p iii f�Ni1��7�Ctlif:8 L�L �'a��� il���+v�.� ta �rv g��'�i .��.�4" °
<br />-� -� ��� :y.� or �xurahaaoscs of t1Mo eame, writh covenants o! warranty, giving ancl
<br />�;'"��`{'`''"v aa�tin ut�to �aid ��torne in Faat �ho power and authority to hire
<br /> .,:�r�,�+ts��t';s� �' 9 X
<br /> - �*�_ . ataal employ brokers, auat3oneers, alerk�s, az�d otFn�,u personnel ae
<br /> need�d ia �onri�ctiun witDa sv►oh sale, aisd gu��ther to Fay fr�am th8 —
<br /> i��f�K+��� ne� proaeealrs of aue� c�ale ��.b expenses oP sala inaurred by P��tm, and �'-
<br /> �jr g+�vinq and gxantfmg unta said Attorney in Fact full power and �
<br /> �-_'�==-�
<br />��! �u��or3ty ta furtaas� do and �erform ewery aat and thing whatso�vc�s
<br />�°`�''"P"�'� reqazisito, neaesaary or incidental in aonnection with the eale ot
<br />��4� the above-�esaribed �e�l ga�cojperty, all as wc� might do iP peraonally
<br />�� prosan�c. �1e authorize sa3.d Attorx�ey in Faat to ret2�in B.S.
<br /> ___� Cianningham, Jr., Attorney, aind Lhe Cunninqham Law Firm, in
<br /> ---� contieation with the sale o� the proper�y and the validity of the
<br /> �`"�='-"`'�� pre�ent laase on tho above property. The undexsigned aonf irm and
<br />�-==�� ratiEy whataver our abovQ Attoznoy in Fact �hall lawgully do ax
<br /> ����
<br />=: • • aause �o b� dons in or eson��rninq the eal� oY the above pro��rty by
<br /> ��` virtiue of t�ege preoenta. �hie Power of 3�ttorney will �mar�ninate ":'
<br /> ����`'� automatically at m�a�snight on Decc�r 3i, 1998. -
<br />_�,:''�a�s"�:�--'��?'�.�
<br /> ?�� WxT1�E�� our hands th�.e �� da of �G , 1999.
<br /> x���:�: �/'� _ _
<br /> �'�g`"s.'-' C�Gc _
<br />—��:nrisu?Ysb�"� �t,'��'nSt ST CURRY ..-
<br /> - --.�.-:r;h;...�- .��';.L.;1 °fi d� j �
<br /> = =,:1::=�'x{�' ��ttvagi �oc�l�l Se�suri�y No.
<br />�`:�:"':�t:� ��anRot�oCou^M�t
<br />`,t`:�" ,, .:a:�°. NyCOmrt►.0�'�s�1D• LO1tIJA CiJltRY
<br />:r� „ :;�,tt Social 8oaur�ty No. S 7�,- Sa-PO S�SG
<br />�'�,. • . .
<br />- , STATE OF CALIFORI�7IA ) `
<br /> ��� ) 08.
<br />�,,�:�. . �. COUNTY OI� .S?�✓ F�/C1-s4J )
<br /> ..�:� . -
<br /> =� -�;�" i oa� t�is � day oP TUG�/ , 1998, beforo mo, the
<br /> — .•~.'. _a___J_ _� _i��.� w.�f�tl� 1.• �f71LRf�ft /1f�DV s�A YAD1Y1 ..
<br />- _---;- u[tavi�o�.yFta�a rasa.ar.r rauraaf:� i+'v+.o'v;aa....l vv�o ....a..... ......... ... ..�...�..
<br /> ". . ' CtJRRY, huoband and w3fe, to me known to �� the identical�pez�sons �
<br />� � whose �amos ax� subacrihed �o tha �oregoing inst�rumant arad �:
<br /> acknowlRdged tho exeaution YhQreof to b�e their volur�tary aat a�sd `
<br /> � d��d. r.:
<br /> n.
<br />�: ' WIZ'N�S6 my hand a�nd notorfal soal th day n ear firot sQt �Y
<br />�. Port�,h abovo. E�
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