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<br /> � 19.TruaKfcr oP thc ProRrrty ar a Qcncflclnllntcec5f In tlurra�rcr.If all��r m�y pc�rt�►1'ihc Pruperty or any intcrest in it
<br /> ia sald or transf�:rmd(ar if n brneficinl intctc�st tn porruwcr ie sald or trtu»fcercd nnd Borrawcr ia nat A naturnl persun)without
<br /> I.ender's prior wdtten consent, Lender may, at ite o�tlon. n uire hmmdintc pnyment in fuU ��f nll sums sccurcd by this
<br /> ry Security Iastrucuent.However.this optlon ehcill nat be excrctscd�y l.endcr if excrcisc ia prohibiteJ by fcdera!luw a4 af the dnte
<br /> of thia Securiry Instrumcnt.
<br /> If I.ender exercises thia option,Lender ah�ll give Borrower notice oiacceleration. 'Ihe notice ehall provide u period of not !_
<br /> less than 30 days from the date the notice is dclivered or mailed within which @orrawer must pay all sume secured by this
<br /> ' 5ecurity Insuumcut. If Borro�ver fails to pay th��se sutns ptior to the expiretion of thia psrfod, Lendcr may invoke any remedies
<br /> . permitted by this Security Iasuument wltbout tLrther notice or dema�d on Borrower. _
<br /> 18. Borrowex's RIIIdt to Reinstate. If Bonower meets certatn c4ndttioee, Bonower shail hava tha rtght to have
<br /> ;,,;,.r.�:�� enforcement of tbia Security Instrument discondnued at any ttme prlor to the earlier uf: (a) S days (or such other period as '
<br /> • ;:..+,.,... applicable law may specify for reinstatement) before sale of the Propetty pursuant to aay power of sale contained in this __,_�
<br /> " '��`�:;:� Secur�ty Instrument;or(b)entry of a judgment enforefng this Securlty Inswment.Those conditions are that Borrower:(a)pays
<br /> , � Lender all swns which then would be due under this Security Instcument and the Note as if no acceleratioa had occurred;(b) �_;�?
<br /> cures any dcfaWt af any other wvenants or agreements; (c) pays all expeas�s ineuned ln eaforcing this SecurIty Instrument, R;•��_
<br /> - includln�, but not limited to, reasanablc attorae�s'fees;aud(d)takes auch action as Lender may reasonably require to assure _,,,_
<br /> ; that tbe lien of thia Security Instrument, I.cader s rIghu in che Pcoperty and Borrower's obligation to pay t6e aums secured by _
<br /> . th(s Security Instniment shell caAtlnue unchanged. Upon r�instatemeat by Bonower. this Security Insuument and the ___
<br /> �� • �� obligattons secured hereby ehall remain iLlly effective as If no accelerntion had occurred. However, this dght to teinstnte shatl __
<br /> � not apply in the case of acceleration underparasra�h 17. R
<br /> . ' �� 19. Sale af Note; Chaage of Gaan Servicer. The Note or a partial Interest in the Note (together with this Security
<br /> Instrument)tnay be sold one or mote timea without prior aotIce to Botrawer. A sale may result in a change in the entity(known
<br /> as[he"I.oan 5erviccr")that coliects�ia��nthiy paycnents due under the Nou an@ this Securlty lnatrument.'Ihere alsn vn�y he one --
<br /> . , or more changes of the Loaa Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note. If there is a change of the Loaa Servicer,Borrower will be Q,;_:
<br /> .. �`°� given wdtten notice of the chaage in acco[dance with para�raph 14 above aad applicable law.The notice wUl state the nactt�and
<br /> ` address of the new Loxn £ervicer aad the address to which payments shoule3 be made. The notice will also wntaia aay other �;i�:
<br /> Informatlon cequired by applicable law. F�
<br /> •� �` 20. Hazardous Substances. Borrower shall not cause or pernilt ttie presence, use, disposal, starage,or release of aay —
<br /> • .,,,,�,�, Hezardoua Substances on or in the Praperty. Barrower shall not do, nor a11ow anyone else to do. unnything affectl�ag the a
<br /> ce
<br /> ' %;,P �'. Pcoperty ihat is in vIolation of aay Environmental I,aw.The preceding two sentences shall not apply W the preseace, use, or
<br /> „ „, s[orage on the Pmperty of amall quantitics of Hazardous Substnnces tbat are generally recognized to be appropi�Iute to narmal
<br /> restdantlal uses and ta maintenence of the Property. --
<br /> Borrawer shdl prompdy S[ve I.ender wdnen noticc o f any i nveauget ion,c l a i m, deman d, tawa u i t pr a t h e r a c t i o n by an y ___
<br /> governmental or regulatory a�ency or privatepariy mvotving the Property nad any Hazardoua Subateacc or Bnvironmettt a l Law
<br /> _�,�_ of which Borrower has actual kao�vladge.If Borrower learns,or fs notitied by any goverura►ental or regulatory authorlty,that
<br /> . •,,.7:;,,�,�;- any removui or other:emediation vi��y Hivaidoue�aGstattzc a;fcctlstg tlte Ptogesiy�3s�ecessacy.Bortow�r eh?ll gr�mpriy take --
<br /> '� � aU necessary remedial actions in accordance with Es►vironraental I,aw.
<br /> „ ps used ia th;s paragraph 20, "Mcuazdoua Substaaces" are those substances defined as toxic or hazardoua substances by
<br /> Bavironmental Law and the following substancea: gasoline, keroseae. other flanunable or toxic petroleum producta. toxic
<br /> pesticIdes and herbicides.volatile solvents,mater�ate contatning asbestos or form�ldehyde,and radioactive materlals.As used in
<br /> ����s � this peragraph 20, "Environmeattil Law'ineaas federal laws and laws of the judsdictlon where the P'roperty ia located that
<br /> ;.. � mlate to health. safety or envimnmentAl protecdon.
<br /> ,�,;, . NON-UNIFORM COVBNANTS. Barrower nnd Lender flirther coveuaat and agrce as followa:
<br /> , .. ;.,,: 21. Accelerattont Remedies.I.ender sholl gtve notice ta Borrower prtor to accelerntion followfn�Borrower's breach
<br /> ,,,,,�,,,,.�;:,;,, of any covennnt or agmement in this Security Instruneent (but nat pMor to occelerutton under parageaph 17 unless
<br /> .. . ,�, oppUcuble Inw pmvtdes otherwlse). 'i'ho nottce ehnll apecity: (a)the de[QUIt; (b)the actton requlred to cure the defaWtt
<br /> ��4� (c)n date�not less than 30 dqye from the date the notice le atveu to Dorrower,by which tho detaWt must be ewed;und ---
<br />-��rwr����;� (d) tbat feilore ro cure the defoWt�n or bcfore the date spectfied la the nottco muy result In ncceleratton of the sua�s
<br /> -�•==_�:" -°'� �ec�ued by this Security Inbtruraeat und eale ot the Pro�wty.Tbx uot�ce ahall f�rtker intorm Borrower of tdo�ight to
<br />===�=�'-"-'�'� reinstate nfter accclerntlea and the right to bring a aourt nctton to assert the non-existeace of a defaWt or eny ot�er
<br /> ��Y;�},�, defense oi Borro�ver to uccelerution nnd sale. If the default ia Qot cured on or betore the duto specitled in tho nottce� _
<br /> '^ _ ,,,,,;".. � Lender, at Ite option�may requtre immedlate Qnyment ip f�uU of all sumv secured by thfa Securlty Insqwnent w[thout
<br /> °��i. � .�;� [urthcr demaaai ead m8y Invoke the power of sWe and uny other rernedies permitted by oppllcable lnw.Lender shell be
<br /> _ • . endUed to collect all expenses incwr�d in Pureu1n8 the reirnedtes Pmvided In eWa pstragroph 21,includin�,but not Watted
<br /> ' to�reasonnble nttoraeys'Pees nnd oQSte oP title evtdence.
<br /> � ..t IP the pow�oS sale is invokeal,Trustee shall reoord o nottce ot default In ench county in�vhich any part o!the _. _
<br /> -��:>+���� � Property is laruted end shall muU ooptes ot such uotice In the manaa prescrtbca by applicnble law to Borrower ond to
<br /> --- - - thE ofhcr persons prc5cribed by uppHcnbie law.After the tlme requlred by uppl icuble Inw,Trustee sb�all�ive puLllc notice
<br /> =---:`:� af wIe ta ih���.a�e�a!R t!!° +�P-�°T nerxrriMtl fiy nppltcable I[�w.'tYnstee.without detpend on B�rrower.s�a11 sc�l
<br /> ,�u'`�°.: '" th°pro�erty a+!pt!!+�t a�etion tn the highect btdder ol tLe time aud pWee and undcr th¢terms dc�nated in tas nuUrc uf
<br /> :s•�;�=�- . sale in oae or more parcele and In ceny order Trustee deternstues.Teustec may postpone sala oi ail or any parcel ot the
<br />-�.. �r � • •• . Property by pubIIc unnouncement at the time and place of any previo�sly scheduled sale. i.eaidcr or ite desIgnee may _
<br /> . • parchase the Property at any sW�r. -
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