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„:.;,;. <br /> �'.;�fr ;,� <br /> ,. ; L . <br /> �, , , . <br /> „ . ,. ' „ .. i. '. i, �� _. ”... ... .'.�rn'°^ . <br /> • :__�.. ............ _ ..._ <br /> ..._. ._... . . <br /> ,n <br /> .. � .. � <br /> CONENANE9 �� `�L�'��� <br /> "' 1. Poymente. Dorrowor oflr000 to mako ntl oymontn on tho aecu►ed dobt whaf� d�io. Unloca Bar►awn� ond l.ondor nprao othatwlno, ony ' <br /> pey�r�onte I.andot rocoivoo ttam Bonuwor ot�or r,onowc�•a�ne��t wm aa pr��lnd fl��t to any cmau�tta arrownr ov�oo on tho aocuroA_dobt <br /> oxctualvo of intaroot or Rrinoipal,ooeond to Intoroat,and thon ta pNnaipol,(f Dnr In�prap�ymont of thm ee�c�and dabt ocauro tor.hy ronuan,n wiii <br /> not ruduao or oxcuoo nnV schodutod poymAnt untli tho ooCUtad dobt ta pald in tut1, <br /> 2.Galma AQa[n�t TIUo.8orrov�or wlll paY eIi toxoa,assoaamonto,ond othar charpna ottrldutobto to tha ptnporty wlion duo ond w��l dofond titlo <br /> w to tho propnrM aoalnat any etalmo which would Impnir tho Iton of thl�dond of buat.londor moy roquirn[3Mrawar to noofpn any rlphta,clmmn or ' <br /> dofanses whl¢li eonowor may havo aga►nat panioa who suppty IaDor or mptarinto to Improvo ar molr�tcln tho proprrty. <br /> � 3. lneurnnso. Borrowor wlil koop tho proPorty innurod undm tormo aaooAtnblo to Londnr nt Borrnwar'e�expsnco aqd far lanQnt'o bnnolit. Ali . <br /> . Insurenco polloyeA�y��eutanco proeoeds moyrtbu epplled�wit!iT��andm�oddleo otlon,t��othor tha roitmnt on�or rflpeir of tiw clomngnd Property __ <br /> or to tho socurofl daDt,it Londor roquiroa martgage Insuronca, nmum agroea to mulntaln euah tnsu7nnnn�or ao lanp oo Londor raqulrae. � � <br /> -""'� 4,properiy,Borrowor wlll koop tho proporty In Qood condltion AnA m�l:o nll rapnirs raaaonnbly�aooaacry. ��; <br /> � � u�r�;::. <br /> . .,*a �-..;. <br /> B.Fa�pmsev.Borrowor a�roos ta pa1f n U l o n d o r'e oxponaos InatudinQ rooaonabto ottomoys'fooa,H florrawor braoko nny covonants In thla doad ��T- <br /> ot trust or in any obilpnt on socurod oy thie dood of t r uat.�cttq►vnr wia poy thaso omounto to 4ondar t�a provido d in Covonon t 8 o f t h l a d o u d oi �� � <br /> truat. <br /> :d;=�.'.: <br /> . 8.P�tor S�curltr Qme���•UNoas Bottowc�firot obteins Lender'o wflnan consont, Borrowar wHl nat mako or pnrmit ony changoa�to ony prlor ;��__ <br /> inctud gtBOfrOWCY'�OCDVOfl8tIt8,L0�k0 paymunts whnn�dueo6llpMipne u�dor any prlor mortgago, daaA at trttat ar othor aocutity a0roomo�t, <br /> `:-=- <br /> �,. <br /> . + 7.Ansipnmstn of R��s and Prot�a•Borrowar aaoigna to londaT th�ronm and profito of tho proporiy.UMpso Borrowot ond Londor hnve opraod _�;�-__ <br /> agBnt,�ora couR op�po nt d Qro�coivayr may tnke possosslnn And mnnpp Qtho p oportYrund colSDOt tha�tontflSAny tonts�londo�C011nots aholl bo "" <br /> a lled first to the costa of marnaBin9 the proporty, includinp caunt aopta ond ottomoyn' toos, eammiReionu to rontal oponta,aed any othar �r�_ <br /> °:�� necesanry roiated oxponsea.The�emuining arnount ot renta w3Si than apply to paymanto on tho socur�d dabt an plavidod in Covenont t. <br /> � �'� 8.Leesufidda•Cor:dondntu^is=P1�u'�Unk DavalupmeTAC.Bannwr�r aUrooa to comply with tho provSSlan�ot ony lansa If thfe duod of truat is on <br /> �•`���I a leosehotd.1�thie doed ot trust ia on a unit in n condomVoium ar u p�a»na�i unit devalopmont,SOftOY�A� wiil{Tt�rtprm atl ot Botrowot's duUoa <br /> �''`�3 un�:ar tho eovenanta,by-laws,or�epulaUons o4 tM►eondomin`um or pibnncid unit dovolopmont. _ <br /> ., �'u 9.Authar(ty of Lsndcr to Psrbmn for Bonowrr. It Borrownr P�itu 4oporform ony a}Botrowmr's dutlae undor thfa deed of tnwt, Londer may <br /> �4• � portorm tho dutf�a or causo thom to bo porformod.Lendor mny oi��Barrowor'e eomo or pay ony oma�mt It npcoaanrY for p�rtormancu.It any �r,-i._, <br /> �i i'� construotlon on the property is discontinued or not cartfod an in a roasonaWm m�nner,londor mny da whntovor in nocosonry to protoct Londor's _ <br /> �: °'�' sacurity tntorost In the proporty.7hls mey inctuda�ompteting tht�co�dructlon. <br /> {}�` - <br /> ::�•t ---- <br /> �r,,,;;� . ._._ <br /> „ � Londer's toilure to pe�torm wIU not p�oc�udo Londor hom er.oraisin�any of im othm riflhta undor thp low m thia dood o trust. <br /> "';j' W+r�-.. <br /> ;;�•;��;� A�y umounte Peid by Londer to proteat LendoYs sacurky lryttttnst wid be soCUeoi1 by th18 daod of ttttbt,Sueh c�maunts wili ba duo on domcw� � <br /> ,.:: , �nd wiil boar trrtorest Bom tho dflie o4 the peYmont unrit peiQ in tu8 ot the tntaraat rato in oNcct on thv coaurod dobt. ��- <br /> ��'�!'�� ��'�. .�c 10. Osfatdt end /►cc�imratlon� �f Bottower taits to mnhv nny poymont when duo ar bruake t�ny covananta undar thio dued of ttunt or nny _ <br /> �� �� �, oblipatfon socured ty thts dsed ot truat or any prinr marttla90 or doed of truat, Londor mey oceotatAtP thn motutity of ffie seeurod debt and <br /> ���!� domand tmmedlate peyment and �ney imoke the pawm of sata and ony othar ramodtos pormtttad by oppllpnbfo Ipw. <br /> �}+,;: <br /> - '�-{n.,r ��.���..��!.���.tad*.It ia hereby roquastod thM aapios of tho noticao of dafauR and cnla ba sont to oech poreun who s o party <br /> '� trer�to,at the addresa of oaeh such person,ae set furth herntn. <br /> 12.Pow�r of S�ts.IP the Lendov Mvokoa tha power of aoio,tho TruNOO ehall Nrat�ocotd tn tha oNiao af tho�ogttrtor of de�da of oach county <br /> � wfiereln tho trust proporh►a sor+�e Part or parcol U►arm�f lo aituatod a notloe of dofuult eontetnlngar�oto,�flns to�Dih64 porsons ea p��aecrlbddtby — <br /> ' sheit etso mail copios of tho not ee of defsuk to tho tim►ower,to oach porson who is a periy h e not In any -- <br /> ���"!� ap�licoDie taw.iPtat tess then one month attor Shri 7�vt.t oA ro�rde tho notico of dotauft or twa ma�hfl if tho trust proparty 1 <br /> r,•, incorporated emI�T��1eBe and is used In tarmin�aporrrtiano aor�fed on by tho trustar,tho�rustoo srinU giva pub7lo notico of saie to the porcons <br /> ' �.-�• ���' end In tho mann��pre sctibod by eppplicab!o IEw.Pveietaa,without danand on 8onowar,shail soU tha proparty ot publie auatlon to the hipheat <br /> " �ty tw <br /> y,,.1��. �. . • hlddor.If requUed�Y t��leaoT nls a�r onV par�caltot tho P pP�V PubN�c onnoun6omont et tho tlma i��p1�QO of t�iiy�P4ovlo 8bly echo��d�uled salo. __-- <br /> ,,: Yruetem may postpo <br />=i�;:r:� �endor or It3 destgnee may pura4�e�e the propeny et arrv sn�u• __ <br />�, Upon recoipt of pnyment of the prbo bld,Truataa ahull datNwr to the purchesor Trustoo's dood cornoyin� ho ptopartY.Yhs razrilals conteined fn � _ <br />• tojjow^{ p o�ddor�(e)to pollmex�niea�of the eaiiip lna�tuhdinp but8nom llmitad�to,nio°uonab oTTrustop'6n�aonAt oosonnblo ttornoy eetees�and _ <br /> _x�u Y� , rolnatatemoM feos;(b)to atl suma¢oeuresd by thk�dtwd oi truct,ond lo)tho baioneo,if any,to tha parao�►n topolty��Mitlod to�acaivo It. <br />.'�'"'�"��"^- 13,Forsclasun.A2 LondeYs optlon,this doed ot tn��t mny bo faroclosod In tho mannor provtdo by c�prl:analo law tor foroalosuro of mongngos <br /> _�;.��. <br /> -°-;,.- • on reai propeKV• <br />�-�..:r.o.�::r� <br /> _-;;_��,;,,„•,. t�.tnaneetton.Lander maY onter tho ptopany to inapflat it if 4andor givos Boaowor notico beforohand.Tho natico muat a�tato tho ranaona o <br /> - + ,'•, cause(or Lende�'s(nspoation. <br /> \�;1�i+ �g,��mnaYlan.Bortovior assign�s to Londer tha proeaeda of any ewnrd or claim tor damago�a connootod wkh a eondomnation�r other tatcin8 <br /> � . �''"�� �'i'� of all or any pora ot the Proporty.Such procooda wUt be appl:ad os providecl in Cuvenant 1.7his ascf�nm4nt Is subjoat to t�o torms of�ny prttu _ <br /> �� � �4� "' aacurity agrecmem. — <br /> fi?,;'t,.:., " , <br /> ` �'..":�•�� n.; <br /> `��::, >, r., �� 18.Walrar.BY ozotcisin8 any remadY avaliabto to Londm,lender doos not givo up nnY righaa to t�tor ubo enY othot romoclv BY not oxorcistnp "�,,, <br /> •!, , eny romedy upon Borcowot's ddtauit,Wnder doea not w�fvo anV rightto toto�constdor thn ovant a dotovlt if ft haAPOno apain. <br /> ,;����y�«�.�� 17,Jotnt�nd Swnd Lt�biAt�r- C�+-sfWU*ns 8ucrsatam antl Aoalpn' Bwnd.Ap dutioa undor th's daad o! troet ero Joint and eeverol. Aay <br /> _�a�rri;�•��,,,',,,_;,, Borrowor who co•siens thie dood of truat but daos not co•sidn tla undorlYtng dobt Instrumontts) daas so onty to prant and convoy thrrt <br /> •�� "�'� Borcower's Interoat fn tho propesrtY to tho Truetee undco tho tmmo at tht�daoa of trust.�n odditio�,suoh e Borro�vor ogroos thot tho Lender and <br />_:;.�!d�`.__�r� �nY aUrer Borrowar under�hla deed ot truat maY oxtond.mad�or mpbc+ony oihor ahen�oa in thm toQms oi thln dood ot ttuat or tho eoeured <br /> ���� debt wtthout that Borrowor e co�ucnt end without roW�tstn0 thot arrmNOr itom tho tarme o thls dood ot trust. <br /> ti� Tho dut{os und�onofiu+of thts dood of trust aheti bSnd and bonofit thc suoceasv�s ond a:ct8n,:a!tendor a.r.�P�n��wA�• __: <br />� �:��`�%�f' 9 8.N o t l c e.Unlose othorwtse requlrod by tow eny[�otloe to Borro�va aholl bo fllvon by dolivoring It or by maflinp�t by cottlflad mall addtossad M - <br /> �'i�'t;�� Borrow@r at tha property o d drerss o r a ny o t h a r B dQf O S D L h M 8 b 1 t 0 1 N 0 t h t 1 9g n o n t o L o n d a r.8 o r ro w o l w 7,1 dha on y notico to Lendot by cantffod <br /> ` '��;':� eo sent torL rt'Qcsr e�nddmss ns B�tetod o�tpago�t ot thlb ddi d ot�uat�p;aa��whloh Londor hos dail$rantad.A�y othor no t leo to Lo n Qor o h o t t _- <br /> ,..i�,; , '' "' •,• r-^ <br /> .:'��;��,;�;,�.� ' .' , , Any ooUco shalt bo doomod to havo boaa plvon to BarrawA�or lo�da whon glvon tn tho m�T�+a�lJtERF'-01 31$DVO. ��;. <br /> � ,�;..; : ty� <br /> , yi;�'�' 1p.Tn�stw af th�Prop�r o„e ee"°ffc�at lntuaat tn•thp all or eny Part of eho 1�0�r i���'ia moi�moy oiao domand�immodlnio �� `' <br /> ; :;:�.•• �� without tondor'o prior wrI on consom, Londnr me1 dgm�nd Immodibto poyment ot tho oocurod d <br /> : '�•,1;�ii•.,� p <br /> ���"�1� d o m a nd pn y m ent�in tho abovo okuotio sr it it o P^roh4EldtbG by f°dorallow o8 ot tlio daBto of thts dood ot tiuiR nntotrod. Mowovot, Londor moy not <br /> �.,�_;� ���- <br /> , �`'��'r� Whon tho obllpoUon securod by thlt doed of trust hns boon pafd nnd Londot haa�o turthar o6l igat lon to mn ko u dvon c o s ��, <br /> . , , 20.Reconv�� V :, <br /> ' undor tho insuumeMe or nareomonts socurod by thts dood ot truct,tho Truatoo shalf,upon wrltton ro�umst b tho Landor,roconvoy tho trust }',. <br /> pro ny.Tho londor aholl dolivar to tho Bortowor,or to Banowtrr'e sutcoascx In fMOtoot,tho truat dma�and mo noto or aRhor ovldonco of tho ;�i, <br /> :. ... <br /> - ��---------_- �ston�so notlsffod.Bortowor ohall pay eny rocordatinn aodto. 1���i.� <br /> , . �''•'"j. 81. Suec�seor Tn+stss• �°"d�s��at londor'a optton, me1e romava TvuctQO and appotnt o auccoasor trustoo by ttrot, mariinp e cap�r o: mo <br /> �' � sub3tttutb�n of trusto�as roqutrad by opplicebto law,and than,by fll'.np tho uubatituUOn of trustoo(ot r000rd in tho ofN,o ot tho roglator ot doeds . <br /> , euc�ed to 0�1 tho Puvv r d ra�a�°n�o+�o a inio of the Tnittoo�mm�odMn tho dood of tivat a kl ot orry 6uCUeoasor tr�i0t o of tho propottN, sh011 <br /> lpiaa 2 0l?1 <br /> _ _� - p�ryK�tyggY$TEMS.IMC�.6T.ClOUD,NN60�01 t1•BO?�07•t�t11F0lD/�7CRMrdMO/tONt ^ <br />