— _ . .'�_��.:..f�.,...
<br /> . , � . _`�.:i3 � '_ *��,' . .
<br /> 4.���,
<br /> • ,,� `�""•+ `:, I 1 ,
<br /> .�_ ''�":
<br /> ., �• � . _ . _
<br /> ... — -
<br /> . �as�0— — • • I�Y� +�� --,..
<br /> __,. �����1����, 1 : �
<br /> — l.uidrr i pr4or wrlCya oonwu, l.w�der maY.�t iu option�r�9uln imm�te psym�ot In fWl ot aq �um� acund by th4
<br /> _ - "``°' s.auity ina,an.ot Now�.Od.cpdoa�h.a not a a.e+�lt.e by I.nd�r U u.rd�.�proldb+pa by r.e.r.�low ar or W. �
<br /> da�of d�b 6�cudty ImtrumNn. �
<br /> _ U Lrnda a�ft�tld�opdou.l.md�r rhW�iw Borro�nr noda of soai�don.71N notia�h�lt provld�a pa�iod of not t�u =_,_
<br /> �� th�n 30 dayi from th�date 1h�nodo�u delivorad or mdled avlthin ahieh Borroarr mwt pay dl�um�aeured by thit Savrity �--
<br /> _ ,�-�-=------- ---- �_�
<br /> ° - InwvaHn� If Borravver fi�il� to p�y thew�um� prlor w the euplradon of�hi� p�tiod. 1.«Ni�e m�y lavolu any remedla �-
<br /> ''° p�nnitud by thi�8�audty Imaummt arllhout f�rthar nodce or dem�ad on Boero�. �
<br /> 'S^.`' �
<br /> �..:���}'��', 1& 9aro�rel�s Rij�llt to Retetfate. If Borrower meeu arWn oondidom. Borrow�r ahdl h�w 1he djht ta lurve --
<br /> --- �°'�`�•! y �ot'w�ne�eot of 11�It S�.wity la�ttun�e.�1 di�oon0�u�d�t any dm�prlor w the wrlier of(a�S dqt(ot Ruch other ptrlod u =-
<br /> _'' w � _�,' .�eie I��r may spec�r tor.eio.e.r�ameue)eefon w�e or the Proyerqi puc,w�u ta�nx pv�v�er oB'wre coatainea tn�tt�f,
<br /> 4 ��ir.1 • �`�_
<br />�:�t.��— — `�'���.��,, s«���:a ror�r�.�R�«��s�a e�,�a���,����:`c�� �=-
<br /> —__�,��•�. - prUn i.eoaer�cums.�ida�eo.rwRw ae aue umder chi.secvriqr tm.an�ent,�na tla.tvwe au Uf t�o�a�aon e+�d occurrea: �,;;,..
<br /> `"` ,(i�1 c�ure�any def�Wt of any orher coveRants or a�gceaamou�:i4)P�11r�at1�e�inewr�d tro�enfordng Ihi�Securitx Uaatntmeet -•-
<br /> =-.s,• •�#, ' ��i �T6•.�;• . � ' 'includ but not Umited to.raa�onable auorn fea;aad(m7 caicea auch a¢don as Lender mo ew�ombl uiro to au�a+e
<br /> w �t,;.:,.:,...,:�,:.;..��> � ir+6. �� Y Y n9 t��-
<br />'.�'���.t-�i i'�,,•.,>�t�'{''�'�{� t'�i�'�s� that We lien of thir Secu�ity Imaummt,l.ender a dgha in the Property and Borroaer's obligadon w pay the�ums�eaured by . -.:.
<br /> + ,Y,��t'f� �l�C�� �hie Secu la�wmmt ibaU continue uncha eA. U n rdnstatvment b BoROwer. this Secud Imtrument and the �1°�;.
<br /> �.;�f�` +i:"',#a X, �Y nB Po Y �Y ti:,._
<br /> �� t��`� �sf�t�� obli aUom acured hereb ehell remnin(�U afl'ecUve as If no accelmadon hac�occurred.However�thi�d e w rebatate�hall '`
<br /> ,�� { a � 6 Y Y � rs...
<br /> ,'rk,�_ '"���.�.�tj��y�``fi��4��� , not apply in the caie of accekraUon uodar p�uagraph 17. - -
<br /> :�,y° "F��t'���i s�t���;i;+��r r�" 19 Sate 44\iat� Cbange ai I.oan Seivker. The Note or a partial Intareat in tho 'Vote (tagether with Uil� Sxurity �`.-
<br /> `�'• �?�'' �t Inttrumaty m�y be sold one or more UMe�without pHor noNce to BonowM. A �ale may result in a chaoge in the entity �,,;_
<br /> ` ?�",��,�'��'� own us the'I.oan Servicer')th�t coUeou monthly psymrnu due under the Nou And�hi�Securi ImvumenG There al�o
<br /> '•��"��±;;`.�F'� ' . (kn t3'
<br /> •'�^��'��'� • m�y be ona or more ahenge�of tho l.o�Sorvlcer unmi�ted a a��le oP the Noce.If thero i�a ch�nge of the Loan Servioer,
<br /> � '��t�'������:�_�:� � Borroaer aUl be given w+ritten noUae of the ch�nge in aocord�nce with piu�graph 14 ebove�d uppUo�ble laa.The nodce
<br /> , f�•�-,y� wW�t�te the n�me snd addr��ot�he new l.o�n Servicor and Ute addra�to whiah p�ymanu�hould b�rtuidt.Ti��aodet wW `.
<br /> 5i�.�.:,:�i6�;�'..r";.``-^� Al�o conWn any oU�er inform�tion roquired by�pplicable Uw. !�'�!�
<br /> ��.
<br /> ' �� :��.:'° .
<br /> :;',;�;:,jr�nT• _ 2p. I#�t�rdom Subdt�poes. Bo�rower �haU not oaiae or permll the prarnce, uw. dlipoud� �tor�e. or nl� af any b��.•;-
<br />'"�...��., ` ,;.+�, "�',,•�� Hwrdow SuWt�naa on or in � Prop�rty. Bonow�r �baH not do, no��llow �nyone eUe to do. �nyWn�aR�cWi�th� ..
<br /> . '��•t1�� *�: �
<br /> _ .:�3+,„ �. Property�h�t h in viol�tion of�ny EnvlronmsnW L�w.The pra�din=two��ntma�sh�ll not apply to U�t pra�na.uw.or �=v
<br /> = ����.� u o a��o n w•P r o p�y o f s m R l l q w n��M o f H a�a r d o u s S u b�u n c e��h u.e��.M r�l l y r e o o p d u d a b.a p p r o p r l�a c o n o r m s l
<br />- ,.,;�.:ya.;�.3::-a=#r rQ:idr.�+ilal u�er art0 ia mai:swurico a!st�r!'r a p Q r t y. ���,=
<br /> `' '"'��•+� � ° Borrow� �hall prompUy �ivo Lmder wtiuen nodoe of any invaU�adon,cldm, dem�nd. I�anuit or other actlon by uny li%:.����:
<br /> .,,,� �.,.,.,,;. '•. . , _
<br /> ' �' ' govemmenW or ro�ul�tory aiency or pdwte pany involvin�Ih� Property�nd sny H�tudow Substuice or Environmrnul
<br /> .�• .,: �' ��' . ',� t;�; L�w of which Borrower hat�ctual knowlod�o. If Bonower lams,or is noUlicd by any governmental or regulstory authority, ' .
<br /> . ;R.�,,.,:,, . • that any removd or other romed{�don of any H�r�rdous Subsunce aRecUn� the Property u necasary. Borrower shall f=.
<br /> ;a.=,��i�,� � ,, promptly uka W neca�uy amedld ac�fom in accord�nae wilh Envi�anmental Law. -=�'
<br /> ;.;,`:�;:'!..�•�.:, � As usad in Ih[s puagraph 20. 'Haawrdow Subsla�ca"are Ihose�ubstances deMed ai to�e or hezardous substenay by �'`_�
<br />- ' �`�`Y�'''� +' EnvironmrnW Law and ehe following subaunces: guollne.kero�ene, other 11�mm�ble or tozio petroleum producu,to�cic •�rr``-
<br /> - yt;;ie,;;�..,:.• • ' . 't
<br />= i;:,,�'.�,,• . �' `��" paticldes and herbic►des,volaWe wlvenu,material�cantaining wbatos or formatdehyde,aod radioacUve matarial�.Ac used
<br />_"'• • �°`"�`�= in thi�puagraph 20.'BovironmrnW L�w'mcans federAl Ipvw and laan of�he�uriidiction whare the Property ia looated�hat � �
<br /> . �. . .
<br /> 4�t���� ' �-.�•• �e1�te to heallh.ukty or mvironmentel protection. '
<br /> �;+,Y ��t�.,�FAn;�..
<br />_ !f"� ���:'.t '����� - ti� - Y�c�.
<br /> ,�#r r, . p� + � NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender funher covenent and agree as folloaK: ;�.•��`
<br /> �b;y�. ,;. :?# , 5��'�•�i ` ,,. . �/�„
<br /> ;�; �:ti��,A:. � {��_
<br /> �����+��f•���i �S�'` .,
<br /> n �y� + ��,;t�,�..,�,,��;ti�: il.Acodentioa;Kemedid. 4ender shall��ve notia to Ba�owa p�la to ucceleration foUowin�BoRmver s breub ot�►y , .;
<br />'���;; ,'.'�r ,� ���';�#��� covenant or a�atneat ia tbi�Security Inshument (but not prior to acceleration uader para�aph 17 unless�pplica6k law ;�_
<br /> 1� �''�• rovtda otherwise 'llie notice�bdl s i :(a)the defaulti(b)the�ctbe re uired to curo tbe defauR (c)a date�not Ids than ``--
<br />._'��_� .x�.1l�,y �:F�."�,r� 1
<br />::,�;, , ..�j��:`ai �'"' • 30 days hom the dite the aotice i�fiveo t Bor�owcr,by�hich the dePauh muat be curedi and(d)t4at fdlure to cure the defauit '�,.y
<br /> _. ,.�.,� .�',:�::�i. „�s�ij�:� � ...
<br /> �.<<�l � Q'�..�•.. �+�_' on or betae the date s ified ia the notice ma result in acceleruioa otthe auma secured b t6i�Secu►h Inqrumeat and�ak i'•r:-'_`.
<br />..,_..,,�. , � . , ';�,�.5 P� r r Y
<br />_.:;�;��` ���;b,�r;' oPthe Praperty.The notice shdl Iluther inform 8arowcr of the ri�ht ro reinstate tlter accekration �ad the right to brin�a �'r:�
<br />,;;.r`;;;' coutl actiou to aaert the aoa-exWence ot a defanit or�ny other defeme of Borrowe�to acceleratioa aad Mle.If the defauh i� �"
<br /> �-�-'.,.
<br /> ' �` � '"'" • not cured on or befote the date speciQed in the notice,Lender at ih opton m:y rcqutre immedtate p�ymeat in NII of dl suna -
<br />'�':., .` .. .:�. .• -
<br />-.•�• �•• �qiF,�'�. • •i securM by thia Sacuritr tnstrument wlthout fYirther demand and may imoke the power of sak uid any other remediea permitted ��_
<br /> .���' " ' '"�' r '�;�` by�pplicable law.Lender sh�ll be entitled to collect oll expemes incu�red in purouinQ the retaedin provlded ia tWs puapapb ��-
<br /> � ' '�+r:"-4�il���::3;fi:': 21 includia 6ut aot limited to rcoon�ble anorne s'kea ond costs of Ntle ev(dence. '`
<br />`:'a�.': :.a!��:�._.�.�.^,,•.i:..,• , �f � 9 A �,
<br /> _. �:.. .-
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<br /> �s.•,.�', t.•1;,. .
<br /> . � ' ." '�«,-�� slnpl�Fu1111y»FNMMFMLAAC UNIFORM INYTRUM�NT FONY 00Qt OY/o0(Paq�6 of e Paqn) �
<br /> � ' MEBRA�KA iC9l1L R�v iW1uYt
<br /> • � 'i. �1•��' _ . '� .....�-.. ..,_...�. .. .-,. _,rr::.. .. . .. . . .._._._..... ,..... .... _ ... . .sa� r .. .�
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