. -:I"��a �YL;,. . . -�� .'.- . . _ r,7,.
<br /> ��, ':i^� . . �.. .,�.+'.'.+ •
<br /> .�:" s _ - "
<br /> — �
<br /> ' : ` -- - _ _
<br /> Gw �, . g3� ���
<br /> �. --
<br /> .-�� 17.Tra�der ai IMo ar a Be�eAcl�l la1aro11�ew�owrr. lidl or any�ait af Uw Propeny or��iMares� in it
<br /> ;::;��.� i�r�old ar I�ansfetrad(i►r if�cial iMcrect ia Bamowe�Ic cold or tsnsfzrtod w�d&�rrow�cr ia not a naturnl ponsanl wlthout ----
<br /> _- `--- ------— _ • I.cn�br's prlor w�itle�can�em. l.endc�m�y, at its option, i�e i�m�edf�ta p�ymem in full of dl sum� s�acumd by �his —
<br /> �Y.�� Socudty InitmmeM.Nawcvcr.tUic aption sh�ll not bc exarcl�od�y l.euder if eaceicisa 1�ptohibited sy fedeol I�w iu ot the d�ta "°
<br /> '`�'"!�� of thi4 Socu�ily Inuru�t. --
<br /> ',:'{' , ;`,� ',. _. • If lrondar caercica thir option,l.cnder sFwll glve Bcirnowe�nolice oi aaeluuian.The not�oc sF�all prov�do a pe�iod ot�ut - --
<br /> , '�� , �„ � lax Ih�n 3Q dayx from tho c4te thc ra�ix i�dclivcrod or mailed within which Bc►rtnwer muu pay all wm�securod by Ihis ._,,.
<br /> - °�� �i��,�� Socudty loarument. If R�rmwrr f�i1R u►�►+�y dKxe��ms prinr m�ha capiration af Ihio periad.Le�ler oaay involra an9 reme�dl�s ..`
<br /> ,�y,��f;�;,: p�nnittod b�y Utis Sccudly Instiumait willrow furlher natioa or dern�nd on Bomower.
<br /> .- , IS. B�+owie''s Ri to itdaslrle. If Bormwer meeis ceAain r.unditions. 8orn►w•er .hrll Iwvc tt�e �ight to twve �
<br /> eafooan�N of this Sau t�y Inst�rcrq disoontinuod at any time prior la �pe arlicr uf: ta) S dayc(ar wch ather pericid ss -
<br />_ ' F.:;$��,;:. �pplkabk I�w m�y .ybcify far rcinsutanent) 6efaie sale of the Propeny pursuant w �ny puwcr oi s�le cnnuinod in �hi� -
<br /> • ,.,��' Socudty Inu�umGn:ar(b)rntry of n judgme►�t enforcing this Securky Inct�wnant.Thuso oonditions arc ih�t Bamowu:(�I p� • �-,.�
<br /> .-;� � l.ender�II sums which then would be due wbe�this 5xu�ity lectrumcat and thc Noto as if na�ooekratiao h�d occurned:�) _-_
<br /> ...Y,,,� . arcs any default of nny athc�oovcnants or�gra�neMa: fc) pryc all wepcnccs iacurrod in enforcing�his Socurity I�u�ument. '
<br /> ----�"`�.;,`t�'y:;,; ; i�cluding. but nrn limitod to. m.suanable auomeyc' fees: and(d�Wces wch x�iop a�I.ender m�y n�awn�bly roquim to assu� a;�-�
<br /> 1l�at Uie lien d'this Se�vrity Insttu�,l.ender's righis in the PropeRy u�d Borrower't abligation to pay tl►a sums secuaod b�r
<br /> —=-�``T .`�� , d�is Seai�ity lastrument sh�ll caa�inic an�hangod. Upon �einsatcment by Borrawer. Ihis Secu�ity lo�uumeat aad �M �`''•
<br /> � . obligatiaas 9eamod hercby shall remaia fuoiy effective as if no accde+ation Id aocuned.Howaver. Ihic �ht lo�oiostale s�ail -----
<br /> ,��• �-'"��� .r.` .- aotapply in Uie aac of acce0eiation under parag�ph 17. _-
<br /> .° �:�,•'• � � •�* 1 . Sde at Nole� C p�lial irt�tenes+t jn the Notc (tagethcr wi�h �his Socuri
<br /> 9 . 1wr�e o�l.a�n Servlar. Thc Nate or a �Y �
<br />;��,:•, :. .. •.; lostrument)may be sold o�:ur mare tim�s wi�F�out prior ndice w Bacrower.A sde may rcsult in a chaage in tUe entit�r(knor�a
<br /> 4 �:.-w;�'�.�.."�..;,.� �the'Loan Servicer')tf�at collccts montt�Y PaY�s due uad�ttr!!Yate aad ihis 5ocurity Insttument.Thcre also mry be ouc ��'��.
<br /> ',,� —
<br />-.r�•���� • " or mone changes of thc L,a�n Scrviar unrela�ed ta a sale of 1he NoRe.9GtMere is a change of the I.aon Serviar. Bonowrr wi01 b� ��=
<br /> -. _: �4':.r ..
<br />--;.;;��` ✓ :: given�wrimm�Mk�e nf tiw�c#uiage in aonw�danoe with puaF�1'li sYenwr a.d applicabk law.The�atice will siate�hr�ami - -
<br /> ,a{G�, �,,.���y aiWress of Ihe new[wnn Se�+icer and the r.ddresg to wlb�h pay�s should be miade. 7be notice wlll�tso uaMaia aap ather 6 =
<br /> � � ,.,',,,;.�;•�.. , ��rft►m�tion roquirod by:�gap�icabla IAw. � -
<br />�r�?{yfi� � ^•.7,:t,' •�`" 20. Hmrdons S�atr�aae+�. 8�rrower slwll nar�ac�,mr�c,rai�u�he prcsencc.use.disposal. stu�e. or�,:lexse of aay �.n�.
<br />�;i::��•• �. 7—��` ' �➢a�dous Su�a�on ov ia� Uhe'�per�y. Bartt�w�r s�a0l �c�¢�, loor�Illaw swyone else to do. anythi�g at�'�ctiug t�e -�=
<br />.''Y�.':. � i�"• _� 4 ' __
<br /> :.J ,,, :;� _,. ��.-
<br />_,�,. ��,;..`•, n �:�;< Property that is in vlolation of aay Eucvico.mrnenrol law. The prt�u;Gl'aaa,awo�enteooes shall no1 r+�ly to the pn�seooe.us�e.�or
<br /> :{;+� �. e..:..x.a_`�• stors�ge on IO�c Property of sawll quanqiuu�.s of Ha�rdous Substenca;ek�ue geae�ally r000gnir,ad ta be apprnpriwe to a�xw�Jl ��
<br /> F g a�xm
<br /> �' � , ,a,�,;�.,.:(`,`. �
<br /> . ,,..,. •r,�'s�! residcntial use�and to awiMenance af thc PropeRy. --
<br /> : ° ' � Bormwet slwll promply give I.ender wnnen ndice of any investigatfon_ ct�um,demand.lawsuit or atNer actian by nny K"��-
<br /> ° -� '� dem nd �f.,;
<br /> ' r+ - gavemmetuad ar regelatary agency or private part�involving the Property sud arc} IHI�rdous Substance or Environmental I.aw -
<br /> i: <� i fa�^•.:.'�� �.
<br />- -y 6 �„�'r,�•,,• • of which 84rrc,wer has actual knowlodge. !f Borrower learns. or is nditied by at�3•�avemmental or negulotory awhori . tla7lt �-�,;
<br /> -'�, ..,,..�'1,.�.,� ; " any removal or ather rrn'�ediation of any H�zatdous Substance affe�9iag�he P�uperly'ia neoasary,Borrower shall Promp�y ta�We
<br /> �h
<br /> :.�•�'�� '` ��ti� ':.'�`' �11 remedial xtions in accardanc.-c wilh Emironmental Law. --
<br /> �i��l,���.-� 110�ry
<br /> - _� ��r�,� J As usod�n lhis pfragraph 10. "Haznrdous 5ubata�ces° ane tiiosc subs�ncxa�iensneti as toaic a�hararw'�a�ubs��ces by -
<br /> ' ,, ;. i j ��� ' Environmenwl Law aad the following substances: :ga.ealine. kerosene, dkr it�aru:nable or toxic pctroleama p�wducts, toaic �
<br /> ' '��'i �sticides and he�bicides. volatile solvenls, materials�t�ar�:aining as6estos or fomrw��1�:.�'hy�dr.and r.,�?ioar�3v�e p�:�:�ri�:;.As usod ia ��:.
<br /> ,'; :, ,;'���•.����1•'�I+„
<br />'-�, �. -,»„���. ,,�'�;?�:�,':::�:"�+; �ielataata I��. safM�nor envi�iu►�m�entcil���onede�al lawr and laws of the jurisdiction wlmre�he�Prap�rcy i, �ucaud �hat �-.
<br /> n
<br /> _nce�t� ��' u�_ i;,r6 wnn!-LRulFOP.!!�!COYE[�!1P!'['S.M!t„V+er rnd!NrvlPr fi�rthrr h�urnant r�nd aaret as follows: ._y
<br /> '� � • , ��.�"�� �.. 21.Aaoderatloni Remedks.�nua����t��na�eo e�+�.���- �or a�ood�a�rouo�son+m�ver's brcach ��
<br /> ` , ���, �' o� �ey eovenaat or ag�+eemmt In thls Savrity In9trument l�l not prbr W acoeleration onderp�r�g��p6 17 unless �';��
<br /> itiS�' :.`�',
<br /> i��•`�: • k�a61e Irw vldes olherwlsel. 7Le nolice slwll s i . i�11��de6ult; r+e9uf r e d the ddaWt;
<br /> - �� "`!"" �,r''` �PP� P�'o P�3" (b1 t4e actbn to cu�+e °��,.�
<br /> �� . ;; � (c)a dste.not le�tMn 30 days tro�n tl�e d�te the notice is Rlvea�to Borrowa, by wWch tbe de/ault wust be cur+ed: aod r„`
<br /> ,:� .��=`�.
<br /> �'�;.. ,; " � ,., (d! Uiat fallur+e to cure tbe detauU on or betore the date specutk�f� ia the natloe may nsult ia aooda�aHon ot tbe sume �'-
<br /> t :��d},"�.` • oenr�d by Ihl�Securtty Inst�ana�t aad sale of the Proper#v. 'e'tlez aotke sWll ��uther inform Bonower ot the�6t to �":zi:;
<br /> �' , • � rei�fate aRer aooderation and tbe rfght to bring A Goure t�t�n to asmt U�e non�xirtence ot a default or ony otber �r%`;:r_
<br /> an
<br />�►�;.� �r r��'; ��..� ,. ddence of Bore+nwer to aoaeleratbn and sale. IP tl�c�eTa�ld 1s twt cnred oa or befare the date specified io t6e sutla. .:;�::
<br /> 1,�'_ �...• . .; l.eoder.at its opbn�may uire iromediate paywerst ln �'u�l�l of all sums secuned by Ihts Security I�stnuna4t wit6out :�^_,
<br /> i,�.�• .ai►.� �.. .°�+'�y':�, tYurther demAnd iund owy invo Ihepower ot sWe a�Q nz�;v otQaer a�meaks pa�mitted by ApsdlcAbk law. l.ender sha116e ��r�;<.
<br />;�.+.. . � ;.� ^ti�'�. estitled ta'eofi3eet all expences iacumed'��ursuiug t�ve rern�tie.c p�+e�vided In t6is para�rapli�A.�adudla�.but not Ymited "�,
<br /> ' ��:���� .1�':���' to,rasotuibie a9taroeys'feea and casts�op 9ftle evideMe. �,,,
<br /> :.,,,`� �..';ii;',�,. ' If We qpaarer dt es�0e is iovokaY.�'atietee slwll reeord a trt�e ot dei'rauMt �each coun�M ia w6kb s►n�p�rt oi t6e ��4'�
<br /> ` �„'1�`�'��;'i'.�i�� �'�p�+*y is Oacs�¢e�awtJ s�s�99 rn�il eopks ot s�rch noNae in the rns+ruur prescrl�ed by applka�ile law W btorrawer and to ti'�
<br /> �` .:
<br />�!�s �'='`.. �� ' �;":':
<br /> . °,, ' �t,,�.���'�� t the other p�pntsca�i�adl b applkable law.ARer the tirne�tqulted by applicabk law.Ttvstex sball give publk oolioe a ,
<br /> ,t�t� �. �k;,s����sw�,��}'���t�r, ot s�le to the�s�o�A�I d�4�marmer pnscribed by applicable 1aw. Tn�stae w(t6out dem�ad on BoR+uwer sb�ll cdl 4�`
<br /> � . . , �':f
<br /> ,.,,.:s,;,� �, r. `�":t`:,�. tYe Prnpa�ty aIt Publk aax1sap to Ihe 6i�h�st bidder at the Nme And place and under lhe lerms design�ted fa tbe notice ot ,:;,,:
<br /> { . ,' '.''`''� �•�•, sde In one or more,,�.,,,�1� and in am order Tn�stee delermines. Tn�tee mo sole of all ar an oi fde
<br />:_::::;;�.. r.f,f:Y{:�5: M"� Y P�P� nY P�rcel �
<br />��,��t ..�` k. �`;� Prope�i� 6' publk anna�+r►canem �il t�he time w�d�.laoe ot ony previaisly�Wed sWe. Lender ar��s d�nee moy _._
<br /> i_ �� � °' •y,.;:�Y:f' �!vIQ PIOpllty�il�y'SY�e. • —
<br />_'�'.t` ���-.'.. r�i
<br /> �,YI� J��� _ .. � :,a.
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