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<br /> . ,i
<br /> ,� , .,.
<br /> � .--. • „ , . � ,.. _. �� .. .
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<br /> ., _.. . .. ... ...
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<br /> .., .......----__....__ ... ..___.._.. . . :
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<br /> ° 994 ���i�o �
<br /> ;.
<br /> � 17.Trnnsicr of thc Ftopecty oP n Beneficinl Interest in Bflrrower. If a11 or an�•part of chc Propeny or uny imcres► in i�
<br /> •is sola or ttunaferred ior if nhcneficial lntcrest in Sorcower is s�ld ar�rBnsfcrscd and�ormw�er tc no�:,nawrat person► wnhout �:
<br /> 1.ender's pri:,r wptten cuasent, Lender may. at its option. requjre immediate payment in full af aii aums securcd by� th�s ' �ry�,=
<br /> • Securicy Insirument. However. chis option shatl not be exercised b�� I.ender if exercise�s prohibited b�• federal la��• asof the date ,.
<br /> . of this Secudt��Instrument.
<br /> ' If l.ender exercises this opcian,l.ender shall �ve Borrower notice of acceleration.l'he notice shall pravide a }xnod of nat
<br /> � less than 30 days from the date the notice is del�vered or mailed within which Borrower must puy all surns secwed by this _
<br /> . Secu�iry Instniment. li Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to th�expiration of this period, Lendet may Invakc any remedies
<br /> , permitted by this Sectuity Iastru►nent without fuMer notic�or demand�n Burrower. --
<br /> ° 18. Horrower s Rt�ht to Rel�rstute. It Bonower meets certain conditions. Borrower s6a11 have tt►e rigQt to have
<br /> �� ��,J' enforcement of this Securiry lnstrument dtscontinued at any time pr�or to the earlier of: la) S days (or such otber�eriad as .
<br /> ��,,.,� applicable law may specify for reinstacemenU before sale of the I'ropen�� pursuant to any power of sale concained in this _
<br /> Secutiry lusuvment; or tb�entry of a judgmenc enforcing thfs Security Insnument. Those conditions are that Bocrower: lal pays
<br /> Lender aii sums which then would be due under this Securit)• Inscrument and the Note as If aa acceleratton bad ouuned; (b►
<br /> cures aa�•default of any ather covenanu or agreements; (c) pays all exgenses Incurred in enforcing this Securtt��InstNment.
<br /> includln�.b�n not limited to, reasonablc a[tomeys' fees; and(d) takes such action as Lender may reasonably require to assure
<br /> tQat the lien of this Securiry Inscn�ment. Lender's r��hhts in the Property and Borrower's obligatlon to pay the sumc secured b�•
<br /> tbis Securiry lnstnuneni ahall continue unchanged- Upon reinsu�temeat by Borrower, thts 5ecuriry InstNmeat aad the =-
<br /> , obligations secured hemby shall remain fully effective as if no acceleration had otcurred. However,this rlght to reN�seate s6a11 ;
<br /> noc apply in the case of acceleration under paragraph 1�• ''"
<br /> � 19. Sale ef Note; cC[�uzge of l.ean 3ervicer. The Note or a partial iateresc in the Note (to�ether with Utis Sxurity �:
<br /> ,'�' lnstntmem)may be sold one or mom times without prior notice to Ba�aower.A sale may result in a change in tbe endry(tmowa _--
<br /> - as the•l,e��vlcer"?tt►at cc�llects monthiy paymena due un der t he N o t e a n d t h i s S e c u r lty l n strument.Them also ma y be one __
<br /> ' or iaare chaYtgPS of the Loaa S�rvicer uarelated to a sale of the Note.If there is a change o f the Lo�Sxrvicer,Borrower wilt be =
<br /> '�"' given written rtotice of the change Ia accordaace with Para�raPh 14 above and applicable law.The notda�e will state tlue nawe and _4
<br /> ° , addzess of the new Loan Servicer aad the address [o w�4�ich paymeata should be tnade. The notice�vnll also contain any other
<br /> 9nfoimatina reqwred by applicable law. �rii�-`
<br /> sal, storage. ar a�Iease of an�. °'^•.
<br /> 20. H�rsrdous 3ubstarices. Borrower shap not�use or permit the presence,use,dispo .��:--=
<br /> '� Haznrdous 5u�stances on or in the Properry. Bomower shall nos do. nor allow anyonc else to do,anything affectin$ t1►e i:s�;'�
<br /> , property tha?is in violation of any Environmental Law. The preceding cwo seatences shali not�pply ro the presence,use,P7 �5�__
<br /> scorage on the Property of amall quantiti�of Hnzardous Substances tbat am geaerapy rerogni.��to he appmpriate co aorm�l ±.�
<br /> residencial uses and to maintenance of the Rroparty.
<br /> �r c
<br /> ° Hormwer shall promptly sive Lender wrttten notice o!'any investigation, claim,demand, lawsuit or other aafon by any a1'r♦_
<br /> . govetnnteau►1 or c�e�ulatory a�ency or prevate party imolving the Property and an�• Q�Ila�ardaus Substance or Enviroamentat Law �,,,;:
<br /> ° y�� a{wb;�gonower has actuul kno�vledge. [f Borrower leams,or is notified by any govemmatial or regulatory autdorlry that
<br /> �� aa;resr.a:�s:ar a�r s� �a*;�,n�t am•Haaardous Substance affettInS�e ProPetty ia necessa►y.Borrov�er shall promptly teke
<br /> all necessary remedial actions ia accordance wjth Envimnmencal Law.
<br /> ps used in this paragraoh 20. "Harardous Substances" are those substances �afined as toxic or hazardous substances by
<br /> Envitonmental Law and th: Foliowu�g substances: s�mline, kerosene. other flanuaable or toxic peuoleum pratucts, coxic �`
<br /> �,_VT,;,;,w.n,, ,' pesctcides aad herbicides.volacile solvents,materlals conzaiaing asbestos or formaldehyde,and radioactive materials.As used in
<br /> � thts parngra�h 20, 'Eaviroamencal Law" means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Progerty is bcated that
<br /> __�.;.,.�:-,. relaca co tw.a�tb,safety or envi:+onmen[al pmtection.
<br />-,�, ��4•tw:•::�. ' IVON•UI�{IFORM CUYENANTS.Barrower and L,ender furtber coveasu�t aad agree as folios�ys: ._
<br /> >"' • tl.Accederatian:IIg��die5.Lender shall give nottce to Borruwer prior w acreleratl��Qm77mcving IIorroxer's breach
<br /> ".::+. .:.�a. ,m..�,.
<br /> o! any oove�ant or r��ent in thls �ecurity Ivstrament (bat not prlor to ooeeleratl�n undet parugraPh 17 anless �:c:;.-:
<br />- �` ' BPPUrsble ls�w�rovides atberwLse).The aoticr sbali specify: (a)We default;Q�)¢Qte ucttam n�equired to cure the defuutt; ��::_;.
<br /> "!:'.' (c)a dRte�m„4 p�s than 30 days from the date t6e aotice is given to Borrower,by w6IcP��ih�defnWt must bs cu�ed;�md ..
<br /> 1,;;�,;;,,.;:_;. (d)that taitw�e to aere!he dd�ult on or before the date spe�i6led in the nottoe msy ce�mlGc fin uoceleratiou of the eanqws
<br /> �_-_.:�.�. secured by thls SecudtY lastrument and sstte of the Pro{�erty. 1�Y notice shadD[�urther in�fmir�m Bomnwa of tipe dgt+4 Rac
<br /> _.-��-;;��� �nstatc after noceleratlon end We r�ght Yo bring o aowt actfoa to sssert ¢DeE aoa�xistena of a default or smy other =
<br /> �°���°"�;.�'� def'ense ot Bore�nwer to'aa�leratton and sale. If the detnult is not cnred on or before We date speciEled in the not[ce. N__
<br />--�=��-• Lender.et Its optton.may require immealate paymrat in fnll of all sums secured by tWs Securtty Io�rumeat witliout
<br /> "�-=r'�;;.;. tuither demand aad may invoke the power of sale and aa�ot6er remedles perm[tted by opplic�6le Is�v.Le�der ahnfl�Oe
<br /> _�r::I �..: entlUed to collat a1i exQmses incnrred in purauirag the r�►edies provided in t6�s paragra�21.facl�cdQag.but aot I[mSted _
<br /> �' ,�:_.� to.reasonable attorneys'tees u�ed oms3s m?tltle evideace.
<br /> - ,' '' ' i'i[We power of saie t3 iavolc¢�, '31�stee shall reoord e nottce of defaWt In e�ch aannty in which auy part oT the _
<br /> �l,``' pr,npaty fs losated an�shuU mintl co�es of such motice in the monner pressdbed by ap�Clicable!ew to B�rrower and to �a;:,
<br /> - w.,. _..., ;��
<br />_-:=-'e==::. the ott�er ps�sons prrsarlbeel by ap�s�bte 18w.AJter the tl�e r+equtred by appltcable law.Tkabstee sbull gia�publEc notice
<br /> _��-_�
<br /> - � o!sale to L'b��sana and in the ma��r pr+es�ribed by'aPPlicable law.Trustee.witliout demond on Bomower. s6a11 se11
<br /> ,.:�"".""`:'� ihe A,opertq�at publlc a�Eon to the hi�hrs!blddea at thc time and plaoe an8 uader tt�e terms designated in the notice at _
<br /> -�''--'
<br /> --'�=�eY_�••.,�� sale in oae or taare p�ds and in en�•order TnLStee d�erminesti Tc�estee ma�•postpoae sWe of all or any oarcel of tD�e
<br /> °-= f,ttniic o��uxnr.wutisii �i Qet� �: a:s3�•.:cc cf�••°gr•,�••�t��•�t.�s.� �t�. loeder �r it4 dcsl,pnee may
<br /> --_ ___ �g�1y 6J t E.�
<br /> � �, p�u+chase the Pr�op�ty at any smle. �-
<br /> �� „ ' � '
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