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<br /> rooen�R w�n1 �I� the +mpmya�t. �w « bene.rta� e,eaoa on �M+ prop�ty. .Qa v� e�ment�� �i�iw�
<br /> -- —. �ppatto�wio�er,reM�.royaltfe�,minad�dl�nd pr dgl�u aod p�otiu.watar d�lw��ad�tod��ad dl fixlun�aow ar haraAar a
<br /> p�t at die.pnopetty.All Rpi�oementt�ad�ddilbn dall al�o be ooverod by Ibi�SaaWily Ia�uwaeat. AQ af Iho foro�aiW i�
<br /> ' ��etene�llo iq Ibb 8earity iaq�utnaN at IMe'•Fropaty.••
<br /> BO1tROWEIt ODVBNANTS tlw Bonower is 1�►wfldly oei�ad of�he ecute henby aonvryal md hss the�iQhl lo�nnl�nd
<br /> 000vey tue Propaty�od d�at We Pno�y i�una�cumboeod.e�coopt for encun�x+u�on of nannl. Barrow�r warn�M�wd will
<br /> --�-�--- _ _------:; defad��11y the tltte w the Pt�apaty a�dnq all dainn aad damandt.wbject to any errcnmbranoa of record.
<br /> � l.P��rwwit d lMqdp�l.iMae�t aad Ltte Cluu�e.Barruwet�II p�y whe�duo the principwl oi.and interat ati the
<br /> - . . debt evideoo�d 1►Y the Nolo�ad I�te clw�ca due undor 1he Note.
<br /> - 2. Moathly P�ymeot�o�Tiuces. Uauranoe aad OlUer Ch�ea. 8arcower sil�all include in each monthlY WY�•
<br />_ F � togel)icr wi�h tho ptit�cip�l and intet�ect a:sat fath in tho Note and�u►y late charges.an inswllment of�uqr la)uues and speci�l _
<br /> � , �czescments kvied or w be kvled a�ainst the FlrapaA)r. (b) Ia�dioW paymeds or�nauid rewc ao t1�o Pruperty. aad (e)
<br />--- 'Y�� P�niums for inwapce mquired by p�r��pA 4.
<br />-:;-�..�- — —_ . Fac6 montWy iast�llaia�t for itaro(a�l.fbl.a�d lc)st�all oqwl aoe-twelflh of the antNwl amounts.sis reasorwMy estimatod
<br /> - - _ — by La�der.Plas#n arcKwnt sui�cioat to maintaiw:aa additio�al6wiwnae of r�at mom than one-sixth of the e�wtirnxnd amaunts.The
<br /> -°- full au�rwal �moant!ar eaeh itcnn 9ha11 be aocumulated by Leoder wlthi�a a pedod ending one manth befate aro iean would
<br /> -.-.�.� - —� • bdc�+ir.e delinqaeot. I.ender da�li i�oW tbo amowqc aollatte� iq pust W pey iteaa (e). (b). aqd (c) ixfono �f�ay ►aeoonte
<br /> - dkWtQwe�• .
<br /> - M If at any time the toW of the payments held by Lender For items (a), (b). end (c). together with the futnre monthly
<br /> -=�..,��; paymcntr for such iterns payable to Lendar prior to the dae daxes of auch items.exceods by more than dnasixth tfie:cstimated
<br />�'��; am�unt of p�yments roquired w pay such items when duR, u�:�Q'pnyme�us on �he Nu't�ane cument, ther�l.ender s•hail either
<br /> -_ —_—! refu�xl the exeesa►ove�one-siath of the cstim�ted payme�+ts or cmdit t�he exass over one-sixth of the estjm�te� �a�ments tu
<br />;�;;:; �j wbsequeat pFp+nheae�by Horrnwer.et thc optian of�xrower. J6 the t�atal ot the puyments mode by Borrower for item(al.(b).
<br />"":y I or(c) ia insuf6'icic�u to pay the item when dua. theto&xrawe�•ahai0 ps�y w Ira�der any anwunt noxsaary to mako up tho . _
<br /> -�����±:�� — � deficie�ry oti:P�Oaeior�e�the dete the itdn bxomes t�s. .
<br /> �����
<br />°_fn r��jw��i �
<br />.�;1sT—� ' .�s ys�: ���is�ss ls�ts�usxnt, ••�cs�s3�ry,,r��.�= th.e SeCt�tary�f Housino aaxl [�rfinn Develapment or his or her ,, .
<br />�=y�� � � ,, degigaee. in an} y.zar 9n which the I.ender�eust pay a mangage insucu�o� premium to the Secretanr, each monthly payment
<br />-•_�.z,r��'—
<br />=�'�� -�- ---'�` � �t�all afgo includz•ei�her.(i)an installment of the annual mortgage insurarn;e prcmium to be paid by b,�:nder w the Secrdary. or
<br /> ' � C�i) a monthly eharge instead of a moRgage insu�ance premium if this Se�curiry lnst�ument ia held by the Seerdary. Each .
<br /> - � monihly installment of the mnngAge insurance premlum ahAll be in an amount sumcient to accumulace the full a�uwal mortgage
<br /> = inwr�nce prcmium with l.cnder ane month prfor to the datc the iull annual mortgage i�surance prcmium is duc tU Qht 5xrctary.
<br /> or if this Secu�ity Instrument is held by the Secretary, each monthly cha�e xhall be in an anauru equal w on�wwdlth ot
<br /> one-Iwlf perant of the oulsfanding principsl balan��e due oo the Nate.
<br /> - ,,E�. If Hortower tenderu to I.ender the full payment of all sums secured by this Security Instrument.Borrower's eccount shall
<br />—'.'� Y "'4t' be credited with the balance rcmuining for�II inslalimentc for items (a). (b). and �c> and any mortgage insurunce premium
<br />= insmllment Uwt L.ender has not become obligated to pay to the Secreary,ond I.ender ahuii promptly rcfund any excess funds ta
<br />"'I Borrower. lmmadiately p�ior to a Pureclosure sale of�he Pmperty or its acquisition by l.ender, �oarower'c�ocount stwll 6e
<br /> creditod with any bnlanoe rcmainin�for all installments for items(a).(b),and(c).
<br /> W ' �' 1�j�4: '
<br />��` �y'� 3.Applkatbu ot Payment�.All payments under paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied by Lender os followF:
<br />_.i� -,� .
<br />���{"j� ��� First.to the mart e insura�xc remium to be id b Lender t��the Secrew or to ttie montF�ly e b the
<br /> ,-.� _ BaB P P� Y �Y ��B Y ���Y
<br /> '�� instead of the momhly mortgage insurance premium;
<br /> _�M J--�~--°'� Saond,to any taxes,special wsesbmenta,leasehold payments or grour�d rents�and fire,fload tu�d other hazard insurance
<br />`��.' � � _ , „r P�ums.t�s nquired:
<br />:;`.� � r :::�� 1'hird,to intemst due under the Note;
<br /> , ,���.n� Fourth.w Amortization af the principal of the Note;
<br />-�T° 1`'� Fifth,to late�hargrs due under the Nute.
<br /> _, x,�
<br />, '' e�ix'�t:�r.. ��4AIN8) �q.s a e
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