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<br /> authorbxs Beneficinry ta iutetvens ln Tn�stur'g name ip any of d�e above descdbed acttons or clnlms. Trwtar�.ulgati to
<br /> Beneficlary t3�e proceec�v of uuy a�vnrd ar ctaim for dnmages connected with n candenuiat�nn or other l��kin���f uU ur uny
<br /> part of the Prope�ty. Such praceeds shall be cons3dered pay►nents aad wfll he applied t� provided in this 8ecuriey �
<br /> instrumeut.'�'his assiIIumeat o6 proceed.q is s�ubject to the tenns of any prtor murtguge.deed uf tcust,,secudty u�reec�ient ur _
<br /> • other lien documCnt.
<br /> .� .
<br /> �9. IlVSURANCE.Tnistor shall keep Praperty insure�l against loss by ftre,flornl,theft and other hurards and t�sks re.�sonably _
<br /> �:��""'�'� assaciated with the Property due to its rype aad tocadon. 'YLis insurance shnll be maintaluecl in the umounts and for the
<br /> � �,�•'"�` periods that &neficiaty requires. The insurance carrIer providing the insunince shall be chosen by Tcustar subJect to
<br /> � Heneficiary's approval. which shall not be unreasonably wlthheld. If Trustor fails to maIntaia the coverage descd�ed �z;
<br /> ' above,Beaeticfery may,at Beneficiary's opdon.obtaia coverage ta pmtect Beneficiary's rights In the Propert}r according ',{,.,
<br /> . to the teems of this Security Iastra�neut.
<br /> � .r
<br /> � All insurnnc�policles and renewals shall be acceptable to Ben�Rclury and shal!iaclude a standard"martgase clause"aad, "`
<br /> � whete appllc:ahle. "loss payce clause." Tm�cor shall imnnediac�ly nodfy Beneficiary of cancelladon or tem►inadon of tlie :...
<br /> insuraace. Beneficiary shall have the right to hold the pol�cIes tutd renewals. If Beneficfary cequircx, Tnutox shall ",
<br /> immediuteluodce to the elns�i�ranece carrier and Benefieiury B fietary m y make Prcwf°f loss�if notsiiaadeutmmedlately by !`_
<br /> :•� Trustor. _.
<br /> ".� Unless otherwise agceed In wrip�q,all insvrance proceeds shalt be applied to the resturapun or repair of the Property or to —
<br /> •�.� the Secured Debt.whether or not thea duE,�tt�Beneficiary's opdon. My application of proceeds to pr�ncipal shall not -
<br /> extend or postpone the due date af the schectnle�payment nor chtwge the araouat of:�ny payment.Any excess will be paid
<br /> . , �m dnuiage roiche Proper�ty befa�the acyuisituon shall�p�.ss to Beneficiary co ihe ext ntcof th�e Securecl�ebt inaraed a ely �!'
<br /> _ ,, ,� � before tl�e acqulsitton. -�--
<br /> 20. ESCRUW FOR TA7CES AND II�i5URANCE. UNess otherwise�rovtded in a sepatate agreement, Trusior wil) u�t be
<br /> " required to pay to BeueHciary funds fur taxes and insurance in escrow. _
<br /> ' ' 21. FINANCIALltEP0�1'S APiD ADl)ITIONAL DOCUMENIS. Trustot wlll provide to Beneficlary upon cequest, any
<br /> "'."�''• 8nanclal statement or info�atio�►Beneficiary may deem reasonably necessary. Tcustor agrees to si�n,deliver.and file aay
<br /> :'a.._.:�s.
<br /> -f_:.���� = acldidonal docunnents or certlficaifons that Beaefictary.ma�t coasider necessaty to perfect.condnue,and presnnre Grnntor's
<br /> obligadonti vnder this Security Instruraent and f3eaenc�ary a iien s�acus an ittc Fni��ty.
<br />-- - -� thts Securlty lusttument are joint ead indiv�dual.If Trustor stgns this Secur)ry In�tnunent but does not sign an evidenr.�of
<br /> �A�r.�m• de�t.Tmstor does so only w mortgage Trustor's interest In tbe Prope�ty to secuce payment of the Securetl Debt and
<br /> =��,:u��:i�'.� 'frustor does�t agree to bi:personally liable on the Secnred Debt.If this Securlty [nsuuaaent secures a guaranty!bestween
<br /> ,��.�;�. Betteficiaxy and'E'n�.stor.Tivstor agcees co waive any dghts tUat may prevent Bene�eciary frora bringlnig any acdon ur ct�im
<br /> �_��.�_�� ugainst Tcuswr or a�fy �arty.i�ulcbted under die obugadon. 'I'hese rights may include, trut are aot limited to, any _
<br /> __'�-`_`_,� unti-dsficIe�y or one-acaon labva.Tnutor agrees that BeaeSclary and any pacty to thls Sec.vrity Instcament may extend, . =^=
<br /> '= � modify or make aay chaage in�lhe terais of this Secwity Inst:ument er a��y ev�denca of debt wnthout Tcuswr's consent. �fl�
<br /> '-'-''r`�%F�• Such a c h u n B e wIU not release 7Craator from the terms of this Securlty Insuwnent. 'The dud�ansl beveSts of this Securlty -`
<br /> =.:�:::;a��„��;,°!3• ; Iustmment s h a ll bind aud bene�4�e successors and essigns o f Trustor aa d Bene ficiary.
<br /> .._..:��g� ..
<br /> �II.- _— �i. A�P L l C A B L E L A W;S E V L 1�ti I'�'�i��RETATION.1�is Securl t y Instmment is gcvemed by the laas of the
<br /> xi
<br /> �-=----_- jwisdicdon ia whlch Benefieiary�e located.eacept to the extent otherwisc cequired by�the laws o f t�e j u r l�d ic don w here
<br /> --;�_� the Property ls lacated. This Se�vrity Insuument is compl�ete and fully Integeated. This Security Instcument way not 6e _
<br /> -�- am�ncted or modifled by oral�mment.Any section in thia Secudty Insuument.attach�tenta.or eny agrcement rniateci to
<br /> - - -- thc Seetueci Debt tLstt contlicts�iltA appll�ble law wlll not bs e�ve�unless thut law expressly or Impltedly pe�r,tit�thc
<br /> = vatiHdoIIS by wrimn agreemenP,lf any secdon of this Securlty Insuument caniwt be enfom,ed accardiag co Its te��;•thgc
<br />�-�-�=,:;'�; secdon vrlll be ssvered und will not sWect the enforceabiUty of the remainder of this Securlty ln��nv�en�Whensver tised,
<br /> - __==_—= the siugular shall lnaluda tl�e plurnl and the��ural the sin�ulnr.The cu�t�ms euci h�udiags of the sections of this 5ecnrity _
<br /> --_---- Instn�ent are for convenlence only and an not co be used to luterpre8 ar define the teims of this Secutity InshumenG
<br /> ___R_.,, 7Yme is of theessence in this S�urity lastrument.
<br /> _'��*.µ;:=�c 2�. �Ui'CES.��1R 'i'RF.JSiEf�. Bc�G�ie►y. at Benefic 's apuon. may Fxoiu tt,ue co tiute r��tove Tra�cx aau agper'ssii n L
<br /> .-_ "-�'°; t�he�ProPe�vi►�ou�a�t,�fto��i�ty�W th�esl ud��confe�rred�t[pon Tni�by tvis�S�tY tI s�trume�an�df
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