' . .. - .. � . � . . ..r.. .i. .
<br /> �� �
<br /> . .. . . _. .. .... . . .. . ......
<br /> .. �. , ��.. �. .. �. . ..... .. . .. .. .. � � -
<br /> . �� � .._....-....,..-"--`-'-"-.-�- _... . ..�. _ . . . .� . :i
<br /> CQVENd1NY8 ! �_ I�� ���
<br /> }� poym�o to Londarrro oivoo¢hom 8orrowot or foi Boriowei e bonofit wt bobappilod fasi�to e�y u�euu�i n I;4Ia OWLi 8YJ05 OIl 1�1Q'89LUrod d��i ...
<br /> oxc�ualvo of lirto►aet or prinolpnt,aocond to intoront,and thon to princlpot.if partial propnymont ot tho nocurod dobt oCCUru for nny roc�aon, u w�il �� A
<br /> � �� not roduco or oxcuso ony ncNedutod poyrteont untll tho oocutad dobt io pntd In fult. .
<br /> ' 2.Ctama AQilnst TNie,Borrownr will pay ot1 tauoa,noeosemonte,ond othor chnrpoa ottrlbuto0tu to tho proporty whon duo ond wilt dofand tlilo 4
<br /> to tho proporhr allelnst ony alntma whlch would impai�tho I{on of th►n dood ot truQt,Londor may roqulro Bottowo�to aaoffln ony rlphto,clalmo or
<br /> ° detonsea whlch 6orrowor mey hovo apeinat pertioa who suppty Iobov or motodois to Imerovo or maintoln tho proporty. ,_�.
<br /> � 9.in�ttrcneo.Betrewnr wlil koap iho propnrly'inaurod undcr tarmo accoptnblo to Londor nt Borrowor'o oxponoo ond for Landor'o bonofit.Ail
<br /> innuronco�licles lhati Inciudo e etondard maRgago ctauoo 1n 4avor of lond r.Lonaet wU{bo�amod ao loco pnyno or ad tho insurcA on any nuch 'L��"_.
<br /> � ineuranee poiloy.Any inautoneo procoodo meY bo n�piled,whhln L9nder's�locrqtfon,to oithsr tho rootoratlon or topnle of tho dnmopod praporty __
<br /> ' or to th�seeured dobt.ft londor requlrea mortpago nauranco,Bortqwor ugr000 ta matntotn such Insur�neo tor os Ionp as Londor toquiros.
<br /> , }k�<�
<br /> •,;r:��=" 4.Progtrty.8orrowor wlil kaop tho proporty in good condltion and m31a oll roputrs rovaonab�y nocoasnry. -;y_;,.':
<br /> � B.F.�pmaea.8nrrower oproos to poy alt Londor'o ox�ensoo inctudinp ronaongblo attornoys'foas, if Borrowor broake any eovananta fn this dond —,�.,,,
<br /> �� of ttuat or in nny oblfgotion socurod by thia dood of 4►uK.�arowor wlll pay thoao amounta to Landor os providod in Covonnnt 9 of thla dnod of �; i
<br /> P.i�"__.
<br /> uuot.
<br /> 8.Prior 8�audtTl Intuaats.Untoas Bonownr flrst obtalna Londor'e writton conse�t,Botrowor wtq not muka or po�mit ersy chandos to uny prlor ��-�_�_-�
<br /> " including�Bonowor s covonsrtts�to alco poymont�whanor�'u obligottons undor a�y prior mortpege,dand ot trust or other security ngroomant, ___^
<br /> � 7.Astlpnm�M of RortU and Proflto.6orrowar aseipns to Londer tha ronts and proflta of iha propor{y.Uniaco Borrower and Londor havo ogrood ;;-�`.:_.
<br /> othorvvfeo in wtking, Borrowor may coiloct nnd rotatn tho ro�ts no tong as Bcrrower is eot in dsfault. I}Horrawor detautts, Londor,Landnr's -•-
<br /> apoM,or a eourt appointed receivor muY tako pooaoasbrf and monago tho proq:rty end eoAoot tho rorna. Any rents Londor eolloots shnll bo ..+-.
<br /> r . � npplied tlrst to the eoats of inenagin9 tho property, Includlng eourt eosts ond attomoys'toea, commissiona to rentat ngents,and any other Y-
<br /> noc�ssary�olntod oxponsea.The remaTnlrtg amount ot rents will th2n eppty to peyments on thn aocurod dobt as ptovided fn Covonent 1.
<br /> � ' 8.I.Rasehaidti Condqmin!ums;Fte�uee3 Unit Devala�um��•BGttQLYrt A0roes to eompty with the Qrovlslona of any loaso it this dood of trust le on �
<br /> o loasohold.it thia dood of trust is on a unit in a condomlNum or a pianned unit dovalopmont, 8orrowor wifl porform nIi of Bortowor's dutioa _
<br /> ' " ,�, undar tho cownante,by-lewe,or�epul8tions of thn cordominium or piannod unit devolopmeM. �
<br /> 9.Authorlty of toclder to Pertorm tor Borrowar.It 0onowor talla to pattomf any of 8urrowor'a duUoo undor Mva dood ot bust, londor moy w
<br /> peHorm ths duttos ar cnuse tham to be pertotmed. Londer may sign 8orrowor'o namo or Pay ony emaunt i4 nctcessnrv for{wrtormonco.If any ��-;�`�-
<br /> � � � consuuotion on the proporty is diacosnlnued ot oot carrlod an in�roeeonabto menner,Lendoe may do whntovar is nocossary to protaat Londor'a -
<br /> � security intorost in the propnrty.This may Includo eomploting tha consvuction. F,_..
<br /> � � Lender's foilure to portorm wiil not prectudo lendor from exoteising any ot Ite other rights under t7eo Inw or thia deed ot uuat. �;''
<br /> � and will�bear�intaroatvtrom Mo dnpo�of tho payment untll pald In tult e��the Interastrato in�oNoct on tti�e soou ed dobt unts wtll be duo on domund =
<br /> �., 10. C�huk cnd AceN�raUon. It Borrower fails to meke eny peymendt when due or breeke nny covnnonts under this daod of uust or any "=
<br /> •. damar�id Immodiato peym�eM end may invoka tho pawo�of s�alo e�any othst reiiiedloodpermittod by oppllcnb oI ,nyy��of the securod dobt and
<br /> t
<br />+•:`L � . 11.Request tor Notic�of oofn�n.i�ia horoby rovuvete3 iho.GGp:�E�S tt�tx!ld:3 4!d9}���h oa�t nnto bu ennt to oech poreon who is o OIIrtv --_
<br /> �` �. , hsroto,at the addrerss of each such person,os sot forth herein.
<br /> - ' � �� � 11.Pow�v of 8d�.It tho Londor invokes the gowa� ot oalo,the Trustee shatt flrst�acord In the offlao of t4sq��myfis�er of daoda of oach countv
<br /> ,",:;�.,,, wh�rein tha trust properri or some part or parcei theraof la situated n notieo ot datauit containl�gereio�eand t�oj otheQ��erBOns oa p�ro crtbedtby
<br />_��';i�<< �.. • ehn�i elso mcll eoPieo of 3ho eotice of dofauR to tho Bonower,to oach porson wAo is a party 6 P s not in any
<br />- �?�'�' ' appitaabia law. Not lase than ono rrtoMh efter the Tmsteo rocords tho notico of defauft or 4wo month�i if tho trust propony 1
<br /> `4,',������ � ' incorpotated aity or vil►ape and is usad in farming operationa oertiod on by the truetor,the f�u�tee ehnit pivo publta notica of ealo to tho parsons
<br /> ,. �� � and in the menner preeuibed by�nppptieabte Iaw.T►uetoe,wlthout demand on Barower,shell soii tho propArty nt publlo auatton to tho hiphost ---
<br /> biddor.If�oquited by tho Farm Nomeatead Proteotion Aet,Trustoe shali oNor the property in two sepnrate sele ns requitad by opplicablo taw.
<br />' Lndor omite deaslgnao mey purchaso the pro�peityr t eny 8n�io�by pubttc announeement at tho time und pinco c�ony provlously schodulod salo.
<br /> Upon raceipt of paym ent of the prfce bid,Trustea oha9 da�ivar to tho purchace�Trustee's doed aonreying�propeny.Tho rocitiots containod in
<br /> , ?rustee's doed ehell be prtme tacie evidioneo of tho truth f tho statomeet eorytahrod thoroin.Teuateo ehnll epply tbo proeeeds of the eete in ffio _ -
<br /> ' rcinzt�i9 nont 400s��tb to�ali s�ums aecured by thla deed ot t�uet and io)thetDala�.eif any,bt�o h0 pn6o nu i Aaiiy oniitiod�io:o�oi�o ii.faes and
<br /> sa,�._.r,°�:f;}
<br /> �".�,�,�'� 19.Fu�eiatun.At Londer's option,thia dootD ot t�uet may be torocbsod�n tho menner provide by appliqablo tinw for forocioauro of mortgagos
<br />_ �,���},;_
<br /> t-�' on roal proparty.
<br /> �y,.,::::,,.:.�:
<br /> �,+.�r.�� 14,!nspaatlon.Lender moy enter tfie propertl/to inapeat It if Londor givoa Bonower notico botorohond.Tho notico muet stato tho rensonoblo
<br /> _ . cnuea tor Lender's tnspoctioo. __
<br /> '' �,� �, 16.Condamnstton.Bonower asei�1n� �to Lende�tho procaads of ony eward or etaim tor damn�au connootod with o eondomnation or othor tokinp __
<br /> i.� socurity oernrooment�p�����gL6h ptococtds wili bo apptle0 po provtdod in Covenant 1. Thio aaeignmont is aubJoat to tho torma of any prtor .._--
<br />�.:,,.:-.;--, ._� _
<br /> ;,,;;.:��;� 18.Wavm.gY exottlsing uny remedv ovnilobta to Londer,Landor doos not pive up ony rights to Iator uon ony othor remody.By not oxoraluing ° -
<br /> ' nny�omody upon Bortowor's default,Londar doea�ot wafvo any rfght to luter cansidor tho ovont a dofautt s'4 d heppona egein.
<br /> � , !�•- � 1i1, Jo1M�nd 8�vant tJabUity: Castpn�r�s 3uccesurs tnd Aeaigns Bound. All dut{os unda� Wo daad ot trust uro joint and sovoral. Any _
<br /> ���,� Borrower who co-eigns this ao»d of uuat but doea rtot co•eipn the undcrtving dobt In�trumoM(n1 doos eo oniy to grb�rl ond convoy thut __.
<br />-s�,yr��.•�,,:, ,. '� Borcowor'e intorost tn the proporty to the Trustoo undor tho terma ot thia doed ot truat.In adQition,oueA a Borrowet egroes thoi tho Lendot end
<br /> ony othor Borrowor undet thie deed of trust moY�xta►d,modifti or mnko any ottror chnngaa itt tho totmn af tfild deod ot truat or tho socurad
<br />�=±�:�-..:�T: �Sbt+�;ti,vut::w�t�ssrar:er'e^_s�°nt end wN�+"�n onlaafnn thet eonovKOr trom the 4erme of thia dood ot trwt. _
<br /> � • . � Tho duNos en�benefito of Mis deed of trust sholl biad end bonottt the suocossoro ond ousigns o�Londar und Bottowor. _�:
<br /> tp,pot{e�.Untoan othwwiso rmquired by Iaw,any notico to Botrowor ohall be flivan by doiivoring taot by rt►olling k by corNtiod moii addrossod to �`�;,_
<br /> � � Bottowor at tho proporty oBdro3s�nr onY othor oddress thet Botrower hoa gIvun to l.ondor.6oruanet vr@f givo any notico tn Londnr by cortiHod
<br /> � moU to Londar's nddrona on pago 7 ot thlo dood of uust,or to any othm addroea whtch loreder 7►no doalgnutod.Any othor noUco to londot shnil ���::'
<br /> ■t;,
<br /> , '� } bo sont to Londnr's addto3s oe stntad on papo 1 of tNa doed ot trust. �wN,
<br /> "�`, Amr notico ehaA bo daomod to hovo boon glvon to Bartownr or Londor whan givan in tho mnnnor etetod oQovo. �-
<br /> -. I� �_�'',� 1fl,Tmtahr of th s P toperiY a�o BM1�Hdd trtKSSt In tlt�Borrowre►.N sU or ony part o}Ma R�oporty pr ony intoroet in it lo ootd or vanatormd �
<br /> � Wlihout Lo n da fs D r for wr i t t o n c o n s o M, L o n d o r m a y d o m a r�d i m m e d f a t o p a yment of tho socur�d dobt Lendor moy also domnnd fmmodiau+
<br /> _ . , ;.��7i paqment It tho Bonowor is not a nnturAl porson and a bonaficiat interast in tho Bortower is sotd cr tranafened. Howovar,Lon dot moy no t �1���;
<br /> ,t�� domend paymeM in the a6ove situotions If ft is prohfbltod by fodorat Iow os of tho date of tPele�oad o9 trust. �•�
<br /> . ' •;�(���L
<br /> ,:�..,�, •r�
<br /> ;�.�.py Zp,gecemnym�ce.Whon tho obtigadon seeurod by this deud of trust ho3 ec�en pntd and Lortdor hao na furttror obligation to mako advuncoa
<br /> J•,�`� undor the instrumonts or agroomunts aocurod Dy�hls dood ot trust,Mo Truo400 ohnt�upon written requost by tho Londor, racoavoy tho ttuot j
<br /> 1 pro.pariy.Tho lando�shnll dolivs�to thorBo�O��Off.v'WtL�O�ffO�4f�8 6UCC8880i h(f1t0�08T, tho truat dood t�nd tho noto or othor ovtdonce of tho
<br /> . -_o ____—____ pUll(�OIlOt1�v oaVawor.w.w..w...:�rr-••.•'"-'-' ' .
<br />_ �
<br /> - 21. Sucd�sor T�. Landcr, ot Lcndor'o aption,mny romovo T�uatoo und appoint a suaaoanor uuateo by tiret, mot�lnp o copy of tho
<br />- subatitution of uustoo as roqutrod by applicablo law,cnd than,by tiiing tho substitutfo�ot 4ruateo tb�toeord In tho offtco of tho�ogSator ot doode
<br /> suc�ado a1i�Na powor,duttos�autho i�and tklo o�tha Trustoo nnm d�in tho dood of maaetn of any succonaor t uatoo�f tho proporty,ehoil
<br /> _ „J �_
<br /> . ('
<br /> . fABGs 2 0/?1
<br /> +„
<br /> _ . orwx�as arsren�s.�xe..st.e�ouo.�N aeao+a�soo•ao�.:seuroax+ocv�rcar,e o,+o�s�
<br /> " � V
<br />