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<br /> ' 'i'QOETHBR WITH nll the lmprovementa now oe hcrcufter cr�cted on tha propcny, nnrJ nll c�scm�nts. appurtennnces,and -
<br /> «" fixtures now or hereufter a pare of the praguny. Ait rept�ce�ncuta iutJ mtulUuiis hh�it .,lfia tse c�svewc! by this �^curit; —
<br /> instrument.All of the foteAoinB la rcfened to in this Scsuriry Instrumcnt ns thc°Propcny."
<br /> BOI�RO«!BR COV�NAN'fS thAt Bortower is law[ully seised of tho estnte hereby cnnveycd tutd htu tha dBht to grant nnd
<br /> ' convey the Pcoperty And thut the Prop$rty ia unencumbeccxl.escept for encumbrertces ol record. 8oreower w�urants cuid wjll ,.
<br /> ' defend genetnlly the title to tEce Propercy n8uinst nl1 cln(ms und demnnds.eubJxt to nny crtcumbrartces of record.
<br /> THIS SECURITY iNSCAUMENT combines uniform covennnts for�r,tlonnl use artd non•uniform cov�nants with limited �
<br /> ��„ ' �° vuriutions by jurisdiction to conatltute a uNform secudty lnstcument covering rru{prupe�iy.
<br /> " UNIFORM COV�NANTS.�orrower and Lender covenant und ngree:►+fotlows:
<br /> `� �=�� 1. Poyment of Prlttcipal nnd Irtexes4; Prepnyment w►d �sto Cluugcs,Borrowcr ehal! promptly pay whcn due thc °.
<br /> -;;;;:,,:� , .
<br /> �' �? prtncipal of and ittterest on the debt evidenced by the Note and uny prepuyment and late ch�rges duc under the Notc. -
<br /> ...
<br /> ' 2.Ftinds for Tnxes nnd ImsvruRCe.Subject to applicable inw or to n w�itten waiver by I.ender.Barrower shall p1y to
<br /> Lender on the day�aonthly paymenta ere duo under the Note.untit tha Note ia pald in t�ll.u sum("Furtds") for. (a)yearly taxes
<br /> and assessments wbich may nttain pr[ortty over this Securlty Instnrment as a Ilen on tiie Propecty:(b)yeariy leasehold payments ��
<br /> �t or ground rents on the Property.if any: (c)Yearly hcizsM or property lnsuranoe premiums:fd)yeariy fload insurance premiums. ° _
<br /> � i if any:(e)Yearly mortgago inaurancc preadw�ns,if uny; and(�any sums payn6le by Bonower to Lender. in acco:dauce�vlth �,;
<br /> �� the provisians of paragraph�,in lieu of the payment of mortgnge inawattce pc+endums.These itema ure cu7led"Fscrow Items." --
<br /> � :, Lemder may, at aay time, callect and hold Fuads ia an umouat not to excee� �he ma�cimum amount a lender for n federnlly �.;,,�
<br />- _ �.�� related mortgage loan may require for Borrower's escrow account under ttre fcdetal Renl Estato S�ttlement P�ures Act of
<br /> 1974�s amendell fmm time to dme,12 U.S.C.Section 2601 et seq. ('RESPA'),unlesa nnother luw that upplies to the FTunds
<br /> ' � set� a lesset amom�z. IIk so. Lender m�y,ut any time,coUect and hold Funds in ua amount not to excee� tbe tesser am.ount. �
<br /> I,ender�n�}r esnmatE e�e amouat of Funda due on the basis of curcent data aud re�sonablo eatimates ot expendItur�p of future
<br /> Hscro�v Ili�ns ar otheiwtse in ano��d:�e wIth applicable law. —
<br />'� • 77ia Funds shall be held im�an inatitution whose deposits ere insured by a federal agency. insaumeateltty. or endcy
<br /> � (iacludin�i.ender.if Il�nder is su�h au instttationj or in aay Federal Horae Loam Bunk.I.ender ahail apply the Funda to pay the
<br /> Fscn►w Items. Lender�may not ch�rge Borrower for hotding aad applying eLe Fwds.annua�ly anuly�ing the acrow account,or
<br /> �� n•' . verifyIng the Escrow items.tmless d.ender pays Horrower intece�t on the Fuads aad appllcable lav�permtta x.ender to make auch
<br />� a chnrge. However. L,eader may�eguire Borrower to pay a o�e�-dme charge for an independent resil esuue tax repostu►8 ssHtce
<br />�; usQd 6y dender ia coanectton �vitb thia loaA, unless applicable law provldes otheiwise. Unless an egeeement is uxtde or -
<br /> .. " ��. . applicabls law requir�s iaterest to be paid,Lender shafl not be cequired to pay Bcrrower any lnterest or earaings on the Funds.
<br /> �` _:,._ . Bornower nnd Leader may agree in writiag,however.that iaterest shall be paid oa the Fuads. I.ender sha11 give w Borrower.
<br /> �,: �.�°�: � without chazge�an annual accoundng of the Funds.showiag credits and debits to fie Funds and ihe pui� t�r whlch� °
<br /> ;•��-:�,;���,,�-; � , debit to ehe Fuada was made.'fhe 1Funds are pledged as additic+�nal securlry for�11 awns secured by this Securtty[astnuneat.
<br /> - �,:��;;�+`;':��r? a lf the Fuada held by Lendes�rcoeed the amounts Permitte{I ao be held by appltcabla Iaw.Lender ahall a000unt to Borrower
<br />:k�.:'��f'.;S itf:I
<br /> �:�• for the eacess Funcla fai aexordamcs wtth the�'e4uirements of appllcable law.If the amount of the Funds held by Lender at nny
<br />"'�`�'".' •` time ls not eufftcie�tY sa�paY the�scrow Items when due.Lerder may so nodfy Bomower ln wrlting.and,in sucli c�se Bortower
<br /> Y,,,•�.�.,;�.
<br /> =��.;�;;! � shall psy to Lender ufi�amount necessary to mnke up the deflciency.Borrower shall make up the deflcienry in ao mo�e thon
<br />_���•r+�r: twelve monthly paytnenta.at I.es��er's sole discretlon.
<br />"""�-`'f'°� Upon payment in tWl of sil sums secured by this Sac�riry Instn�ent. Lacdt�shalt pmmpdy refund to Bonower aay
<br /> ._:��.;� �J Funds held by Leader.If.under psragraph 21.Lender shall acquire or seli�de Property. Lender.prior to tha ecquisidon or eale
<br /> �r;,�,g of We Preperty.shall apply uny Funds held�ny L,e�der at tbe time of acquieition or sale as a credit aguiast t6ee snms secured by
<br />�==_��":,�:NA-- this Secutiry llasuument.
<br /> ����� �S.�►plleattoa oi Pnymeui.s.Ualess applicable law pmvldes othecwise,r�.11 paymenta meived by Leader under parc�gcapha
<br /> ��,__;.�� 1 and� shall be applied:firat,t�m�y prepayment charges due under the Plote;sccond. to amounta payable uttder paragraph 2;
<br /> _ -�:���o third,w tateY+est duo;founh.to princtpat due;and last.to aay late charges due uuder tho Note.
<br />°=- 4. �hargts;i11�j$orrower shall pay all taxes.assessments.char�a, fines aud imposidons attcibutable to We Property
<br />=K��"„�x� Wy��g�y���yjn�:y!baet t2�is S�uiry Insuument. and leasQhold trnyncenta or ground rent�. if any. Borcowu shall pay
<br />�y.�.
<br /> —=°1�� thesc obli�atlons in the iaannrr g�ovtded ta ParagraPh 2.or if aot pa[d W thet manner.Bortower shall pay¢hem on tIme y
<br />�---Y � to the person owed payment.���sower shaU pmmpdy fumisl►to I.eader all anttaea of a�wunta to be paid uadcr this pamgmgh. --
<br /> ' �- If Bomower makes these paymemts dic�xtlY.Borrower shall pmmpdy ttunis6 to Lender c�eceipts eviden�eInE the�ay�t�ents.
<br /> ,,:��:=':�� Bornower shall pmm�dy disshnrge any�nnn which has priority over dila Se�urlry Iusttwn�ent uat�s Bo:rower: (a)$gne�in
<br />--����=:�:,� writing to the payment of the obligadan secua�ed by tue lien in a manner acapt�lile to Lender:(b)oantests in gaod�'aith the Ilen _
<br />�'�=�' hy, er defends ecainst enfa�ement of the lien in, leg�l proceediaga wbt�h ia the I.ender's opinion operate to prevent ehe
<br /> ��s��'.""� eniore�ment of the lien;or(c)s�snres from che hoider ci c�m tieu oL+��me�t satisfaccary co t.es�der uir.��linat:n�Qc�2ku w _..,.
<br />_;%;'r;��•., Te."R' C TIl _
<br />,_,«:ti�.��:�_�. this Securlty instcument. If LenSer detem►inc�that any pnx�of ttes Pcopeity is subjoct to a lien which may auutn priority over -
<br />��-� �•-�:-:.:.: this Securicy Insua�msnt,Lender may glve Borrawer a notice idendtying tivs lien. Bon+owa sha11 satisfy�he lien or talce one oti _
<br /> : .x :..::�> � —
<br />� • .. � .-�' more of the actio�s set fonh above within lm c�aya of the givin�of notiae. _
<br /> •'�•.�S'��� � r FMfl1$aa8 Q�$0 -
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