1! i • .• � r� ' •
<br /> :.4 � ry :. �.(�'� �'y... . . .. . .
<br /> . � • I:37�t. _ .
<br /> '�.. 4,� ' � !•t' . -- - -�'--_ ..
<br /> -__- `�'�� A�NM!!NT OI�RI�ITa IIIALl1__ ��•��� --_ _
<br /> TH18 A88WNMBNT OF RENT8 iiIDER ia mad�a�d�x�out�d thls 24TH ��y ot DECE(�ER ,1p A2-�nd N
<br /> Inoorpont�d Into pnd�hall b�d�rtNd to artwnd�nd suppl�n►�nt t h�Mortp�p�a W�d ot T�u�t.h�dnatt�►af�n�d to a�Ih�
<br /> ' "$�oudhr Imtnimmt .of tIN�dat�piw� by tlt�undw�lOrMd.henlnaftK rotarf�d to��lh� "Borrow�t"� to qauh
<br /> „
<br /> ' ., eq�ow�'���d�bt�dms�,t�rMnafbr rN�rnd to��11»"Not�".t0 HOME F�nEML BAVIN08 AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF —
<br /> -- � ORAND IBUIND�h�Nnad�t tN�nd to�s tlw"I.��r'.M tl»wnn�d�t��nd cowtinp tM P�Y��IMM 8�awNY r
<br /> _= IRatnim�►1 and looat�d a�
<br /> � 3p44 S. SHAQY BEIW FiO.. GRA(1� ISl.AAD. f1E8RASKA G8607
<br /> �;�,.,__- -- ' IProPortY A�1 � ---
<br /> .,.
<br /> -�=-�- ---�-�� WITNE88ETH: `.--
<br /> �:
<br /> •�:��r;; yyHEpEAg,8onow�u�d L�nd�r h�w��r�sd th�t any rents and profU�aqrJbut�pN to tla propeNy should aomtllut�
<br /> - �'�: addltla+N Moullty to tlw 1.��fa th�p�ym�nt of th�Not�; :
<br /> _� ,,.i,.
<br /> °'�`; -- NOW�TN�REFORE,It I�apre�d th�t Ih�S�ourity Instrum�N thall b�am�M�d hsroby and dNm�d to Inolud�th�followlnp _---r
<br /> =�� __ - proridom: -�_
<br /> —_- -----_ �, �orrow�r h�r�by absolutdr arid uncondltlonNly uslOns�II
<br />�,ic: r�nts, i�s and profU� 01 ths proD�rly W 8en�fbiary. L�diqr shaill I�va Ihs ripM, po��r �nd autlwdty durinp the �-r..
<br /> �', coatinwncs of 1M S�curlty Imtrum�nt to eollsct the rents,haues�nd protits of 1hs prop�rtY and of aey p�rson��P��Y �•_„�,.-
<br /> ='- ' ',�',:, 1 loC�bd thKSOn with or wlthout lticinp poas�ssion�i Ihs propsny affectad h�nby. �endu. Iwwewr.htrabY conasnts to �:
<br /> � ���`` gorro+r�'s coll�ction and rot�ntlon ot sucA pnta,l3���as and prof tts as they aearos and b�coma p�yab�s,so lonp�s Barowe� �;;.;
<br />:°A:.;` ;,:, ts not.at wch tlms�In bfault wlth nqp�t to payn�ait of�ny Ir+d�Wedn�u Ncund hKNY. or In 1M psrlormanc�of any �'�
<br /> �, ,, a�►N�rnt Iwreund��. �--
<br /> • ------s,4ti�u 2. �pnoN�tmoni oi iiucelver, 1!acry caa�!c!dc4antt!ss ro;spaai io iiie S�wwity inetrumar+t sis�lt��rs acaurr�as� aa �-
<br /> . .�.v
<br />;�."� :,��.;�; oontinulop, Lender,as�m�tter ot rlpht and�o�tbuut�otice to Borrower or anyone al�iminp unde►8�crower.and wlthout —
<br /> 'rp�rd to tha valw of th�a trust estat�or ths Intereat of tha Botrower thardn,shall have tfw rqht to applr to any wu�t h�vinp ��_
<br /> _-�' uriWialBO:�to appoint a rowiwr o1 ths prop�rty.
<br /> _ �� ,r. ) �.
<br />--_��� ; , 3, � h9 to P�easlon•In case oi default In!he pa�ymeree o41tl.�e sald princlpal Note a Interent,or any pa�t tMr�eot,aa It �:._
<br /> • eMll mdur�,or In th�caw of fallure io keep or perbtm any oY t+��covenvats a apreem�nis contafned In th�Securift�y 1a�atru-
<br /> _ .Ins�t�ihsn ths I.�nd�r. Its auccessora a ass��lns, s?�all be and le herebq aecChori�ed and ernpowered to take immedlats =.,_
<br /> -.•..�r �-� ' � � potsess�on of tM sald pr�ml�a theroln dosCribm�i a�d to aolloot tM rente thePetrom,and toy►ply tlw proca�ds thereof to 1he �,.
<br />_°-"°�- -- --- PoY�t of ths Note. ' --
<br />:;:.—m:�� ,•v:, ' =n_
<br />_y;-�° , ,,J , 4. Aoolioation of ReMs,lseues and Profite.All rents coltected by Lender ot 1he rece+wor ahall bs appliwl fint to paym�nt
<br /> ;��_;;��.-.:s: -F"="= �, �a!!!�s�ts ot rnas�apeinent o!the prcaperty enr!cat�+G!:on w rer►.a�,Inaluding.bul�nW u�rtnirt�ed to,roceiver•a fees,Prernlums on
<br /> r � , f,: .,..:.
<br />:�y;;��,� S�'r '�t �a.n. +'eoslver'a bonde and raa�w►aWe attorney's tees,An�d a9�e�n to.the eums ser;�r�r�by tP�e Seaurlry Instrurn�nt.Londsr and th� _
<br /> -;,,.c�,, . :��.,,.I�; � , �
<br /> _.°,. �' i,;�. . ,•.. , �• �selw�r ahall be Nable tc account only for thoae*e�nt�aetualty raceived.
<br /> '�'Fy� '�'�� � r • ! ��arteuatlo�8 Paoaislons.Eaeh of the roWa�ons�anna�ned In thls Asaipnment of fients Rider and the 3ecurlty Insiru-
<br />--�:�F;;,}.1� � ���`S: • :1�'� ..
<br /> 4F��t�;`Il:, i !.'��'y�e'��'•r D. p
<br /> t j� , �•, •::� m�nt bfia09,untees o14+erwlee epeclflcally requlred, be consY�ued In accordance wlth Neb�aska law,and in the event any
<br /> __ �T��;-�.--- ,s,',;. ��le!on°+ete1R er t�+ei41n a��+�i��d nhall bs deterrnined bu�m c�u�t oi competent�urisdictlon to ba unantorc�ablo,the sam� _
<br /> - ,' '�•�:• '? ;1� � �hdl b�constrwd me thouph auch unenfo�ceable provlslon were not e part hereof or thereor. --
<br />.:-�b�..' �:.'' woc-
<br /> -"' ; 6. EHect of Rlder.Exaept��speciflcally modllied by or Inconalate�t wi1�a 4fiis Aesipnmsnt oP Reots Rider or by any other
<br /> -. �"�'' �pplicabl�►Id�r,all of the term�and provislons contafnad in the Seaurity Instrument shall continue in full forco a�d eff�c� E�`�
<br /> �� . o� , IN WITNESS WMEHEOF.Borrower haa oxacutad thls A i9nment oi Fi ts Rider on the date fir�t not�d�bov�. �" "��
<br /> �I�;'b ' ,� . ��"
<br /> �:�:�'' ' "'r�'r :'a pA D J. PHINNE�aro ar _--,
<br /> .� �. ' ,,�.�.n�. � n` � �='
<br /> u� r,
<br />=�`: •��r(°�,� ';��':�o ' �_� ,_ll- s.�'�'�'.' _— �..
<br /> ..�,;,i' �.Y P+':.:,•, ��';,•,r.:• . ' �. �.
<br />" '.. ,'r�`���r�iy�'$,�tp;� ' DE8RF1 K. PNINlV�Y rrower �;%,-
<br /> : �
<br />._. ��J X� ...Y,�:'1��1\�1. �.
<br /> -`� � '`'��ia���� :STATE OF NHBRASKIN • .�_`.:
<br />-- � ,
<br /> . �': (as: . ..
<br /> COUNTY OF HALL 1 �"�
<br />_ .' ,r'" �,�;� E'.�;
<br /> _- ' � •„''R
<br />��'�'7)�'� ��r h ; On thls_24Iki_day of ,.j1��F��R 1g �� .p�fora�o the�pnderal ned a t�vRary Public duJy commlasioned and --
<br />�:.�'.5.,� �r,`,; b1����Piu 7. PHINNEV AND OE��A I�. pHINNEY. Ht15HAND AMQ_WI�'�
<br /> ., qwllfNd for tald caaarocy.oertonally oame
<br />_ .� ��r .,. w �, .
<br />_�_y,;t�, ,
<br /> J.�:-_"� ,��hw thp+r+Anflr.al peraoMsl whoee name(s)lalare 9ubecrlbed .'.
<br /> '' � � '� �"` '� t0 tM forpolnp In�trument,and he/ahelthoy acknowledye ihe executlon thotoof to be hiWherllhalr voluntary acl a�d deed. �_
<br /> ., ;'�..��• 1..�:,�;' �:
<br /> ,rl,;.•��•, . _ _
<br /> �V '�.,� {����,;'•;� Witna�my hand and Notar�a�Ssal at GRAND 15f.Ar,;�� NEBRASKA - �„
<br />- - , . . �-i:,, , � .
<br /> � ;:`_ ,
<br /> � � r,,{ , •::;.;�, __ I�n ss�id count te ebreea �
<br /> : V g �—',
<br /> ._yY.,.' � 7: `��'.�'�i�iZ��:. /� ���y � --- "'._
<br /> -:k.;: !�,.' ii�'•;I7r;: -�.7 . _..__ �::'
<br />-ZYr�'�'� . �"i�t��� .:� NotirJt PuOht `i';;:
<br />����7.i,? .. ('
<br /> ,'• ';;� ' � . Mr CommNslon oxpir�s:
<br /> � '.� w�000�+� �''�_
<br /> �'a:�-�:.��1,�?3. �`.
<br />,. � , 1. _ ' �..�.
<br /> � ., '"�+', � ' •'� ' -
<br />, ' %* , t'" .
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<br /> , .i �.
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