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<br /> 'E �Q A��L- lLt7�!CO�Y R}9A�. ��'d'JI�T�9
<br /> � ItNOW AI,L 2dEtJ BY THE6L� PRES�B, ttaat we,MARX LEE WALSH, and �
<br /> .. , �; � - WILLIAM WI�LBR, wife and huc3band, af the County of , anc sco ,
<br /> State of Caligorai�, do hereby make, �anBtituo�artdta�pAa d lawful � —
<br />:��,�,�.�� LARSON oP Cairo, Hall County, Nobraeka, ___
<br /> ��°- �? Attorney in Faat, for the following purpcses, to-wit:
<br /> `, •3ii;_
<br /> �� � To g�rant, bargafx� and sell all o! our und�vAdeci intoreat �.n �
<br /> �`°�`� , and to khe foilowing doscxibed real propes�y �:�tua4ed in tia].1 —
<br /> _,. ,��,;, County, Nebra�ka, to-wits
<br />...;T�:;`�-� The Northeast Quarter (N�1/4) of Soation Seventeen (17),
<br /> -���_;� . Townahip Eleven (1!,) Norttn, Rango 8leven (11) West of the
<br />_',#''�'"=- ��h P.�I. , Hall County, Nobraska,
<br />'�-°:�'�;'n:� . -
<br /> -=_�_`:�+►� eitber at pub3la o�c private sale� �or gu�& priae and a�n suah terms
<br /> -==^� aB Co �in ares g�ir and reasonmbi�s in his csole �ilsaze�ion, and in
<br /> _�-� �� �.,��; t� maket oxeaut�, aalusowledge aa�al deliver qood and
<br /> ,.�.,,;Y,•'�� eufficient deeds of aonveyax�eo for saic� propez�y to �he purai�aser
<br /> ----_�� or piarahaeerQ of the same, with aovenants oP warranty, qiving and
<br /> ___ granting unto aaid �►t�orney in Faa� t3xe �ower and aut2nos�ty to hire
<br /> and e�aploy brakers, auatio�Qaxa, olerks, and othor pereoxine�. as
<br /> needed in aor�nection with r�uoPu �ale, �d further to pay from Sahe
<br /> net prACeede of euah sale a�l expensea caQ sale inaurred by him, mnd
<br /> qivriaq and grantimg �to said Attornoy� in Fact fuZl power and
<br /> ---- authority �a �u�cthc�' �lo and per�os'm evary �ct and thing c�hatBOever
<br /> ---- requ�isite, nQC�aeary or inaidentmi in ao�nection wf�h �the sale af
<br /> the above-deso�cibed real prciperty, ail ae we mi�ht do if pere�nally
<br /> preaent. i�e authorfao eaid Attornep in Faat to re�ain B.J.
<br /> Cua�ningham, Jr., Attosney, and the Cunn�in�a Va�it�iof the
<br /> � aonneatiox� with the sala of the prapvr�y Y
<br />----___.--------- pr�eent leasB on the above property. The undersiqned cson�l.rm and
<br /> ratify w�ataver our above Attorney in Faat ahall lawfully do or
<br /> -- ------= c�uaa 4o bo done fn or aoncerninq the eale of the abova proporty by
<br /> -- .--..,---- v�rtt�� of thmea presetets. This Pewer of A��orngy will tezminate
<br /> au�4�ct���iaally at mi�night o� Deuember 31. 199s.
<br /> - -- WIRR�i888 oll]r' handB ttnit; _,_,�_ d8y of e 1998.
<br />-� ' �...�.�.. �o..L'o.� -
<br /> � P.P�Y 8 .._..��EI
<br /> __���; 5ocial �eaurity No. „�'31-��-�+025 �
<br />_.�.�� ���� � �
<br />=;-'v"'.�+��� sacial Se+curity N�• ��.�..��-.-
<br /> ':.�=r�;cr.ua��
<br />___'r:��;��y�l,+ .
<br />�_;;,L�`�..,�1.: S'Y'ATL OF CALII+mRNIA )
<br /> .4.'rd ' ��•
<br /> ' -°;�`�r"- COUNTY OF �
<br />-=`'�;:..,_'�w l, -
<br /> .'�'�'�`'''�" .,,. *w�a dav of _, 1998, beforo nte, tho
<br /> :- �.�_�� c�ceonal aamo �3Y L8E WALSH and
<br /> ,�;�°-�_: unaer�iqnQe xotar�r �ilia, � Y
<br /> -'="�' �� � t�iii,L,Il�II� WALS�, wifo and htuil�and. to me knows to bo tihe identi�al
<br />-:,':�:��;F;:�r�"h peraona ��tose naxaes aro subsaribcid to thm Soreqoia►q inetrunnan� and _
<br /> ` :�`�� aeknawledged! the oxeaution thoreof to be tiheir woluntary act �nd
<br /> ,. :";, d�nd. :
<br /> . ,, ,
<br /> . � . . . WI�BS my hand and no+�arit�l seal tho dmy aa�d �ear Pirst eot
<br /> .. � forth above. _
<br /> �
<br /> � Notary 1 c -
<br /> My C�i��ion Expiros:
<br />