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<br /> ��:.�;':'i':i� Bieood. To 1�11P W btdWlap t�t'eaa 1o�wreil 1�PIe�t 1or b!�1�i�Olo�and toraado in wR+e ooa�
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<br /> „`i,I,'<<.�•r:w� •�� .._ ':,{iroved by t6�Wd Ha�ns Fedaal8�vippp�dc Loam �uociatlon d arana Ll�nd in tbe�um o�� _�- .ta =
<br /> � :�', ,;`;•; �:_,,:. ;' �• �,�{tEie bea�fit at tha aW Atooelatioq�nd 1W�atc�ars ei a�dNrp wd to dayadt ald polld��vlfh�aid Aan��ifla,aad�baII nd
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<br /> ,� T9dt�. To pny or awsu �o bc patfl to the�omc F�Qeral 8ariap 8r Loan Amool�@on d finnd T•1.nA, iu we�e�c�s o� , �,�
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<br />�1':� • .�,•�r,;��. Mr1th i��rest l6enon p�aWe.+�aarding to tLe tenor and eiiect o2 tbe one cerlain fficst mor2ga�e aote ot aid amrlga8ora, !=_
<br /> ;'+.; � �r bearin�ev�a d�ts wiW the�e patesenta. Alter tn�lasity sdd bond drawa interes! at t�ie tAte od nlne per eont per antaum. �--
<br /> . �,,:,. r._•_^�:.
<br />.; 'S., ' �',�.r ��.. I!aid t�a anA wse�sments ase not p�ld when due�or ii the Enlldtdgs op�atd premisea+u�e not Inaured ar above pro- __:
<br />-- i,•...s. a`-
<br />:�'..,, '::7;�,,6: � �Ided.or It any d eaid is�eeeea!ie not pa9d v�hen da�,thea e�id ahole debt�Lall become Aue iwawdiiitely,at tLe optloa ot t6� R_-._
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<br /> • � ;yy�;t�x atd a9woctatlon,�nd�atf thhm�after draw iaterest at the r�te of Nne per cent pei �nnum. �:`.z,
<br /> ,, ,. . The �ao�tga�or�hereby �a�1gn_ W wtd mortgnitee all re�s �nd lncome addn� at �eq and all � from utd �='
<br /> .;.x:-- — �`� � - ---
<br /> �•":"� ',' PpPe�Y�nd�ereby�utlhotl;e �:�moftg�ee or!p�eM�at 9b optlon. upon default� to take ebtuqte W�aid proge�rty md ---
<br /> 4�!;.��:�.
<br /> nt � coilect a�rEntta�au lncome iherelrom una apyfy We wme to rwe msyment oi intee�est. Pri�Pa3, �a�urAnce pnmwm�,tue�, -_-_-
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<br /> w=,.,1,� �'�' �menRs. e�Wirs ot lm9sovemeut� AaesMry to keep fald P�oP�Y In ten�ntable condltioa, aa� ta othar cLar�es or p�
<br /> ,r`��,�' La
<br /> . � :�.� .t.�#,:��. .Y�2,t'�,�. meub pr�avidad for herein or in the aote hereby�ecured. Tf►� rent �adgnme�sLall rnadnua in [orce uniil the unpatd b�l- �.`-
<br /> `J ki.v,i;?;�;��� {' Nnce oi ta9d Aote b lwIDy pa�d. Tbe tddaQ ot pases�lou Loranader�hall In no m�mer preveot or retard wid motiit�lae in -�
<br /> - ,'.•i';9r+.'��.� , fhe coltectlaw ot sNd aame by tarecloeure or oth�ralee. - _
<br /> �'' ���¢'� �' � VVhet�er said debt becoakee due b;� Lp�se oi time, or by sea�on of We Lilure oi t6e pantg ot We Eiest part ta oomp�y
<br /> .,�,;'-•' '. .t..�.r! s ' '
<br />_ �,�,� . � �,� .
<br /> ,�.�i� • ••r:.�.•..��.' with anq cpnditlon Lereln,the �ia: 3�Iome Federal Sav[t�s& Loan Asaociallon ot (irand Island, t?►e succeesors �upcl �si� ,;:';
<br /> ,'�,"�,.`�4�• � :
<br /> � ,��, , �� ' �6W lnve tLe rl�ht to R�egim the i�reclaure ot Wis mortg+�e at once oa tLe ahole debt hezeby tecuted, si�d !v inclwl� '•:?'
<br /> � '�'``��•�• thenin W t�e�, �m�s. iwarance prewlumt and coN.+, pald bq it or thrm; or eald Aascelatla+� �Rs sucseasote os ,o:`
<br /> 1� ° � .�,�r,,;;:s�f'� c': �i�us,maq foreclae wal� as to tba swn pnt du�, wltlaut WurY to tLfw motRB�Ce. ar Uhe dlapfa�emeat or �mpadrment ,
<br /> . ;'j��.�p ot We Ikn thereoL �,�,:c'
<br /> ;s: ,tn4�! And t�e ald fi�M partq�nd tbe aeakera of e�td note.espcclally a�ree aad dec�re tka.t the aeparai�e eRtate oY eas2� and �
<br /> •:�•'`��r' every oee M them. inclndlna 6otY ttwe noa maned �nd tlut h�reafter acqulrcd� b pledged aad boac�sl !or ihe Q�aR ot
<br /> . ;, , �:'+ tlk de6t 6eneby�enred. �
<br /> _�t4: 'G�i�.�'r�:.vl�arY.�:� .�...�"".. •�� : "�. µ ::. .�"...:���..:.�� �4 ���..uua�..�a_s_n�___au�_a�_.�.-'---y:�_�� �-_ -� � • _
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<br /> • s �' • pid pcemisei and tle a�o�olntment oi a reeelvet tberetor. notniWitandln� t6eq nuy be the homestea3 wP�c�hr oceo�pant and
<br /> , ;�„��,.':::'� T +�` `. � naMt,E�ndlna We putia Wble ior Wo debt mW be solveat, md We tlrst Pu�tp 6ereM coaretits to t�e am�ut�ec�4 ot a . �
<br /> �,, 8�o d v a u p o n t h e p r o d u d l o n o t W b i n d e n t u r e. w t W o u t o f h e r e v W e n c e. �
<br /> +�,�,�:�� Tb fae+e�do� oondittoa�and a�reeme�, all �ad �Io�W�r.beto�fuUp paeformed.Wb canveyanoe rhall be vaiA.other� G
<br /> i �
<br /> ..;,,,�.,. , w1u to b� aud rrmaW la full fotoe �nd �
<br /> �
<br /> • ' g��„�*r�. 7TH Ay,�t TaNUARY � . 4� �y 93 �
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<br /> . ` "�'� HELEN K. STREHLE �
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