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<br /> . (i.At45IGI�I�7L;l+lT OF I.CA6�.Upon l.endcr's request,Borro�ver shull assign to Gender�ll lcuses u�tho �;.
<br /> I�ropcety and n!f accuriry depoatts made in connection with leases ot the Property• Upan the nssigmnent, I.cnder °.
<br /> �. ,. ;�hap havo tho dQht to mudifj�,exten�or terminnte the existlnII teuses and co execute ne�v lenses,in Lender's solc "
<br /> :.;,.�,� dlacretton.As used in thie ptungrt+}ph(3�the word••tease"sha�t�nenn"subleaso" ii tha�ecurity instcwn�;it is on �
<br /> "� A leaschold. _
<br /> �;;�;;;,„� !1. A9SIGNNdJENT OF ItENTBi Ap�1�`�T OF R�+CCIVE�t: L�PIDER 1N 1'a�9ESSION. =
<br />-:�� Eomower absoiutely and uncondidonaUy oselgns ead trn»sfers ro L.ender a1t che ccnto nnd revenues(•'Renta") of ��
<br /> � tha Piopeny. regardlleas of to whom th9 Renta of tha Prnperty nn Puynble. Born►�ver nutltorlus Lender or �:,
<br /> , - Lender's agcnts to aolleat the Renta.and agrees that eacb tennnt of the Pmperty ehaU pN�the Renta to Lendar or �;
<br /> ' � l.endtr's agenta.Howover.Eamower sholl ra+otve the lten�s undl(i)Limder has given 8urrower aodr.�of dcfault =_
<br /> „ pursuaat to pssragmph 21 of rhe Security Insw�nent mid(li)1�ender bas given aotioe to tha tonnnt(s)that the Renta _
<br /> ,.,�� tuo to be puid to I.ender or LPmder's og�nt. TAio asoi}�nment of Rente cansdtutes nn nbsoluto assigmnent and not -�_
<br /> ' � ., s�' an essignment for eddltional eecuriry only. c�
<br /> It Lender gives nodee of breach to Borrower:(i)c�ll Renta received by Borcower shall bo held by Bonower
<br /> as uuatoe for the bene8t of Lender only�to be applied to the sums saured by the Sesurity Inauument;(iq Lender �'
<br /> - .-� Ahsll ba endUed to callect ead receive nll of the Reata ot the Properiy;(iii)Hormwer agrees that eiech tenant of the -
<br /> ` ' � �' Properry shall pay all Rebta due nad unpa�d to Lender or Lender's agents upon Lender's wrinen demand to the `
<br />�'�s'`��=� ta�anr,(iv)unlesa applicable law provldes otherwise.aU Rents collerted by i.eader or Lender's agenta shali be
<br /> applied tizst to tke oosta of taking oontrol of and manoging the P�+epErty nnd collecting the Rente�lacluding, but -
<br /> :;�::�:.:.? not limited to. auomeys' fas. rexiver'e fecs� Aremiwas on recelvra'a bonds. repair a�d matntenaacz oosts, —
<br /> �. � -� ,:• iasurance pnmiuma� ta�es. assessm,ents and othu r.harges on the Property�end then to the sums securcd 6y the
<br />".%Rf�:�^��r� '�`�� Socurity InsU�ument;(v)Leader, Lem�4a�r's agenta or any►judicially appolnted receivu shali be Ilable to account for
<br /> anly thase Rents actunlly received; and (vi) Lercder shall he endtled to have a ceceiver uppoSntod to take
<br /> ���.�;, �° possessIon of und manage the Fropeity aAd coltcct We Rents aa� proftta derived from she Property withoct apy _
<br />-;: �f' � ; eho as to the i of the Pe+e es secwIty.
<br /> �:'F,.;;,:, .�; � nadaluRC3► P�Y
<br /> .r,,•,
<br /> ��,.�`-iry?!,•,� ,�� if the Rente of the Prcperty are not aufRcient ta cover t�hz costa of taldng control of and managing e
<br />-:�:-�r,<<t;._.ti;�?t%1:f. PNP�fir and of aollectin8 tl�e I�ent�aqy ibnds expended by Irrn�for such putposas ahall beoome indnbicdaess
<br /> :.;r�.�:t�
<br />_°_.�.ij,^'.�i_,f,s;,` of Boiro�vtr w Lender secured by thn SewrltY InsuumeAt pwsur.n2 eo Unifbrm�ovenau�7. . °
<br />���---"`�-=-���:�;; Bora+nwer cegnsent�aIId wananta thus Bomower has aoc executed nay grior assigament of t�e Renta nnd hs�
<br /> ? �' ao3 and wlll aot perfonn any act that would pnvent IIander from exercisiag its rights under this psuagraph-
<br /> ;_._��=��.; Lender. or Leader's agents or a judieiallY rq�potated reoeiver, shall aot be ceqt�lrad w enter npon, talce
<br /> -- =t w1i¢s�l m!P or maintain the Property before or ufter glving ao�ce of default to Bomower. However.Lender. or
<br /> ._...�.,::;...�,;:
<br /> ��;��::� Laider's�gents or a judictWlY appo�nt�d recelver.mqy do so�t a�wy dmo when a defaulc oocurs. A�ay applicatian
<br /> — of R�nts ahall not cvre or waive aay-�liwlt or invalidau any o�er tight or�+cmedy of Iss�ar.79tis asslgAmsnt of
<br />=---�-�—�.� Reats of the lacnpecty shall temiinate wh�n all tho aums securec!by the Socurity Insuument ere paid im fl�U.
<br />.'��,����,-T I,CR09S-DEFAULT P1tOVI9ION.Son�ower's defaWt or bzeach under any note or ag�c�eevneat in vlhich
<br />