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<br /> •pplicaWe I�w miy q�ecit�'far�dnst�u�paNl betoro�la d'�ho Property punu�uu ta�ny pawe�of wile ca�Wned in�his
<br /> Socurity I�qnanap;or lb)amY of�judgment enfa�cinA tMt 3ecurity InWnunent. 71u�so cooditions�re thst Boe�nwer. (U
<br /> —�— --__°� • psy� I.endor all wms vvhtfi tbeA would be due under thl� 3ocurity Inedumenl �nd 1he Nde�if na aooeler�don h�d --
<br /> oocu�d;(b1 cunp�ny dcfwit of�ny other oovpu�ntR ar�eanaats;le)p�yi all oapcnios incumed in a�foroin�this Security
<br /> Inwumau�includin�.but not Umited to.rea:on�ble�nomays'fees;u�d(d1 u�kea such�ction�s Leeder m�y reaw�biy
<br /> � requi�e to�sswe thq the licn oY thi�Security instrumem�l.en�krl�righta io 1ho Pmpetty atd BcK►awer�obligatiao to pay the
<br /> wm� �recurod by �hir Socuriry Insdumau shall co�dnua un�lw��ed. Upon eeinsutement by Bamawer. �his Sccurity
<br />-- - - - - insaumait md the obli�tionc socurai i�by riu►11 i�ii�in Nlly eRective ac if na a�celcradan had o�cumal. However.this =
<br /> '- _'�°""'n'-�"`.�""�°°' rl�ht to rdraaite dull not Apply 1u the cace ot occekmUat undcr puagrap}�17.
<br /> - -- 1f. SNe at Notei������ '�Nota or a p�rtjd in�ercst irt the Note(logeiher with�hin Security �
<br /> - Inswment)rn�y bo�uW onc or more times wBhoat prbr notfce ta Bomewer. A sdc may�esull in�chwnge in �he entity
<br />- (laawn a�the"I.u�wo Se�vi�r")thu colixis monthlY PpYmcnts dae under�he Noto and�his Secu�Ity In�irument. 'I1Mre�Iso
<br /> = tn�y be mc ar maa cA�tg�es of ihe Loan Servker unrelated ta A sale of the Note. If thc�is a chsnge of the Lwu�Servicer.
<br /> � Barower wiQ bc given wriqrn�wrice d the chrnge in accotdrnc�e with r�p� 14 above and applicable Iww. The�wtice
<br /> wlll stue t6e au��tW�ddress of 1t�e n�ew L.oaa Senicer and the address w�hic�paymeale st�ould bo made. 71�e oatke will
<br />_ �iso eantaio�ayr aWer inf'atn��oo�oquirod b�r appli�af►�e I�w. _
<br /> -- �, p�„y��. Honower shall not cwse or permN�he p�scnce.usc,disposol,stamge,or roleasa of u�y
<br />_ Ha���dors Subswrces an or in ttUcc Qtvperty. Bonuwer sh�ll na do,na dlow anyone alse to do.anything wff'ecdng the
<br />- Properry thu i�in violsUon of�ay 6nviro�memal l.iw. The pr�aceding two sentenees sl�11 na apply�o the presence.use.or
<br /> - storago on thc Propnty of small qwmtities of H�a.ardous Subspu�ces thu are gen:rallY reco$nized w be approPrina w nomwl _
<br />-_ • r�esidtndal uses and to maintenance a�f ine PtopertY•
<br /> � gorrower shsdl pranQtly give I..ender written notice of any investigation.cl�im.demand.la�wsuit ar dher xlion by�ny =
<br /> .��..:_,,--.--._.-�=�._= ', SovemmcntAl or reguls+tory agency or private pwty imdving the PropeRy and any Haz�ndous Substance ar Envinonme�tal _
<br /> r�.
<br /> -- _--_ _�_�� ' La:r af tt�hlcls Bas�a�et tet�.! �cte!�! krinwlaloe. IF ll�ra►wer @arns. or is notified by any govemmental or n�tula�wry =
<br /> .. .��.,.,.� _
<br /> - _.��,� � �� authornty.shat any removal or otuer sr�mediation of any Hazaudc►ar= 5ubstance ati'ecting the Property i�necessary. Baro��e� °°
<br /> _ -���`:��'� ' sh�dl ptpmpUy tako a0 t�ecessary trio+edial actians in accordwke w ict�o Lnvironmental l.ww. `
<br /> As used in this�nph 20.''Nazardous Subuances"are those substances defined as roxic or hazar+dous substances by
<br /> _ Envlronmental L.aw awd the following substencrs: gasoline,rerosene,other t1.�mmable or toxic petroleum praducts. wxic
<br />`-�JE���; sdcldes and herbievu�e., valatile solvents, materi�ls conwlning asbestos ar tom�aldehyde,and radioactive materials. As -
<br /> r � � '.
<br />� used in this�wuagraph Z0. 6nvironmental law"means feder�l lawc and laws c�f ct�e judsdiction where�he Property i�located _
<br /> u�,�+ ' ti�et relate 10 heallh,safety or envlrnnmental protection. �
<br /> `•� � ' ';f;' NdN-UNIFORM COVENANT'S. Hortnwer and L.ender fu�tier covenant ar+d agree ac follows: _
<br /> = `.�,�,,� 21. Accekrnflaa;ltemedka Lender slwU�ive nodce to Barrower prior to aca�efera�tion folbwiag Borrovver's
<br /> - �";' breacb ot aoy cove�Q or a�reement Io tl�Securtty lnstrument(but ant�rimr to accekration u�der pAra�raph 17 -
<br /> .F` ' uakss�pplk�able IAw.p�w�Kldes otberwise). The ao,�ice shall epecify: (a)the de'f�witt(b)the Actton rcquiTtd b cure We
<br /> ..`, __ _ _ detsnit:ir)a date�r�»s kss!lsa�3��aYs!!om l�ht dMt!he sotice is glve�!e�Y3orsower�by whkh t�e s�elault�n��t be
<br /> _ curcd;#tM(d)thrt�siilare to Cure�G'4P defaalt nt�or befon tl�e date apectlied ip the notice may result in Acaleradon of
<br /> - �?� Me sum��ecured b�y'tris Securitc i�sOrumet�l aod sale ot the Property. The natice:�lu�i furlher inform Borrower of -
<br /> :'�. � , ' t6e�i�e��t to reiastAle s�r pcceleralovu and ihe rf�bt to bring a court s�clicau R•o asseR iP�e noa-exbtetKe ot p defautt or
<br />-');� i Any�iBmr tkfense d'�arrower to stccel�ratio� Aa�sale. If the defaelt Is uot cared on or be�ore lhe daKR apecified in :::_
<br /> ' �'-'' Ihe nWi�e,l.ender aa�us option mA;r�equire ima�ne�Jlnte p�yment ia full of ail aw��ms secured by this SeaurJRy 9astrument ''
<br /> ._ ,-s"- ==
<br /> - -;,F°.� witi�aut 7urthe�dert�at3 An�i msty ia�voke ihe puwer ui awir rnd wny uihur rrn�Sir��nniifc�f us ay��i3.�bie i�w:
<br /> ,� I.eader sh�ll Ae entltled ta cof0ec t nJ1 expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in thi� paragrnph 21. -
<br /> • iacludiag,but not li�nited t0.s���nAb1e Attorneys'fees s�nd casts ottlfk evidence. __
<br />_ I�the power of��e is iavnketi.'Ol�ustee shall record a natice of detauU In each caunty in whkh any part uf Ihe n._
<br /> pruperty Is located p�l s1�fl11 mall capies of eucl�aatice in the monner prescribed by applkable law to Borrower and to w
<br />_ .he other persons presc.r,i�bed by applicable lar;•, After tbe time requEred by applicable law.7Yuvtee sh,�ll give pubpe ;-•
<br />--• nodce of sale to f6e persons and iaa IO�e m�nner prescrfbed by appl(cable 9uw. 'I�ustee.wlthout dem�d on Borrbwe�, �.
<br /> � -' ;� ahaq sell the Property at publk u�Ttior�to the highest bidder at tde time und place and under the terms designute�in _.
<br />�"�� t6e notice of sale in one or more pu�ris and i�any orde�'IL�ustee dete�m�ne.w 7lrustee�aay postpone�le of All or any
<br />= parcel of the Property by public announcemen�at ihe timr and plaoe o!s��v previously Rchedukd salr. Lender or its �.
<br /> desi�nee may purchosc the Properly s�t Any 9a�e.
<br /> • �`'� Upop receipt of payment of Ihe price bi�9,Truslee shAO�de1��•er to the pu�ch�.cer 7Yustee's decd at�nveying the _
<br /> „a��°<;�:��•.:. Property. The recitAls in Ihe 7lrustee•s deed ahaol be prima fAtle evic�er+ee oi'ihe truth of the swtements made therein. '
<br /> '� ��`' �'� '1lrustee shnll p 1 the raceeds of the sAle M the Pollowf or�er: lal ta aiJ caats and ex nses oiexe�+c the wer �
<br /> �.�:�;� Pp 9 P ug Pe �8 Po �
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