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<br /> . . . .. ...------------- ----- � ---�----. _..__._ . . _-- - . . . --.__-------• --- . _. - - __ _.
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<br /> `��M- -- � - .,-�j�� 93_�.o�z�5 -
<br /> !f. W�a�d or Peapeiiy Ia�noe. Bornnwe�sAall kaep the impR►vemc�ts �ow exi�tin� or hereaAer eroctad on �he
<br /> Pmpeny iacurod�inct los�by flro, hwaida iocludod wi�hin�he krtn 'extctNied oover�e'ond�ny dlxr haxardw, including
<br /> ___�_ tlonde or Aaading� for whir.h Lender n�quircw insurance. This irtsnranoe ahall hc muirnoinod in ehc amonms and far t:tc pe�iadc —
<br /> _ that Londer requirc�.The incumnce��aRler providing the incuranre sha11 he cho�en by Bomawer subject to Lende�'ti upprovul
<br /> whicb clwll not be unreacnn�bly withheld. If Barrower f�iiR to mpiiNwin a►verAge deRCribed a6ove, Lender mQy, at I.ende�'�
<br /> option,obtain rnveragc to proteci l.ender's r�ghts in thc Pmpc�y i�aa:oNanc�u�i�h paragr�ph 7.
<br /> _ AU in�wnm�r Qnticks�nd rcnew�la«hall be eecepeable to l.ender and sha!! include s stsnda�+d martsage claus�e. l.et�drr —
<br /> _ - - --- - -
<br /> "= — shall iwve�he righ�w hold tbe palicics and rcnew�ls. If[.ender roquire�,Bormwer shall pmmptly give to l.ender all reccipts of �.-. .
<br /> -� pdd Prcmjums+ud rcoewa aotices.in the event of loss.Borrc►we�sholl�ive pron�pt notioe w�he in�urance carrier ond Le�xlor.
<br /> I.endcr may make proof af loss if�at mwde promptly by Borrower.
<br />'�' Unlcss Lendcr and Bnrnawer dhenvise agree in writing. insurance procoeda sdwll be upplied ta rcstaration or rrpair of the
<br /> _', Property dama8ed.if Ihc restorjNion or r�epai�is economically feasible ond Lcnder's�ecu�fty is not I�sened. If�hc r�cstara�Mn ar
<br /> -�A-:. rrpair is nat economicolly feasible or l�ender's secudty would be lessenad.the ir�su�unce pmceeds sltall be applied�o Ihe�ums --
<br /> - - sacurod by this Secu�ity in�trumrnt. whelher or not lhen due.with any eaaess p�icl to Barower. Of Borrowe�Abanda+rs the �--
<br /> --=-- Propeny, o�does not amwer within 30 days a�otice fi�rn I,end�r that the insu�u�ce canie�Iws offered to setti�e 4 c��im.r�trev►
<br /> — Lender may collert the insuronoe p�o��ds. lrnder muy use tP� pnxeeds ta �epnir or nestae �he Pnopeny or w (pa9 sums —
<br />��} - sacured by this Secv�iry,l�trument,whether w not tt�en�9�e.�'ihr 3Vl�day pedod will begin when the rwtic�e is given. �`-
<br /> - .�,}::
<br /> --;r-� Uakss Lende�and Bortower oth�rwise agrre io wri�ing, any apPlication of proceeds to principal s[tal) not extend nr ,.wir.
<br />�,:F;t4��f postpone the due date of the monthlY paYmeMs refernd to in puragrnphs 1 s�nd 2 or chunge the amo�uu af Ihe puyme�ts. If —_
<br />=_�:-,,�,�,��,,, under puagrnph 21 ihe Pro►perty!s aoquit�ed by I.ender.Somnwer's dght to uny insuranee pdicies aew8�ro:eeds resulting from
<br /> `'•`°r��'��� ' damage tc�1he�rapert��priar to the�xqui�idon shall pacs to l.cader to the extent of the s�ms sa�:�wrKti by thia Securlly Guur�n�ent - -
<br /> = �t�, ittttttet�i»tc!•,•pc�or ta tttit acquiaidaii. ��;a:_
<br /> - �''',? 6.lktiw �";•
<br /> <� i PA�,P1+cce�vAdon, Afainte�wnce aod P�+wtect�kun aff the Property.Borro�er's l.oAn Applkatbn;lxaseholds.
<br /> u
<br /> '�;�:' Borrower s9+u10 aecup},•�.yublish,and ur,e the Prrtrpexcs a.B-c�rrnxer's principal residence within sixry days diter the execution of '
<br /> �:'
<br />.= this Secur7�y Instnameaa and rlwll rnntinue to acavP3. �ht k'�o�env as Bormwer's principal residence for;�t Ieast one year aRer —.��-•
<br /> .�`.{ � ' �z�+ the date of oecupancy, unless Lender otherwise agrees in waiu6a��. which cansent shall not be unreasonably withheld, or unless
<br /> �}��ai�'� extenuati�o•� circumstances exist VV�11C� 8fC bCC 011d BOITOW2f's aantrol. Borrower shall not destroy, damage or impair the �`��,
<br /> '� �, ' �.� ` Y rA.
<br /> _, �: ' Property, allow the Property to daterlorute, or commit wuste� the Property. Borrower shall be in default if any farfeiWrc �
<br /> �• : -.+ action or proceedio�t,whether clvil or crimi�wl, is begun that ia Lender's gcad faith judgment ecwld result in forfeiwre oi the
<br /> a• ` + Property or atherw�se ar�t�erially Itnpair Ihe lien crcated by Ihig Security Instrument or l.ender's security interest.Borrower muy �,``
<br />=�'� �� ;. cu�such s�dcfAUlt an�3 reinsate.a� rovided in ��=�
<br /> ;i•u•4 p paragroph 18, by cAUSing the actian or proceeding ta be dismissed with n suling �.
<br /> __ _�r41,i��`; that. in 1 encler's�mtl fflllh det�s!n+ndlion. pncludzs fori�'s!arp Ys the 8orrower's intc.:si in s!u Froperty ar ather maieriat
<br /> ' ^ �};'��' impaim�nt of the Qen Cieated b� ihis Securjty Instrument or B.en�ler's security interest. Bonower shnll ulso be in detault if �;:
<br /> �'°�.t � ;��•:::'%~�:'r;�:riF� Borrower,during the tcran appli��atian process,gave meterially f�se or inaccurate inforniatipn or atatement�to)xnder(or failed ��'
<br /> j� �,� �r y� • to provide I.ender with any rnatedal Inforn�atian)in connect'son wi�th the loun evidenced by the Note, including,but not limited �
<br /> �;��,<. '�� •�:� to,representations concerning Boirower's occupancy of lhe Property as a principal reaidence.lf Ihis Security Instrument Is on a ��.-L'
<br /> - „�" �' ` lc�.chold. �arro�.cr slss!! cu;aply ticiih �:: ihe Frovisions of shr !c�:„.. it'�rruu•�r uicec fk title w tlk P� y
<br /> ,..,��_�_. _ � �1 uNe�i . II�C �j,w:T
<br /> ='d � ,•,^�:`�:� , �.. -�..
<br /> , , � • �� leasehold and the fee titla shall not merge unless Lender ngrces to the merger in writing. �`',
<br /> ~`', ` �,::f sr"<,r� 7.Protecdon ot I.cade�'s Rlghts in the Property.If Borrowcr feils to perform the covenants ond agreements wntuined in
<br /> ��• • - ' Ihis Security Ins�rument,or there is a legul proceeding thu� muy significuntly Lffect L.ender's righ�s in the Property(such as u ',n�
<br /> -_�:; ,°,�,":�. �'; .,ii' roccedin in bankru c
<br /> - f. r .,� p g pt y.prabate, for condemnulian ur fu�fciwrc ar to enforce lawti or regulations), then Lendcr may do a�d
<br /> _�,� �.;,�;j;;;j;} pay for whatever is necesstiry ta protrct the vulue of the P�openy and I.ender's righta in t'he Property. Ixnder's actians may
<br /> -` � ' ' r s,��' :j�;;ti" include paying any sums secured b�. a lien which hac norit�• a�ver Ihis Securit Inatn�ment. a ���
<br />°;;_.t_�:; ;� � .1,,� s, p Y FPearing in court, pAying �:
<br />•.,1�•;-;. ` `�' :� . reasonable altorneys'fees and enterin�; nn the Prapeny�o make repairs. Althaugh L.ender may t�lce action under this parograph �. :.
<br />_�=yz.•;�'�'' -(,�#:�'' � 7.l.�tx6rr daes not bavc to do so.
<br />=="�i'i• `��' � ; Ao Amounts dlsbursed b L.ender uncier this rrn rn h 7 s'hall t�ea+n:e additional debt af Burrow�r secured by this ;�.•.
<br /> ���c�.(�, i�,. � Y Y P' F P
<br /> '�,e�"!' p �,c�, s��° SCCUPI( Instrument. Unless Borroµ•er and Lender u ree to olher ierms of r mrnt, these amounts shull beur intercat from Ihe �.;'
<br /> '..1 �� s•�ti".� y s P'Y
<br /> � �'�' f ��� ' date ot'J;3bursement at the Ncuc raie ami shsJl be pnyablc, aah intcrest, upon na8ce Frnm Lender to Borrower requesting
<br /> ''. . ?;���f'��:��f:i�' .:,�
<br /> : '�.?� . �A.� paYmed. �::w
<br />_�''�.. � •t� '�3�'?� 8.Mortg�e Insnrs�nce,lf l.ender requod«H �nk�r�gage insurunce as n cunclatinn of muking the toan y�cured by this Serurity
<br /> -��. �. � -'1p �- Instrument. Borrower shall pay the ptemiums r.ec�uired to m:�intain the m��r�ga�,e i�surance in el'fcwt. ie, f,•r any reuson, the ,��
<br /> �„�: ° .•:l,s�.; =._.
<br /> , ,.,,i;�y.}�t., mortgr�ge insurance rnverage requircd h�y l.endrr fapses or ceases tn'�ln ef6'ec�. BorrrKrr shall pay the premiums required ta
<br /> ��-.,:
<br /> ..,.,,." '.i;�:��;�;�•s,; obtain coverage subs�antially equiva!ent�01he mortgage insurance pre��iouslti• in effect,as u c.�s� �uhstantially equival�nc !o the .:�:•
<br /> _:- ::,�,.. ..: --
<br /> r`,�.�. {;rxhl���,��y,�. ,, �„�t iu&,rn,wrr of ihe mongoge msuronce prciiousiy �n el(ect. Crom aaa altemute mnr��a,�e in�urer approved By Lee�c:er. 1t °;
<br /> � '.,�, ��,�?^? . : d!'�.�;... subxtantially equivulent mnrtg•rge insurancc ro��rva�•�i�n��t uvai0afilr, Bnrr:�v�er sh•rll�a}• co l,endcr each month a sum equul �o �:r:,
<br /> ���;: - ;�',
<br />::.�,.,. �� ,.. � ,,._- �;�, anc-twellih of�he yeurly mongagc insurancc premium bcing paid by &�rrc�wer�►•hen thr insurrnr�coveroFe lupsed or cea5cvl w ,f�;
<br /> - :;.��_:..; ' � be in efiect. L.ender will accept, use a�ed retain these payments r.. a lu.ss reserve in licw ai nwng�ge insurance. Ln+� re�rve 4•.-,
<br /> — •;��•_�t:
<br /> �u'�}i` k�'• :t ,'` ` .` '•
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