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<br /> A traat of ianQ car¢�riainy par�C of tho North Ha1F oi the Southcaat Quarter (N3jSI�a) o£ Seation
<br /> �,h:nty 7�o t23) �rn�1�iP �levan tii) North, Itange Nine (9), i�'eat. of tho 6�h P.M., H�11 __
<br /> povnty, Nebrasak ar:d Mere particulariy descrihed Rs �oilq�vs: _
<br /> I'irct 4so a^erx��in thP point of beqinning, st� at tho I�ox�theast comer � �sid N�SF9a i
<br /> thenae zunning w+estPxly along and upon i�he north lino of said N'ySE'j a cYiatance of rbur xunci�ced �
<br /> Fbzty Oite and 3c.aventy Six Hun�c3ths (4�11.76) feet to �he acut.�al point of beginxiings �hence
<br /> onnti.nuinq westcri� aieng the last describ�d course a dis�ance of �ight Hundr� SQVenty Eight
<br /> and�Ztrr�nty Ebur Hundredths (8?8.24) feet to the Northwes� cornex of hhe Northease cluarter o£
<br /> the Sou�hea�t quarter (N�SF�t): the.n�e deflectimg left 32 58'15" and mm�inq soutl�w��terly a
<br /> dia�arice ef 7hr�e ti�mdred Fifty �ree and Cfie Tenth �353.�.0) feet, thence deflecting le£t
<br /> 15°93°95" and running southwestexly a di�tance of Nine Hund�d Fivc� and ELghty thie Hun�red�
<br /> (905.81) feet; �thenoe de�lecting left 91 26'SQ" and xvnninq �outherly a dtntance of �.Went�r�
<br /> Six and Seven menths (26.7) feet; th�enc9 deflectinq right 32 36'00" and suru�.inq Routht+wn�x5f .
<br /> a d�.stance of Five Hundred Eight and Eight '1�2nths t508.8) feet: th�nce deflectixtg��la:�
<br /> 122°35'00" and runninq easterly a distance og ��o Thflusand Fbur Hundx+ed Nin�ty Seven a�d Fbwc
<br /> Tenths (2,497.4) f�et to the Southeast corner af said N�jsF�t thenc�deflecting left 90 20'10"
<br /> and runnirs9 nc�'r.t�err:2y along and upon t�F�st line o¢ said N�� a disfance of �aenty Three
<br />' (23.0) feet= thence $e�lecting left 89 39'S0" and rutuiing westerl� a distanGe of �Q Thou��d
<br /> �an I€wndred Thirty Five (1,235.0) feets ��� d�¢���g 1ef�t 90 00' and mm�inc� southexly a
<br /> diatance of �e (3.0) iesti the�►ce d�fiecti$q right 90°00' and xv►ining westerly a c3latance
<br /> af Nine (9°0) feet; thence defiecting right 90 00' and zvnninq northeriy a dista�.^e of �ree
<br /> t3.0) feet: thenco deflecting left 90°00' and r�nn�9 westerly a distkance of '.LOrelve and �
<br /> �enths (12.3) Eeet; thence defle�t9.ng right 106 30°,�l�� and xtmning nostheasterly a distarac� of
<br /> �ur Hwu'�.�ed Seventy �i.glit and Twenty One �iundredths (978.21) feet: thence defl�zfiin9 righ�
<br /> 7 24'45" and nanning northeasterly a dist�-unae of �e HundreB Fifty Three an.d �venty E.�qht
<br /> Hundtedths (353.78) feett thence �eiand Seveny Five�HunSdredths (ru331n�5) �eet�theartce
<br /> distanoe af � H�ndred �hirt�
<br /> de�Iec.-usiy �i�ht i3 2S'�5" an3 �.nnin� a�rthP�aterly a distance of Fb� Hundx+ed Thirt.een and
<br /> �n�j, �ree gIundredths (913.73) feet to the acutal point of beqinni.n$.'. . �
<br /> � .
<br /> � .�,.
<br /> , .. �:� ' '
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