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<br /> S. CLAIIIIS AGAINST TITI.�.Trushir will pay a11 uuce:;,essrx+�nettuc,lt�i�,esicun�hrancey.lea.�e pay�neutro.pruund ren��, '�
<br /> utilitit�, rind other churges relnt�n�tu the Pci�pecty when due. Beneftclasy may rc�uire Tntstur to providr tc�Beneticii�ry �_�_
<br /> - �"' capic�af ull nntices that such amuunt�ure due iued tlte rc�eipts evtdeming T�ustor a payment. Trusu�t wili defeteJ title to ==
<br /> tlt� Prope»y i►gainst atty clnims that w�iutd impair thr lien of this Securiry Imteument. TNSfOi ABY�3 lQ iiSSI�I1 tll
<br /> , ". " Beneflc3�uy,as requested by Beneticiary,:►ny riglit�,ri�iim�ur Qefci�xs Tnutar niay tsave against partles�rhu supply(aM�r �,_
<br /> � or mnt�ri:tle w muintain or Improve the Pruperry.
<br /> �- F'
<br /> �c..
<br /> �;,�:a�:�°'; 9. DUC ON SAI.E OR ENCUNiBEtANCE.Benet�ctary uu►Y.at its�pdun. declsue the entire balam:e of�he Se�:ured Qebt to _-
<br /> >>�'r be imm�diat�ly due and paqable upon the creation uf. ur contruct for the creation uf.uny Ifen.encumbrArtce, uw�sfer or _
<br /> . �al�of th�Prop�rry.This d8ht Is subjsct ta dis resutcdonti impased by federal la�v (12 C.F.R. 591)�as applicable. This ___
<br /> • covenani shnll cun wlth the Property am1 slu►l!remaiu In effect until the Securrd Debt is pald in fuil and this Sei:urtry
<br /> � lastn�ment iH relcnmt. `
<br /> � � 10. PitOP�RTT!' CQNDQTION. ALTERATIONS AND INSPECTION.Trustor will keep the Propeny in goocl canclidon
<br /> and atulce a11 repnirs t�xt uee reasonabiy necessary• Truswr shall not commit or allow fury waste. �npairment, or
<br /> ., . deteriuratian nf tr�Property. Tmstor will keep the Property free of noxlous weeds and�rasses. Tcustor agcees thac the
<br /> • , � aature of the occupaacy and use will not svbstantiaUy change vdthaut B�nefictary's prlor wrlttea consent. Tnutor will nat
<br /> �;� pennit Any chtwIIe in any IZcctnse.resutGt�ve covenant or easement without Beneficiary's prior written coasent.Ttustor wjll _
<br /> aotify BsneRciary of a11 dsmnnds, proceecl�ngs. claims, a�ul aedon,against Trustor,und of any loss or damage to the
<br /> �:. ., . � . �_
<br /> .. } � �pe� —
<br /> ' � Beneficiary or Beneficiary's agenta muy.at Beneficiary's opdoa,entet the Propec�y at any reas�orable time for the�w1wse
<br /> � of ia�pscdng the Property. BeuefEcinry shall �ive Trustar nodce at the tlme ut or 6efore an i donspec�fyin� n
<br /> � � reasonable purjsose for the in�p�don. Any inspecdon of the Property shall be enurely for Be»e ciary's ben.tit and
<br /> • Trustor wiil in ao way rely an Beneficiary's iaspecdon.
<br /> - � � 11. AIJ'fl��Rl'�'Y TO P�RFO1tM. If Truswr fxils to perform any dury ot ar�y af the cuvenaats conwlned In tfnis Securlty �
<br /> , 41 inst:ument, Beneflciary msy. wlthou: aotice. perfarm or cavse them to bep�rformed. TrusWr aFpoints Bene6ciary as
<br /> ' attomey in faet ta�Ign Tcustor's aame or pay any amount�ssary fot perforrnat�ce. BeneRcIary a dght to pedomi fur
<br /> -•'��� �• �� 'Ccusror sball not cceate un obligadon topertom�.und Beaeficiary's faiture to�rt'orra will nat preclude Bene�iciary from
<br /> • �, •t° excrcisjng any of Beneficiary's other rights under the law or this Security Instw�xnt.If any constntcdan un the Property
<br /> ' ' .',`• is disconanued or not ciuried on in a reasonable munner.BeneficIary may wlce xll sceps nece5sary to protect Beneficiary's
<br />- ..�_.��,: �t!lli;3�Iesi l�ti�Pr�+erty,inclading compledon of the wnstntcdom.
<br /> �.,:,,i,.,,.,..:•�,,,�j,''.; �. 1�. ASS[G1e1M�NT OF LEASES�RENTS.Tcustor irrevex;ubly�ana, conveys ansf sells to Tnistee. ia trust for the
<br />-:i�r+�;;';;��+".;;, ,• be�aeHt of BeueficIary,as addiduna➢security aU ohe right.title and interest ia and tc�any�d all exisdng or future t�s�s,
<br /> ""'�""`'�"�' stibl�ses,and any oLher vRitten or vetbal aIIreements for the ose and occu ancy of aa nlon of the inclu�ng
<br /> -::.r•.. � r.,, P Y �''OPe�3►•
<br /> ;�'�t ,�;�� uny extensions, rene�vals,modifications or substie�tioas uf such agree�uents(all refe�W as'Leases')a�d aents.�s�es
<br />.yll"�.�',�: r{
<br /> :;,,��,,,,.,�:.,� pnd proflts (all reftrred co es "Rents°). Trustor will prompdy mvIde A�neHciary with true and wsect coples of atl
<br /> ,-T-9��:� exisdng and future Lreases.Tcustor may coliect,recejve.enJoy�use�hhe Rents so long as TcusWr is not in defiult tu�ter
<br /> -:, ,�.::•_•
<br /> ''°-�k,••�,,����: � the temns of this Securlty Instn�ment.
<br />:��4,'.;,,...:
<br /> -• 1�y�:,Y�.y�
<br /> -= .?,:� 1Yustor acknowle�,qes that this�ssigument is perfected ugon ihe recordiug of Wis Deed of Tiust and thut Ben$ficiary s
<br />-�_.:_.:-. _'. ' _.
<br /> T ea4ltled to riotify umy of Tcustor s tenants to tonalce psyment of Rents due or ro hecome due W Be�aclary. However,
<br />��=�;�;.`;YM;�f�yi' Benefic3tuy agmzs���t only oa default will ��aeflciiry nodfy 'fxustor na�1 Truslor's tenx�►ts an�m:�?c.demsmd tttat all .
<br /> . ,f}.._
<br />'�'' .__.�.,,.•:s��,, futiue Rents!�e paid dWrectty w Beneficiary.On rcceiving audce of c�efauit,Ttustor wlll endorse and dtliver to Bene c ary •
<br />-"°°�°i^��:���•_�`± any payment of Rents in Txustas's possesslan and will reeebre aay Rents in wst for B�eficiary aud wUl mt wmmingle
<br /> —�.��n:,i*u�aa5���,:7 tha Ren�s with suiy oeher fluxls. Any umounts collected v,l��'�s applted as pro�ided in t�his Security Inswment.Tn:stor
<br /> . �=-�-,�-°�'j warraat5 d►at no default enists under the Leases or eny appticable f-i�dlord/tenamt 1ayv.Trustor also flgrees w mainuiin and
<br /> -���;;;��;7 requiie�uty tenrint ta comply w1W the temns of the L�ases aad appllcable lavi.
<br />=-:z='-�'�` 13. LEAS`�f,4d1l�S3 �OA'DOMIIVdIJMSi PLANNED [JMT PEVEI.OPM�i'TS. Tcnstor agrces w compiy �vith the s�
<br /> ,- j.f...
<br /> `�::����.� prov9six�n3 0�aay lease If this Securlty Instnunent is on a leasehold.If the Pmpeny includes a unit ln s cond�m�niw�u or a
<br /> �-.i�i;�,:,�.; gL�utnB�!unit development�Tcustor wlll perfomi all of Tnumr's da�es wnler the wveaants,bY-laws�ox regnladons of the
<br /> --_ '�"��• condonninium or planned nnit develoDment.
<br /> ��'ss3;.,%^.'n.icY.:
<br /> - +d.��F!�IIJl.'!'.T^:ssar x�!!6e ia�?fsult if��F3-*tY c+!►iigaced c�n the Secx�recl Debt fails to make Dal►��whcn due.Trust�r
<br />__ �_�::� . �
<br /> '-'7+.•�•,.,��� r^�.!!De tn c!?fa»Qt if a breach occutn under thr terms of th's�S�:wlly iu�►Si�w�tent o;any oihcr dvcasucut eaa:uEed Sor th,'
<br /> n
<br /> - � Purpose of creatiag. secucina ar guurantrin�the Secwted Deb1. A good fa�W bellef by�ene�iciary t�at Beneficiuty►at anp
<br /> , � time;s cnse�ure with cespect to auy person or entity oblignte�l oa the Ss�ured Debt or tRutt the pmspect of uny payment ur
<br />_�:rr�.'��?��.? � ;� the vnlue of the Pmperty�s LnpaiYgd shall also constitute an event af default.
<br /> :�, = �
<br /> _- .. _;�`'.:;_
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