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<br /> 19.TrWnstcr oP thc Plroperty or o Heneficlnl lntcr�t In Bon+owcr. If all or uay pnrt of thc Propcny or any interest in it
<br /> , �. ' !s sold oi•trnaafen�.d(or i!n beneflcinl interest in Bortower ia snld or trv�afen�ed and Borrowcr is nut a nuturnl person)withaut � '_
<br /> �• Lender's pdos�vrltten consent, Lrnder mny, nt lts option, require immediate puyment in full of rsll sums aecured by this
<br /> - 3tcuriry Instrument.However,this option eh�ll not be exerctsed by Lender if exercise is pmhlbited by fedee�l luw ns of the date�
<br /> of d�ia Security Instn�ment. � °�
<br /> ![l.ender exercises thia optian, Lender shall IIfve Borrawer notiw of�ccelernNan.The notice shnit provide n pedod of not �
<br /> - , leas thnn 30 dnys fmm the dnte the natico ia delivered or malled witdin which Sorrower must pay all suma secured by this ;'`
<br /> Securiry[astrument.If 8orcower fnils to pay these sums prlor to the expirntion ot thia period,I.ender mny inaroke s�ny remedies �
<br /> , petmltted by tt�1s�ecuNty lnstniment althout fuaher notir.�or demund on Somnwer. � _
<br /> 1�. Sarsa�ver's ltight to Reinstute. If Borrower meets certnin conditioas. Borrower �ball bave the right to have �
<br /> - � enfaroemec�t of thia Securlty Insttument discontiuued at rany dme prlor to the enrlier of: (a) S dnys (or such other pedod as -
<br /> �-�'-�''���� appliatble I�w muy ap��ity for r�instntement) bafore anle of the Propert�►purauttat to anypo wer of sulo conteiiaed In this -
<br />�� `"�' Securiry Iastcument;or(b)entry of n judBment enforcing thta Securiry Instrument.'Chose oanditions are tdui Borrower:(a)pays
<br /> ' Leader sili sum�which then woul�be due under this Security lnstrument And tho Note as if no acceleracion h�d oocurced; (�)
<br /> cures any default af aay ather covennnta or agreeatents; (c)pays alt eapenses incurred ia emforeing this Security InstnunPnt. _
<br /> including, but aot limtted to, ces�sonablo attome�s' fees; and(d)takes such nction as I.ender may reasoaably cequire to asstue �
<br /> . that the lien otil►Is Secudty Instrument. Lender a dghts in the Pmperty aad 6orroEVer'u obligation to pay the sums secured by
<br /> thta Securiry Iasuvment sdaq continue unchanged. Upon reinsuuement by Borrower, this Securiry Instrumeat and the -
<br /> � � obliIIations secure�herseby shall remuin fi�lly effe�dve as if ao acceleratlon hnd occurred. However,this riQht to reinstate shull .e
<br /> , nat upply in the case of acceletation under puragrAph 17. �•T,;
<br /> ° � 19. Sale of 1Vote; Chnttge of Lonn Servtcer. 7tie Note ar a parti�l iatcrest in the Note (to�ether witlt this Security ;�.
<br /> � Instnuneat)tnay be sold oae or more dmea v►dthout prlor nottce to Borrower.A sale may result ia a change in the entity(knowu �_
<br /> . '� iss the"Loan Servicer')that coUects monthly paymenta due urtder the Naie and tliia Security Instwaent.'lhere also may be one _
<br /> ' �'� or more chan��of�he Loan Servlcer unrelated to u sale of We Note.If there is a cLange of the I.oan Servlcer.Borrower will be �__
<br /> �:-,
<br /> given written nodce of tbe change ia arcorduuce whh paragraph 14 above aadepplicuble law.The aodce will awte the nazne and =
<br /> •r address of th�aew Loan S�rvicer and thr address to whEch payments should be made. 'Rie notice will atso contain any ottter ,_
<br /> iAforaaatlQn requlred by applicablo lnw. �--
<br /> �� �: ` ?A. Hs�ardons Snbsta��. Botrawer sha11 aot cause or perniit ttte preseaoe. use.dIsgosal.storage,or release of uny `—
<br /> � .; Hazardous S�bstances an or in the Property. Bornower shall aot do, nor allow anyone els�e to do. anything affecting the �-.
<br /> � Propecty that is in vlolation of any Eavimnmental Law. 7'he preceding tuvo sentences s}�all notapply w the presence.use.or _
<br /> � swrage on th:Property of small qt�autiUes of Hazardous Substeaces thnt are generally neoognized to 6e agproprfate to nomia! ____
<br /> ;<'•.,,'i� residentiel uses anal to matntenauoe of the P►+operty. —
<br /> .;�� • Borrov,�ea ahall promptly Bive I.ender written nodce of any invesdgation. claim,demaad� lawsuit or other action by any —•
<br /> �� ,r'; govemmeat�l or t+egulatory agency or privrue puty involving the Property uad any Hazardous Substance or Eavironmeatal Law
<br /> ' .`•��+��` �F of which Hormwer has actual knowlodge.If 8orrower learas,or is notified by any govemiu:ntal or i+egulatory authori �thnt
<br /> ., �,,,.
<br /> ' ''"�''�1' any removal ox other teiaedIation of aay HazAMoug Substaace affecting the Property is necessaty.Banc�upr shall promp y tuke
<br /> r . atl necessary remedial aaions in ua:aNance w[th Eavironmeatel Law. __
<br /> �'���!' As usod in this paragraph Z0. 'Hazardoua Substances° are t6ose substenoes deflned as toaic or �azandous substanoes by
<br /> ,;('.,;,4��' Bnvlro�n�enYal law and the following subswnces: gasoliue. kenosene. oiher flanunable or to�cic petrolwm prroductQ, to�ic
<br /> ''`` �'�}�;;� pescic}�Ycs�nd herbicides.volatila solveats,materiala containing asbcstos or fom�aldehyde.and radtoactflve materlals.As used in
<br />�;;`s��.�'�~,� ' tWs p b?A. 'BavironmcntN Luw'means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Fce�erCy is loc�►wd thac
<br /> �_.. ::.;, relete to h�tb�suf'ety or envirnnraental protectton.
<br /> .�::�:z..,,�:�, � NON-UMFORM COVENAN7'S.Bom�wer�ad Len�er fi�rther oovenant and agi�ee as foAowe:
<br />�;,:'.�cr• ..�. • 21.Accele�tton; Rsmediss.Leuder shsli give amWa to�or�+nwer prlor to acce�eraLtoa tollowtng Borrower's berach
<br /> .:.'..:�.;,�,��,k • of a�y t�veaawt or agreement in this Sesurity I�ssdvment (init nat prfar to exeieratton undex par�mph 17 unl�s
<br /> .,u•:�,r.:, appllan`b1�law prnvldcs otherwLSe).The notice shall specify: (o)the detaWU(b)the nctton requiat�to cure thP detault;
<br />:-�� �>>''�� ' (c)a dsie,not leSS ihAn 30 daya tlmm the dute We Rottce is g[ven to Bon+ower,6y wlstch the det�u�anust 6e cure�i and
<br /> ..,,., r •. ., -
<br /> ;'�_;.;�i��;l��: �. (d>ti�t Pailure to ciu+e thE defnWt on or bet�rx the dnte spec[fied in tE�z notice may resvlt in�ntton oi the sums __
<br /> .,-�.�:�.-:.=...�� securc�by tfnis S�xurity Ym�trumwt end sate of t�e Propea�f�. The ao9��aiittii t+ti�ie�'I�Poxm�,.w�2a'of f14e�ght 40 � --
<br /> ._:'�=:.°:� cetmta4e W{ter Qaxlcratton and the r[ght Qo brtng w oourt nsdon to assert tbe noa-Gdsteace of a�Ye.vYt ox nny o2her
<br /> �"'`�''����' dd�se m?Homuwer to aecde�atfon and sale.It the detQ�,*t iv nat c�u+ed on or belore 4he dute sye�ifled tn t�o aotta,
<br />--'��;;"������ Lendc�,�¢�as opt[on, may requtre Immedia4e payment lu(tili of all snw�s sec,ured by this Seeur�ty L�eitt wtthout -�
<br /> J:=`:�� t�rtbr,c dl�and and moy tnvoke tho power ot sate and uny other eemedtes permitted by ap Iica�a Daw.I.ender slsall be -- --
<br /> - ,;
<br /> _:,;,��;e�, cuHtitd to mDat�El c�c�incun+ed In puis�g�rem�ies pmvEded i�n dhLs pumgraph 1,irtcJutl�lmg,but not Um[ttd
<br /> ,f:f�'�a;c;w to,re�s�nnble4tto�r��a'�'�s Aud oo�s of title evid
<br /> •,^��; It the Qoxea ot s�Ie ts i�¢,d, 'Pius2ee sbuU e+ocoN e notloe oi d�aWt ie eac6 ootsnty[n whic6 aqy p�t o!tlee --
<br /> _-����:,�:;';,� Propa4���ib located and sbaU m�l mapies of such mottce in the manaer presca#bed by Q�pltcbble tse to borrower aad t�
<br />:-i,i�+`�:i��_, t@e othc�}persans prescrtbed by��p��}ca6le law.At�er the ttme rey�ilred by appltcable t�v�,�ce Ehnll give public nMta
<br /> -- '��:,.�.� � o!salt Q�+Jhe peessons�and in the mnnner prescrtbed by appUcable law.'lYustee,w[tho�ct�iauand an Bon+owcr,shai!sell
<br /> ,-�.t- tiiP�O�"� Pi E'ie,i�i•8Ei�87i f0 t$e Cti(Sti�i T¢:tIIi2Y,s aE a�'tC'auLC 2es4��`�Qi$8_K'f Er�Cn'etii,'ee,.n,e�=��_'�=,iC:;:i,:�°.OtQi�+L�i� �� ---
<br /> _.-�•_�;ir�c:s snlc in one or more parceps and in a�un?er'P.�siee 4�t�.;�tn�.;.�:�-tc�cneY Ra.�'�anc�!c of�!1 ar asqy��!ai l�;. •: ' _
<br /> -"�:-'�°�� Prop�d�'�bY Publtc announcement at the time and place oi any prevtously�chcdWed sete. Lrader or[t�desS�.;nee may " .
<br /> _;.s��"�'�:"r.` , Aarcdensr t�he Properiy at any sale. .
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