-�_'_-e-T Y� . . i� �.� _
<br /> .� . ..�l1\'._ . I . fl .
<br /> � . • .�•'h dd`dC'�i1 -4 .. .
<br /> 1 '�� +� . u i� I��iv�s. ... - -' -- --_.'
<br /> 'i � "a.c .
<br /> .. . Y.n._�..v.n.ir.nc..:....�l:w�
<br /> = 10�1iA8
<br /> - - � ' �ppUc�blo hw m�y s�{+ocify f�roinst�temcnq bcfore s�le ai�he Prop�crJY Parsu�nt�o any�wc�af sule can�ainod in ttdF --
<br /> Securiry Inmume�N:ar lbl anlry pr�judgmeM eoforcing Ihia SawUy�t. 71�+ce cot�dilians are�Iw���rrow�r lal
<br /> -- - - ipY= l.tt�dcr All wtns which tlirn would ba duo umkt lhia Securky In�an�ment �ses incurtcd inieniurci� �Secu� �_
<br /> • oocumed;(bl curos�ny dci'alt of any dher coven�nta or+�groementa:lel paY pens o8 Y
<br /> _ -- locaument.inelwling.but na limilal lo.macanwble AtM�moys'fees: �nd Idl�akea sueh aclion u.c Lende�may rc�+sawbly
<br /> - � roquiR to�ssu��hu�he lien of�his Secu�i�y losqun►ent.Lcnder5��iphtx in the Pmperty wid&xrowMk uMig�ion�o pay �he
<br /> ' cum� securod by Ihis Setu�ity insttument shall conUnue unch�nged. Upon rrcfns�utement by Burmwer, thi� Securily
<br /> h*� , ."� Insaumrnt�nA the obiigalians Roeuted hercby ahwll rcm�ia iully efitctive as if��u ucc�:kratk�►it�t acured. Itnu�ct,tliis --
<br /> -_-- -- -- -- -- riAFll to reimtate chall not a�ly in�he case ot Acceleration under puagraph I�.
<br /> �:=
<br /> 19. Stie d Ndei CI�nQe o�I.o�n Sawicer. The Nde or spartial inte�e�l in d�e Nc►te(lagelher with �his 5ecunry �
<br /> � �.Y Insuumenq rtwy be sc►Id one a morc time�wi�hau�prior naice to Borraw•er. A sale mAy rexuU ia u chaogr in tt�e eniity Ea.;_
<br /> (knawn u tbe"L.wn Servica�"1 thnt collects manthiY p�ymen�s due under�f�e N�te and thi�Securily In�.�rument. Therc alw =--
<br /> � ' � '� may be one ar mac changes of the I.o�a�Servicer upnelatalla a wle of the Notc. If th�:re ix u change af thc l.oan Serviccr. �.;
<br />:.���'. ,.,� . Bormwer wfll be given written notice of�he change in�cco�dance wi�h pnmgrnph 14 alx�ve uod applicubl�low. The natke
<br /> - _ '' F- � Wrill suue the name and addresx of�hc new L.oan Servicer and Ihe s►ddresA�o whirh puyment��haukl be made. '1?�notke will �_
<br /> ��?:v� '�: < Also eoNain u►y o l her i l l fomtul foll requ i re d by upp l kA W C 1#w. ��:
<br /> - '--r,r��;• �' ZIi, Nwrdoas Snbslwnces. Bamawer sA�ll not cause or permit thc prcsence,use.disponal,swrage.a�cicase d'aury
<br /> -�- *«• '" Hazardous Substaares an ar la d�e Propehy. Borrower stsall na dc�,nor ullaw smyone eMe a db.any�hing afl'ecting the �
<br /> ==_— ' �'r,, , p�operty tha�is in violalion of any Envirom�ental L.aw. The p�eoeding lwo sentences chall nat Appiy to Ihe pm9ence.use,or �::
<br /> m� �
<br />'`'�`� • + staage on the Pmperty of small quanti�ies oi N�z�dous Subcwnces�hat are generally recag�ized w be�ppopriate ta oom�al �'`�
<br /> j . ,� ,..`. 2;;�-.
<br /> t_�n t residential uses a�d ta majdenance oi'1he Pr�operty. �x�:°
<br /> -� ';�y';:,:�L" Bumuwer shall pnomp�ly give I.eMer wtinen aotica of any imestigalion,claim,demaad,lawsui�ur ather oction by uny "�"'°'
<br /> _`��s�:c.w� govemme�tal or rcgulatory ngency or private p�ny lnvolving the Prope�ty and any H�zAr�iuu,Sub�uunce or Enviranmentul �'..
<br /> �� Law of which Sarower has actuul knuwkdge. IP Botrower Ieams, or is notificd by �ray govemmental ar reguletaxy
<br /> .ulinuily.�i�a�any rernaval a uli�rr�n��diatiuu oi'.ui}tia:,udous Substsnct at9'sciiog Qa:P�n�rrty is necessary.Normwer
<br /> �.f '-;s s,hall pmmptly take all neoessary nemedial actions in a�.��rdar�cc wilh Environmemul Law. . .
<br />"�!��' `'� ����`� ` As us�1 in ihis �a 20,"HazaMaus Subx�ancrs"arre�hose substwtces defined ux�oxic or Iwzurylous•�uF,�;tance� t+y " "
<br /> ��,. ���ii:�,t,:• P�F P� e
<br /> :f��; (� �ti. E�vi�atal l.aw and the followin g url�slnnces: gnwlinc,kerosene.�ther tlammnble or laaic pcuoleum pr•rr3ucts.�oaic -�
<br />';y.;, f' .�• ��+ pesticide� ua.� rterbicides, valatile sa0aent;,mnteriuls containing asbeslos or formnldehyde,aml radioactive materiAls. Ax �
<br />-:,,��:- '�,�•;�E u�ed in th;s p;us�g�roph 20."Envi►onmen�a9l.aw"meun.federul laws and laws of�he juribdiction where�hc P�openy is loauzd �;�._
<br /> , ��r,;,. - �
<br />- :�.�(�';t.'•' u�at�clate to health.safetv ur enviranmentnl protectilon.
<br /> ���� ti`�"� . NON-UNIFORM C(2V�NA(V'fS. Born�wer ur��li.�uxler funhcr cavenunt und ugrce a�1'o11oN•s: ��?
<br /> `` , � 21. Acce4ratloa: Rennedies. l.eader slwll R�s•�aotke to Borrnwer prlor to acceleraAao Followiog Borro�rer's �;;:
<br /> - ,;•..:;c;.�"".� ' breacb of'Any coveoant or agreement in tbL�Secntity Inslrument Ibut not prior lo accele�ation under paragraph l7
<br /> . ..,ti�` -,�-':° uoless appttcabk law prorides othervvlsel. The nMia slwll speciiy: lal the detAUlt;161 tl►e�crt�lon requircd te curo tbe �_
<br /> ..: d e f p u l t;l c)a d a t e.e o t k s s t l�n 3 0 dA ys�rom thc l0ate tAe notke i�given lo Borrower.by w•�ich the defpuk must be —
<br /> .,�,-_
<br /> � � >'''�s - cored;and Id)thAt�ailurr b cuee the default on ur before the date speciiied in the notice mAy resuit in accete�iiun ui
<br /> , •'��� - .� YOa�e sua�secured by tb8s Srca�ity Inslrument ant�:;;ale ot the Property. The rMwice shall turther i�ior�Dorrower of i;�;
<br /> :,k. ;,...: " y
<br />_��� �:�, `"�, �:;�.�r• � 1i�e right to reinstAte aYS�r�acceleration pnd Ihe righl to brin�a rnurt action t�a nsserl the non-exi.ctence of A default ar �,�;_:�:
<br /> ..! .,' 6x;'^_�
<br />.,;��,f C�•�? s���dher defense of Borrawer to Acceleratfon and sale. If!he detpult is nd�caer�ed on or bef4re the date sgiecii�ed Iw =.
<br /> �.��,.. ,:.• , •u:`�*
<br /> -;;_;,r tP�t AaUc�e.9:e nder at its option mpy reqwire immediale pAyment iw t�w11 of aii sna,ms securedl f��tb�SecurHy Qa►st�aao�wt
<br /> - ,�� ,.•a;:'�^ '• w3o4��u� o'�ur'tiaer demand and may d�va�ce the powrr ut sale Aa�y any other rcmedit�c ;rcrmitlet! by applicubte la�, ��'.`:?
<br /> -.�" �� :�'%�?•%�� aender s'hnll be endtled lo collect alY ex nses incnr�ed in ursuin t6e reme�l)rs rov�d in this o�a a h 21 `�'�
<br /> ��1 : .' Pe � P Q P pa it�' P � `ti.;:;.:
<br /> - , � ��r�,�Y�''p, ,.;�,`� Includiag.but not Ilmited to.reaxonable altorneys fi�es and custs of tille evideta��e. �
<br /> . .�• •�.•:•�.:.. ��'� $
<br /> ,. 4 If 14�e power oP ss►le Is invoked.T�ustec shall�ecord a aolke uf default in euch cwaa�8}•1�whkh uny pa�i at�he �
<br /> - � •�•� ":�;;',�{<<�;, Property Is tocated Aad stu�ll mail eqpKS c►t such nutice in the munner prescribed by�ppSdzAb4a�aw to�nrrower ancD t� �`_"
<br /> '� the othe� r�ans rescribed b A flrab1c luw. ABer the time r uired b s� Ikable i�r�v,�fi�u.gtee�hu�1J !�e ut�lic �'`
<br /> :� ,,.�. �.:.- pe P Y PP �1 Y PP � � P � :
<br />_b �.y•r.��•, notice of su�e to Ihe pensons and in�t1r�e munner prescribed by applicable law 7Yustee.wi��houo demamd��o Borrower, ,
<br /> - . , ���,,, 4,' �shall seN the Propeny at pubtic auction to the highesl b(dder At the time and pl�ce and under the terms c��slg�let9 in U��:�
<br /> ,...;:
<br /> = � j a:�;�_� � . � thc nMke of'sule In nne nr more parcels pnd in Any urder'I�ustee determinrk �'ruslee may postpone rn1e o7'u9J+tr Am ,f.�:::
<br /> `�`." '�` ''t'�,; �" � parcel oP lhe PropeNy b;�public nnnouncement At tfie lime and pl�ce of�n�.p�Viouslv schwlukd wdp. �.endrr ar its ��;..
<br />.���� ��,� � deslQaee mAy purchase the Pmperty at any sole. �`�.`-
<br /> � ����"��° Upon receipt of payment uf the price bid.7lrustee shall deli��er lo Ihe�urc��►ti��Trusa�ee's deed conveying the °"s�
<br /> '�1"; •-,,;,}� �:;:. a�`�:°. Property. The recitals in the 7lrustee's deed shall be prlma facie evldence ui tNae truth nb'�lic+��aletnents mpde thereia. �S.
<br /> ��':'t�•"• 7lrustee s6a11 apply Ihe proceeds ui the�le in lhe following order: lal to ull c�s�s und expenses oP exercisin�{the puw•er '�-
<br /> ��` 4� �` '�;,,;'`.'��!'�i.i. '_
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