� i,�i..',i,,;.,.;S.,l;:' . . '. ----- - —
<br /> ` r�I ' f�f^ , ..._ _ "_—
<br /> , ° T __ _
<br /> ' ,� _ —� . .._,_,
<br /> �. �%, _ ,r�':.,.-1� � , -
<br /> ___ - --- '9����IO��►s
<br /> nafceed�o in ps�aph Z.or duirye�he amo�nt d'wcb p�ymaMo. Mry ax�w pooeod�ov�w�ooWM roqui�ad W p�y�II
<br /> aauawaiM i�d�sdom under Uie tdae Md tN.seauit�►uirtn�w tl�u be p.w a�bo.atity Miplbr«�titMe q�lo. :;;.,,;��-
<br /> -- � .. ..�'�, _•:,v,-
<br /> •.Fis.l.ea�fer a�y colloa foCt wd dqr�a authorl�d by die Soa�ayty. � .. �:.j;;•
<br /> ,,
<br /> !.G��oMrl�fir Acoder�tloo of D�bt.
<br />_ --- �01 Def�p. I.c,-�der m�y. exc�t �Nmited by tegulationc iauad by tha Se�ry in Wa rs�se of payc�eW det�. �-_
<br /> nequiK inrnodi�te pryma�t in fi�ll of dl wms cearod by thia Securky In�t�umaM if:
<br /> (i)Bom�wer defwkc by failin�to p�y in(wll�ny m�tMMY p�yaaent�aquirod by 16is Saauity lo�tnunan piar lo or
<br /> on Iha due d�te of Iha ne�tt monthlY P�Y�•or
<br /> (ii) 8omnwer dcfiwMa 6y fdN�. for a paiod of IWAy d�,ys.w pdform my afher obli�euMaiaed in 11�
<br />' - - = Sowrity[�.
<br /> Nl Sde W1t1aW Ce+�dit App�wral.Isnder ch�ll. if perroped by applicab�le Itw and wlth the prior�pp�ovd of Ire
<br />=;.� Secauuy.roqui�+e imroodiatc paymeot ip ILII of all wm4 secvrod by thic Security ImnumaM ii
<br /> (i)All or p�t of the Prupe�ty,or a be�eBcW i�qe�+est in a uust owaing�il ar part of Iho Propaty. i�sold or
<br /> :r•i~ dlKrwise t�nsferrad(aU�than by devise or desaral bY the Batrower.aad
<br /> " (iil The P�apaty is aot axupied by �he putrl�aser or �taotec as his or her principal rcsideace. ar the ���:
<br /> purchacer or grawee doa so ac�wpy tl�e PropeAy 6wt 6is or her crodit 1�not bem appmved in a000�da000 wit6lhe
<br />=;`' noquircmeats of the Secreta�y. _..._._
<br /> ,;•.
<br /> Q...-_
<br /> p� � Pr+Y�iu fidl.but La�der does F`±-_
<br /> �, (c)Na Wdva�.16 cin-.+�stanoes occur that wauld rnut Lender�a c�ee�uoediate ;;�...
<br /> �` I� .'�� , aot roquirr rud�par�r�etiars.LeMer does not waive its ri�hts wi�h nespei.h to subsequeat evea�ts.
<br /> _" �J;:, ,
<br /> :'v: ' i"i��4��� (d! R�uWioas of NUD Saa�eUuy. In many circums�ances n�ul�tions issued by the Secrewry adll limit l.ender's
<br /> � ,..tfr�� rightc in�hr case of paymau defaults to roqui�e immediate paymcnt ia fidl sud forcclose if not ps�iui.71�Savriry
<br /> ��`';,;,; Instnunaa does iwt awMri�e xcele►�tjoa or fonxlasu�e jf�ot pem�iltrd Iby a�ulat�ons of�he Socrctary.
<br /> ,i,.�. .
<br />_'a. �:,i i', .
<br /> - •- --•��?a,�,1:::c,:; (e)MortW�e Not I�ured.Borrower agrees U�at should this Secu�iry Instrument and U�e Note securod�hereby not be
<br /> I ,u:.,�,•���
<br /> ;lti`f '• eligible for insurance uider the Naliawl Housing Act withi�e 60 days from the date heroof. l.ender may, at its option
<br /> ;; � arsd natuisl�sandi an•itsin :a 4, irt imtr°�dai� s:�in fuH af�!! �ms�sra! this�ri �
<br />_ , __....�, _ tsg anS 8 � P�S� � � i�3 53 �3
<br /> . �r� .
<br /> � ;,?���%-•�' , Instmment. A wr,i�ce sta[ement of any authnrized agent of U�e Socnetary dued subsoquent to 60 days from the dat�
<br /> r,�1 �.
<br /> ,�� ���.;�t ' '� hereof.declinin�to nnaore�his Security lnstNO►Ynl and the Note secured�hereby,slmll be decmod ccuw.fusive proof of i�!�:��-
<br /> ' •� . such ineligibjliry. {�a�withslanding the faregoing.this option may nat be eaercised by l.cnder when the w�av�ilabflity �`�''`�
<br /> ,�
<br />`''-"`' `�•`� ��`,;�"s;t?;:°'� of irn�cr.u�ce is wlely due to I:.enckr s failure to remil a mwtgaF.�insuranoe prcmium to tC�e Secn•wry. �t'�:.
<br /> �•.,�;� •Y a r,..:t4 i�.
<br /> �t 7e:;�iu!1S+
<br /> i:,• �r
<br />-- ' `-�-''l��' ��� � �` 10. ReinctatemeN. Borrower has a�i ht to be rcinswted if I.ender has re ai,red immediatc ment ln full baz�usc of ='��
<br /> 8 �i Pe!' p-:_,:-.
<br />_'�' #'ti' Borrower's failure to pay an nmount due uader the Note or this Secu�ity Instrument. This�ight applies even after foroclosur�e
<br /> � �"`� proceadings ars instituted. To reinstate �he Security Instrument, Qrornawer sha0 tender in a lump sum all amounts requirod to �
<br /> +:y,;`4'.:�'.,�
<br /> =r• *+•.v{ ��. bring Bomaus�e s xcoum curnent including, to the extent they ;�r�e�•d�7igatians of Borrower under this Securiry I�Wn�ment,
<br /> �:;,�i ' �� R�.,
<br />,_%�; ' . ; ;� foteclosure cmts and r�easo0nbk and �U�tortwry uttorncys' fe�,� and expenses properly assaciated with the foreclosure r�r,':`
<br />'u � � '�' '"�'/; g�ro4Yeding. Upon reinstetement by Borrower,this Security Insaument und the rb¢u_�ions that it secures sh�IQ ctmain in effect �=`
<br /> ��� �,�.ii.. y�A� ;l '�c�,—
<br /> �iy�}�:r.: ,� • a�if I.ender 6�d not requlueA immediete payment in Yul4. 't2owever, Lxnder is not required to permit reinstatema:ni if:�i)Lender i :<
<br /> �' , `� ' ����t�`� bas accepted ai�ta�emer�s at�cer the commencement oP toreclosure proceedings within two yesus immediaac]}•preceding the ��'��:
<br />-:,�.:•.
<br /> !�'�����•��:'>.:•'� rnmmencement .�t u ru��nt forerlosure praceeding, �ii) reinswtement will preclude foreclosure on different �rounds ln the `,`'�`~
<br /> �..rr• � ., .;E,y, i��,;; �
<br />_,;;�n•, `- .���: fLtune.or l�io1 rei�nst�men�will adversely nffoct the prl.�ri�y Qi thr I�:n,cre;ued by thix Security Instrument. _�•
<br /> "s.. . —-
<br /> ;•! ��_:.-.:;��� �.:�,.
<br /> �' , .�---,._.- ll.Bon�ower Na1 NGeCe�ised;F'arl�earance By l,ender\ot a N�'niver.E�tension of the time of paymerot or rnodiPcation of •.. ,
<br /> It'!�" �. S�.
<br />- r�•' 1 �_,.�� amoniiation of the s�ms secured by this Security Instru�tem grant¢d by IxnJer to uny wccessor in interesa oe Bornower shall �
<br /> `"' na operate to rc9cs�e thc iiabiNty of Ihe nriginal Born►wer ur 8on<w�•�r'�surre�u►r in intere+t. Lenclzr sfiail nd be roquired to ''�
<br /> � � commence prc►.�.�ecliogs s�ainst uny suc.cessor in intercsl�r refuse tr rxtend timc fur payment or aihenvi<e t�odify sunoRiwtion ;._
<br /> .c �
<br /> •_ , ^ ` 74.' of the sums secured b} tfi�is Security Instrument by teugon of Any demm�d mixie by thc ori�ic�a3 Brrra�wrr or Borrower's '::i,�`°
<br /> .`; i,�}��::'• ,'�v: .�rce3son in imerest. Any °:�rbearance by l.ender in ex�rcising any right or remedy shull nc�t he a wai�•e�of ur preclude the ��;;�`�;
<br /> .. +Ir��.: •.^ . .
<br /> eaerCise of eny right ar remedy. ��-
<br /> ��e�;.:.���. =
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