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<br /> � I(�10W ALL FdBN BY THES PI�ESENTS, thet I, aERTR�JDE JUILFB, VF ' —
<br /> ' � aingles, of the County oP � State of Oxegon, do hereby �
<br /> . � �` ! tnaka+, aor►s�itut�a and a�po flt ROHF�tT LARSON oe Cairo� Hall Ccunt�y,
<br /> Nebraeka, my truo and lawful Attorney in Faa�� �or the following
<br />��-;' . ' purpoees, to-wits
<br /> � .'��,�,..��. ,. Td qrant, bargain arac� sell all af my undivide� intaxea� ir� a�ir� �
<br />_....,, '.� .
<br /> _•-�<: � to the following daeascibsd real property situated in Hall County,
<br />=_��,..�_���
<br /> Nabraeka, to��aits _
<br /> ti":YF�:7.'YC
<br /> ,� _ � The Noartheast Qusrt�r (NEi/4) of Secstion S�vanteex� (17) ,
<br />=�3'+?�' Town�hip Eloven e 31D North, Ranq� Eleven (11) We�� oS the
<br /> �-;f,,;,�r 6t.h P.M., Hall C�urnt��►� Nabraeka,
<br /> e;;:�`r�.,:., `_
<br /> l���`,.,:;;� either at public os priva�e eale� for su�sh priae and on �uah �erms
<br /> .: � aa to him are fair and reasonable in hia �ole disarotion, and in my
<br /> �=�;;�:�a"� name, to make, execu�e, acknowiQdqe and e��li�vor good aad sutPioi�ent.
<br />�,iY,�;,"'� deeds og conveyanoe fwr aai� proper��p co zhe �u:.r��asa:. c� _
<br /> -"'•4�;��t �urctia�ers o� t8��, same, with covenanta af warranty. qivinc� ar�d ,
<br /> �',��_;' a�anting un�o seirl Atitorney ia �act the power aad authority to big� �
<br /> __,;`,�;;'
<br /> ��� $nd employ brokers, auationeax�s, alerka, and other personne a�►
<br /> � ne�ded �n conneation with suah sale, and further �o pa�y �rom the
<br /> --_—� net proceede oE sueh sale all expense� o�' s�le ineurred !�y him� and ' -
<br />�-�=-�� giving and granting unt� eaid Attorn�y i» Faat full �nowor and -
<br /> ��:i.� authority to ftn�her do aaad perform ever� aat �an� �&ing wY�atsoe�var .
<br /> -�-�:;:�.�*a� requisite, neae�sary or inaiflental in aonneation with tho sale a�
<br /> _-- � the abave-8esaribed reai property, a11 as g might do if personally
<br /> ' _� preeen�. i authoriae aaid Attorn��+ Sn Fac� to ret�►in B.J.
<br /> -- Cunningham, Jr., Attorney, and �ha �unningham Law Fis�a in
<br /> ,.�;�;� canneation wi�h tho sale of the proporty and �he validity of tha
<br /> - - --- preeent 1Qase on �4ae $bove property. The undermigz«d conPirms and
<br /> - - ratifiom whatever my above Attornoy iti Faat shall lawfully do ar
<br /> �� �sause �m be done ist ar ca�aaerming �he ���.� of the� above pr4gerty by
<br /> --=J�`��" virtae of thes� pxege3n��. This Power o� Attorr►ey w311 ��rminate
<br /> antamatically a� midniqht on Dac�mbos� 3�, 1998.
<br /> - - - - WiTN�S� nhr hand this � day of r , 1998.
<br />__,..,�,.<r.;�;� tl
<br /> � � Soa� &eaurity No. ��- ��= �y-�i -
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<br /> _ �''�=` COiJNTY OF' ��Vl-�... � -
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<br />__-:-4.�.:, �m thio � da�r of US . i998� be8�se me, tho
<br /> =-- " . .rc:? ' undc+�r��a,�ned No ary Fi�bl�.�, p�sona iy came a�RTR�JDB�8��, �fnqlo,
<br />�..���:<..• :.
<br />-�' '�°`�" � to mo knoam to bQ ths identieal �raon �hose ��ao is suk�saribed to
<br />_�;`;'�.a3�'r? • .
<br /> --�:�•�_-,�.,�+� the foreqoinq iastrument and acknowledged the exeaution thereoY to
<br />_ -~` :��=�-- Ia� har volunfaxy aat ane c��ea. _
<br />_ ,-r:�;;-�=
<br />_ �-- :,,. ;�.
<br /> - '-:�.� ..:.: �. W�TNES6 my han� and not�rial seal the day nd year firmt �sot �-
<br /> - � , forth abovo.
<br /> a �� No ary c -
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