,�r"� i , ., t. • ,_ , . .... ;;'�". - , : ,
<br /> ���i•� �' .� _ -� -- ----— . . .. . . .. .......--
<br /> . .��' � __,� 3. _ - _ _
<br /> _ 9 10��9
<br /> � '�Pr�q�ely M�o Wan a d�d�I.�nd�►�II haw th�opUon�M Ib�ot��nd�oluM dl�crMlon.b apply�II wah ProoNd�,
<br /> _ =- - _-- - �tpt�p t�sb'am aft attd�xpmMS Ineurted by k!n eonneodon wNh woh P►ooNd�,Wwn a►y k�dNM�dr�s�ound
<br /> RMrb�r�nd in�ueh ord�r a�L�r m�y dM�rmin��a co appyr all wich ProcMd�,alMr wah d�duatlon��to th�nsloraUan d 1h�
<br /> Prapwty upan wch oondlNOn�p t:�ndn m�y dstWmin�.Mp�ppllo�lbn ol Proc«0�b Ind�bNdeNp ah�ll�ol�xMnd a poMpa»
<br /> � m.au.dn.a.ny v�yn�na una«m.r�ou,or aun amr dMwit thKSUnd�►a h�r�und�r.Any un�pptl�d hx�d�sha11 br pald�o
<br /> �- TruMor.
<br /> �-- a. raNamana�bft L�n�K.Upon ths occumenoe o1 an�wnt ol OM�WtMr�l�r.a II�ny aat b Wun or Ip�l MoaNdM�
<br /> .�,,, � comm�nwd whfah maMrially afbob Lrnd�r's Inl�nst In th�Prop�Ay,l.endK nwy In I�s own dlicnqon.but without oblipdron lo do
<br /> -- so,�nd N�ItAout rtotla to a�nd upon T►u�br�nd wlU�oui a1�aWnp Tro�tor kom��ry►oblip�don�do�ny aat whloh T►wlor ha�
<br /> ����� prMd but WI�10 do and m�y alw do�ny othK aot It dMm�e�aswry b pral�ot th�twuriy h�nof.T�upo�ahall,imm�dl�/Ny
<br /> r�:: upon dMnand 1hNNa by L�nd�.p�Y b l.�nd�r all cosb and sxp�nws incurad�nd sums�xp«w�d by t.�n�In conn�ouon wit�
<br />- r,,.
<br />__;;3� tM uc�clw by Lender of th�brepolnp nphts,ropNh�widn Intenst thsnon at th�dN�uR ab providsd In tlw Not�,whbh�hall b�
<br /> y-._� �dd�d to tM Ind�bUdnas aound h�nby. L�nd�r�II nat inaur any NabNlty b�wua of�nytbinp it m�y do a omil to do
<br /> -;; F��under.
<br /> �;�;,:;; 9. H�s�tdous M�t�1�M.Trwtor sh�N ka�p ths Prop�rry in compll�nu wiw aN�pplic�b4 I�w�.oNtrwices�nd�pulNbm
<br /> = rel�linp lo Indwt►Ial hyqiene or snvlronm�nUl protacNon(aolleopvely�Nwrod q Iwreln�s"Enrkonm�nfal{.�w�'1.Trwbr�hW
<br /> k«p th�P�opaty t��a from all sub�qnca dNnwid q M h�uudow or laxto umMr�ny Enwirorur�W L.awa(cWlac�vM�r nMrnr!b
<br /> h�rMn ss"F1��d@u�M�t�rids'�.Tru�tor h�nby warr�nts�nd npr�nU to l�de ih�t tlNr�an no Hwrdout IiAanrtab on a
<br /> w�Qar thp Proporfrp.7�ustor hereby epraes to ind�mnit�r and hotd hamiNs�L�.ib directoro,of�cws.�mploYses�nd a�nb,and
<br />-�f.. , ,�r avu�a(d Co Ilend�►'s ints�e��lrom�nd p�ki�t any�nd an cl�lms.d�mp�s,bsa�s and NaWlitisa risinp i�co�nectbn wilh
<br /> ,_;;" . �• .the p��eae��teso,ditpowl ar han�port of any Hazardow Msterlah on,unde►. Irom or about ths PropsAy.THE FOREGOINO
<br /> �, SUii1�VE REC414W4'r:EVAtrCE OF THIS DEEO OF'TRUBT.
<br /> - �a.AsslpnaaM W Mnb.T�to�here6�asa�.gaa to Londar Mo ronta,iaa�as�o�d prorita of the Proporty:providaf tRat Tn�stor
<br /> y�; 's+hat�,undl ehs occunence o�An�wmnt a�t Deiawn fi�ereunder,have Me�ipht to epl�ecqanca ratain auch renU,I�sue�and proTds as thhr
<br /> V-''�`�`�i',s� �b�com�due�nd payabta.Uporn tt��a��urr�nce of en Event oi Def�Wt,Lender m�ay,eitt,er;��aeraon or by aysnt,with or without
<br /> -,: ,
<br /> b`� bd i an acdon or rxeadin or b a recelver a
<br />-,�:• ' �� I �0�0 Y P a Y ppolnted by a court and Rt�tvou�r�pavq to ihe adequacr of pa eecudry,enter
<br />��i��. ; upon and fake posseu�on of the Property,or an�p�►n thereol,i�ib own name a�In tfie�name o41ha Trus4eo.and do any acts whlah It
<br />_.._`•,.,-; r dNms n�cesary a desUabtato prassrv�the vacue,mwk�tability or rentebilitb ott!he Prvperty,or any pevt lneroof ar intsrwt thereln,
<br /> •"••;t,•Y'"� .incre�w fhe inaome Mereirom or protect the�ecuriry horsof and,with or�witho ut takirg poswsflon ol 1ha Properly,we for or
<br /> .:��::r� od�e��wibe colleet fhe reote,iuua end proflh thereof,Inalud�n�tho�a paN zfue and.unpa+d,and apply the wmo,leas co�q and
<br /> • •e�penses of oparatlon and collecdon includlnq attomeys'teea,upon any Ind�btedne�.s seoured hereby,all in tuch arde�as Lend�r
<br />__'t{;`�.`�, � � , m�y detsrmine.The enterinp upon end takin�poe�eselon of the Property,tbae colleaGon ol euch renri,i�suea and prolils and the
<br /> -`•� ���'� :`� �pplicatlon thereo!af afaesald,elwll not oure or waive any delault or nd��e of defaull hereunder or invalidab any act done ta
<br /> ��f���:;,� � � r'_. re�pona to wah dslault or pursueM to such notice ol default and,nohvitha�andinp the conGnuanee in poaaesalon of the Prope�y a
<br />;_�C:�� � � th�collecdon,receipt end eppliadon of ronts,iswes or protib,and T�wtee and Lender shail be entided to sxerc(te every�ipht �
<br />'-�.,,Y I I .
<br /> :- _— .._:___--�_ provid�d for in any of the I.oan lastrum�nq or by law upon occurrenc�of any Event oi DefauN,lncludlnp without Iimlfetlon 1h��ipht ' -
<br /> :"�r�"�. _i���'�F �. to exs�clN the power of aule.Funher,Lendor's riphte and rem�iies under this perepraqh shun tw cumuladve with,and an no w�y�
<br /> - " j;,..�, , , Iimit�don on,Lander'a H�hts an�3 remedlea under eny aesipnment of lease�end rents recordad agalna the Properly.Lrnder,TruW�
<br /> .�:� �.fx,t �.
<br /> . ��; j„�Y ��. �nd the racelver ahall be Ileble to aceount only tor those rente actuelly received.
<br /> .. ',, ,1� r�;. 11.Ev�f�of DMauil.Yhe lollowinp shald aonatitute an Hvent ot Delauht wider Ihis()eed o}Truat
<br />'`��:�j„• (a) FaHure to pay any lnefallmont of princ�pal or IntQrest of any o0'�0�•aum aecured hereby whan due;
<br /> -:.:�:�e��,.t (b) A bnaah of or dela u11 under any provlslon eonialned In th�Note,a�ie Dend o1 Truat,any of tM Loan Inshun+enn,a�ny
<br /> -- - `�' otMr Iion or e�cumbrance upon the Property;
<br /> ' . -�•.� �•�ti (c) A wrlt of 6xecution or attachment or any almuar process�ha11 be enlared apainsl Tru�Wr whkh shall bocome a Ilen on
<br /> • � ,•. �'�;�i' . tho P►operty or any portlon thereof or interest therein;
<br /> s _ r�:.. (d) The�e s�all be flled by or apalnst T+vator or Borrower an action under ony present or future federal,ateta or othe►
<br /> statuts,law or�2HulaUon rF letlnp to bankr�ptcy,inaolvency or other rellel br debtora;or there ahall be eppointed 6ny truat�e,
<br /> ,�'�; �,�;f"` recelver or Nqu+clator ot Truator or Bo►rower or o1 all or pny pan ol the Propery,or the renq,bsues or proliq thereof,or TrwWr
<br />° rr �i�� or Bonower a?�all make any penerel aesipnment for ihe benelit of creditoro;
<br /> ,�. ? � (s) The 6flle,tranafer, faese,8aeignment,conveyanoe or tuMe►encumbrence cf ail or any paR of or eny into+est m the =
<br /> �,.,�- ; ,,, . �s:�.��• Properly,elMer valuntatlly or mvolunt6viry, w{thout the expraas wrftten conaent a7 tsnder; provided that Trua9a�shall be
<br /> •`rY}"', �� permitted to exeCUte a lease ot Ihs Property that doos nof contain a�opllon to purcha�and tho Wrm o4 whlch dova�0'1 exceYd -
<br />:�ii�,�. orn year, _
<br /> (Q Abandonment of the PropeRy;or
<br />_ �. s .».,�x� a (p) If Tru�Wr i4 not en i nd�vidual,the i�uence,aele,aansfer,aasipnment,conveyance or encumbranco of mor�than a total _
<br />-- „
<br /> »r; "`• ^ 04,r p6rcent ol pf r�corporatlon)it�fsaued antl o�at,7anding atock ar pf a partnerihip)o total of pmcent o1
<br /> �,, paAnership inter�ta durin�the pirlod thls Deed ol Tru9t remaina a Nen pn the P�operty.
<br /> =':,{,,. �' `'�_ 12. R�nN�liar,d1ec�Nratlon Upon DMauH.ln the event of any Hvent at 4te�laaR Lender may,without noUee except es required by
<br />=°•-y ;��"" •-�'•t� law,declare all inetebtedness secured hersby to be due and peyable and¢he aeme shall lheraupon became due and payabla
<br />� j � •'�y"�':- 'i� witliout ony presentment,demand,proteat or notice of any kir�d.Thereafter�ender may: _
<br /> ;_, (�) D�mand that Trwte�exerclae the POWER OF SALE yranted herel�,aad Trustee shell thereaRer ca4se T►uslor's _.
<br /> _.�; - _ trcfarart!�ttsc t'rapartyr ta hc saSd.:rtd iho prOCCBda i3 Ea dl.tr!lsutsd,a:t ;a tha msr ns;Mcavldcd ln tho Otcbra:t:«Tru:t Oc:.d: -
<br /> : . ' '; . Ack =
<br /> .. '.,�;� r`.'i:
<br />_;�; : ,�, (b) Exercl�any and all rlqhts provlded for In eny of the Loan Inataument�or by law upon eccurrence ol any EvQnt ol
<br /> -r ft Deteult and =
<br /> <b<..:
<br />-_�;---- ��A- �,��,.�, jC) Cornr�aCO ao actlar+ta!orecloso thls Decd of Truat as a mortpapo,appofnt s recelver,or apecl8cally eMorss any ol the �
<br /> ,.; ,.�r it covensntf heroot.
<br /> � � '.;;����Z;�� No remedy herein conterred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender Is intended to he exclusive of any other remedy�er�ein,fn the
<br /> � .. • •l�,� � .�,` Loen Inetruments or by law provided or permftted,but each ahall be curnuiative,shall be�n addllfon to every other remedy glven
<br /> ��.;' ;:• 'r'.��+j�+l_ hereunder,fn the loan Inatrumanb or now or hereANer ex�stfnp at law or in equiry or by stetute,end mey�e exere��od concurrenHy,
<br /> � ;�i,�`.�•.. , °� � `;,;.� Ind�pendently or auccesaively.
<br /> ' 7. . ."�.' V ' 13.TiuitM.The Truatee may resl�n at any time wlthout cause,and Lender may at any time and wltt�out cause appofnt a
<br /> `��•„ . �� •<<a� succesaor or aubstltuts Truatee.Trustee aheN not be Ilable to a�y p�►ry,includinp without Ifmitatlon Lender,Barrower,Trustor or any
<br />� ;• ,�� �' 'a� ':�,:w�.'•-,� purChaeer of the Properly,for eny loss or damape unleas due to recklees ar wf Illul mlaconducf,a�d shell not be requir8d ta take any _
<br />- � � J�.,::, aotlon fn connectlon with the enforesmenf ol thle Deed ol Trust unleas mdemniNed. In wrltinp, fa all cosM, comReneation or
<br /> ,� ,�.," Pe^ Y Y Y opeAy Uudiciel or
<br /> �ii�l ax sea which ma be assxieted therewllh.In additfon,Trustee ma become e purcheser at an salo 01 the P� -
<br /> ____ _ _ —-___-_.._�r� ,: :S=iM�M��...��/.�.1����..rd w.�i:�:i:i����:�:v au:u v:°::�i�.:�pv nv': v��i�.9v�ivj��i��9�M�Vt�4/4'V Yr irw.vi ini u�o
<br />_ ',�'i-,�;;�.r}:;��•'�,S Propet'ly as a whole.or fn separete percel�or�ots at Trustee's dfacretion.
<br /> t
<br /> - �.��'.�t�`�` °• � •I`�; 14. F�M and Exp�nfN.tn the event Trushe aells the Properly by exercise of =
<br /> � ..r ,,�:�., .,� power ol eale,Trwtee shall be entitaed to apply
<br /> � •;'j any aale proceeds fi�et to peyment ol all costs and expensea o1 exerclefnq power ot aate,lncludinp all Truatee's feea,and Lender's =
<br />_ •y��.` � :,.:_
<br />., ,;b. •�!•��. ,�', ' . �:t: a n d T r u s t e e's a t t o r ney's f e e a,e c t u d ly m curr e d b ex te n t perm i t t e d by epp l lca b le l aw.In the e+ren t 8onowor or Truator exerclnes any
<br /> ,,;,,..
<br />-���:�i'.i�• :. ,`,�" dpht provldad by law to cure an Event ol Defaull,lender shell be enNtled to recover Irom T�ustor ali costa and expensea actually
<br /> ` �'���' � 1'��� '��: Incurred es a r�sult of TruaUOr'�t dolault,includin without Ilmltetlon all Tn�,sW's and attorna a taes.IIa tha aKtent
<br /> . ;;:,�.y �i . ,• �.�.�y � Y Permltted by
<br /> �' ' �i���%:' �n�'C.��1�8�BW.
<br /> �„�,���� t��{A�`!� „ 'Y' 15. Fufun Advan¢M.Upon request of 8orrower,�ende►may,et Us opUon. make addidonal and Wture advenCYS end re• -
<br /> " ' �" '+�� �dvances to Bor�ower.Such adwancog and readrence3.wdh interest thereon,shall be secured this Deed of Trusl At no tfine shall '
<br /> >� . � • ,;;.i,;;t bY
<br /> + '*A§,;f�� �'�y :. th�princlpal amount of th�inde�lednesa secured by M�s Deed ot Truet not includmg sums advanced to profecf tM t�cuny of tbis
<br />.� � �k �:``t. DMd of Tn�t,�ccNd 1M oripinal prirteipal amourn afotod harQln.or S 2S_000-0N whichww is�reeter
<br /> i�+:'��� . � �;)�.:.
<br /> R, ,' � +. !'��, I
<br /> t .. `'.:�:.� y �
<br /> a
<br /> ,': ' ,
<br /> � --r.:,.._,.__..--- .._.. _ _ �
<br />