� + �,:..:5�: �:1
<br /> S �.
<br /> ' l
<br /> . J
<br /> � ,� '- , . . .. . � . _ .' '
<br /> ., � ..!. , ...��
<br /> ., ..... . . . ... . .._.._
<br /> - ,m�� �IY}�1MlUlY1VbNY ••. '" ' ' -. . .. . . . - "' '
<br /> µ' .
<br /> � '0arrawor'a aarow acoount under tho qQml�1 Batato bellbr�u�t Procedu�s Ast ol 1074 ae nmendad hom tli�to t4�w� iZ U.B.C. ;.`
<br /> � .. . 8601 et eeq.(°1isEPA•).un4�zn ¢nother bsv that apptk�s t�the G�unda a.�2s a lesee�e�Q�l. It ea,landar m�y.dt�ny ttrn�,ao8�ot u►d � =i=f' :
<br /> � halfl Funds h en amount not to e�a�d tiso�asuar enount. I.sauler may aattnnto the unaunt of Nnde�uo oa tf►a baefa oi au�rent Cstn
<br /> k��:�.
<br /> . • and reaeanaDto matMn�te�ot a�anditaun o}Nture Eemcw Ibm�or othmwlaa tn acaordanoe w6th applL^abW taw. � _T.
<br /> Tha Funda shali ba held 6n tn hetKutlan whcao dopoaHe aro haurod 0y n fednral eQenoy. 1n8tninant��m+� ot er►�i�► (moludba � .�,j
<br /> '� lon6er� N L�nda ts�uoh�n InRttNtton)at M any Pada41 Ha�►s I.oan Bonk. Lender ahaN Qgpt/lRS Fund� fo pay tha BRCrow ttsm�. � ,�.T_
<br /> ; ,�-
<br /> • L�n6�r rtiay not ohnr� Oorro+�sr tor hotdlnp nnd apA►YHO cho Funda,¢nnuatiy annty�i� tho osorov� �aao►►nh dr vsrKyhp tPt9�serow � 4z•
<br /> Ite�n�,arnNia 6sndov pay�i3oROwM inlxaat oa tho Fund�and appibabt�I�w pamits La�da ta m�tco suah a oharg�. Hows�vst,L�►dK ____
<br /> r��y r�ut•�Cart��:�r tn pay o anattm�afler�o ter nn In6oAOndo2►t roal eotAto tex repoftlnp oanrbe uood by Lenda� In conrt8ation wf[tt � js�.'•
<br /> k
<br /> =� thla btn,unkt9�plbabq wv� pravldn oth�rwl��. Unt�s4 an nqraWnent is madr or appibabb law�oqutrao M�t„wtrfth�howav�r�tRat ''-
<br /> • ���.: �h1►U not W ngulad to pay 0onowar eny Intoraft or�mi�pe on the Funda. 8onownr and lond�may ay� D� -
<br /> ; ��,�t� htorosY �ha�� ds P=� on th� Fund�. Lender eRotl gHe !o Bortower, r�tthout oharqe, an Rnnual eeoounting ot the Funda� ehowN� �r�
<br /> • ""•;ti,•;i�, p r a d t m e n d d Y B t t a t o tho Funds and Ihe purpoao(or whbA oaoh dobR to tho Funds wae made. The Fun4a ero plad�ed as addNbnat _
<br /> . ...,•,.:., `y~
<br /> ' ��`"'� eeaurit�►tor all euma esourod by t�la 8ecu�Ufr Inatrumen4
<br /> f''�. IR:.—.
<br /> It tha Funda held by londer ozcue0 iho amaunts parmtited to be hold by epplTeablo lew. londer eh8u acaoant to 8orro�u�r for the
<br /> �, aaese Funda h acaordanao with th¢requlremnnta of tpplbabla I�w. If!ho amount of the Funds hetd by Lender et anY t� n�t �-
<br /> ;� eutifoient to pay tha Eaorcw Itoma wha►due,trendsr may ao notty Borrower N wrHlnB,und,tn auah oase Bortowa shnA pay trto��de►
<br /> , . "� ..'� ', the emount neceasnry to mako up t�e doilcisrtoy.Borrower ohnU makv a�tho daliotenay h no more than rivatue monthy pay
<br /> . .,.
<br /> , , LortdYre sob disorailott. _-
<br />_ � tlpon ptymsnt M fuq of ntl sums asawed 4Y thls Seeudty Inatrument,Londm sheli promptry retund to Eiorrower eny Funda he70 Psy ��.
<br />-"+ �� ���u��p�qr�tpD gt�Landir ah�fli aaquks or etll the PropeAy.I.e�de►� Pdor to the taquisltbn or enN o!the PropNty.ehaM
<br /> - ° ,�` an �un8s Aetd Dy Lca�f.;x ot t!u tbm of�oqatskbn or sate aa a credK apahst tho cums aecured by thls SecurBy Insuumint.
<br />_ . aPP�Y Y
<br /> 3. Ap�pli c a t fon o t Psyme n t�. Un t O S S o p P l���►�p ro v i d o s o t h envise,all p e ymanta recc►1+cod br Lender undar pu�anDfis _
<br /> �• • �� . �, 1 pnd 2 g�g�qe applled: fYst, to eny Rrs�sYr�t oharQea due undor tha Note;seoond,to amounts payabte unda puapraPh�tntrd
<br /> '"� ta hterest duo;taurth. to R��Pa����d taot,to any into ohurpos 8uo undor tho Noto. �--
<br /> �;. •� �:' 4. Chargos;Llens. BOttowor 8hflp p8y a11 ta7t0s� �.ssess�rtent8.ahelqs9.fn98 end MnpoaRbne attribut4bfe to the PtOp�Ry __--
<br /> { :\�� wAbh may attnin pdorUy o��ir this Seour�y Inotrumsnt, and busehob payments or 6�¢+und rer►ta, N any. Bo�rouar�hab p�y th�
<br />_, , � ��:��=
<br /> � obStpations 6�1P�a menne�provtded in Dars�pnAh 2,or B not paW h thnt manner,Bortow+a shaq pay thoan on ttns�dlroat�l►��P�+�
<br /> owN psltrt�an� Oortower ehail prompty Nmish to Lender a0 eoticos o4 amounto to be pald unrfer thb paresrep •
<br /> �l. , ;,, ,,,�:. these PeYme►►ts dfreoty�8orrower shap promptry fumisb to Lender rocelPts evidenafnp the paymenta. �wANnB ta� _-
<br /> � ° flortow�r ehalt prompty dlsohntp�+.nY�+whbh hns prbdq over thla 8ecurHY�nshument unleae Borroww:(a)+a►ws
<br />_ � .' .•,•� tRO payment of the obNpation aoourtd by t�o Ifen In a m�nner acceptable to tsnder;(b)oontesta b Qood taRh th�li�n by.or da�r►ds
<br />- f;•..:���c;•
<br /> :� .._y__. ����t�}�hq Uon M,Ieoti ptoceedhps whicb h the Lenders optnbn oporcte to prevent the entorcen'Mnt a}tho Wn:a�(o�l
<br /> ,�• �+��`
<br /> `%t; ., soaurea ham tho hoWor ot the Ue�an apreement satisfaotory to Len4ar aubordinath8 tna �w� co this �+"h i���.
<br /> � °t'''�' detertnhas that�ny put ot the Propahr b subleot to a I�n whbh may srieh Priodt!► over this Socurity InsWment, LendM may p�e
<br />�::r;:�,�, ;z -
<br /> T:,ar.- :;,., 8orrower a noNco IdontNyhp the lisa. Borcower ehalt satisry the Ibn or tako ono a more of tha actbna sei forth abovo withh 10 doyo
<br />- 3+f o!t�a pNinp ot aot�o.
<br /> 141�' fi�:d ,
<br /> '�'•��= ' 6. {iez�rd or Froperty I�suranae. BonOwet ehall k9ep the �ravomenu �ow ex�th9 or nePaeftK �nawd a+ �►�.
<br />�`�� "-�� propeRy lnavred�yehet bss by tlra hazerds Inolu�ed wkhh tho torm"�ten6nd coverepa" end any other h�ards,tnoudin0lbods ar
<br />-�'�4'S?•'�,��
<br />��,;,_�w� rtoodinp, tor whbh trender roqulres Insurence. Thts InAU�anco shaA bo matntatned b Nu �mounts and fo�ths partods thsl don
<br /> - ;��,.�� �aqult�. The bturanae otrcier Prav�nO the bs�trenee ehaH bo oAoaen by Bomower eubJeot to l.4nder��PProva�whba dhAA+not b�
<br />�A�;":,,y�� l�ndar mey,at LenderR optbn, obt�h to+a�ape to
<br />��,�'t�.�,��� unraasonably wRhheld. Ii 8mrrowurhUs to mahtetn ooverepo desarbed abcve,
<br /> __:,�,r R_�F�."1�l pmteo!tt�mmdara rlphYs In tho ProPo�ql ti�oaordanco wkh para0raph 7. _
<br />�;.o,�„l.;y� l4�Insuranes OoRebs�nd ronowils snax bs taaeptQbw tn i.e��G�r end ehatl bi�da a e�nd�rc�mo�ot�uae. t�►dK�hai{iwva
<br /> nd
<br /> _""""-'�' • — �1N f�T11!0 h0�d Ut0 QO1I0108 fltlf� iOflflWII18. It Londor re9uMes� Bortower eheY promptry pM to I.MS�lar aN ncalpta ot paW pnmtums
<br /> `•:-r'�"p!9°'��� �r►d rmrwal�otic�. in the aron!ot bea. Borrower shnU qNe Prompl notbe to tho inauranco otrt7er and t+�nd�r.Und�r mny crrk�
<br />�+�.�
<br />- ptoaf o?bas Y not mide promAUY by Bortov�or.
<br /> '°=-�:'� UnbSa L.�ndK and BoROVrer otAeewis�e8reo In wi81n0.ine�r�ao ptxe�dd shaU t�e npp0od to rostoratb�►or nptY of t1N Ptop�ty
<br />-a;-���� damay�d, N tha nstoration or ropair Is eeoaombatry fansbf�end Londers securkY Is not leaa�nsd. tf th�natontion or nQair N no!
<br /> �:��o econombaly tee�sbf� or tsnda�s 6ecu�tfr�voutd be Iassened� Qbe k►suru►ee prooleda ehaN bs appRed to tha oumo ssau►sd by thN _
<br /> --���°,,� geour�y Inatrument, v+hethe► or not then cue. wNA ony euaesa paW to Borrower• if Bo�rowar�bandona tN�Proprpl. o:c9�ea�rtat
<br />�..���, lUlfi� wBhYt 30�Y L.e 1��insy t se th�roCOeds to repatr or res�en thot ProdpedYeor to pay�0ums saCUtvd b�y thb 8e0uAty
<br /> -__-__---- ln.,ure.M9 pTe�:osd -
<br /> �";.',.� (n4bt�es:nt,wh.^.2ttCt or not then due.The 3Wi�Y P�+'��wtN br.y3n��t;a.ttte noti��H�iv�,s�. r
<br /> �" _�:_;.< < Un�����d goRp� ��,Ise apree h wr&M�9��y e�Pl�atlon ot proeeeda¢o P�obal aha►1 no!ex'�nd ar pa:,t��no th�
<br />-����_�:�r
<br /> ^;r�;,�'�i�' duo dato oi the monthy paymenW reterted to In paraa►ePhe t end Y a ohm0e 1�� �ount of the payme�►t�• tt undsr paraqr�Ah 8f
<br />�,:'�-`- ...+"�� th�Property is eaqulred by Lendor,Bortowc�a ri�ht to any hsurertae polbtes nnd Orcceeds resulibp hnm dem�Qa to tho Proparhi prb►
<br />�;�.�'���`" • to th� �sr,ulskton ahall puas la Landor to tho mdont o4 tho aums securod by thb Geourtty inatrumont hmedttteN W� ro �►►o
<br /> '�...r:...• •.r•h
<br /> `e��:��;"'��_.c ������an� Preaerve�ton. Melatenance m�� Protection of the P�apee4y; Borrowcr'o O�man -
<br /> - �. ��aupancy.
<br />=j:.'o.�•:�'� � � Appllcablon; LCaSEh01d0. Bomovrer ehap oaouPy�estabibh.en6 uao the ProP�a�Borrouara Rrho�Pat rsside�tao wRt��+4Jdy
<br />_+,:� •. � << �� dnya after tho e�ncWlon of th�&eauttY�natrument tnd ahnn continuo to oc�uPV tho Properyr ea 8oaow�e prYselpat ceaidenoe tor at _.-
<br />_i.?�. , . .,_ ,� te41t one yaar dtrr the date of ooauperusy� unte5s Lender oUawise eQreea h w�1tM9. whbh oona�nt �hnM no! bo unna�onabh
<br /> zr-. � � . --
<br />__= ' • . ,�y wAhheid,or unlsss�nuathp o�r�OwnaUncos e�dst wAkh are boyond Bor►owere eantroL Boaower shtt not dostroy,d�mtg�a h�P�� c
<br /> � •' ' tho ProP�f►.aiiow E�Rropp4y ta dai;.rlorGto.or oomm��eesto an tho Prol�Y. Bop►aweT aha9 bs(n d�fauR N MY�otkitufl a0lbn or
<br />��'• :.:: i��� -
<br />_�,:.��' �, p��din?�whethor eN11 or crinin�,I� bpun that In t,a�dara Qoed fash�udpmpn!eoub rosuR tn forMtur�ot N�Prope�qr a a3hwr6a _
<br /> .� � - w .rr �uaiv �trumr�t ar Lendora tettu�t!' �sR 8otrowat mty Cun tuoh •dNauR tttd
<br /> ....--. _-_.. ;. � �ii a.� .... ...�:.� _. -- ---- -• _--
<br /> - ,,?��„"°'. � h 1@.br eaueMp the aotbn or Proceedri7 to be dlsmbso0 N►Rh a Ni�p that„t�enwn 800u iz�m =.
<br /> . .. ril�stet0.a!provlded h D��
<br /> � :� . dotermtautbn. pnatud�a torto�ure ol ttw F3orrowero Ontarest In tho Prope+'h�at oUtar madKW tnPahne^t of th� Wn w�etod by thb �-
<br /> 6acufih tnoW:nent a La�dero s¢cur�r hterost. Bortower shaB also Eo M dcfauR �Botrowar.durina th� kan �OA�n P��� �<
<br />� ,, Qsve mataiaUy tatso or Naccurato hformatfon or seatert�+nia to Lfxider(or tet7ad to provide lender �aith any matah� 6�=°�u1�� h _
<br /> ' oonnaatton wflh the ban evt�artcad by ths PtotA,hoA+dhQ,but not IMRed to,oeprossntations oonasmhp 8o�rows�o traau�anal►c►t U►A -
<br /> � ,; � �� ProAsrh►sa v P��1 mt�Menco. Q thb SecurRy InsWmon! b on a baeehotd,eorrowar onne camPb wRh QU the Pr�one of the _
<br /> . loe,ss. It 8orrowo► sequlroa tea trt�to tho Propaty. tha teaQehob end th0 trso Utb ehaD not rtw�+�e unte3s tho Le�der ap�eea to tM -
<br /> 1 . ' me�er in wtitiRp. �orm ooIIe vlio -
<br /> �t. -
<br /> 3 � v „ Pap�Q ot 6 -
<br /> .. .. F1020.Lh:0(1/t!0)
<br />; '
<br /> •; ° �, 1400
<br />