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<br /> , NE�RASKA DE�D OF TRUST °�°���,i.�� � �'��-;�
<br /> (oi►fth Power of 3alo) � -
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<br /> �f-�j�. .; Tk�IS DIIBb OA TRUS'f,made diia g�w day otFEBflUARY .l Q89 . 0 ---
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<br /> �ti;�'+';';� ,� bettveen g Q A (i0 I OE C 0 E tiE U D & S JO ' �� �'.-
<br /> ,;n.y.� , a--�..
<br /> � whose mailing address is L8 S ODY ST QRAND SLANO N� 8 8 801-3 54 2 ��_
<br /> : �, os 1Yustore, S N QU CO �_
<br /> I� whose mniling addre,c4 i.v �T.Q NASHINaTON SUITF,�OO�SAS CITY NO 64105 ' _--
<br /> `':'^y�I`� . os'Itu..•tea,end Norwest Pinanoial NebraPlm,Itto.,whose maillog address is°��o •��o•u °EBB RO °_--
<br /> •,�u; . es Benofialary� -�:z::
<br /> . ,.�����i.` �•• 0 S 8803 �_
<br /> WITNPSSBTH,Trustors hareby irtcsvocnbly�Srant+batgaio,ste11�nnd convey to Tcustee in Wst,with powet of sale.the foUowing desotlbed ��_
<br /> - , ; � .: , ProP�Y�Ne1� CouutY,Nebrc�slm:
<br /> �<<��'{'�+'u�.' � LOT 8, 6LOCK 21, SCHIMMER'S AODITION TO THE CITY OF BRAND ISLAN�, _
<br /> �:•f?;`,�. ;' '
<br /> ���4�"�;r; � � HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. -
<br /> .��,,,s�
<br /> : .G;,
<br /> ,�.
<br /> �f --
<br /> ;:�: tr��s._
<br /> �°;� Togethet witi�tenvmenia�iac�iHLUn�t"w�a�PP�t°-`►4settltn;n helonging oT ia aIIlRVlco appelta3nfnS oIId tlie teIIte�Lssu£s and pmfite •
<br /> thercof.
<br />-. Z�fs conveya�¢ce is latended fo:the paepoae of securkg the paYment w BeneR¢iary of Teuswra'pmmf�ori'noto of evon date�n the nmouat
<br /> . of S���qg�Q,00_��. (1bta1 of Paymenm).3aic�Total dPc;ymenta!s repayabta accotdtng w@►e oeims of satd note.Yayment mny be aondo tn
<br /> - " edvanc��mt at aay time.Dofnult ln awk3ng aop pnymentehall,at fho Bonefioicuy'soption and�vltLaut notico or demnnd�rendett3�
<br />-`",",�� '': entim unpuid balance of satd loan at aaco due and payablo,lessany requfred rebate of c6atges.
<br /> �:,. �,
<br />_ �, ;a t� To protect th,:6eourlry of�Deed ot'Tnut,7Yustotcovenants aad egrees:
<br /> �=.. . •.,:, 1.To keep tLe pmTerty in goal condlflon nnd repair,to petmit no waste thereof;to eomplete any building.suuctiue a�desrtro d aad�to
<br /> �•,, ;.�� w^�° built or obout W be bullt thereon;to restorepromptly anybuildin8.s�sucture or impmvementthereon whiab en3y be damag Y
<br /> ,�.�.•�k�.s aomply with ail inwe.ordinance9,teSalatlons�covennnt�e,coadldons nnd restricflons uffectiug ths Pm1xrtY•
<br />`• '+.•'�,�., 2.Ta pny befote deUaqueat uU IawtLl ttuces nnd assessvienta upon tha pmpesty;to Iceep tho pTOperty frtse ued oleat of ttll other eherges,llens
<br /> '`�•t:��`'�� or eueumbr�ncesimPattmB t1►a s�curiry of tl�is Deed of 7Yust.
<br /> -'...:�:�,;.
<br /> '"'`�J;",��•„' 3.To keep all buildiags aow or heteatwr ttccted anihe ptoperty desortbed herefn contlauously lasured ngatast loss by fira oi otlter h
<br />���?.•� -, in an aa►ouui iiut t�than the toud iiobt seaured by this Deed otTnut All polioles sLull bo held by tbe Beaefloiury�and be ia such companies es
<br /> - ••�••,-�Y-- tho Benefialary may appmve and bavo losa payablo f�t to the Benoficinry a�its tnterest mnY appear aud then to the TeusWr.'ltie amount
<br /> �-��� c�lleatod under any in.4urancn poflay mny bo �"gi�':. �y ured fn such order es the Beneflcinry shnU detem�•
<br />-Tr`�����j� Such ayplicaflon by the BeneflclatY shnll not � ' y to foreoloso this Ueed of Tt�st or cure ot woive�say
<br /> 'T` ' defnult or notica of dafault or iavnl�dnte any nct'da�s ent of faseolosuto.a11 rlghta of We'Ilttsta�r la lnstttaaca
<br /> d:.')+t�Yb;- -
<br /> e ..A.:r1.,j^�
<br /> � �ti'��'� pollciesthen in fosceshnll pass to tho purchoset�etM: ' a�•>�•�•�
<br /> a. _..;��.,•,: or thereofendany
<br />- -` 4.1b obWa t�ke�vrlt0ea consent oY BeneHcfery betom seWng,coaveying or otherv�ise ttensfe.rtin8 the pmPc�tY �Y P�
<br />:�,w`�: *t ;, suc h s a le,conveyance or tmnsferwlthout t6e BenaRois�r's wsitb:n consent aLull coasHtute n defautt uasler tha te�hereof.
<br /> • r �'�:• Waffecttha sxurlty heteof or tha rlgltta ct powers oYBar_eflufnryor Ttustee.
<br />�'�"''=�•�� S.Ta dofend any�cdon or procced3ng pu�p�g
<br />'""d''�" f 6.9honld 7Y�sror fuU w pay when duo any m�ea,as�csments,fnsumace Pnmiums.liens,euaumbrnacee or othrr ohnrgea agu��e
<br /> _- .�r.,{; 7 sro _
<br /> --_ ,..,..;,,:. • property herefrmbove descrlbed.6�nzflainry muy puy tse snme.and tho amaunt so pald.with iatetest at the mte set forth!a the note secured
<br /> ."::"':-'-°''""—,. lure�y.°hsl!M��t m nnd hecmna a uart otchu debi saurcd In t61s Decd of 1'tust as peimitted by inw.
<br />-..--,;;'""„��";;" � 1TI3 MUTUALLY AORFikiU'fHAT:
<br /> L In the event any potdoa of the pmperty is mkee or dam�ged in an eminent domu6►proceeding,the ea4iro nmount ot tl►e nwat+d ot suah
<br /> '.':; ��ii, .... pottlon diereof os may be necessary to fuUy sntist'y the obligadoa secured hereby�ahnll be patd oo Aenoftainry to be applled to said obllgatlon. __
<br /> �,;.:,;:, . 2.By nccepting Puyment of nny sum secuted hereD�ofiter its due dnte,Boneflcimy does not waivo its daht to requiro prompt puymentwhen -
<br /> �.�c^:. dne of all othet sutns so seoured ot to deelnre defsut!G'crttaiture to so pay.
<br />'.�:::.,'�, �,
<br /> '�a�.:�r"�, 3.�e Tew�tca Rhall recanwr nll ca nny part of the ProP«h'covsred by this Deed of Tcv�t to the peisan endtled thereto,on wdtten tequest --
<br /> � r .
<br /> , � � of the'ftustor aa�tl►e Benoficicuy,at npon s�tlsfuct�an otttcs obligation seoured�d vnitLea ceqaagt for recanvoyaace mude by tLc Benefi ot _
<br />-_. '° tke person enttticd Qhe�eto. --
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