: �� . . ��. ';�: �. .� ri-_:_
<br /> . ,.��•, ..•� ' •�,�i �M!111^� " .
<br /> K���M�i
<br /> �
<br /> •����1��,� 9. BV�N7�OF n6RAU1.T. My ot Ih�idb���1a4 i�ll b�d�enNd�n event af def�ult hereunc4r. •
<br /> (�17t+�r�h�q h�w fdl�l to mwiw p�ym�t at'�iny(oMaUawlt of int�wR P��Pp���PI�Adpo�YOd�RW�OIt Or�RY �:
<br /> � otlNr aum Naund hwabY when dua;or •
<br /> ._ . (bl Th�iuu�oocur�d�bre�h uf ar d�fiult undre anY trna.00v�mnt,+��condiUw��ProvWan.�
<br /> ,. ; -- -- - ar�ura�ti►onnt�lmd in�ny Af th�l.a�n In�nh.
<br /> 10.AOC�I.BMTIONUPOND�RAUI.T.Al1nIT1ANAl.R�Mf�pIR.H.8hnuldaneveneofdetiultoocurB�lld�q►
<br /> myr�n dl inde6Ma��acurod he�eby m 6�due�nd p�yrbM Mnd tha�wmu�hrll thereuPn+�b�oom�dw and p�yabb �
<br /> ' . °;:�::N�� withaut�ny pra�Mmenl,danand,pa�wt ar nWk�e uf�Y kind. ThereulWr Ha�eflciery mwY —
<br /> "�?�a�. � li)Biliwrinl��« �ant wflharalthoutbrinRinl�rnYacU�►nur�u�eediaR.��'byarc+oeivKAppdnkdbyaoaurt -::
<br /> �y ,oe
<br /> ��� ��.,"!:"*",: � �nd rvlthaut roa�rd to�he�deqw�cY oti�seca�ity.wUar upun und taka prw�pinn oilha74uwt�te�a any pwt th�nat',i� `-
<br /> , k._._..__._,. . i4 own n�qw wr(n!h�n�ms ai'14uaae.u�d du�ny r��1r whicF�it deeow nec�wry orderirable tn proc�xvc the�alue.m�rke4 =_
<br /> .,_:. � w6illty ar nata6iliq► of'�he 7�t F�t�.ar P�rt tharof ur lntenrt the�ein�Inemwpa thn iooame therobrom ar p�+utecK the c
<br /> ,�:,y; ...• .,<<�.,. Mcudty h�wot and with or without tAidnQ P��iun of the 7lrurt�tAta.�ue fur ar atherwire aallect the ren1�.iwue��nd ��-
<br /> -:-..� • ;; �..:.t;i•:� �ro1it+�th�roof.includioa�haw►Pw�due w�d unp�id,�nd w�lY the wme.lar oo�t�and experwerof opnmtion nnd aollKtion �.�:'.
<br />_ . ,;=d1�`� . �' ~ indudlnR�ttom�y� feM,upon aoy indabtedr�as�aecund heroby,ul)in ouch ordar ur BeaeBcisry may determinR 7Ue =°"
<br /> u
<br /> . •' � eM�xinQ upon And takinp pa�rian af Ihe Tcwt Ertat�,tha cullactian uf ruch renla,iwuer wid pro�Na and the application �";;`
<br /> `..�'� ' '��`' �� yw+eotuatotwdd,�baUnotew�eawdvewtYdefaultornotkeafdefaulthereunderurinv�lido�eanyaddoneinn+��ponre �"`
<br /> � � -• � to such det�ull or pwwad wauch�otioe of deFault and.nolwlthelwndinR the oantinuance in powe�bn of the Trwt Estate
<br /> ,,,t_ �i � or th�aoll�ctiw�,�eoiipe wd�pplicAtion ot renq�iwuM ur protila�75rurtee or Bene#kiarY ohell be entiQed to exerd�e every �';
<br /> i,',� :�,y ;,��°,.,,`��:"a ei�he p�ovldd fa ia�a.7►oith�I.o�n laqrumu►n or by Iww upon occyrrenoe oi�ny went af driAUlt,includina th�eiQbt to �,.'
<br /> , ,�'`.� t. eu�ni�th�powaroi�wk: ����?�;
<br />-,;i,.'1, . a: � (ii1 Ca+ms�aios�n�c�ion w faneeWre thi�f�d ot7�uot�w�mart�a�e.appdnt�noeiver.or�pecifirpllY enforoe+u�Y� �,;�;;,
<br /> �' n
<br /> �(iii�10 J�q�1!!Y Mil'�!t!!1 dlCl�#1�0�1 Ot�wYI�*IIfI!IlIII�f1A W=YIl.R�1/�w Wr1Ul�111(►�JO!Of fIBf�YII Ma RIOCfj0�11
<br /> w;i
<br />..� +.� :�'- ..FS.
<br />-?"� .�.:; ; .,,ki'' t�o auN'It�td�inter�c io 11�e 1turt E�t�t�w be soW.which nafioa Truct�e th�►11¢auw W bQ duly Nad tar nc�rd ia tl� ��.
<br /> r; . •.'��, �' app�op�iwi�ONid�+l R�,ca�t o!tM Codnty in whieh the'l1�wt E�tat�e i�loe�t�d. ,t,�
<br /> -- �•.p:r;`:� 11. fr�REClASUtd�aY P01M1"�R uN'SAL�. Shouid Bet�e6ciwy eiai 4,faai�ia:e by�etcfr�of the Pbw�er of�sle -
<br /> `'� hrr+in cantained.Ben�6cia�Y shall���uSy T�w�tes pnd ahell depooit with TwsWe this�Aaed uf"�lrust and t!w Nat�and Ruch
<br /> • ��`� ., � nooipt��nd evidenos af expenditures made and�ecured I�ereby a�7lrurtee msy e�equire. �''`-.
<br /> '�; (a)Upon eeo�ipt aP rwx�notioe fbom Beneficiery.7lrurtee ahall cauae to be rec�rded.iiubll�hed and delivered W Teuator •
<br /> •t <�;:;i� r •�: ' wch Natia of DefRUltwm3 Notice uf 3ale ao then�quired by lew w�d by thia!)c,�Q o[Tru�G 7Yuatae rhall.without demand =:-
<br /> �`��';' on Truttor.aft�a�wch 4inw ar may then berequired by law end after recocdation of auch Nodce of Uetauitand after Notice ot '';:�".
<br /> r •�.� ' Salehovin�beeo�v�enerrequi�dbyl�w,oeUthe71�w1F.otateatthetimeandplaceofaalefixedbyitinauchNotioeof3ale, r�•.:
<br /> " � � either�w whole,or in�eparale kaa orperrols or items ar 9Yurtee ohell deem espedlent,end in auch order ar it may deter
<br /> ..'� �'' rnine.alpaWkauctiontothehighertbidderfaraaahinlawfulmoneyoftheUnited3tatespaYableatthetimeufiale.7�tew
<br /> = .�"K"��`:��' :�� �haUdelivertoauchpurcha�re�orpurch�estherrofitsRoodandauf�icientdeedofdaed�conveyinQthepeopertYw►�old.but .
<br /> , ,. �`�: ' . . ���, wlfliout aoY cavenant or warranly,exprr.ar ar jmplied.The recitab in rurh deed of�uty mattere or facta ohell be oot�clurive
<br /> .;;;yg�;;v;�'�t proaf ot16�e truthfulnew lhereof. My perw►n,includ'aa��,without limitutiun,Trurp►r,Truxtar and ReneBci+�rY,mwY P���
<br /> 2— - , •,y�° � st�urh a�ne a�xi Truab�hrr�i►.v tvvenaott to isati'aasS xnd defrnd!!sa!i!!e uf auch{xerch++!�nr gun�haaera. • -
<br /> �� 'i ` '•� Ib�dlsa may bs permiqed by law.after dedud�n�7hwtea I�'aa�u�the amount of 'Iturfee ahell apply th� ��
<br /> . .,�r� °� ' • prooesdH ac tbe rule ia the foUowing�: 4AD wa a0G c�onable aw�s and experweo of the�➢e.indluding.but not limited tu, �_, .:.
<br />.::� � '. .a;�:; :
<br /> �,f ' truatee feea af not more tlwn 1/2 of l�b of ahe�u�e sr�es prioe,reaoor�able atWrney'o feeq an�cx�:uf title evidence;(b)to e9C �r.�-.
<br /> :; „ `Si, . .=x�:
<br /> ,y ts,,,. : „, suma�d hY thi�I�E of'ltuo�(c)to tha puyment of junior 71vrt I)eeds.m�rt�WCeo�r a+tP�er Iton holdern; ( 1 .
<br />:�t.ti:.: .:,.,�•.:.�.:�i;:':�«.�=• bolanea iB araSr.to '4he�.3on or peianrw IeQaUy enlitled thereto. . . --
<br />�,�,1�:� � .. .:. " (cl Tn+stee may in the manner pruvided by law,pwtpnne aale of c►11 ur any p�rtiva�ot aha T�u.t Eitatc. �-�-
<br />"`;�' �. ,-.:�. x.,• f °.``��.
<br /> ' �' ' 12, QQ��IEbIFS NOT EXCLU31 VF.. Truetee and lieneficiar��. s�nd euch of them,aB�aRl�e ent�tled tuenforoe paYmenc �._.
<br /> • ; �i...,:. .. _.
<br /> . ._ ,,��y,,, and pe�t'w�monce otany indebtedn��or obligutiuns eecur�d heruo-�ti�and tn exercioe all riahts s►nd powers underthi�Iked uf
<br /> - � ' `�''; � 7�wt or under any Iawn lnatrumcnt or nther A�cr�:me�t ur nny lawe now ur hereu4ler in toroe,notwithetanding wime or ull '+'•
<br /> - ; ,rr�:. .. ;*. � . �.,,w•
<br />-- of the w�ch indebtedneue and ubUgatiuns secured heze�� ay now or hereaiter be rt�thenv3ae aecured,whether by nwrtgelte.
<br /> �`':� r"�`""`�' �' c.leed of iturt,pledge,lien,useignment or otherwiye. tizi�ther the ucceptannruf this O�edaf'i�a�st nur ita enforcemontwhethec �;`'j`
<br /> ��� ••��,•,;;e.,-_, � fi�y eawet scflon or pur�uant 4►the q+wer oi sa�e o�nther pnwera herein c��ntuined.ah�9E prejudi�ce ur in any manner�ffect r�
<br /> " °61ru�tee'�+vr BeneBciary'r righl to mid�r,n upm�:renfurce anv�►tFe�$e��urity nuw��r hereu6ler h.�iaa by 7lruutee or fieneticiery. i�•-_
<br /> . '..��...,.n . 1t bein�aQrced that�lruetee and 13on<f��:a.a�,u�a�l eacfi��f thern.��hnH iw�entilled l�enfn�re tfiis 7aeed uf'il�u�t und any ather �,
<br /> u" �„�'} �.'�,i.: oecueity now or hereofter held by Nr�.�fria�y uv'�'niatxe in su�•h�w+lcr und meaone�r u�Rhcy•�r aither uf them muy in their ,,�;.
<br /> � ,
<br /> , '• r j� ab�olute diicretbn cict4�rmine. No remedy herein►v,nferred up�n or reeurved au'9'►vst��r ut HeneBciary is intended to be ,�,,.;;�:
<br /> , :`f,,;;,:. ,�.;s
<br /> . ,; ��: , axcluriv�otony other reinedy herei�w by law pruvid�d or�rrmitted.but curCa:;,n1f IMS rumulutive and ehall be in wddition ,..;:
<br /> ' , wer or remedy
<br /> �::
<br /> W evayr othe�r remedygiven hereuacl�'•►ur now ur hereufter exietiai���law�K in eyuity ur by atnwte. EverY po ,`,
<br /> � �, � . _� •'Y��j,,;�• Qiven by any of the I.oan Inrtrumen¢s tu 71urtee or Henrficiury.x a,�which either u[them m:��•beothe�vv�reenlided,may be ,�#*�'�
<br /> • " '�.� e:ercioed,ooncurrendy ur independently,fmm timc G�time end ua often ae may l►e deemed expedient by 74uot,ee or Hrne- �_ti
<br /> _, "`. •� u
<br /> ` �i r"�- � ' .:� ti�iary and either of them muy puniue imm�eiatent remedies. Nothing he�rin shell be ounetrued aa prohibidna Ei�neficierY . �;---m_
<br /> ''� �',�� � „�;�,;.;d�� 11rmp reeltinQ p defldency judgment ageinot the 7'ruotur w the extent ruch urdun ia perm itt d by law. 1
<br /> . � ..,r,'rh��:� �'-=-
<br /> • ,:�� ;!.•,:� REQUE3TFORN07'ICF. 71us�u►rherebynquactancupyofanynuticeofdefau1tandthntanyn��uf�wleiwrQUnder �_.�
<br />- ° `,.�i.':., be eaadieQ ia it at the nddrebw+�et Puaeh in the fin;l p+�rn�srUph ac d:air Ik�ecl uPTru�t. �_-==
<br /> -'�•- ~�'• u;..w�.
<br /> �:_;
<br /> : -. g,;t', . •�'_ '� !!. �Ct�VERNING IAW. Thi�Ok�1��fTrust shsdl he gnvrrne�l ny the iawe uf ihr��a�rui I:rLrn.wu. S�.ii'iE erent 2l:�
<br /> _ •, �nY p�uvir�iun or clnuce uP amy uP U�l�wm instrumeuta c.rnilicta x•ith upplir+d►le luwr.au�•h runflict�ahull mK of�'ect other , �;
<br /> � '�� p r oviriono of ruch l.ua�In�trumenw whkh cnn IK given clTirt with��ut Ihr.��nk�N•�ioK pruviniun,nnd to thia and the pryr
<br /> ,r.�:. • vLiont of the I.oan loe:trumentr um�kYlured lu be exverubi��. Thi�r inetrumrnl c•an nu!I k w H i v t r l,c h u n K e d,d i e z e h p�e d or . �i i i t•."•
<br /> ..,i'}r,
<br /> -_ �,� '_. , , - ��.. ��„��orally,but nnly by ua in��rument in writinti ri�cned by thP lu+rtv eKain,►t v►ho�n��nf�rcen►ent of any waiver, �;_,
<br /> ', • � �, � . c1wnQe.diucherge or terminnti��n is rouKh1. �
<br />:;��, 1 � lb. RECONVFYAN('1:1l1'TRI�tiPI:F:. liNun writk•n ayu►at uf iienefia�un,rtut�ngthuWll e�uma x�wnd he�rbY huv� : .
<br />_i,i. � . been paid,and upnn�urrendrr of lbiri I►.tid of True�t++►ul thr Nutr a�7 Yustra t�K cwxy�f la p�m�n d m t r n t i u n w n d u p o n p a Y• �
<br /> 1{, ., � •,,� mentby7l�ueGiruf'Itwttce'Kfiri+.'ll�w+t.+e�huilnr,�nveyto7'ra�tor.urthe�r��nnrl���irlSWlyrnutirdthen�to.wdtrwt ;
<br /> �;; {�.... w�rrantY.anY part ion u f t he'I'ruet h:a ln t e t h c n hr W h rreu n.i r r. "1'h e n ti�u�b m�u r h n r,�n v e y un c Y of an y mutters ar factx
<br />-_:;!�,•;1t; � �U 6e oonclwive pn�f uf the truth Wlntaw�hereuf. Tt�e�untcr�n any reivnveyu��r muy 6Q de�+Mirl u�`the pers��n ur +
<br /> �'°``(` [ '• perranr le�olly entilk�l tl�a�rrl�i' ,
<br /> -� f�t�ui, i
<br /> ��'tl'rly!}(.! �� ! �
<br /> .�:`+���� 1Q NOTII'h8. Wheneaer IknNliriurv.Truar��r ur'f'rue�hY uhi+[l u!►�wrr t��FCe�r��r�n•e um•nouce.�kmtund.rr��u�t ur
<br /> ', ..<.
<br /> . % � . ., �- _. . .---'--t--.i__...:.�.�.., a� d.:..t1....1 nfT•o�� ..,��•h����•6 r..��i�,�.Jrmand.r�auNSt ur uther�tinnmunic��uon ahull t►a'
<br /> :;ac���'.� .,� wrc�avuuo�uw....a.....�....e;a:..::..._....._... --- • 1
<br /> ..: ��•}•. '+''� in wriung And rhall I�r cIY'ir�tn•�•�ml�•if�h��nnm��ix d�•liv��nd h�•{K�n+omd M•n•�c����r m+�il�.l b�•�ti•rtiR��i mud.IH�ati�Kr pn p+�iii. i
<br /> • ,� '�' . , retumrvreipirequeal�d.��ddn•wnd����hi�uddr.e+seu��lurth+�lthrlK'�(11111111�(IIIIIIISIRY�IIIII'rurl An��p+�rt�•nu��'+�ttl�idtimv ,.
<br /> '�. �. � . • ' eh�n�e ilr�ddn�w fiK yuch n�aaYx In�d�•li�•enng ur nxnlmK tu thruth��r puAU�x hi•retu,��r uliKiwud.��nuU�ti�ut�uch rhuuga.
<br /> �; ,
<br /> � � . l7. ACCEI'TAN('F:IiY'1'RI�tiTEF:. 7'ruKte��+utYptK th�K'I�u�1 wh�m�hi�1 ka.l��t"I'rurt,duh ex�KV��+i und ucknuw�
<br /> IedQed.ir made u{whla•nr.�c!��e pn��•id�d hy I+�M•
<br /> � � � ,� � IN WI'I'NE531VHEKF IIF.'Pruntor h�is ax�cut�d thiK(krd ut"fruwt u���i Ihe d:�v��nd>•«ur fin;t a�lr�v��a�rilt��n.
<br /> . � � �.•• TRU3TEE. Truut� ucc��pta th�K '1'ruet Nhrn �h�e� Il�w�d u( 'Pruxt. duly executed und ucknnw•
<br /> � '• y . ledQed.io made�publ�r��Kd ue pmv�dr�l by li�w.
<br /> ,� ; � " .: ` ,r`., , IN WITNF�i.K IVNF NF:�1F'.'I'ru�+lor h�us rxa•ultd Ihia(le��d'1'rurl iw uf�hr duv+�nd�•rur lirr�+dM��•e v►�ntlen.
<br /> '�`� ' � ���' �;�;..�
<br /> �� :,t . . . .
<br /> !.. .;,, n. etti �. ��.�-�—
<br /> ,� Janet �.• Bittner `
<br /> I
<br />