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<br /> �� B.US�O�PR�P�RTY;COMPLI�LNCL��R�`�il A.A,W.tiorrownr shWl not sak,ag�ta or make
<br /> , �� .{, a change in the use o,f t�e Properry or ite Loning clossif'reF►tion,unlass Lender has n�nxd In��riNna to the �
<br /> .. ,. che.nBe. Bomower ��ail m�nply with n!I Inws. oMinnnc.es. reaulntions and roqL�imsn�,n�s. af �ny �.°":
<br /> governmcntal bodY�Pticabie eo the Propecty. ���
<br /> , � �.SITIIO�tD1NATG LIEN3. Bxcept as permitted by federal taw.Borro�ver shill utx allutii�vnp lien `t�;_
<br /> , iaferior w the Security Insaument to me perfected nIIuinst tha PropeRy wtttcout Ltar�ar's pdas��xttten `'��_
<br /> "� peratissioa.
<br /> � � � D.RENT I.O�.S II�SURANCE. BO�i+OW6J SltAII D1NAIAIA IA6UIetlC6 tlgt9lQ9t I+CW�tIJR �.i1 Aai�Itt�fp to �'-: _
<br /> ��' '• � the ot�er hezazds for whlch fasuranr.o is requi�d by Un�form Covcnant S.
<br /> � Q=•=
<br /> , .`•°,"� �."BOI�LOW�R'S Rtc.ef'TO IIt�"T�61'A�'►;"Y1�9.�TFD.Uniforra Covera�nt ln is,de3Friccr�. -
<br /> ':r�:.., F. BOItROWER'S QGCiIIAANCY. vnte.�s l.cad�� and b,rrower otherwise qgr+as2 in,wrldnD, We --
<br /> . '�''�"� ' first ssntence in Uangarm Covenant 6 conceming Borrower's occupuncy of the Propc:ity is datertir�. Ali
<br /> remaining covenant��nd agroements set foRIY in Unlfornt Coventtnt 6 sb�ll remain irt e((�,
<br />�''``�� G.ASSIGNDI�F'«'VT OF LEA9ES. Upnn Lcnder's t+equcst, Bonower shaQ nsaignto�Laa�er a.lbloacea -
<br />--- .�o of the Aroperty and aU securtry depoaita mu�o in oonnection with leases of th�Pro�t7ty. lipan the —
<br />�;';:'�`�'�;'" assignmsnt,Leader shall �ave the dpht w modl4y.extend or tem�inate the esisting I�rs u�tl�ta exesute
<br />� ;}�,�. ae�v leates� !m Leader's sole discretton, Aa ur�d in this puragraph �� th� wa�d'��se" s�n11 mEan
<br /> y_-,,;;;;,� "sublease°If the Securlty irauument is ana leaxehatd.
<br />_-���. 8oa��►�zr absolutelq aad uaconditionally s�ssigns and traasfera to Lender ali tho rtr.nt� is�d revenues
<br /> ' -•��, ( :t:w cx, af s2s..Pra��,r�.sdte� uf ta �:�kont slse P.eats of she Prrs�at} sse�y EY. E���er
<br />_�.::c�o-s�Jd,� _ M n1 0 . � �M
<br />��� ;� � suthari�s LBnder or I.ender's agonts to oolte�ct tho Ftenta.and agm,es that each tena�at of.the Prop�erty�1aa11
<br /> ' ��`--'��� ' the ticnts to Leander or Lender's a ents.However. Borrower ahnll rece:v�th� Raass untIt(i)I.euder
<br /> ,;�i�%a; PaY B
<br />:�;��� has given Borrower�odce of default pwsu�t co psuagraph 21 of the Securiry 8asts�un�l.sad(ti)Y.endor
<br /> -_=v�-= � has givea aodoe w ttao teaant(s)thnt the Rents aris w be puid to Lcndar or Lea�er's �7,'ll�is assignment
<br /> -�-s��=�a�!�^?'. of Renss eonstitutes an absolute esslgwnent and uot an assigament for addttional axnuky •d0191.
<br />-_�_�,;;��.r�j���� If Lender gtves nodse o�f breach to�oaowar: (i)all Rento receIve�l by Borrour.s sbatt be held by
<br />-_
<br />