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<br /> TOQ�TH�R WITH nll the improvet�enta aow or hereutter er2cted on We property.nnd n!i e�sementa.appurtennnces. and _
<br /> � ilAtures aow or hereafter n paet of the property. All replas�n�ents and udditions shnl! �iso �a covered by �hia Sec�uity � .;
<br /> Instcumant. All of tho foreaoinn is rcfened to in thls Securiry lnstrument ns the'Property." � � ;;�,
<br /> BORPtOWAIt COV�N/lNTS thnt Borrower!s la�vfully sei..ed of the estato hereby wnveyed�d hus thc right to Brnnt and 1 --_
<br /> � convey the Pro�erty ond thtu the Progetty is unencumbered. except for encumbrances of record. Boreo�ver warrunss and will � --
<br /> deiend generally the ttde to the Pmperty ogalnst all claitas and demunds,aubject co nny encumbronces of record. � ��
<br /> . TNIS SECUFtITY INSTRUMBNT combines uniform covennnts for nationul use nnd non-unifotm wvenants witb limited � ����::..
<br /> � vnrinttons by jurisdiction to conatitute n uaiform security Inscrument eovedag real pmp�rcy. _
<br /> �• UNIFORM COVBNAN'fS. Borrotiver und Lender covenant and agree ns fo9lows: �
<br /> �;;.�.:�` i.Fuymen4 0�Ihiacfpal uttd Iaterest= �repAyment nnd Lu¢e Chn�gp. Borrowee ahWl proinptly puy when due the � J
<br /> • .,-•��. princip�l of tutd lnterest on the debt evtdenced by the Noto and any prepayment and late charges due under the Note. _'..
<br /> „ Z.�nds[or Taxes And Iruurnace. Subject to appliaablo law ar to a wrltu:n wtsiver by Lender.Borrower s4�11 pay to !�-���
<br /> Lender on tlie dny monthIy p�nrtents arES dae uader tho Nota,untll tAe Note ia pafd ln fbU,a sum("Fund�")for:(a)yearly uuces �
<br /> sutd assesscneata which caayr atta3n prtority over thIs Security h�stwnent as a lien on the Property:eb)Yearly leasehold payments _ _
<br /> -` or ground rents oa the Property. If aay:(e)Yearly bnzard or property insurance premiums:(d)Yearly flood insumnce pmmiums, __
<br /> �� -�° if auy: (e)yearly mortgaIIe iasurnnce premiums. if�ny:rind(�any sums pAyuble by Borc+ewer to Leader, in e,coordance viith ^
<br /> ,� '�' the provlaiona of part�eaDl�8.in lieu of tha pnyment of martIIage insurance premiums•77iese items are cailed'Escrour Itesas.' �.-
<br /> Lender may,at nny tirue.colloct tut�l hakt Funds in an atnouat not to eaoeeii the ma�ciQnum tuuount a leader for a federally '-
<br /> S '� related mortgage loan may requite for�ormwer's escrow ac��unt under the federal Real Estate Settlement I'rocediues Act of =
<br /> 1974 as emende�f from time ta cim•, 12 U.i�.C. Section 26Q1 et seq. ("RESPA"),ualess another law tbut applies to the 1Funda
<br /> � sets a Iesser aaaouat. If so� Leat�er ma,�, �&�ana� dme. collact and hold Fuada in an nmount rtot to excxed the lesser aDZOUat.
<br /> r, • L�nder may estimate the amount of Fun�s,d�n+oa the bt�sis of cumnt dnw and reasonable estimate,a of eapenditures of future
<br /> ' 8scmw Itema or ott►erwise in aocordsJa�wbAh�t�plEcu"��e]a�v. C
<br />- ,.:r�'�:_ � 'bhe I�unda shait be held in a� inseituricra wbms� deposlt� ere Insured by a federal ageitcy, instn�mentality, or entity
<br /> f (includinQ Lender.if I.ender is sucb u�insxittniaa)or tn any Far�?�rul Home Loan Bank.Lender sh�ill apply the Fund�s to p�y the ..
<br /> �.��� � ,;. s � , Fscrow Items. Le�►der may aot cha��Barm��for holding and upplyWg the Fuada�anaually enalyzing dte escrnw aceo�'t.or �`:
<br /> ' verltj►ing the Escruw lte�ns�unless I.eaA�r Pry�Harmwor intere.st on the Fuads and applicuble law permits Lender to make such _
<br /> �• � ' a cLnrge.However.l�Gl2r may requt�Bormwer to pay a oae-tlme cbnrge for an independeat real estate tas reportiug servlce
<br /> �''-�;�'�:.�,;�" u�od by Lcnder in conna:tlon with this Ilara. wiless appllcable law pmvtdes otherwise. Unless an ugc+eement is made or
<br /> '':.1 ' K '
<br /> _",�:;`;`,i r-1� apPlicable law requires iaterest ta be pn'r�,�.Lender shall aot be required to puy Borrower any taterest or eaminga oa tho Funda.
<br />-_ ��•`�,,,.�_. Barrower and Lender maY aA� ��ya�►m5�bo�vever.tdat intereo�t skall be paid oa the Funds. Lender st�atl give to Borrower.
<br /> _ ;__;�s..t;.
<br /> ��'- without charge. an anuuul account{ng of•ahe Fu�.nds.showiug crediu and debita to the Ftutas aad t�e p�upose for whicb eacb ° _
<br /> '��°�����-�'�r� debit to the Funds was made.lhe Fun�atn plerag�d as additior,al securtry for all suass secured by this Seciu�ey Insuvment.
<br />-_-='''��`'' Ef the Fnnda held by Lender exc.¢ad iho amo�n2s perwitted to be held by applicable law,Leader sbal�n�DUnt to Botroaer
<br /> --�-�.';! foz�he e��s Fuads in aceordance vv�th thn requinemea[e of a�pplicable law. If the amouat of the Furtds hzlal�by Lender at a�qr
<br /> -�.M:-�:��;� ti�ae is nmY sufticlent to pay the Bscnnw 1tKm4 whon due.Lendat s�ay so notify Borrower ia wrlting,and,in such aesa Pbax�nmwer
<br /> ,��;o�.;,;s{�: ' sbail pay to Leader t�e amouni n�r3y•w make up the def'sciency. Borrower shtill make up the deflciency In no mar$than
<br /> �,;�s�� • twelve montWy payments,at Lerad�e's salti discnetion.
<br /> .�,,sa:�; Uyon payment ia full of all suoms seaure�by thia Secudty Instmment, Leader shall prompdy reftusd to Bomower any ...
<br /> ---_���;±;�4•-- Fundc held by Ixader.If.undes pa�c�ntph 21,Lender shall acquire or sell the Property.r.eader,pdor to the acquisition or ade
<br /> �'���<<;'���' of the Property.shall nPPiy any Fun�la held by Lender at the tlme of aaquisition or sa[e as a csEdit against the sums secured by
<br />°""�`a-�+ t?ui��;urlty iustrumrnt.
<br /> �_�._._ 3.ApplicxtEon o!P�►ymerato.Untass appticatels Eaw pmvides otheruvlse.ull paymento roceived by L�tt�xr under paragrapAs
<br /> 1 and 2 shall ba appliod:ftrst,to aA��prepayment c2��ges due under the Nota;second.to amounts payub9��der para9rnPb 2:
<br /> �� third. to interest due;founh.ta p�rincapal due;and lass�to any late charges due under the Alote.
<br /> _—_--_-- 4.Cha�gev:Li�s.Borrov�s�+till pay all taxes,assesssaienu,charges.fines and imposlNona utMbutAble to the Pi�v��ny
<br /> ---=— which may attriin priorlty ovas�thit Security(asnvmettt.aaA 1��.�uld payments ur ground rente,if auy.,�orrower shail pay
<br /> - = these obugations in th�x�n�p�n�'ided in paraIIraph Z.or if not paid in that manner.Borrower sha11 pay a�h�m un time directly . .
<br /> � __- to Uta person owed gay�at.Brerrower sbuli prom,ptiy Pomtsh to L.eader all aot�ces of amounts to ba pai�7�nder thla paraBraph. -
<br /> -"'�"�`°'°�� [f Sorfower makes thesc psyrn�rsts dir�tty.8or�+u�ver shaU promptly furnisb to I.eader cpreip�s�evidencing t�e paymente. .
<br /> --_°_-�°,s° Bo�rower shall prnm�iby�int�arge any I[en which hns priortty over th{s Secudty IastR+m�nt unless Bomower:(a)agrees fn
<br /> ':-T=---_�==; w►iti�A to thc p�.^ym�tu of th:obllgntiou�rstlted Uy tlte l�en t0 n maenat ar,�,�uabie ta txrtdrr,f�+}w�strsi�in gcr�.e��#€nttla itft t�� F:_-
<br /> � _ ---- ---` by,or defends��tast enforcement of the 1[en in, IegN pmceedings wWch la the Lendee's opinion operate to prevent the •
<br /> =-----'""��# enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures fmm the 6otdor of the iten an agmement satisfactory to Leader subordintttjn$the lien�to
<br />-����° Wis Seaisiry Ia�wmena. If Lender deterniines thnt any purt of the Property is subjcict to a llen whtch may attain prio�ity over
<br /> c
<br /> ----ts?�r::ilti�_. _..
<br /> --:.:_.�.:�:',:�r� � this Sscu�3ry ia4trua�n��Lender muy give Sorrower a aotice idEatifying the lten.Borrower shalt satisfy the lien or tas7ce�one or �_
<br /> ��;±:�y(;;����i;;;;tt, � tnore of e�e uctions sct forth above within 10 duys of ttto gteri�g o:F moticts.
<br />_ .�,r`. . Fortn 3028 JIDO "-"`-
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