}', •, ,..�ti.:ttw;M:, i�++�.- .
<br /> , . '� �V'� ^.4..�4 M' � --
<br /> '/ ' y . . . .. . _ _ .. _ .
<br /> - ! . . .,� _,�------
<br /> .,1 - -_�-"'`� �• i0!'lA8
<br /> �
<br /> '.' 1i0(3fs7l�&R Wfl'H�I 1l�e improvemrnts nuw ar hereafler ettctod m Ihe propnty,and all es�emenls.�pputtenwncev,
<br /> _— _ �nd fiatura oaw ar henatler a par�oi�he pmperty. All rcpl�us md additians stWl also be covaed by this SecuNty
<br /> - —.'� lomwnau. All of the faregoi�is tefan^d w m Ib�s Socurity Lu�trurneru a�1irc"P�n�pe�ty..
<br /> BOltROWBR COV�NAIV7'S1tuu samnvaet is I�w(ully�eissd uf'tt�e eslate hcrcby ca�veyed and has the tight to grant
<br /> �:�:±, �+ and conv�ey ihe Pro�a�Y and Ihiu�loe Pmp�eKy is unencumbened.except fa encumbtances of acurd. Baruwer wartant�snd
<br /> �"'�' will defend ger�lly�he titk to�he Propatty against dl claim�snd dc�wndc.subjcct to any encumb�ues o(recard.
<br /> . ..
<br /> ��� — THIS SECIJRI'fY INSTRUMENT rnmbines uniform rnvenwnts lor mtional use w�d nun-wdWrm covcna�qs wi�h -
<br /> ,y�-'�� liaitcd variations by Jurisdiction to conttitute�unifiKm securiry inF�n�menl cove�ing rcat pro}�eny.
<br /> UNIPORM C�OVENAN7'S. Bamower and I.et�der cavenant+�nd agree as fallaw�:
<br /> � 1. g��t W Prindpsl aad lattresti�M!`���pd 1.1ite Ch�r'gec. Hortower blwll prontP��Y PaY whe�t due 1he -
<br />---- -- I priac�of uid intemst an�he debt avidern.�od by tt�e Note and any prepAymeut und lae charges due under the Note.
<br /> �....'��i F�far 7Mxes aad Incdrnaca SubJect to applicaMe law or�o a written waiva by L.ender.Bexrower slwll p�y to
<br /> —__==.�.•�.-;;r�a-�ec:�i I.axkr on the day rnanthlY PaY�nts Anc due under thc Note.uMil�he Note ie paid in full.a sum 1"F'vnds"1 for:lal Y�9
<br /> _ '���L,�,�, �_ taxes md ssses�u which mwy anain priarity over this Securily losuument as A lien on�he Property:lbl yeArly leasrlwld
<br /> -"� _I p�Y�n�ts or g�ound rcnts a� the Property. if rny: (c) YeartY hazard or property inswunce pr�emiums: /d) yearlY ilood _.
<br /> � inwrance prcmiums.if'any:tel yauly mori�age insurance premiums.if�y; and lfl any sams payable by Bonow�er to
<br />- _��� � L.ender.in arcordau�ce with dre provisions oi paragraph 8.io lieu of'the payment ot mongage inwr.u�,'e premiu�ns. Thes�
<br /> J,. � �
<br /> iums a�e called"Escmw haag" Lxnder may.�smy time.colkrt and Inid Ri�in�n am�own na to exceed th�maxinnum
<br /> .:,,#' ,�,�' amount a lender fur A federally nel�d nwitgage laan may require for Bo�rawer's e�crow �c.� under�he federal 1�ea1
<br /> ^�1:�., , Y• F.s�e Senlr�nt ptuoedwps,�c�t�9�7a.as amended from time to time.l2 U.�C.�2601 ei�ey.l"RFSPA"1.unless analUr�r -
<br />:,�r.•,. law that applies a tAe�rnds 9ets a fc�.rr amoun� If so.L.emler may.�t any Ii�.,a3ileet and hold Funds in an an►ount nc�t tt+
<br /> .�� ' eacead ihe lesser �aw�a�[u. 1.endeR'a�ay estimate the amoum af Funds duQ.ceia: ;fuh�basis of cumeM dcq;�:,Nr�l teaw�b7e _
<br /> ��, — R----� , c�IGitates of es��tar:s of l�tutc�»-sar:lteisss or otherwi+r in ae�nrdance.wiaE����icabk law. _
<br />_ .�., i,iy,; . The Funds shrdl be held In a�+ e�nuiwaon whase deposi�s arc insured by a ttlderal agency.inspumentaliry.or tlrutity -
<br /> . ... ..'}�•,� �:;c � (including l.ender, if l.ender is sucli an inslitutian)or in any Fedrrnl Home l.ain�snt. l.e�der shull apply the Funcls to p�.e� -
<br />_ , + ,-•,;� . � the Escrow Items. I.e�sdxr may not charge Bomower for halding and applyiny�ithe Funds.annually aruly�aeg the escrow: _
<br /> ' account. ar veri(yin�iCK:�scrow Items. unless I.endcr pays Barower intere::e��he Funds and appliwiafl++: law p:rmits _
<br />_ .�,bQ �•; L.ender ta make such a �,i5urge. tlowever,L.ender may require Borrower ta pag a ane-dme charge far auc im.:s•kpendent m,�l __
<br />_ '•y, , _ •t�ate twc repxting setvitt used by Len�fer fo cannection with Ihis loan.unless epplicable law provides otherwi.se. Unless ta� ' -
<br />'"� � � ageeas�v i�s nwde ar applicable laa•nequires interest to be paid.Lender�baU not be required to pay Burrower any inknwu rt�r
<br />�:'�'� Y �,; , eun�;;��he Funde, 1lortower und l.ender may agree in writing.howeve�.lhat interest shall be paid on 1he Funds. Le�R =
<br />- � � �;; :,•o�
<br /> y,,3::� � . shall give to Borrower.,v�3lhout charge,an sinnun� accounUng oF 1he Funds. showing credits and debi�s to the Funds ant�ah:
<br /> '�i_�o:�}o..+o
<br />-',:!�"�,� puipose for wbich exfi �k�'bit to the Funds was p�ade. The Punds arc pledg�cl a��,dditiomi securiry for all 9ums secured�y . , :
<br /> _:� I this Securiry Insauma�¢. . ,
<br /> ,�- �,�;,�,,,,,�.�;';;, ' , 1f t!x Funds !u!L ::y l.e�er eac e� t!u esnaMt� �w�n i u«I �o I x h r i� �e� o p p l i c a b l e l a w. L e n d r r s'�a19 u��couaaa vm _
<br /> :;,i ;�. �. �•. ;r�E:,r.� � Bomower for�he exeess flmcls in atc�adance wi�h the requirements of appl ica��7aw. li eChe a�neount of��he Fund=heC3 Cy
<br />� � ��•'���'�J' ��`•�'j��'�' � Lender at any ame i�not sufficiem a�a pay the Escrow Items when due,l.ender�mAV c��;ify ;Elaarrowca an�;�ai�ing,and. in -
<br />. n 4�•.• �':i,;;;�',t _
<br />_ , ��_< •.,�.��r::�a,t�:,* such case Bomower shall puy to Lender the umounl necessnry to make up t6ee deficie+�cw. �i�ower::t+.d! make up the
<br />�.�_, . ��;.,.., ', ! deficiency in no more than�welve mon�hly pnyme�s.at Lender's sole discrctio+e.
<br /> - -_ ' '_�:�!'_�::� y ' t Ipc►n payme�t in full of all sums secured b:� afiis Security Instrument.f�anc�ler sh�ll�rampAy ��ea'ue:�S ;1 Borrower any
<br /> - '.�'�"�"`"' '�': .�'• ' � Funds Meld by L.ender. If.undcr paragraph 21.l.ender shall acquire or sell tP�e �Pnoperty.Lentk�.prior to 1he acqwsn�on or _
<br /> �i. �tr
<br />-,�.~ � ti. � � sak of 1he Propeny,shall apply an,y Funds held by Lender at 1he time of acquisition or snle ag a credit against Ihe sums _
<br /> '� ' ",��'����,; ; secured by this Sec�uity Inswment. _
<br /> � ��'��°��� ����Y �• � 3. Applicatiai �!P�yments. Unless applicable IAw provides aherwisz, all paymems received by L.ender under _
<br />- .�, i �l� _: .,`7;�``•• • p�gruphs 1 and 2 xha11 be ppplied:fint.to enY RreP�Y�nt chnrges due wnd�:R�i�e Note:second.to umoums payable under _.
<br /> -� � ''�i � ; puagrnph 2:tliird.to imerest due;(ourth,to principal due;and las6 to any la¢-a cCc a:�es due under thc Note.
<br /> ���.,..,'� �Ni�i��;
<br /> �`•'4* ,�,p:r,n,�: ..;:; ,�r�i.t j 4. C6ar�es; Liens. Barower shull pay ull waes. sissessments.charges. fines and imposilions attritwtable to Ihe -
<br /> �;�i >> rt�t�, P�r�pent� ahich may�tt�in priarity over tliis 5ecurj�y Insuumem.:uad leasrhold pnyments or ground rents,if any. Bomower
<br /> �:•� 'T"��.: ''�•;..L•�, � a_�._..�.._.......• .a a»..__...�...�., �.
<br /> :» ,,�.����,� I shnll pn� �obligations in:.�..�W.�.. r....cdc.....r.....b.«r.._.or iF not paid in Uwt manner.Bomower shall p�y them on _
<br />�� • �.�..;t• dme direcUy to the person owed payment. Bomower shall promply fumish to Lender all noticcs of umounts to be paid under
<br />- ' �""�_ '�'�' � this p:uagraph. If Bomower m�l;es these payments direcUy.Barower sh�ll promptly fumish to Lender neceipts evidencing -
<br /> °� the ts. -
<br /> - _ . �':'��_' B�wer shall promptly discharge any lien which hes priori�y over this Security Instruane�W unfr�z�R.wer.lal agr�ees _
<br /> ` �' ��A�:=��' ��:� ; in wri�ing ro the payment of'the abligation securcd by the lien in a manner ncccptable to Ler�c;er:•t�P c�mR�vts in goad taith the
<br />,:;;�'�; _
<br />;�';c±�` �•.Q'�` �.��.1' ; lien by,or defends against rnfbrcemrm of lhe lien in,legul proceedings which in the Lend�r��,pinion operate to prevent the
<br />,;',�..,;.... � ' � enforcement of�he lien:or(c)secures from thc holder of Ihe lien un sigrecmenc sa�isfacloq• to Lender s��adinating the licn
<br /> . � � ' j to this Secu�ity Insuumem. If l.ender detertnines �hat nny pan of the Proprm� �s subject�o a lien whicP�mac atwin prioriry
<br /> �.�::;;��:"° i ..
<br />:;�;• ;,;, � ,i � over�his Securi�y InslrunRn�.l.ender muy give Borrower a no�ice identifyin�t��r�iai. Aomower shull saeis�'}Ihe lien or take
<br />'� � •��• , one or more af the i+c�ions set fath above within I O days of the giving of notice.
<br />,.;,. '.., ,,.;sj.,
<br />-�k�• 4�;N;��:.':. S. H�rd or Praierty lasuranca Bomnwer slwll kecp the improvemenls now exuUing on c�muAcr erected on the
<br /> - T'"i;'1'�`�tt<,4'��'F:��a` " prope�a7r �r�ured against bss by fire,hazards included wiU�in the trrm"extended coverage" and any other hazards,including
<br /> �'"� �'r`r"x''��i!�y"��-�: • fluod9 or f0ooding, tor which Lender requires insuronce. 71�is insuronre shall be maintained in the a�acoumis and for the
<br />�.� . -- 1lt ��,�.�41� i l.l��fyX'}.�\..,yti. i
<br />'.��i�' '�. �` �� •!��'LLT!'It�� -
<br />.:_.'. �t;;�• :,y�ti` `+`'j'� , Yw�p3GON 9rue (pugt:.yApoRn! -
<br /> ' � , .5�A::'C�-, i
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