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<br /> IR.�oreclosu�o Proccdure.It l.eitaler requires immcdlutc pnyment ln full uadcr parngrnph 9.Lende�mny
<br /> �: invoke the puwer uf aule aud ao�y o4i►ei•ie��ie�lt�pey ai(t4cd by ap�!{cubla�.avr. 3.ciider sQoll bc entltle�to cotlect �_
<br /> ° '�� nU cuRenses tncurred in pursuin� the remedies under thta pvragraph 18, includ�nA. but not It�nited to� -�
<br /> ' �� rensonnblo attornoys'fc�.v nnd co�ts oP ttUe evidence. �`-�
<br /> � '•""".�,: It tho power of tu►!e is involred,Tcustee shuU r�cord n rtotlee ot dePaul�In ench county In which any purt mf ���
<br /> " ths Pt+ogerty 1a loaated and shnll matl coples at such nottce tn the maeaner prescrlbed by nppitcuble law to
<br /> , �. Bo�ower nnd to tho other persong prescribed by appftcable law.Il6Yce the ttme rcquired by appllcable lnw, ��` -
<br /> " �� Trustee shs�fl give public�zotEce oi snle 4o tde pRr6o�s and In 4he a�nnaccr pa�escdbed�y Applfcuble ksw.'d'rusiee, —.—
<br /> withovt demnnd on Borro�ver,ehall se11 the I'eoperty ut pabltc nuctton to tD�e hlgh�t bidder at the ttme and =
<br /> ' • f' plaee nnd under th0 terma de3�gnated In tha noUce ot sale In one or more Rurcels nnd tn aiqy order Trustee =__
<br /> ° dQtermines.Tnutee may postpone sale of uds mr any purcel of tke pt�ogeKy by public nnaouncement nt the t[rne ""_.-
<br /> and pince of uny prevtnusly sche�uled sale.T.ek�der or tts d�tgnee mmy pantiase the Property ut any enle. �.�
<br />- � � It 4he I.ender•s intenest in this Security �instrument is held by the Secretary and the Secretary requtres ��°
<br /> immedlnte pnyment ta tull �der PcirngRap4 9. the Secretary may invoke the ao��dicinl power o!snle "'
<br /> . � g a ��`'.
<br /> �� � '.`�� provtde�l!n the Stn�le Fnmily I1�ortgo�e Foreclwure Act of 1994 ("Act'9 t 1211.8.t;.39S1 et seq.)by requcstin� ��
<br /> -• a toreclosure comtntssioner deslgaeted undrx the Act W commence toreclosum and to aeil thu Property as
<br /> prov[ded in tha Act. Nothin� in the ptYxedir�g sentence shnll deprRve the SecreWry ot any righta otherwise ;;;,:,__
<br /> ,>. avatlable to a Lendor undcr this Anregraph 18 ar npplicaWe inw. =.-
<br />-' ' Upon recefpt of pAyment of the price 6td,T�ais�tee shnll dellver tothe pu�rhnser'1'rw�tee's deedl conveying =
<br /> - � ��,', . the Property.The reciwls in the 7'rostce's deed sl�all be prtmm facie evidence oY the truth of tde statemcnts ��
<br /> ..;,� � moda theneiq.Teustee shall ap�Y 4he proreed�of t6c aate in the followtng ortlers(e)to aU casts and expens�aT -
<br /> � �•� , exercisHng tho po�ver o!s�le�Aad the sale,ir�cludtng the payment of the Teustee'�Pees ectuully Incurred,no!to
<br />; � •�` ' exceed 25 �'o of the prinr9pul amount o[tde note at the time of the decls�raUon of defauit, ;;:;.
<br /> :;'. '.,;�:'` and reASOnoble uttorneys'tees oy permttted by law;(b)to all sums se�ured by thts Secur[ty lastivment;and(c) '
<br />_ �''::'��i.ir�;; uny excess to the peraon or persons lesc�lly entltled to it.
<br /> ��.. .
<br /> '� ''`�',�e�:Z;;�;:',. _ --
<br />_s�„„ 19.Recanveys�etce.Upo�e payment of aIl sums securcd Dy this Secariry Insuvment.Lender shall request Truateo ,
<br /> ,,:,L. `;_�,t, � to reeonvey the Property and shall sucrendxr tfiis Security Instcurnent and all notes evidenein�debt sccvred by this �`_
<br /> ��.°:�+���„f, Securlty Insm�ment to Trustee. Trustee shall reconvey the Property without warraury and withoat charge to the
<br /> -�;:a.,.-..: :., pe�son or persona legaliy entitled to it.Such p2tsoa or persans shall pay any c+ecordadon eosts.
<br /> .a_ntktt�'
<br /> :r9CS1%'�.!7f{��+� .
<br />�T.:�,��_-_;."" 20.Su6sti4ute Tn t its option, rnny fcom time to time:+emove Trustee and appoiat u auccessor
<br /> rn
<br /> �^" ' ' uustee to any Tcust by nn instr�ment recorded in the county in which thia Security Instiumeut
<br /> '�'=���-�•�` ;s recorded.Witho xt�•.the sucxessor m�atee stnall suaeed to a11 We tItle.po�ver and duties -
<br />=�; ,;�'!��'`•`� conferreA upoa T and t le law.
<br /> r�
<br />��•`.1'�'�,�in �
<br /> m� �`-s`"� 21.ReQuest ticea. Borrowe ts that wpiES of the notica of default aud sale be sent to Borrower's
<br /> �_�°' address which fs th dd
<br />�"�:y�`�"� _
<br /> ����-�� 33.Rider�4o this � ezet.I€on� or aa�re riders ere exxuted by Bartower and recorcted together
<br />'':=?;u„T :.� „�,i�p �;y g��y of each sucL rtder shall be iumrporatttl into nnd shull umend und
<br /> : �?.:•..
<br />_-_:���ys—�. supplement t6e covenants and agreemenu o �thia Security instrumeut As If tUe rider(s)were a part of thIs Setur�ry -
<br /> '"'�y9�� lnsuument.[Check applicable box(es)J. ��;;.:
<br /> _`"-:°- m' [� Coadominium Rider � Orowla�Bquity Itider ❑ Other[spectfy) ' _i;,__
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