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<br /> TOO�TFIER V�ITEI all the improvementa now or het�tfter erected on the property,and u!1 easemcntx,appurtenances,u�td _
<br /> -�- �� fixtures rtow or hereaftc:r a pun nf thc p,u�ie�y. AIt rrplauments anQ additfans shaU alsu bc cnvered by this Secer�ty �:
<br /> ° Instrument.All af the foregoing is referred ta in thia Secudty Instrument as the"Prope�ty." _
<br /> ,a BORROWBR COY�lIANTS that Horrower Is Imvfully:�eiseii af ihe estate hereby conveyed und hag thc right to grunt and ---
<br /> � convey the Pro�erty and that die Property ia unencumbered. except for ettcumbrnnce5 of recurd. Borruwer wurrunts und �vill
<br /> • ..•, ..,,,+ defend ger�erally the Utle to the Property n�ninst all claims artd demart+is.subject to any encumbrunces of rccord. �:'
<br /> THIS SECURITY IN5TRUMBPIT cambines unitopm covenunGC for nationul use aad non-uniform cayennnta wtth timited
<br /> � vtiriations by jurisdiction to canstitute a unifunn security insteument covcring[e;sl proFcrtY• ���
<br /> �•`r� UNIFOItM COVBNANTS.Borrower end L.cndercovenant nnd agree os folluws:
<br /> ;'-��� 1. Hnymept o8 Principul and Interesti Preps►ytnent tind Lute C��arges. Borrower shull promptly pay when ctue the
<br /> __._. principal of und inc¢resc an the debt evidenced by the Note end any prepayment and lute chnrg�due under thc Note.
<br /> �.�; a.�nd� [or Texes artd Insurnnce. Subject to opplfcable law or to u written waiver by L,end�r, 8orrowcr shtill puy to
<br /> _ � �' Lend�r on tha day monthly payments ate due under tha Noto. uritil the Note Is patd in full,u sum("Funds")for:(u)yearly taxes _
<br /> artd assessments which may attain priorlty over thfs �ecuriry Instrument as a lien on tIie Property;(b)yearly leasehald payments .
<br /> " �� or gmund rents on tl�e Property.lf any;(c)yearly h�wrd or pmperty insurance premiums;(d)yearly flood insurnnce premiums.
<br /> ' � � if any;(e)yearly irnurtgAge insurance premiums.if any; and (�uny sums payuble by Borrower to[.ender.In accordanco with
<br /> ' the prnvisions of parngrAph 8.in lieu of the payment of mortga�e Insurunce premiums.l7►ese items as�e cullod"Escrow Items."
<br /> . Len�2r may, at nny dme,collect und hold Funda in an a�nn�:mt not to exceed the maxi�cnum amount a lertder for a federally
<br />:__:�;:,;;;}s_ .
<br /> �• ' � .� relat�il mortgage loan may requlc+e for Borrower's escrow a�munt under the federel Rea1 Estate Settlemeat Procedure.g Act of
<br /> ���'�"�� 1974 as amended frmm ttme to time. 12 U.S.C.Sectloa 2601 et seq. ("RESPA").unless nnother Inw that upplies to the Fur�ds
<br /> �i.::.i1c:.::...�
<br /> �..,..
<br /> ��r�'•� seu a tesser am�A•If so, Lettder may. at any timo,coltect aud hold �unds in an anount �rot to excctd the esset amotu►• �
<br /> a
<br />'=�`'�::x.:': Ixnder may estlmfl'cP�he amount of Funds�1ua an the basis of current dmu and reasonuble estimates of expeaditures of future
<br /> ��., Escmw Items or othenvise In nccordance with applicuble luw. _
<br />.==:�;�;��,� 'Ihe Funds shall be held in an institadon whose deposits are insured by a fcderal agency. instmmenwlity, or entity
<br /> -`i_.y.,� (Includin�Lender. flf Lender is such an insdtunion)or in tu►y Federal Home Loan Bunk.71c.nder shall apply the Funds to pay tha
<br /> Escrow Items. Lender may not charge Bormw.er for laldtng and applying the Funds.annuaJly nnaly�ing the escrow accaunt.ar
<br /> ��-:�" verifylnR the Escrow Items,unless Lender pays 9orro►ver Interest on the Funds und npplicable law permita Lender to make such
<br />�y?�``�-',� a charge. However.I.ender may requira Borrower to psny a one-time charge for on inde}�eudent real esexte tax reporttng service
<br /> �'"'''-�"-'— used by l.ertder in ooru�ection with this loan, u�less appiicable law provides otherwise. Unless an u8recment ia made or
<br /> -"'''"'-'—�'a appli�ble Inw requires iaterest to be paid.Lender shail not fic ra�uired to pay Borrower anY Interest or eamings on tlie Funds.
<br />___ - --_ Barrower and lear3e�mny e�mee in wdtinB, however,thet interest shall�►c paid on the Funda. Ixnder shaU give to Barrowet.
<br /> ��=� withaut chnrge.nra �nnual aecounting or the Nunds,showiog credics anci duolt�t3 tF�c Fundo�!�h�ix��s�'f�r whirh each
<br /> ,-�.�s��+.•�a
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