,ai�b�'.F:...�.K..��r. ,r�� �.T.
<br /> . � , � .�, . ��t 'h. � • ��.
<br /> �', � .
<br /> �p�µ,�( a
<br /> S}.t
<br /> - 11 ' �K� . .. . .. . _ ...._ _ ._._.
<br /> - �� . ..��.� .
<br /> = 93' i�e'lq4
<br /> _ - (� N Tnubr M not�n IedNldwl,Mw iwuana�.�aM,tr�nsNr.�w�nm�nt,conwyanca ar rncumbranc�01 mor�tlu�n a IoW �_—,-
<br /> d pKant M�M a aapontbn)Ib fa�wd and outsandinp�taek or pl a pa�ln�ahlp)�IoW ol pMwnt o1 ;�.,-:
<br /> .�{s�- --- --.---- p�tMShtP�nlMetb durfnp q1s plilod MM OMd al Tnitt nn�lns�Iisn on 1he PtOp�ty. , -
<br /> �.,.� 1�. IIMMdIMi Aood�aMan Ilpan Od�IN.ln pN�wnl M any Ewnl ot O�huh I.end�►rtuiy.without nolfc��xapt q n4ulnd b�r i�
<br /> law.d�llin d1 tnd�bMdnNS s�aund Mnb�r t�b�dw�d piribN�nd th���II tM►«Kfo+�b�ean�dw�nd WY�
<br /> :-'�� wIM1o�A�nyp tnNn��nand,iKMKt a nolle�ot a�ryr kind,Ths�Nftsr L�nel�r mny:
<br /> � (�) O�n�nd 1M�t Trus1M�xMCIM th�POWHR OF SALH Q►MNd Mr�in,�nd Tro�ts�fha0 thwqfMr caua Tiuqp►'s �
<br /> . - !n�in qw P�op�rly ro 0�sold and th�p►o�d�to b�di�Mbuud,all M ttN rt�nn�Provld�d fn th�NWrask�Tnal OWOta
<br /> �:;�xi:�i A� —
<br /> � �, �–
<br /> (b) �x�rclq�ny and�N rlphb provid�d tor In�ny o1 ths I.o�n Inq►ummis a by I�w upon occurnna�01�ny Ewnt ol
<br /> ,��,! .�.��� �joj Comm�nca�n acdon w br�ctw�thi�DNd o1 Trutl a�a mat���e,appofM a��cNwr.a�psciliwlty�Mac��ny ot th� �y�
<br /> _ eov�n��q hM�o1. =--
<br /> ' � • No nmsdy b�rNn coni�ned upon or reterved to Tru�tee or I.ender i�Inbnded to bs sncludve ol any othsr remsdy hereln.In tM _
<br /> '�� '"''���-�� -� �H Loan In�trum�na or by law provid�d or permifled,but esch shsll be cumul�tive,shsll ba in addlGon to every otbsr rsm�d�r piv�n ----
<br />- - ;��`�,•_.,_, ..�' Mr�und�r,in tIM l.o�n M�slcwn�nts or now or hawtlar axi�U�p at I�w oN��qufy or by wtua.and mnr b��xWaipd coeawnnW. !
<br /> " ���dM+eh er tucc�strsh• `--.
<br /> == 13 TnrM�..Th�Trw1�np�y nai�n�t�ny tlme wilhout cau�s.�nd Lender m�y at any qrtN arM wlthout asuss�ppolnt a
<br /> �•;,`� , .1 auawaor a wbqftuMTn�sMe.TrusMe ahr�ll no1 bo Ilabt�to�nr p�Ay.includinp without Ifmibdon L�.8orrower,Tru�tor or any --
<br />.d:;��:;: �-� .,. • ..,�- purchssar of tAt Prop�y,br oriy losa o►dama�e unG�ss dus b nckl�sf or wllllul ml�conduct,and�hsll not be requirsd lo t�ke anr _�
<br /> �� �otlon in epnnsetion wfM ths enforcNMnt of thf�Deed of Truet uretas Indemnl0ed,in wrftinp,Iw NI co�b,compen�eGon or _.
<br /> �c.• ' �j,��..'.-. ,� �:,,�, �xp�ns�s whkh may bo as�ociaNd th�rowith.In addition.TruaM�rtwy Dscart�a Puroh�r at anr fakr ol tha Prop�rhl Uudlci�l w _
<br />:�-�:. :;�js wid�r 1M powa.ol s�k y►anted hereln?;postpon�tha ede ol all a any port�on ot th�Prop�rly,u p►ovlded by I�w:or sW tlr
<br /> :;-�" �:'v� �' Propsrty as a whots.or in aepuAle paraN�o►lob�t Trurtee's di�cr�tlon. —
<br />:;;y;,�� � 11. FN��nd E�rp�a�M,le�tEre e�eeR TrusMe sella ths Propsrqr try aoreis�ol pow�r d e�W.T�uYte6 ehell bo ar�titGad tc�aR� _.
<br />.. - -'•`�^ir �ay Ws proe:wda 6ret tm�ppye�sen���ol'ai,�ca�tu end ex{w��wis ui b�&rcisfna�-.aw�r of 4aie.�i+i,iu�i�cy MIl Trusiee's i�.�f L�r�dar's =.
<br /> �.J. �h;' ', and Tnat�e'a attanay's Psma,A�cwa�t!�ts+�n:carred to extent penniried by aPWieabk law.In the sysn!Bonower a Trustor��erciaa�n�t �.._,:
<br /> :[`.,;a. . m
<br /> �r�::-., ripht provkl�d by I�w���aR�e a�Ev�a�4�of Cetault,Lender ehall be entitted to recover irom Truabr all eosts�nd expenses actwty
<br /> �1'�":�';" Incuned w a rault vi Fnv�tor'a c7�'1iw�,Includinp without Ilmifallon all Tn�stee's and atlorn�y's ha,b the eulsnt prmiilMd b1/ •�:'�
<br />.. `:. ���''' appllcabl�Isw. —
<br /> ?t7, " '� '%l�w /5. Putun Adv�ncti�U�on rogw��t of 8orrower,Lender may, at its option,make addidonel and tutu�e edvances and re- �'"�.
<br /> "Nrw'��1��L �_.,.°
<br /> ,'�' �� ,.t�.^• advance�W 8onower.Such advanc0s m�d rsadvances,with intereal thereon,ehell be aecured by thls De�d of Trust At no dme iha0 �
<br /> • �t�' ths pHncipd wnount ot the fndebtednes��ecured hy t6tis Deed of Trust not includinp wms advanced to protect tha ucuriy of this �;,
<br /> :.,;t;:fy • `�' OMd of Trust,exceed the ori�inal prMeipal amourit sea�d herain,or S -�D- ,whichw�►is yrqhr.
<br /> .• t�'�;;;�. 18. �OIMPf�WOM. �s�
<br />,-%���;, ���'d�4�"� " ' °�° (�) earrowr Not RN�awd.Ex¢enaion o�ihe Ume for pagmeM o�modi8cadon ol amordzadon of the wms�ecured by thia -
<br />��`f � ���C :�:. Deed of Trust yranted by Lender to any aucceasar Ir.inte��st v"Ba��nower�hall not operate to releaee,fn any manne�,the li�biliyr ���-
<br /> = o!ltse or3�tna!Bone+Yer nnd 9er�tsvQ�'9 sucTt+ssers in�„'t�Q�t!?+�r ehell no�bw rxquired to commence proceedings agatnst ='==
<br /> r,.� ' <<'�'�,{ tuch wcceswr or rotuse to eztend�1ImQ 7a paymenl�or o9h�ele+,lse nn�ef�1�Aer�edl�udon ol the sume eecurod by thi�Dsod of Trust ='�
<br /> ,:,E�:, ��
<br /> t ��_�;`, by�e�aon oi any demanila mede by the ma8:Te1 Borrow�er ann�Bor�aw�'s 9ucc�ssors in intere�t
<br /> ti.�^....\ '•.'.'.�,�`-�:
<br /> , ,�.T,_ (b) L�ndn'a Poweo�.Wlthout aHeating the I�abi�ity oi any olher per;on s�able for the payment oi aqy a4�Yigatlon hereln �_._
<br /> " r� • • •����:~�<' mentloned,and without sifeatlnp the Ile�or char�g�oi thls Dead of Truat upon any pordon of the Properly nat tl�vn pr t�er�tplore
<br />�'���'- reteaeed as secwiry for the lull amounl pf all unpaid obll{�a2�ona.lender rnay.irom dme te Ume and without noGce(f)reter�se any _-
<br />.-.-- -�c-F---�-_
<br /> �• peraon so liable,(ff)extend the matu7i�r or alter eny of the terms of eny such oblipadona.(Iiq yrant other Indulpenaea,(iv)r892ase �;_
<br /> >>,�n'7�����' ' ��� or reconvsy,or ceuse to be released or reconveyed et any time at Lender's optfon any percel,portion or ell of the Property. '
<br /> (h teke or ret�aee an other or eddltlonal eecuri lor an obll edon harein mentlonpd,or(vl)make composidont or other �"�'
<br />��'�� : ,�t�:, �:,;"• Y �Y Y � --_
<br /> ; • ;� � � ,; -:; ananpementa with debtora In reletfon thereto. ,-_
<br /> � ,��, � {,::' (c) RorM�ranc�by l.�nd�r Not�Walv��.Any lorbearanoe by Lender in exercisinp any ripht or remedy hereunder,or
<br /> � ' ��� ?'''� otherwlse allorded by appllcable 1aw.ahell not be a wawe� ot or preclude the exercfae of any such rlpht or remeUy The ". .,,j
<br /> �a . �iF-•,.,�s..•�(_ �
<br /> 1r, ., ��.
<br />_�- ' . ,,, r(�,`.t procuP�msnt of Ineurance or the Fayment of fexes or other I:ens or charyea by Londar rhall not be e welvar of Lender's ri�fillo .u!:•
<br /> I." ' �� ' ��;,� acce9ex�:e the metunty o1 the I�e1eIDledneas aecu►ed by 1l�is�ead of Truat 4i�
<br />��'�, • ';'�� �y_ s��, (d} Saee�stas a�d AWipn�8ound;Join1 and 8�wrs7 l.IabilqJr;C�pdon�.The covenants and aqreemente hereln con»
<br /> : , r:-,�: ' .� ;. mined s�habi��.a�a e�rl h2s�areunder grrA,r �nure ta,t7�e res cUve sc:c�essore and esa na ot ler�der and Trustor.All
<br /> .' i,• �i'�.,.r,�:; 1-�,- .. -.r.. 9 P8 �
<br />_'::�,r; ' j � y �. , wV�md�nVa a�ti agree�r,�nts of T�rustar shell�e;o�nt and sevaral.The cepbons and haadings of the paaa�gra�pha o l i h la O e e d o f
<br />- �" • Tr�gs are tor ConvenlenCe onl and ere not to 6e used to ma�eT�ret or define the provislona fiereol. �'
<br /> ,-_, �� ��..�• ?'•. rr., .. y '=..
<br /> ,:��,. '�� ° (o �RpwsllalloticN.The porlies hereby requeat that a co�y oi any notice of detault hereunder and a copyot anv ncri�ce :�
<br /> ;�.,.�r. ,,,�,._. _�•� ' Of ea��e�nereunder 6a mailed to each party to thla Deed ol Trust al the address aet forth abore in the mAnner preaea+�b�by _ �*"
<br /> ' ,:; r;•�••. .� '� „� aR�7�ct�ble law.Except for any othe�no�ice requ�►ed unqer applicaWe law fo be piven in another manner,�ny notice p�ovided ".�-
<br /> � �i: ,,.r:.- •: . �...x
<br /> ' " ��� f�em thl�Deed of Truat�hal�be Qlven by malii�g such notice by ceNlied mell addressed to the other pa�rt+ea,at the addreae set
<br /> �"' � � ' Iwth A'bove.Any noUce provided for In thl8 DPed o�Trust ahall be eHective upon mallinp in the manne�dealgneted hereln.If �,-
<br /> :-, ;�%�..,',�.,'... `.- '•. .
<br /> . ' ,;� .. � �.a� •��:: Truaor is mora than one persAn,naUCa sent fo the addre9s sellorth above shall bo notlCa to ell such persons.
<br /> �,: :. ,:i°� ��.� �1y �..,
<br /> . ��.,, (�) Irop�oflon.Lender may maRCe or cause to be mede�eas�nable entries upon and Inepectlona ot the P�o,pe�4y.proaided ,.
<br /> ���, ' w that Y.�ndar ahall plve Truator not;ce prior tu any euch Inspec��on�pQCllyinp reasoneble ceuse therotor�elated�ta Lenrfer'a
<br /> �,,;n,,_� intore�t in the Propeny. r-''-
<br /> ;;. �;� '`�;-;�_---. --- - (y) R�eonv�yano�.Upon payment ot all sums aecutea by th�s Deed of Truat Lender shau request t'rusoae��o seconyay the �
<br /> �+,. , . � Propery and ahall aurrender this Deed of Trust an�al�notes erldenclnQ Indebtedneas secured by thle Deed�s"dvas9!o fiaustee. � �� .
<br /> �• � � Trustee ehall reconvey the Property without wa�rAr�ry and wilhout char�e to the person or perwns lega,�y e�tA7ed 9V�ereto.
<br />:i� �:` � Trusoor shell pey ell cosls ol recoraEaGon.II enY• V�
<br /> ;:.;.�. ..�=---• -- uh; �?sasone!Pm Sat ..,.,
<br /> ,f-;; . �-- --_----. � peryr; s+r�ty ApreeMan�As edd: ..�a securuy I�r thw paymeM ol the Nate,T�uatar n�+�oby g�a��+ •n:�:t
<br />- Lender under the tVQbreaka Unife?m Gemme►clal Cade a aecLriry�nterest In ell Ilxtures,equlpment,and other�so�a•,p ro;perry
<br />,'�;�;;` ���'�'; used In connectien wtrth the real estate or�mp�ove�enb imca•ted tnereon,and not otherwfae declarad or deE�tr be a part of
<br /> , ,,, ,
<br /> ' ''�' • tl�e�eal eatate secwrt�.v hereby Thie fnLtrunsent a�Ra�::0e�m�e'^�ett as a Sec��:ty Apreement under aa�d Cer6e and the Lender
<br /> ;,'�a; '" shall have ell fhe rt�l;�s and remeC�es of a sec:.re��yfl+:y.�rCm•�a�tl Code in atldltlon to the rfghts and remedie8 Crealed under
<br /> 'f, • • ' �nd acCOrded the Lender pursuant ra this Oeect�C+"•ca::S�or�C�thet Lender's rlghts artd rerred�es under thie peragrapA shall �
<br /> • be cumulaUve wlth,and In no wa�:���m�tatlo�on.�.e^CBr g r,ghcs and remedfea under any otner seCUrity ayreement s�mad by
<br /> '� i: �. 8or�ower or Trustor. �
<br /> � s ' : (�)LNns Mtd Encumb►ancN.Truetor he►eby warrants and repreaents thet there Is no delault under the proviswns ol amr
<br /> nw+t�aye,daed of Uuat,leaae or purchase contract descrfbing a11 or any part ol the Property,or other convacR�nstrum�nt or
<br />-�,.es_ • _ _ ___.�_�_u_ �W�ament oonstitutlnp a Ilen or encumb►ance agarnst au or any pert of the Property(eollectively."L�eres"►.�atsang as ot the � _
<br /> —�.=-- - ---- QsOer M thls Deed o1 Trua�a�teat any and all era�rtg L�en�remaln unmodlfied eKCept as Qfscwseo ta�eroaer rn�rusaor s �
<br /> � �; writtan df�closure of liens artd encumbrances prowaed tar hereln.Truator ahell bmely perfam a�l of Trusta's mD��ga6orts.
<br /> ,•!;. Co+Knanffi,npresentaGOns art�warranees urtGer arty an�ai i exlstfny and luture L�s.stralE promp6y laward to Lende►copres (
<br /> f, af all notfCes of delpult sent�n ennnecoon w�tri any 8nd all ex�stlnq or luture L�ens.a�d sha�l rtot w�tnaut Lender i prar wnmen
<br /> � � � � consent fn any manner moQ�iy tTe provis�ons o�or allow any luture edvences unQar�ny e��st+ng o*future L18ns. �
<br /> • Q)Applk�fo�ot PayrtMnls.Un1�otYierw�se requ�red by law,fums pald to I.enddr heraunder.intlud�np w�thout I�mdetlon +
<br /> p�yments of princlpal pnd mtorasi;�nsurance proceeds,condemnat�on proceed�end rents end prollts.ehell be applled by .
<br /> r L�nder to fhe amounte due and ounnp hom Trustor and Borrower m auch orde�ea lender�n�ts sole dlscreUOn deems desuable
<br /> (k) 8wKabNNy. N any prOvlslon ot thls Dsed o1 True4 conlhcte with appl�cable lew or is declared�nval�d or otherwiae
<br /> � �p� �s5, unenbrc�able,auch tonfl�ct or inval�drtJr shalt not aflecl the other provisons ol th�s Deed of Trust or the Note which can be
<br /> ; � . ,,:�• piven eflect wlthout fM wnfllcpnp proviWan,and to th�a end the provis�ona ol th�a Oeed ol Troat end the Note ere declared to be ;
<br /> • �P�1u
<br /> . r� MwraWe.
<br /> r-;�, .
<br /> � ' , , . �
<br /> 5'.
<br /> .
<br /> ..
<br /> , __�__._. _ _..—.- ---___
<br />