. ;,{-
<br /> ' '� ..•!.:ri.+°.i�4.apjj1f _' . _-
<br /> � • .. P�Q�� ! Y `� " ;
<br /> ...�.1.A:.{�1nc���F��F���� --.�;.
<br /> .',,;;��� �. RE RECORD � A 92�r � _ __.._
<br /> - �.�.�� � . . �3- iQ��, �oso��
<br /> ' .� 8anvww aMy an woh .�MwAt�nM�fqt�,w pnrvklwl in�p paph te� qi�dw �dloe a proowdbp to b�
<br /> ;. `. :.`'�"'. - � anr�..a wkn.�+�w aw.N .000a au� a�un+rmaio�,a.oiva..�o�.�.a �+�w.�.rM..a ti u�.�.ny a
<br /> ��;:, ,�, °,,•�" . oaar nnMiMl Y�p�Y+��t a �n.Nn on.aa w�A�. 8�a�►In.lnMmm a 1.«a�r•. .�ouMy�N�. 8ono�w►.h�A�I�O b�
<br /> _ '�:�...��•.•,:�;.{r i b d�Mw�l N QoRdww.dwbY fh�lo�n�PP�P���0!w nrtr(ry MM�a In�aour�b Inlontitlon ar atit�nt�!o Und�►
<br /> ��=r,�"'ti..�i�s► (a 1�Nd b qorld� L�nd�r wMb�n11 nWrW Y�IortnWoe)in oarl�Mon wM111h� lan �ad b�l IM�Noq� InoluAnp� but
<br /> - �'�,:.,, „;...�`: nol Mt�d to, npr�nl�Nons oonownBA Bon'�v+K�� ooa�iay ol tl� Prop�Ay� �p�Nw�ipN r�ld�na. M Ihb e�owNy
<br /> 't�,;i''';,•�,%�.�,• Insln�nwq b on�Ir�Niald. Barow�r tla� oarply wNh Y th�prorMloia ol th�INS�. H 6ortoww aoqukM N�fNN to Ih�
<br /> 4�'`t ' �'' Pro{�w1Y.tIN MsuhWd�nd NN iM WI s1W nol nN►0�unM��lmdu�¢NS b Ih�Ilwpu In wlNinp.
<br /> . . �,�° � . ��,:� ' 7. Probatloll d L�ndu'�RlOhb In 111� Prop�ty. n earowr ab eo pdorm th.oov.n�na and�prwMna
<br /> ... • : .
<br /> "�: •'"�: aonMN�d In tld� 6�aNllf►In�buMwM, or thrs N a NpN��+�q th�l�r dpnMo�ntlY tl1�I L�ndr'� dphU in lh�ProPMb
<br /> __ :�:��:��:..: ;::,i'= (eueh�t�pooNdnq k1 b�nlaaploy.Probd��lor oaldenn�tlal or IorldOr�or W NltorG MW�or npuUilotls)� t11111 I.rldM In�y �-----
<br /> . ,��,.:b:�'•,�;,a�,.�', do�nd py la wl�rr M Mouwy to pW�at th�vYw of Ih�RripwtY and�Ntduy dplqs b Ih�RopMty. L�nM►'� �dbns ----
<br /> .,��r � ��,��,�., n�.�►�naua.v�r�na+r�►«�n. •.ouna ar. w�wn�n�. au�h►o,►«u,�s s.o��h► waaum.n�, ��na M oo�n, arMw _
<br /> . n�aon�hM�ttanya'1��nd�nt�Mp on 11N PropMry to n�k�np�iri.ANhouOh L�ndR a�y t�k��tlon undr Ws prq�pb --
<br /> _ _`"' '°`., ' ••: 7�I.�nd�r doM na h�w to do so.
<br /> y.�.�� 1 � . . . ;'� ,��± My�mounU dt6u�s�d by londw und�paraqraph 7 shU b�eom� �ddNlorwl d�bt af Bortowr s�ound by thh �:�„�
<br /> ,:• S�arYy hs0umwit. Unla�9onow�r �nd L�nd�r �� to otha tMms ot p�ymwN. thw��mounu sh�N bMr InUnst kom � ��
<br /> . ��: _ ,, :,�� 1M d�M d d�Min�t�t th�Nob���nd th�1 b�p��ebla,wMh iM��at, upon no11a from UndK to Bomoww nqu�n0 �,:�,,�...._
<br /> M1,ti . �,;..�,
<br />:�:�``�':�°' ��� ` `�`a �p� Inw►anw. tl�..ndw nyut.a�tyg�hsur�nc� .s.oa�dkio�+ 01 mddna uu a.n ..ouna by u�is —' —
<br /> "" '''!' S�oiudly Instnrn�nt,Bonow�r sh�A tM �d to n�int�in d»n�atp�i�anr�In Nf�ot.Il,fa�rry n��on.th�
<br />'°,� ,�1�'. " MY Pr�lmis nqutr �.,-
<br /> ',;�i}��,;,";, ' p►o�t�hsu�no�oov�p�nquwd b9l���P�ar a�sa to b�in�CI. Bar�ww�iw�p�y tM pr�mi+roa nquind to ;�j�
<br /> ` � ".��'ti°` ` abtidn ooraap� a�b�hnfNAY�4uNa1wM�o tM�al� inwwna pnvlouay in�Ibd, at�oat wbaLMiwy �t to dN
<br /> �.-.—
<br /> � i`�' �..::•.,� .. ,:,, oost ro 6omo�we. a th. moha.p.In.uaeo. a«iowN b.n.r.i, iram.n dt«ma. monyq.r�.► app�ov.e ay Und.r. n
<br /> ����-.
<br /> ;,.�,.,',.• °. -" .'� �::{:Y wbsLntidl►�quhahM mort�0�Insw�n�oo�+�P M�rot w�Y�bN. 8oaow+►rhM p�y to L�ndK Meh month �sum�qud to �'w='
<br />°,�y�, .�rs;� onedrrdltli of IM yMitp moHy�y�inwi�rw PrwN�n b�M�P�bI►�'a"'�*wAen tM inalrinoe ows�ye I�ps�d or tMe�d to =_
<br /> ;,•.,.:,+; ; ;;:.. � : �--
<br /> _ ..:. ,��.•R���q�'ej�7(?:� b m�ii�d. i.�ndu wii aoaipi, YY�YMI IYS�Ii I�Nla�i;ii1y1i1fiilSS i5 3 IGSS T�i3w'Y6 ��E'•t ot mortyaq�ins�u�H:a. Lo6�'i ra3stY.s w`.;��
<br /> -! � �••. ,,,�• WYmmts naiY o0 lonpw b.r.quYrd,a un apaon d Lendw.M maty�p�insun�ne�¢srorsg� pn th.Mnoaa.nd la th•pwbd '�__�'
<br /> '!�r�•; ,� '° .. ° � r ��� th�t l�ndw►iqufas!provid�d by�n insunr appov�d by LendK �g�in bacanes u«ai'at�e�nd h obUined. Bortower�hal p�y •,_
<br />, ,s���;,,.� - � , '�+ _�;� the pNniuma iequt�d to nMkdain moR��nc�in all�cl, a te pravids •bss r•a+«ve.unW iM nqiwrwnwd ta maty� _...-—
<br /> °. � ., :`.r .�i.�,' bsuranae an�b��ccord�nc�wNh any wn�hn�¢MnMnl b�twMn 8a►aw��nd UntMr a�ppYcable Inv. E:;�
<br /> '` " •� ��'.; „ . 9. Msp�Ctlo11.Un�Mt a Its�N miy mtla rp�onabM mtrM� upon and inapsdions W th�PrepeAy. l�rt��hal yhr� u��{;_
<br /> , �.. s n�sonabM awq tar M�hspootbn. �r-_ ^
<br /> 8ortaww notla tl th��of a p�iw to�n Intp�tlon P�oiNtiY ,...,.
<br /> � . � � . , 10.CoadNnnMlon.Th.proond�ot any aw.ro a dym ta dan.Qa. dwat or con..qu.mw� In aonnect,on vvitn any 3"W-�'
<br /> . :'.. , oondmn�fion o►othu t�ldnp ol�ny p�rt of th�P�o(NAY� w la com�y�no�N Nwi of�rwtlon, w h�r�ssqnsd�nd l4•:f�l� ._
<br /> ` :�V �.,..;�,--
<br /> , 'G.,'•-,� ' � .�.
<br />� . `� � �b iM �vwrt W � toW hidnp of � Prop�ly� th� procNds sMN b� �ppW�d to ih� sums e�curod by thb S�cuky �r,i��:r�.
<br />•., � InstrunMnt, wh�fh�r"a not Mm du�, vv+t�any uceas pNd to Barwrr. M 1he evaat d�p�rtW 1Wdnp of 1M RopMiy In .;'���"-
<br />�� _ ..y{,1�':.,_:...:-►iva;•� .`.:� t�:-.
<br />-- _ _ , -y -. . ^ _ ..__ - which th� i�k makM v�tue d tM Propary iimMdhtMli b�Nor�th�ttlonp a�qu�i io cr. �wt�r ti�.n tiw�iwr�a�a v7 iha wru �.�,r•
<br /> . - � aecund bry ihls Swurity InadumaN Ywn«NWy helare tl+s t�Wnp,untess Bortawe►anci Laidr olhavWa ag►ee In wdlnp, ihe ���,,'::';�r 1C;s�,
<br /> r• ; .
<br /> d,,,,:,�� . � � . eur�s eecuram ihis Intbu�ue+�1�hab be reduced by ih�amo��1 o11he �roceedt mul�p�kd by tM failawm�iraetlor�: �'"�`�`="-
<br /> � r�. ac, bY s�wilY �p �',�;�.�,:
<br />;,.: ;, ,?,�.,,;.;r
<br />., y. ,�;,.,. (a)ihe Onta: amouM o}the wms seacr.ecl Rnmedlately betae ths t�tc.mq,d+vid�d bY (b�the hir mastcet valu� ol tfie Rape�ty -- --
<br /> ' ��.• `' � '. .� � �}:: inrr�etAa'la�;4��lon th�faldnp.My Wtas�ce shaN be pald ta Bortower, ln Iho erent ot a pafW tok#nfl ol th� ProperAy In wAich --
<br />��,.��,. , . �Y,t'�iiS�l�'i:_ —=-
<br /> -- - ,-���__.�.,__._,.n.� ib•l.1. nn.aM v.6�w nt th� Pnwi�Ay krx+wll.itrty f,rtnrA Ih�t�kNa Is Mss th�n th�amount o1 th� aums �eqwetl NnmedMtalY _ _
<br /> � , . .�.;.�1� bMon tM t�Wnp, unlas Bartoww �nd Lender afierxae �yrM !n wrkinp a unNss �pplic�bl� I�w othwwiae p�ovld�s. th� �.
<br /> ° � '�+a�°i procNds shal b��ppY�d to th�wrm s�curad by lhis Sswdty Inftrumaot wh�tha w not th� aums�n then due. �" .'.r,;
<br /> * . ,: . : �'.%'ir�. B tM F►opwty b�b�ndon�d by 8arow�r. a H. �Ra notk�by LaMw to Bonow�th�t th� condamnor oHvn to m�k��n
<br /> ,��,.: �, , - �;x. �rrard or sodN � cMMn fo► d�qu, Bortoww IaOa to nspond to L�ndx withb 30 d�ya aR�r the dab th� notice Is 9N�n,
<br /> . �'.,•.:� • ' L�ndw b�uthori:�d to cW�ct�nd appy the procNds. n Ha optlon� �Nhw to ratwatlon a npNr ot th� PropMly a to L._�°r.
<br /> ' �.. •,,:;i;t�r�; , th�sum�s�cund tiy this 3ecwity Instrumwd.whdhu a not ih�n due. �=-v�
<br /> � ` i �'�'�'ri, Unlas UndK �nd Bortowa otha�wlae �yre�In wdtlny, my appYc+�tlon o1 proce�ds to prindpd shaN n ot utbnd or a��
<br /> �`..`•i,'•'.!,.•
<br /> e��i f'',:r;�;{ ..;]'.•.41,.� `f,, p0i1p011�lhs du�d�b o11he monthN payments relertad to In puaqaphs 1 and 2 os�hmps ihs�mounl of suo9n paynrnts. �``=``
<br />