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<br /> - -- ---- �MIB A881QNMHNT OF i�NTB RIDER Is m��nd�x�cut�d tht�._.�—�Y�-- ��°r.10�_.and is
<br /> Inaorpor�t�d Into and sAaN b�d�Nd to am�nd�nd wpt►ta�Nnt tho Matq�p�a OMd o� n+f N.A��In�ll�r nhvad lo R�th�
<br /> • Ms�ourlty �n.enaTMni".a nb �m.an•o�wn b�►tn. w�aMSlan�d�h�N�an.. �r.rr.a �o as tn.•�earowu•���o..our. �
<br /> ��pyy���nd�pt�dn�,l�Mnafbr ni�nd to a th�"Not�",to HOME FEDERA�lSAVINOS ANO LOAN A880CIATIdN OF
<br /> .,�_- _ -`°'- �RANQ 181.AND.h�nimfbr r�rfKr�d to aa th�"�'.ol!M un�d�te and oowrinY th�ProP�ty d�salb�d In tb�S�ourJh► --
<br /> ' indrupMe!�nd looat�d��
<br /> 3506 E. Gret�ory. Grartd Island. N�_�9_�_
<br /> �" � ^ (prqp�Ay Addr�sa)
<br />- a T--=,-::;_—_�� WITNE88ETH• �---
<br /> �� — . _
<br /> �Y:•. yyNEpEAB�Borrow�r a�d L�nWr h�v�aprssd thd any �enls and protit�dt�lbut�bl�to th�prOps►ly�hOUW f�islitu4 --
<br /> r--�, �dditioeal t�udty to th�I.Md�►lor th�paym�nl of lIN NoN; °__
<br /> ���r
<br /> r NOW.THEHEFORB.It Is�pre�0 th�t IM S�wriyr last�wn�nt shW b��d�d IMwby+�d dwnwd to includ�ur 1o11owtep �__
<br /> �'` prorblpnt; �s:
<br /> �__���'� t. ��enmsnt of Ranta ard L�nder fi�nta0�llectlon f��1s.BoRO�Mar her�b�l absaut�ty and unCOndltloMlly�sslpn!aN �
<br /> _:_���� nnts. Issu�s �nd proflts of 1hs prop�ty to Bensfici�r� l�t� ahAll hsivo tlw �iphi. pow�r �nd �uthalty dwlnp 1h� ��
<br /> --�'��a cantleuanc�of th�S�u�rib Imlrwneot to colluct tha tint�.isaues aad proflt�of lhe propsrh►�ed of any p�rsond WopMq► Ri-
<br /> �=:�"� locabd th�ron with a w1lAout t�kinp pas�wss►on oi tha pmparyr a��ct�d herebr.I.�da�.1aww�.��Y��a to
<br /> gpaor�r�col4ctioa ind atMQon of sucb ten�s,issues a�d pwtlta aa tRrt�accrue a�d b�com�paYab�s.so lon0 a�°� ��
<br /> Is na��t„�t wch tirtw,t�N1wN wlth nsP�ot tn WY�t ot�rh►in4p�s�cur4d IMr�bY.or M tha p�fanynw o1 an�► °-
<br /> �';,r .�. �fA�RM11t(t�f�ulNiSt. — --
<br /> • :?:�r. 2, '�n,ooin 4t+t�ial i�„T liiw�l�i i1 any evant ot�elnntt�•� MAp�ct to th�S�curity loatrument shall hav�ocaurred and b�
<br /> . ' ���';
<br /> coMinulnp,Lin�JSr, �a• m�ttar af ripht and without not�rca to Borrower or anyona clalminp under Bonower.and without _
<br /> � ; npard to tAa vNue ot th�trust estate or ths interast ot tM 8onow��theraln.shall havo tha ripht to apphr to amr court havin0 --
<br /> ;�•:• �urlsdbtlon ta�ppolnt a naiwr of tf»pro�eRq.
<br /> ' :�•" 1'•.,: .w.
<br /> g, Rlaht to Poss�ssl�e.ln cese of defauli Jn the payment of the said prl�cipal Not�or fnterest.o►any part ths�eof.as�t �,,.
<br /> a •�� ����� shall matur�,a In tha cas�ot fai lure to ke�p or pertorm�ny of the covsoanta or a�reem�nts contalned In th�Sscurihr Instru- �M
<br /> _ ���;:, -__
<br /> n poss�iwion of th�said Premisa t�r�Nn dwarl ib�d�nd t ca ect tl►a�o ts tMrafrom and t apply th�P� t��th�not to th� —
<br /> ,•: �
<br /> _ ' psynNnt of tM Not�. __�
<br /> � 4, .��g�j���.lsau�an ProNts.Afl tents c�slkated by lender or the receive►ahall be applled t�rat to paym�nt F,� .
<br />°�- -_ .i . ��C����s Q4l��y���I�nctaon�a�ter,ta,includinp,but not Ilmit�d to,receiver's t�es,qremlumson --�
<br /> ��;�� 1� ,:..,,.+,p �,v��'s bonds ond rasonebla attomey's feea,and ttne�.s r.o the euma seaured by th�Security Inaa�nt.l6ildaf�fld 11M _-
<br /> .�' �! "' �j' , 1�ii(Pt shal)b�Il�bl�to�oopomi Only for thoeA fents�c4uolly reC6lv�ad.
<br /> .•z•,.:-t �' , _—,
<br /> �! � .. t:":...
<br /> ��•'E,�t,' �.'�.. !S. Construatlon of Provi�fons.�a�ch at 1ho.p�vialona containsd fn th's,Assipnment of ReMs Rt�e+•and the Securlry Instru- _
<br /> • °•�:� � �' •r:'�� Mea1 ah�ll, unlsss othsrwlse alpec4Aicall�r�uiaed,be construed In accordance with Nebraeka iaw, and in the evsnt any es
<br /> �=�-' � ��!'�:� prowi�lon hsr�in o�thsrN�contaamad shall be detennined by a court of competent�urladlctlon to ba urwnforcaabl�.th�sam� �
<br /> _- �.:� ; �11 bs comvued�s thouph mucao wmnlufCeliblb j3f8Jlslen rr�re not e pe.��•�+t e.th�nof. v
<br /> ,' ��� 6. EHeat ider.Except as apecifically modifled by or Incon�lstent wlth thls Asslpnment of Rents Rider or by any othsr -�
<br />•,, ,.�"�.�.� , ' " apPllaabN Hdar,all of!he torms and prorlsions containod In tha Security Inetn�rtNnt shall contlnuo in full forca a�d off�ct.
<br /> -.� ' F:..�''-;.M.x,' ^-u.'
<br /> .•'� r .�• . ,'�,:•g,� IN WITNE88 WHEREOF,9a�uowqr has oxicutW ihfs Asslpnme 1 ot e er he date flnt�ot�d abow.
<br /> /(v �
<br /> � .v�s.< <-� � E.,-.
<br /> :�. ..�j�., i ,,, � _,_
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<br />` 3 �••��� � William R. Holl�epw ��.:
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<br />^� �}4_.. . ' ;:$7/1TE OF NEBRABKA) -`°
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<br /> - �1�41NTY OF HALL ) E'°•-
<br /> ' '•���� � ' Z3 pecember �� 92 q�fore me,the undoroipne�,a Notory PubHc duly commission�d�nd
<br /> � ;,,f�. .�. � Or aR�b doY�f— ��e., r�� Hollawav and Bet`�v A. Hollawav. H ha��
<br />