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<br /> ". ;�� payments muy na langer be requiced.at the optian of l.cndcr.if mortgugc insumucc c�wcm�c tin thc um��unt u�id for thc Rcrtod
<br /> thnt Lender requires)provided by an insurcr uppmvecl by l.cndcr a��in lurnmcs nvuilublc mad is��bluined.Dorro�vcr r,hnll pny -
<br /> � -- �ne N,;,m�nms r.,quired!a mufnta4n mor4ge�e inaurance in effect,or ta pmvidc n I�1xs rescrve,wuil thc rcyuircincnt fitt�m�rt�nge
<br /> ' �.'•'��' insurnr�ce enda in accardance with any wdtten ugreement bet�veen 8umawer und l.einier ur up�licubie tu�v- •--
<br /> ,,:.
<br /> ��.�. 9. Ins�ctlon. l.ender or its ogent mny make rea►simaMo cntrica npon cuid insRe�.�tioi�s of d►c Property.l..cnd�r hi�ali aive
<br /> Borrower natice nt the time af or priar ta un inspection spccitj�inB rrnsoaable cnuse for the inspcctt�m.
<br /> 10. Cantdemnutinn. The pmeecds�if any uwurc1 or alulm fur danages,direct or consequentinl, ia cnnnection with any
<br />`"r��� '� rnndemnutfon or other tuhing of Any purt of the Pmperty,or for cunveyunre!n licu oF�Y�ndemnatian,urc,hcrcby utisigncJ und
<br /> .. � eh�ll bc paiJ to I.�:n�ce. �
<br /> ..��___ In the event af a totui taking of the Prapecty.thc praceeds shalt bc appl�ed t�the numx secured by thi�;Security latitruntent.
<br />-,r--•�" �vhether or rtoi then due. with any excess paid to Burra�vcr. In the event of u puAiul luking af the Praperty in whirh the fuir
<br />_---i� rrwrket vulue af the Property immediately before the taking ia c�ual to or grcater thun the amount uf the sum�aerumd by this -
<br /> Secur�ty Insteument immedlately before the takin�,unless Borrower nnd Lender athcrwise ugree io writing,the sums isecurcd by
<br /> ,.._�r.l.;% ' this Secudry Instrument shull be reduced by the amount of thu proccxds multiplied by the fallowin� fmction: (a) the totul
<br />_::r;�:.;��--�- umount of the sums secumd immediately hefore the wking,divtdecl by(b) the fair reinrket value uf the Property immalintely _
<br />_�,. _ befom tha taking. Any balance shall be Qaid tu Borrower. In the cvent of n partial t�king of the Property in which thc fnir
<br /> ��P.--.— msuket vulue of the Properry immediutoly before the taking ia less than the amount of the sums securcd immediutely before thp
<br />''`���� tuhing, unless Borrower nnd L.ender othorwlse ugree in wr�tinII or unless apptlarble Intu pth�rwise pravides,tha procaoda Fhull
<br /> �;;-,
<br />_„ --_ be upplied ta tho sums secured by this Sc;cur�ry Instrument whethor or not the eums are then ue.
<br /> _ Yf ttre Property is abundoned by Borrower. or if,aRer notice by�..ender to Bomower ihut the condemnor ofFers to muke an
<br /> -- uwurd or settle a clnim for demAges. Borrower fails to cespond to Lender wlthin 30 dnys after the date the notice is givem,
<br /> ;;°�_;�;;� Len��r ja authorized to coflect and npply the pcoccecfa,at its aption,either ta restorntion or m.�air�f the Property or tu the sums
<br /> - ser�►�.tl by this Securlty Instrument.whether or no�t then due. II �i��n of mcaeds to rinci al shall noi excend or
<br /> •���r�`�a� Unless Ixnder nnd Borrower otherw[se a in writin . any app p P P
<br /> r;x�;4C?c
<br /> -�� postpone the due�ato of the monthly paymfnts referra!to in pamgraphs 1 nnd 1 or change the amon�et�►f suc puyments.
<br /> w,,;:.��;,;,��; 11.Borro�ver Noi Releasak Forbeaaar�re By Lender Not a Walver.Bxtension af the tlme far paymex�t or modiRcndon
<br /> '"�°''�f°-''"� a'F arnortluttlon of the sums sec�ed by this Security InstTUment granced by Lender to any sucoessor in[ntereu of Borrower shsill
<br />��' not opernte to release the IiaDility of the or�ginal Borrower or Borrawer's successors in interest. Lendar shall not tsc required to
<br /> _______ cpt�mence proceedings a�ainst any successor in interat or reNse to exttnd dme for payment or otherwise modlSy r►morti�tion
<br /> o�the sum4 serured by thia Seturity Insuument by reasoa of any dem�nd made by tP�e original Sorrower or Borrower's
<br /> � suceessora in interest. Any forbraranre by Lender in exercising any right or nemedy shall not be a w�ver of or preclude the
<br /> e�ccrcis�of any ri�ht or mmWdy.
<br /> , ,. ii.S�cooe�ocs auu t�c;i�s i3ounsl;daS�!�ss! �..°�ess! T��!y: C.n�ctgoers.The covenant� and agre4menta of this
<br /> Secuaity Instrt�ment shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lwtder und Bomower, subje�t to the prnvisions of
<br /> : �aragrnph 17. Barrower's covenanu and ngr�eements shall bc joint and several. A,ny Bomower who co�s9gns this Security
<br /> ----- lnstcument but dnes not eaerute the Note: (aD rs casigning this Securiry 3nstr�ment oNy to mor���e. $rant and convey thut
<br /> �lo.rrower's interest in the Propetty under tho terms of thta Secur�ry Insuument; (b)is not persun�lly abtjgeted to pay tho swns
<br />-"`,�� aecated by this Security InRt�+mant;tind(c)ngtees thai Lender artd any other 8arrower mny agree to eatend,madi�y.forbcar or
<br />:`.� ntake any accommodutIons witb�egerd to tho tern►s of this Secudty Insm�mentor tha Note without that Borrowe�''s oansent.
<br /> 13.Luan Churges.If the loan secured by this Security Instmrttent is subject to a law which seta maxlmum loan chsrcges.
<br /> end that law is finally interpreted so that the interest or other loun charges wllecced or to be ooltected in connection with the
<br /> loan excced the peimitted IimEts,then:(a)eny such loan charge shall be R+educed by the amount necesss�ry to •re4uce lhe charge
<br /> ta.the pertnitted limit:and(b�any sums already collected from Bomower which exceeded perndttea limita tvill�be refunded to
<br /> �trower. Lender may chonse to make thia reflmd by ��eclucing the principal owed under the Note or by rrnaking u dlrect
<br /> ;__�, payment to Borrower. If a cefund reduces princip�l. the t+educdon will be t[eated as a pa�tial prepqydient•wtthout any
<br /> --°��.�: prepayment char�,�under the Note.
<br /> - - 14.Notices.Any notice ta Borrower ptnvided for in thls Secur��y Instnunent shull be given by 4elivedng it or by mailing
<br /> it by Grst class maii unless App�ira6le law requims usc of unother me3hod. 71ie notice shall be directod to the Property Address
<br /> or ttny odier nddress Borrow.er designates by notice to i,ender. Any notice to L.endet shalt be given by�'�irs1 �l� � to
<br /> Lender's¢ddress stated herein or eny other nddres.9 Lender designni¢s by nodce w Bomov►er. My notice provtded for in this
<br /> : 5c�urity instcument shatl be deemed to have baen given to Bon+ower¢�r Lender when given as provided in thts paragrnph.
<br /> 1S.Governing Lnw; Severability. This Security Instn�ment shali be governcd Uy federal law aad the law of t]aa
<br /> judsdLetian in which the Property ia lc►cated. in the evenl nhat any pmvision or clause of this Security In�tr+ument or the Nota
<br /> conflicts with applieable t�tiv,such conflict shnll not rst�i.�ntAer provisions of thia Securlty Instmment or the Nate whlch can be
<br /> --`- ___= given effec!r�iWwt ttiti a�►Nlict�n�pravision. i'a thi�eral tI�provF�i��s �f th����sr�ty I�ts�:nt an�uye N�tP Are dectAred
<br /> -=r�1x to be saverabl�.
<br /> ����' id.Borrowcr's Copy.Borcower shall be Biven one conformed copy of the Noto and of this S�:curity Inshument.
<br /> -
<br />