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� ' ���_�:i:;:,:.`:r.���.�r��. , ,. i <br /> { , . . .. <br /> t <br /> • �, �. . <br /> . . , ,.y��,..{.�- �' , _ - <br /> . <br /> , � <br /> • .........w.�a.w.wr ' -. ' �- .._..'- '......__......... ._ ,�....- '-'--- -•._`----_. <br /> . n <br /> . �'_'"'�7i!lC.::9� • ' . <br /> . .....-'—-.-•.._._ �._..__.__,.__.._...._ _...__.._._._T�._---_.. _.......n_ ..... -`- <br /> . . _,_ _� . • [ <br /> ���7�999fl g� ���o�����usY �ego a ;=, <br /> . " Loe�Na 783008 ��� (Gontintred) f <br /> �--T-=� .. �s,.��_—�.�._.�_.._.� _ - -.. � � <br /> � � unpald,nnd appty tha�3ame,tos9 co3t�und expense9 ot operpUe� and Collsoitan,Incfudirsp nttorrt9ya' any Indobtodne�s socurea - <br /> by this Qnfl�of Trust,atl ln auah or0ar Afl Londcr mtty datermina. �Aa antotl:�p up�n nnd tnking po�JOn of iho Proparty,tho ccltoctlon = <br /> . ot suCh ront�,isattss und pratlta,nnd Ihe app(icetlon therao}shall nof aro or vintv�any dn}nuR or nottco of datautt undor lhl�Dead of Trust __ <br /> � or Invalldato any eot dono In responso to ouoh dotnutt or pureunht�o auch�ottco ot dotnutt;nnd, noMlithslnnding tho continuanco In - <br /> possosslon ot tho PropaAy or Iho collacpon,recctpt und appUcntion of ronta, issuos or protits,TtustcD or Londar ahuli bo cntlUOd to - <br /> exerclse every dpht provtded tor In fho Noto or Iho Ratated Doaumenls o�by Inw upon the ocourronco ot any ovont of d9tautl,Includinp tho <br /> dght to oaarciso tha pcv�cr of aal�: • �- <br /> ; � (b) �ommence en actlon to taoctose tMS Osod o!T�ust aa a mortqefle,eppoinl4 ruesivor or spoelftcaAy antorw uny of tho cov�nant� ` <br /> '' � , horeot;and <br /> ��,��;��#. (o) Qeliv-��r to Trustoo a udttan�inctaratton of detautf nnd domand fa anlo and s vMtten notico ot dnPnuN und olecUon to cnuso 7rustora <br /> Inferosl in fho Propo�ty to bo sold,whlcb nottce Tntsttre shail csuse lo bo duly fttod tor rocord in tho appropdste offtce:s ot the County in <br /> s • v�htCh thfl Proparty hs IoeatMd;nnd <br /> (d) Wlth rospo01 to nll or eny part ot the Puraoncl Prop�r,LOndflr ehNl hava ail tho dghis and remedbs of n soeurod party under th� <br /> ; t�ubruskn Uni(orm Commazclal Codo. <br /> ,, t For4c{oauce by PowCr o!8mle. If I.endur otaeb to toroclose by exarciso ot tho Pov��r ot Sa�o hereln contelrted,L.ondcr sheVi noUty Trostao and <br /> Qhfl:l d�ostt tvtth 7rustoo thts Oead ot Tntst und!ho Noto und suoh mcetpb nnd ovidsna3 ot cu�ertdltures msdo artd soaurod by thls Qec;d ot <br /> • . Yrust a�Y�ustoo may roqu►ro. <br /> , (u) Upon recntpt of sucA no8ca hom lender,Tnuteo shall eauso to be recordad,publtshod cind de7vcrad to Trustor such NoLCO ot Detnutt <br /> nnd IVoUoo of Salo aa thon�pu'md by inw and by thts Desd of Tnul Ttust�ahall.witho�t dcmand on Trustor,aftar such Qme as mmy <br /> • � ,� r� then tto raqutred by law and aRpr recordation ot euch Nollce of OefaWt and nfc�►Nottee o4 Srso hsndnp boen ylvan as requtred by law,se�i <br /> ' "� ° fho Prapcury at tho tlmo and pl;,�;,pt sato tD�nd by tt In auch NoUco of 3st Wther os a who:�ar In soparate tob or paroots a Kems ns <br /> mo o, � <br /> . y, _- Trustee stti'1�m oxp�en�aad tn such erder as lt mny dotermine,at publlc nuotlon to tha htgnest b1Ed�tr for cash in tawtul money of - <br /> � o th9 U11:t6d S�`"u?i73 pAy8AI6 dt th0 tlrtte Ot 88ID. Trusteo sAall dolfvet to BuCA urohaset or purChas3rs there0t ib pood and sufftCient da(1d or " <br /> • deeds cam�*r.�tho propeAy so sotd,Eut�vlthout ctr►y covenanl or vrartan�y,e�tess or ImpLsed Ths�edtals in such deed of any matters <br /> ,�. or tssb s°�a'�@a condusNe proa!o}1Ro truthtulnoss tAerCai. Any porson,Including withoullin►�tion Trustor,Trustea,or LanQBr,rnay <br /> purC�ASO 8t SuCh 8�0. <br /> " � (b) As may Ce permitted by taw,after deducUnp att cosTs.foas a�ad expe�ues of Trustee artd o4 Y:Us Titrst,lnduding costs of evfdence of <br /> 1iUe tn caan�'tl�n with sNe,Trustsp shati apphj tha praa�tds of sa[o b paymsnt ot (I)ed sums e�ended an�or�ha terms of th13 Oried of <br /> „ Trust u undac tclu terms oi tha Note not thon�n5d,induding btd nd Iimitad ta acaued fntorest and Iato c?�up�, (it)all othor sums theo <br /> . • secured hereby,and pii)Ihe any,4�91►e porson or pcsrsons Iegally mnti8ed lhareto. <br /> • � (o) Truatee may tn the manaer provlded by Inw postpone sele oi aq aany poTtion ot the Properly. <br />•. ,��..,:', , - iiame4les Not E]cctusiva. Tiusteo end i.onder,and esch of them.shap pe entitled to enforco payment and peAarmanae of any indebtedness <br />_ " ;k or abIlQaUOns sscurod Dy thta Oeed ot Trust and to oxerct�e eli dghb n�d poweis dmder this Oeed of Trus!,under iho Note,►trtder any ot fho <br /> . � Retated Oocaments,ar und�eny other agreertront or any taws now o� haeafter�s aorca;notwtthatanding.aome ar a1i of oueh indebtedness <br /> ��,'-`"`'�- '' and obiigatiora secured b thb Deed of Trust maY now or hereafter be otherwGSe securt3d,whether by rttoAyaga,doed oi trusP, ledpo,Ii�n, <br /> y r Se <br />__ asstpnrt►at►t or ottitxwtse. i�ieiiiier ihe scoepiance ct inis�eed oi i'rust tca�s errface�.whati�ar b�r court d�tivri tri puieit6id tv ri's'y�if ~ <br /> - . � � sEr�ar other powere conialr�ed In IAis D�d of TRtsi,shail preJudco or in any manner aHa¢t Tnistee'a or Lurtder's dpM to realse ppon w <br /> •~:=,�1M,..«.,, 1 onf�ttny other se¢urlry now or Mtrealter held by Trustee ar being epreed that Trustee and Londer.artd each ot t1Em.s1w11 be <br />—���;:t�'r Qa1AtoQ IIa entorc�this Oeed ot Tn�st and nny other seevrlty no�v ot htr+eafter hetd by Lenda or Tnistee!n such arder and mannaY�s lhey ot <br /> rc <br />-'="�:r�`�;.�; a�;hFU v7 lhem may in thefr e6solute dtscrebon Qa^.�rmine. No remedy conferted upon or reserved to Tiustea or Lender,ts tntan�o6 to be <br /> '��;,,�� '�"' exdustw o}any othar�emedy In thb Qeed o!TruSt er by law provtdad a permltted,but each chali be oumu'a�•ro�nnd W�eJi be In ndditlon to <br />«:.;� .:... . <br /> __.,,,�,.� evory oMer remsdy glv8n U this Qsed of Trw^t or rtaw or Rereafter obsUrsg at taw or i;i oqulty or by stet�to. Evary patiHOr qr remedy�(ven by th0 <br /> -�r �_� f�Iote at anr o!t:m Ruiated OoCUments to Trustoa or Lender or to wkch NtNer ot them may bo othan�anNtlod,may be Oxerc}�Od, <br /> �"���'r'r:R� cancurctinUy or Irtdopendentty,frcm time fo dmo and ns often as may be deomed o�edient by 7ruslo�i or Lc�ndor.nnd e1tMx of th9m may . <br />_"��{�r911'� parsue Inconsistont remedies. fec'�1n8 In this Doed o!Trust shali be construad[ts proldbidnp Lartdor from�oektnp a deftdenuy JudDm2nt <br />-�:=�:,:`°�,., aQainst thoTrustor to tt�a ext�ntscrCh AoUOn fs purmittod by law. <br />�•`:.°�:�-.:°�[� Reqw.�f Fot tF7oUee. Trustcar,o�behaif ot Tmstor nnd�ender,hnreby roquests thet a copy of any Nottce of Qetautt nnd a copy ot any No�co <br />_ ;°�����.�� o!Sate anQor lAb l7eed of Ynut be mattnd to them ut 1hA addresses sot foM M tho tirst paragreph of lhla OesO o!TrwH. • <br /> --_--.�A�'� Attarrnfya'Fee�;Exgeneas. If t�nJ:�r Insttutes any ault a acUOn to entace arry ot Me tattns of lhis Qeed of Tnuf,Londor sA�tl ba eaHU�d to <br /> �------- recovx sucA sum as ths co�crt asay adJudpe reasonrbto as attsmeys' teos ct triat srtd on any appoal. 1NAeihe�or rtot any courf ectton Is <br />---� - lnioNed.�11�easanable expcimes Incwrad by Lsrtdar whkh in laidofs opinlon are rtE�o�.sery at any Hmo tor the protocBon ot Na tn]staat or tho <br /> _•�_���� ahfor�cmad W ib dpRb ahati becomo e part of lhe Indebtednos.a payable on demund and aAnU bear Intorastat the IVote►ata frcm 9NC date of <br /> eropendituro ur�repald. F.�e�es carared by thls parspraph fnetude.wllhout Iimttatlon,however subj�ot to any Iimlb under appllr�nDb taw, <br /> -- lander'e attonreys'tees whelAer a nat thae ts n tewsu:t,lnciud! attomeys'4acs 9or baniwptcy proajedtngs(tndu0�np eNorts to modHy or <br /> roa ed <br /> Yn y � vaoato any automalto stey ar tnjuncuon),upponfs ond any anttc atcsd past-�udgment cWlocUoa BeMCes,tTca cast of Searehinp reeords, <br /> s�,,,�� " cDlnininp tlUo copo�ls(tnc�udinp fomrJasuro rctports),snrvoyora'roports„appmisai 4ees,Utie insu►arn�,artd ta�4or aRo Trustee,to the extent <br /> f��r�. �turnitfed by eppDaeble(aw. TNS2or atso�riil pay any aouR costg,In addiUOn to al oihar sums�rorided by(nw. <br /> :;�!�l�t;J _. <br />.i.r.v��_�1� <br /> __=%�.�i�,�: R:i^of�R=A�•_°.��":;�"Ji�^}it�:;.�ld:r,.t:n�rssY�:a�c�Fuo��la�ers a psrt e!�*.3s!^�Q et Tre�k <br /> .-�%�~=Y-'�� AppltceDae Law. uu��s uoe�ot�i�uot haa bean�eUvercd to 6cr+der and aw�pted by L�e,niar i�i.'te Ste�9 at F:t�a�ca. iAta�::3 e!T� <br /> —"-" ahdl bs paremed by er►d eannruod[n�ecadance wttA Me tawn of ttro S4ate of Nebra�lu. <br /> °"""� '"�" � 7'!ms b o!tt►e Fseenee.ltrr►a Is at CK+essenc+�!n the pertament�ot tftits Ceed of Trust. <br />-'::i.Yr.��•$ <br /> �` a �� WatYtts�nd ConseMs. LenQer shaii not ba deemed to have waAed any rtpAb undor thb Oaod of T�ust(a undor the Ru1n"a9 Qccumm►b) <br />..,=L�.:: _ <br />_- - � urAess euch wnlver b In rrrittnp and sipnod by Leader. No 6etay or ommisslon an th�part ot Lender In dwrcLt�eny Ryht sh�tl apaato as a <br /> :�:': ,:.' �."' .'; walvor o!such�ipht or any oiha ripAL A watvm by a�P�M ot e Pro���04 ths l?DOd ot 7tust shalt not const�?�s m v�aiver ot a preJudloo the <br /> - • PaMe Ap�t otherwise to demend ahtct compfianco with that prmriston ar any oL�ar�ravCslon. No pdor waNnr by Londor.�a any coNCe of <br /> � doeting botwenn londer and Trusta. shM consututo o weNer of any of Lendsrr's dghb ar any ot Tn�tora oDl:gatlor�oa to nr�y tutum <br /> _ ,1 . <br /> har�etton9. WAOnowe cor�sent by Londor is roqutmd In thl�Qe�sd a?'hust,tho gnnnUng of ssx�oonsor�t by Lendo►in any tnstance shail not <br /> := <br /> . , , ��. - <br /> .., K��� <br /> _ -- �y --- - .. .. __. .-. <br /> ';. <br /> /.G �' . � . '� . . - . _. .i uLL�su .`. . . . f � .� . <br /> J� ! �•�S•. -'^^S'C^Srti <br />- , .. � .. t �� ' •, . . ' . . �t,�. <br /> ,. - . ]{ '. � .. ... _ .. - x 1 . <br /> `S�.. �,. r `-rl <br /> . __. . �L.__-____ _�"1 ._._______ _.____._il__ . _.__'.-____ .._..__.._ _ _ -______.__-__--_ .. -� —_ ��� -�_. - _ __- -��__'J-�_ .I.a,'4�.. _ <br /> [� <br /> -.. . - � � .. _'_._"_""____-_____"_"_"_ ___, ._ ___._._—.___" .____-_-."--_-_____ -. . . . _ _ ._ _ . _ _ <br /> . � ,'� .� ' � ��1 '� . % ' , . . �.. � • _ <br />-_ .. . .. . .. . .. � . . .. .. -l� , �. ' .. .. '' 1' .. . . . . <br /> . U .. . � . .. "' U .. f . " � . <br /> 1 .. " �i •• . .. u - . .� � ' <br />.. . . . . _ ... . c. . . . . �, _ .. .. - � . - �p .,� .. ; . <br /> _ , - � - .. . - . ., . .. .. . . ., . �. - - � '-}, . . <br /> .. . . � . .. �' , ., � ''a � ... . � . � <br /> . - , , . , . o . . . . .. . . y . . . _ <br /> ' - .. .. .. a. .. � . �>. .. , .- <br /> .. 'F' , (. . .,. �- ,. - •, . <br />' _� . .. � • " . .i • ' i ` _. „ ' • . . <br /> .� .. . 1 � � -' . ' •' . ... . � . . - �., , � <br /> ; .. ' J � . ' � . .. ' „ !i ..� '' .. .Wf�dl._..., �_`I ����....... ..1�_ <br />