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<br /> - &xl�rior ��int�rn�nc• sh�ll not i�eludw� _
<br /> u� ; �. pi�pair� rwplac�n�r�t and car• of pl�ss surfacw, �-
<br /> ."� priwR�. M�1ks� d�iv��ys or cont��k� patios c
<br /> �;.�,
<br /> '� b. R�pair� r�pl�c�n��t oi doors ar�d qaraq� door* �-
<br /> T" , c. M�ch�nical paraq� doo� op�rn�rs or any m�chanfcal ��
<br /> ���
<br /> �quipm�nt such as �i� conditioninp cond�nso�s� and �:
<br />"°°'� r�lat�d •pplianc�s and �quipw��t �-�
<br /> --�.��"�"L�,.;�
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<br /> ;�.� •. Ext��ior d�cks � ���
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<br />_ � • . f. Pruninp. ���owl pr r�placemtl�t af troQS �nd sh�ubs �,,,y
<br /> • . ��`^� I� th� fav�nt that khe ��od for mai�t�nance o� repair is ,^F•
<br /> �::
<br /> '�•�-,• ' Caus�d throuph th� wi I 1 ful •or,neql iq��t act of the Ownor., hi�
<br />�+::� �:• ; :;,� '' .� � �,::
<br /> Y.. �.� ,r�•r hs� farail ��,:
<br /> �� � '� m�nint�nanc• orYr�pai�rs�siP+�l l bdnadd�dsto and�ba�vm� a�partuoi '`
<br />.__ (. '��1.. ���
<br /> �,�. { th� ��pular ass�a►�aaonts t�o which such l.ot is subjaCt. ,��
<br /> , .. �A:�...:
<br /> ,' ~?.tij � '.�F�L'!�:
<br /> • The As�oGi�tian is s�acific�lly authoriz�d hereundQr to
<br />-:;,�,�_";, '�� � contract with an�� �x�rc�fbssional manaq�mQ�t compa�+�r• to furnish ''"���
<br /> �,�.�,�_
<br />�=�r;��. '���'�• prof�ssional manaqomont of th� PropQrties, and �a pravid� � ,,.� ��"�
<br /> -:�yr f �• ',A{ � �` � said �xtR��ior m�fnt�nance as s�t forth herain. ' � ' �.��::
<br /> �-��,� ��� _ _ '� Th� Association ma . � �''��::;
<br /> }� y� upon rQquesti from a�d with the written . ��
<br /> ''���'� � :�;: �cons�nt oF the individua�l lot owner� contract to have vartnua � '�.�""
<br />°,=�''� � 't,`���'�� x.,, � maint�na�cQ item� perfqrmad for the bQnQfit of tlw lot owner. • . -
<br /> _"_ —_ • � �� • It is expres�ly understoad that the Acsaciatian will ex�,�tt ��'
<br /> _ �,-___-.r-_._._..
<br /> ��_=
<br /> _ ,�,:;:�`' � 7 prompt payment oi f��s gar the sQrvicQ erformed and that -
<br /> ,��''t.., p � �„=.
<br /> �,,'Ty��„Y, � , a�y liabil ity rQSU1li�� #�om the pQrformancQ thQreof shall be --__
<br /> 'n:a��� � + � solvl thQ res onsib�.�lit. of thQ lot ownQr �nd not thQ �"`�''
<br /> :�. �r��,� ,�!,A Y P Y -�--
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<br /> -�� ,�r���#�; '�;�';'��'•zp 8�3etian ;S� �lanimum WreR�ual Asaessment. The Boar� of �._
<br />-�i�, �,.1..�:t:;�; �..*;,¢�. ;•:-'pirectors may fix thQ annual a�aeQS�mvnt �t on amount npt sn ��'
<br /> ,,,.
<br />_n,�` ,t. ;: �r, �S{� �__
<br /> �, �;y i� a�xca�tQ of khQ maximum.
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<br />,_ . .t �,.� •
<br /> _;;s�� :�` � � '�;• ' • a. Maximum aS�nual assessmQnt may be increased each year �. ��,�
<br /> ti�� . not more than tQn pQrcent �IO:L) above the mar.iw+u�n
<br /> �•�"•�•`� �;;.;_ assessm�nt 4or thv revious �'-��
<br /> • p year wfthout votQ ;of �th�a •
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<br /> �.�.�,: , •�• `�� , :;�.; ' *_en p�trcant �10%1 by two-thirds lZ/3rds1 Qf inertn�►ec� ti�.. .
<br /> �,�. �,�`r=
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<br /> T- � c4ss2y e.:22ed tor t�ic �u:ao�.r. ' -.
<br /> � s� � `` �'° ��a�, 4. $netial Assessm�nts for Caoital �"
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