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<br /> paymeato mny no lonaer be required,az the option of Lender.if mortguIIe inswrance coverc�e pn che amount and for the periad ^-V•
<br /> thAt I.end�r requires)provided by an iasurer upProved by LendeT agNn becntnca av�llublc su�d is obk-ilsied. Borrotvcr shnil pay -
<br /> the premiums req+�ited to malatafn anortgnge insursm�n�e��n Borrowerdand Lender oNropPllcab e 1�uircment for mortBa�e �
<br /> insumnce ends tn uccordans.e with uny wriaen ag _
<br /> g.dnspecttou,Lcnder or its agent rauy mNce reasonable entdes upon ur►d lnapectians oi the Propeay.Lender sha11 give � m�`
<br /> Borrower notice at the tlme ot or prior to an insp�ction apecifyln8 re�sonable cause for tbe inspect on.
<br /> .<<_.
<br /> 10. �andemuaBEon. The proceeds of uny ss�vurd or c1u[m for damA�es. direct or consequenticil, ia connection vrith any �.•yrt
<br /> i.� coademnation or other taking af aaY Pa�t of the Praperty.or for conveyance in lieu of w�►deuu��ation. arc hereby c�signed and �
<br /> ---,-_._i` shnit be pnid w[�endes. �
<br /> en
<br /> .'�:"'"'� In the eveat of a tatM taking of tt►e Propetty.the proceeda ahall be applie�to the sums secured by this Securiry instrument,
<br /> .....�� _
<br /> � whetker or not thea due,with any ezcess pr�id to Borrower. in the event of a purtiul tnkinB of the Property in which the fuir _�,
<br /> market value of the Propeny�mnced►atety before the taking is equr.l to or greater �hnn the au►anat of the sums secueed by this `;.
<br /> Seaurity Insuument immediately hatore the taking,unless Borcoaer and l.endet otYtenvis¢agree in writk►g, the sums secured by L
<br /> � �p{� S�utity(nstnun�znt shall be redt�oed by the acnount of ttto proceeds mtdtiplied by the foltowing fr�cclon: ;a�to�t'y � -
<br /> t amount o f the sums secured imm2diaxely bEfore the takinffi.divtded by (b)th pfair m�rrket fu�e����W hich the fair '"
<br /> 'r before the takia8•AnY ba�ance shrlt be pa.ld to Borro�ver. Ia t�e event of a artiat tnicin8 �:
<br /> ' i mnrket vnlue of tho Propeity immediRt�iy before the talcing is less then the aznount of the sums secured imu�diate�Y before the ____
<br /> ' t�icing,unless Borrower and Len d er a t he r w lse a g r e e i n w d t i n g or unless a p plicable luw oWerwise provides,the proceeda shalt
<br /> �� ba applied to tke supas secured bY tl�a Sc���Y���t Whether or not the suaas nra then due.
<br /> ;, ff the Frogetty is abandoned by Borrower,or if,after notice by Lender w Borrower that the condetnaor offets to make aa
<br /> award or settte a clai�a for damages. Bomower fails to respond to Lendet within 30 dnys after the date the notice ia given,
<br /> � Leadsr ia awhorized to coIlect aAd apply the proceeds.at its opdon.either to restotadon or rep$ir of the Property or w the sum+
<br /> . secured by this Securiry Instn�ment,whether or not ttt�enn wrlao8+ �Y aPPU�oa of pmceeda to priACipal sball aot eactead or =
<br /> ' Ualess Lender aad Horrower otherwis� ugree y�1��2 or chan e tha amount of sud�payments.
<br /> Y' postpoae the due date of the moatlily paycaents referred to in paragraP g
<br /> il.Bon+ower Not R�leascdi Fo��IIce By Leader Not u Wel�ar. �tens[on of the cima for Qnyanent or moditication
<br /> of amortlzetion of the sums s4auvff by this S�urity'�5���8��by Lender to any sua�s.�ar in iaterest of Borcower shall
<br /> not operate to release tbe 1la�iliry of the originat Borrower or Har�vier's auccessors in intetest. Lender shall rcot ba cequt¢ed ro __
<br /> .' a'' ���� ,, commence pr�8s a�ainst eay suocessor In iaterest or refuse Yo •+�tend timo for payment or otherwise modify amortization
<br /> ,._�f:,.,;. ,�S of the sums s�bY tdis Securlty Iusr�n�nnent by reason of any a�euisiu�l made by the or[giaal Borrower or Bornower'e
<br /> � _; � , _ a���}���,�y p��_arance by Lender ln exercising auy ri$in wu remedY ahall not be a waiver of or preclade the
<br /> • ,�l lr.° � exerclse of auy dght or remody.
<br /> ,:�. 12. Succ�wra nud AssE�s�ouad;Joini and SeverW Ltn9►llityi Co-si�ere.'19ie covenants and agraments of th(s
<br /> _f`=�A��Sr}•'�," �,r
<br /> �rity �ns�S sFaU bind and benefit the auccessors and assigns of Leader aad Borrower, subject to the provisions o
<br /> i�;;�,t�';' �li h 17. Eon��ear's covenants and ugse�ateats shxll bo joiat and seFet�l. Auy Borro�ver v�ho casigus this Security
<br /> ::�=�'+�5;�%i,! < P�B�'P ,
<br /> ���p$�8 SCCrilTty IBStN111:1i1 oIIly t0 iriOrtgQ$C. �1A�3 t1RII�CO th8 Sii�IS
<br /> _d�. i� �. Insuument but dnes aat ezecute the Note:(a) �s co-�
<br /> ���;�?''rt�'.y Borrower's interesi in the ProFentY under the terms of tlils Security Insttum,ent: N)Es�toi perEOnally ob�igated w pay .
<br /> -='������ securad by this Secudty iastiumentt and(c)agrces that Ixnder and any other Aflrrower may a�ee to extend,a:odify�fotbear ar
<br /> "��"r � �any axomntodettons with regard to the terma of this Socucity Iasnvment or the Note without that Bo:rower's coasent.
<br /> -r.,......;:_•.
<br /> ,. ..;._..
<br />����.��� 13.Loan Cts�'Bcv.If the loan�ecut�ed by thia Serurtry insuument ta subject co a law w6fch Ede mzuimnm oan arge�,
<br />--�,_,,;-�-== end tl�t!Aw is flnally intetpt�eted so that the interest or other loan chrsrBes wllected or to be wllectod in ounnxtion wltt�tGe
<br />—_-.-k�-a7�f�i loan e�the permttted limlts,then:(a)enY such loan charqe shall ba ceduceai by d►e u.►uount aECeasaey to a�:ce thc chacge
<br /> -- ts the permitted limh;and(b)an9 sums almady coilocted from Bon+owa which exceeded permitted limies wiil be refund$d to
<br /> ,_�--=� Borrow�er. Leader may chciose to make this reflind by cedu�ing the ptiacipal owed uader the Note or by maWn�a direct
<br /> —�-y`--L =- paymeat to Bana�a�a. If a retLn$ reduces �rinciprl. the reduction wHl be treated as a Qartiat PrePayaaent �vithout aay _
<br /> �°r-�� prepayment c i��,^.nttsr the Note.
<br /> s;-i�;';`�;�� 14.NotE�.:�+aodce to Borrower pmvidod for in tbis Securlty Insuument shall be given by de9iWering it or by�a i l i n g
<br /> `�``� it by first cla�s�r.nil unYess apFiirsble law requires use of another msthod. The nodce shalt be di�ected to the Fraperty Addras
<br /> :�,`�:r�i�1`-�� Snnoeg
<br /> .-:�=��-.,,�� or auy other '�t�ss l8orrowe�'desi by notice to Lender. Any natiae co L+end�.�r shsll be givez� by fitst class to
<br /> — 6 anottoe to Borrower.Aay notice provlded for in t6fs
<br /> ---- �� Lender's edd�s��tad herein or any other address Lende�'designates Y
<br /> �_ :� �rity ui-����'�:lt!�sl�sr�to have beec►givea to Boirower or Le�e�ixr whea glvsn es pmvidod ia this paragrnp4. .
<br /> - i5.Go�nz�g Iazr, 3,^.vern�!![ty. Thia Se�urity L�trumcnt shati be gova�tfA Gy it�.-raS Er•u:r.� tiee Fau vi ti� :.�
<br /> --�r-t`+,y;'r � jupi�'rcdon i�m which the Propc-�Y�is located. Ia the event that any provision or clause of this Sr.curlry Y�snw�ueent or the IYate
<br /> _ ����.°.° om-.�.^�cts with applicable law.ssmb a��nflict sha►1 uot affect otUer provisions of thia Security Insmunent or tLe Note which can be '.,
<br /> v-..c;u1�'.�-.—.�:,
<br />_ ..':='� � givea effeci wltho�t the oontlicting pr��fsioa.To thi�eud the pmvisions of this S�curity In�ttument end the Nou are declaco�
<br /> ?'`:'�'�:.::��: �.
<br /> •'�:�=--: �-• to be sevcrable.
<br /> -``'`�,: ' „�. 16.Bo�a�r�'s Copy.��wer shall be given ona wnfonued oopy oY tite Note aad of thla Secutity Instniment•
<br /> :� . • Fom►tJm20 flll�
<br /> !�'�!� Cpo 4 ot 0 �nlima:
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