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'. �.;� . ' <br /> . . ":�c� � „ ' <br /> � <br /> , ,. .�a�t.._ -- - - _ -- - -- <br /> - --_,_... .-- <br /> . � ���n • _. . � - - - . <br /> . . <br /> , , �� .. <br /> . � . <br /> ' •/�hSppilb4l(�e41•.,>,x.� ., � ,. , .- ' , . .. .. .,"''r�.wMavtJr� <br /> , .. . <br /> _._.... <br /> �+w��fMf�MNafMl�h+yi' .. ....� • ' ......"_�....._�__. ..-...__.._.._......�._.y.._......._ _....._ ' <br /> . .,r ......._. <br /> (� . " �� — <br /> ' a'"'"�_....�.. . .........�.._ _ <br /> _...... <br /> ........_...._..... _.....__._...._. ""' <br /> _..... 9�"1�`�1.10 r�'�� , <br /> ���� <br /> �' .{d) o writ of exoautbn ot attachmCnt 01 anY nlml!�r procosa ohnil bo antcrod ngaNat Truator r+htch sheli baaamo n l;en on the C_=_.-. <br /> . �..�.;� � Yruut Eatato ar any poAlon thoraof or k�torast thcroin and ouoh cxcoutlon, attaohmnnt or olmil�r proco�o af Jud({mont 1�not relnnsa0, ;,-- <br /> ' bondod,aatlyfl�d,vncated or atnyod v�phin ohAy(EO)daya uftor Ito aniry ar bvy;o► _ <br /> , (e) thavu he�i oceurrod a bresOh ot or detAUit undar nny terrn, co��nant,nprcoment,aonditlon. prov►slon,�aprosontstton or�lartantY �,- - <br /> oomninod ir►any prlor 8�sd of trual or mortpafl�nR,:otln0 t10 Tatot Eotatn, B '_,___ , <br /> " "� 1Q.�Aacetere�ton upan Dataullt Addltlonel Remedie�. II un avent ot dofauh ooCUro, enolbl�ry msy tlEt0laro th0 <br /> ' Ind�ybtOd+io�u uCCUrCd fiCtCby t� hd duo nnd paynbl� and tho anmo ahall lhorcupon bcr.omo duo nnd puyablo,without nnY Prose^tmonR f <br /> E-='�; <br /> ..,�� dsmand,protest or nolice of�ny kind.TAereatter,Qenefblary rt�uy: � <br /> (i) c1iP►er tn peraon or Dy npont,with or without brinpfnp sny aatlon or proconding, or by n recoNor appotnted by �couR and <br /> l'~~' wkhaut roQs�d to tho adequaay ot AB 6eaurity,enter upon end take qoseesalon of tho Taat Esteto,or any paA thoroot,tn ite ov�n name <br /> ��""�'-; or In the nerna of TNStee,�nd do nny aom whWh tt deems eaceseary or de9Mabte to Dresenre tho value,maAcetaOiliry or rentabllUy of <br /> / ttmhtna pon asst o'o ofp a TntB�Ebtate,t eue lot�0►o�tA6crwl o o0lteGt lho rente,elsouo� end p o1�e the o01,Inoludlnp lh0oe P 8t duohend <br /> ; . ._. .+� . _ <br /> •:1.. <br /> :h,;. �,:,,` unpsid,4nd appiy tho s�me.le3s caste and oxpencea of oporflttan a�d oollectton MoNding attomeys'le�s,upan any hdebt�dness <br /> ,��.�;%�ta� , 86oufod hAriTLy. nU M suQh ord�r no Benetbtnry may detormine. 'ftie enterim8 upon and takin9 posEesslcn ot tfio T�uat Eotnt�, the .-� <br /> aoiteotton ot ouch rente, tssues end protlts and trio appibatton thereof ao ntoras4ld shalt nat cure or wANro any detauR or nolt�e cf <br /> =����' detauh Retoundw ot hvAlidflte any eet dpae In tesponse to suoh detau�ar puraunnt ta suoh notico of deTttutt end,notwNhatnndlnp tAe — <br /> Y`'�""�� conthuance In poae�sebn of the Truat Estate or tho colleolion,recefpt and applbatlon of ronta,lssuea or protit3.Tmsteo or Ben�fblary <br />"-'°`W`��"�°' pheR ba enlltied to exeroise avery rl9ht provldsd tor in any ot lho Loan Instrumants ot by tnw upon oceurcanee of any event of d�4au{t, <br /> �''�;�`~"� Ineluding the right to extaalse ths power ot eub; � <br /> .;.n�,�= <br /> ;-�;i.-� pq commeneo an aotwn to toroe�o�e th�s Dead ot Truat as a martpage, appolnt u reeoNaz or speonbu�y entoroo anY e t 0 <br /> _ � covenanta hornof; <br /> � (Iiq delNer to Trustee s wrman declar�tbn of deisutt and demand tor sab und s wrltRm notko c!detault and c+l0otlun to cause <br />.:���'.;s�a� Trustor'e intorest In the Ttuet EStatO to bv eold,whbh ttotlCO Tn�etoo ohnU cauGe to be dury tilBd for reootd h the epptoPtfats a�g af <br /> � -= tho County h which the Truat Estato b tccated;or <br /> _-'"��� �Ml exerot4e saoh othor tf�hte or remodles et I��'/ot In aqully. <br /> =��•�i�� 9 1 i.�m e e e t o s e u e b y P o w e r of �ele. IF Boneftoinry el0ato to toreobse by w�erc�se of the Power ot Sa�e hoten contahed, <br /> -"-'a�� 6enotiola�y�hnU not8y Trusteo end shaG deposit with Tn+atee this SeaOnd Deed of Ttu81 and any nots evldenoNg l he In do b t o d rt e s s e n d s u th <br /> __.,.� reCetpts and evtdenCe of expendkures mada and secured hereby ae Trustee may�equlre. <br />-- t�j ���,e+n .ecelot of such noike from Heneficlery.Trostee ehaU cause to be recordod,pu6�shsd and douvered to Tm�tor suah <br /> --_,;�,,,,��� NotlCe ot neta¢It end NoNCe ot SRb 8S then �ulred by 18w en0 OY titis SeconB D'oad �f' T�.'�' T���`�"'� W�out derrwt►d on <br /> Trustor,efter BuoN timo as may then be requlred by law artd after reCOtdatbn of sueh Notke ot Detautt and aftet Nottee of Sale havtn9 <br /> been pNen as roquirod by law. seU the TNat Estate at�he time and pl�ce of eafe(Dced by tt h s�aoh Notice ot Sale,eNhor rs n whot¢,or <br /> In 6eparate bis or pareeis or koms as Truntee ehall deem e�edlent,and In suoh order as R may determin�.et pub{io tu�tbn to the <br /> � hlflhost bidder tor cash•in•Inwtul maney o} the Unfted States paYable at tAe time ot sala.Trustee shali delttiu to such par�7�aser or <br /> purchnsas thereot ks good ertd autficbnt deod a�daeds oonvoying the prope�ty so aotd,but wi4hout airy eovetHant or wartrnty.expnsss <br /> or Imptlgd.TRe recitals h au¢h does o! any rnatter8 pr faatn chnti�o conolusNe proot of tho UuthNlnesB thsromf.My p�aon� <br /> (ncbdinq <br /> withaut ilrr�ttxtion 7iusta.T�ustee or BOnatblary,may purohaso at suah 6ale. <br /> (b) As rtwy bd petmkc�d by law, after deduoting a0 conts, tpos and e�enses of Tms4ea and ot thts TNOt, trtoUd�n�tiosts ot _ <br /> hen saCUred hereby�Qfld'(�I the�i�derN f eny,to''the pereon or�personsf IegaAy an Ilied!oret�the Indobtsdnays (i�aA othr�sums <br /> -J`--T� (c� Trustoe msY in the manne�provided by law postpono sate ot aU ar any,porfion ot tha Trust E�tate. <br /> 72.Q�eenedlea Not Excluaive�7n,stoe snd Benettaiary,end esoh of them, at+atl be entRietl ro sntorce pa�rrrwnt u►d pMomienes <br /> of any hdebtednosa or oblipatbns socurad haoby and to exera!se nit riphta and poWqrB under this Second Doed ot 1'rusl or undor�Y�� <br /> � y T� � ;Instrument or other o�q�rmR+tit or any ta��rs now or h�rpafter tn toc�e;norivNhstand!ng,Some or a8 of the 8uoh Y►dsbtodness�d oEllptUon:. <br /> �aecured hereby may nc,►�or heroaftsr bo otherwtsa socured, whather by mortgaga, tleed ot irust. pled�e, �� assi�me�t or othwwlse. <br /> Neither the aceeptanc9 o"t thts Socond Ooed ot Trost nur"&s enio�coment,whether by�COU�t aotiqn or P�p��a yn}d�r�Ce any}Ot er 6oct►�Y ' ' <br /> powaru herCin contained,shall prejudl¢o or in any mannor aitect Tn�ste9'3 or SenolbMry'e r{ght tp,r8q� <br /> now or hereafter hetd by Trustee or Benetictsry. It belnp apreed that TNStea and 8enc�flolarY,end onch of thom,s��►�� �Mqi�cl�o ei'►focce <br /> thts Saeand Deed oi Yrust and any other sc�eurity aow or hereatta Aetd Ey Benefbis7 a��+steo in� �uch order ert4�R��thoy or oRAer <br /> ot them may In the9r ab:.ofute dlscretb�dote�m➢npro o��PQ�med�b t oacA shall be cumuiative andt3lYpt�t�'D�hfadd bn t�eve�y tother <br />�__-_== Qas;e�sivr�;t t.ny atk�rC�:flydY h°�° Y �t E��Ry ef t►u� Loan _ <br /> --_ °`' remady {�tvan harc;undrt or nori or hereactAr exl�ting nt tavi or In cquity or by SUatute. Ev�ry pornu LK 'M�'�:' ff'"' __ <br /> Inctruments to Trustee o�9enetbfary or to whbh olther ot tAom moy bo othon��so Cntttbtl,may b�r orxrr;isExJ,conGUrtcatty er[�tlepannNntry. <br /> -------- trom tf�e t�8 ��bo consWed as pro ibRlnp Bonobluy Prom cee Q a dotialenoy ludgment ngaina the Trustarsto tho�oxtentt suah eatbn <br /> Nothhp <br /> - -_-----= t3 pertnitMd by l�w. <br /> - �� F»ao.te�sa�e/9a1 Pap.a oi a <br />- - ._- `c���J <br /> - ---==� <br /> -__-_°�:� ` <br /> _____i�,iA[l�Si7f7 <br /> 'I(.:�Tii)�{f:4■ <br /> — a'����If��t . <br /> --�,��4���.. .�� _. <br /> ...�:a�.� y'���� . <br /> .f�iF.:.�t.`�;�,;{� _. <br /> C 9r�, . <br /> . .... t 7 <br />.. ;,�.,��r,i <br />_ i 1'Fi,y�l�1� •,7. <br /> . ��7��.y� � <br /> . .v i. <br />. r ��;�jM��HAP <br /> i, !F <br /> /000 <br />