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<br /> TH19 S16CUIIITY INdTRUMLNT oombh�uniform oow�wia for nsdaW uN and non�unU'ora oown�ou�Nh WnWd
<br /> . ��_— � vaeLwau by luei�aladoa co aauuwa.w�m..amtq Uuawnw�too.�ral propRty.
<br /> - UNIRORM COVp,NANTB. Baroanr aod i.mdr oown�nt and a�tw�u follown:
<br /> �� 1. Pa�rw��►���ana I�trw� Pr��M a�i Lde C'��ur�e�. �ara.��b�aY proapWr P+q wha dw dw
<br /> : '` - - - - priaapd or.na intawc on t6.e�et eW/�nea�1�1M.Ne1e«�a.rh►pnp.�r�aa�o�t.na w.cWp.aw�raa.r tA.1vo�.. �
<br /> , ;;;� 2.F�u1� fa'T�es�Lrrroe,SubjKlt a applicab{e t�r ar w a�rrilpn �r�iwr bar I.M�der.Borro�r�r obW Wy u►
<br /> � i.wid�r oa tM day mon�►P#pmaw+ur dw uodK IM Note.u�atU 1he Noa i�pdd in 1W1.�wm CF�md�')far.ls)Y�Y
<br /> - ' has�nd w�ummu widch rnq ap�in ptloti{p owr 1hh Seewibr la�trumeat a�Wa oa 1M Ptop�rRy:N)ri�W�� --
<br /> ��='-�=;�__��-�:� Wymenb a' i�ound raats an th� Ptoperty. V�ay; (�) ye�#y b�A a ProPutY ia�sao� pna�iwn: (e)Yw'�!► �0°d _
<br />-_�.5. , iaow�aa praai�ae. if+�ny:(�)Youili morlW�e inwr�ace penaitum. if a�►: u�d(�aay�tan� `:ayabl� by Borro*rr W
<br /> —���''=j� l.u�r�r�ia+�000�danes aiW Wo pwvidom of pu�raph�.in Uw of tM p�ymau of nattQaa�imuranee praniudn.7'I�
<br /> ::-�.`. ''� �p itams aro�all�d 'Fa�xow Iteuw:Ltnd�r may.at aay Hme.callact ar�d hoW Fundt ia an�n►ount aot w exoeed th�muimwn -
<br /> �''=� amowu a Imdes fw a fedKaliy rdated nwrW�e loan m�y roquiro for Borroarar'�aaowr aocouat under Uu fida��l Real
<br /> -:I�:��f � � . E�ua SeWanrr�e l�raoedura Aa oi'1974�c+�ma�dsd li�om Wne w�Lae.12 U.B.G S.aioA 26U1.e�eq.CRESPA'�untws
<br /> �s1.1s
<br /> `�'�""�.}��n aaotMr law thu applia W We Fund��eu � IaKr amaua� If w. Lendar n�sy.at any Wa��aoll�ct u�d hold Fuads in an
<br />' amouat aot w exoeed the lestar an�oun4 L.enda may admate W�amouM of Fund�dw on tde 4a�ds of cia�r�nt dau aod
<br /> -s+" ��, nponable adm�ta of apndiwcrs of fuiur�F.�crow Itaas or ahawl�ia accorQance w1tt�appltcabM law. _
<br /> �;�,•- 71�Fu�d�rh�il b�heW ia+�n imdtutlon�►ht�os�depo�in rro insurod by�fWer�1 apacy.instrum�uAliry�or endtY(��t
<br /> .�.'` _ , Lendv.it l.a�da is such an inadtutioa)m i�•aag Federal Home L.oaa&�ic.Landa�h�q�ppiy the Fund�co pay the E�aow _
<br /> - � . ' ''�•� � ltaau. Lmder raay not cha�gr Borrocv�d�i6�+.r .ho9ding�nd+�PP�Y�� the IF�und�.uu►uat4Y aaulyzir�g t,hc eacroa uooun�or _
<br /> --;..,:;�i;:k� rerL�el:e EleYO�v Item�,u.nuea LanMr�ava 8arower intur+t on tire Fwnds nnd aar;�licaEb Oaw�erm��s Lender co�ke _
<br /> _- , ` .�,,,�;'•. i au�a�srye.Howeva�.4eoder may requi�+e�onowsr ao pay a one•time��arge'Yor am�inde�dead rea9 e:wate eax re�oadng =
<br />._:;^,:.z ��� • �crvice used b�y�ia oomMecoion aith thii losn�u�l�a.up,pliqbNs la►w provfsfea alhBrwesx.l:�ess A�a agreemerrt ia mar7e or -
<br /> -�.:t.
<br /> ,'`,..�>� •:r �• ' ,u�ppka6ie�wve neguirq lntrrat to be pdd.Lender�hsp not be.required to aa4 Barower a�y lnweea a:ear�s o�e 11�x Funda.
<br />:•� ' , �orr4v�er mrQ iUen:la m� in wriNn .haw�ewr.tliat ion9�enqt�P�aW kre a1d oa the Fund�.l.onslef��ab va¢o B�orrawsr, �
<br /> _: ;� " `:'�r; ��" Y+� 8 � 8+
<br /> _",%P t.i`t` � ,�.,c�f wWwut charge, an aruwal aacountin�ot tpe�F�und+.shawiug credits m►d,�4�ta to the Fuad�and.We pn*Ao;e!8r wi,ich eacri _
<br /> ;�,;�,:� '' t�t�:: � •�•d�ia w the Fund�aas mada'�'h�F�wd�+rne�Ye�ed a�aild'Nan�D security tor sfl sww�axed by tOd�Secwri4p lawwn�na. _
<br /> ,.., .��;"�Y' � " li ihe�'unM held by Lendee euoeed tbe�aaouo�pa�miued to be held by aPpli�abk law.Lender ahn1Y accouat to Horirav�er�
<br />_-:,i:.�j:• s1,'� �
<br />_-`'���;�5,, .;' r. `r1������ � ,�'', �.the excea� Funds in accordanca witt►the requiremenu of applicabto faw. IP the amount of the�unds heRd by Lender�t any --
<br />-,;i+ak.,":;'; �?'c, ; .t�},; �dme i�not�ufllciena to pay�he Eacroa Item�wLm du��Londer may so notly Botroarer in wddng�and,in�uch c.�te Borrower -'`
<br /> .,� ".- f „�� t:��.�,�, � iha11 pay ia Land'¢r iba amaunt nua:ary ta malca up t!►s dsl3da�ry. 9orrorra eha!!�alcs up the AeHdency in no more then _
<br /> � �' �'`�� �'+r`�?"�`'�i��' la+Wve monfh! ■ attt.et Lender's�ote di�erotion.
<br /> •,.'��t.��>'' � , z... YP Ym d_
<br /> � ''","�''•`''"��;'°�`�` �• ' Upon p�ymant in IWI of all am�tecwed by thu Seaurity In�wment�Lender�hall prompUy raf�nd to Borrowar any Fund� -
<br /> �� r, ,'�'�1�`.: ���t`;': : hdd by Lander. If.under puagraph 2l. Lender shaU aoquiro or�ell Ihe Property.Lmder.prior to We aequkition or�de of -
<br />,";;�,�� .�+;a:' •;Y t':..,b-.;� �propaty��haH apply any Funds h�W by l.a�da at tlN Wne of�oqubftion or ub u a crodtt a�aUut the�ums�ecwwl by _-
<br /> ..a..�, ���.�sY..`��,.�, _-
<br /> thL S�curity Ituwmena
<br /> _ �:e�' "
<br />_- :',:' '.,'':•�.�: 3.AppYeaNOU ot Payolenh.UNas�applicabN law provida otherwi�e.�U p�ymenn received by Lender under pua�r�ptu 1 =-
<br /> :��^ , .s, and 2�hap b�applid:linb W any prepaym�nt char�es dw under th�Nou;�eoond.to amounU p�yabl�undtr pua�nph 2: --
<br />_„; ^� ' thad.to inta�at due:fowth,to princip�l due;and la�w any I�t�char�w due uadar the Note. _
<br /> r••.�:;;:}1,::�.;�,:,�, 4.CbnrQefi lie4s. Bo�rower �hdl p�y dl tu�es.assasmenu, charga. flnes and impo�idon� auribut�ble to th� Property �,;
<br />..� �;�.',. ..:•;''�:,, whioh m�y stWn prio�ity over thl� Secudty Imtrument,and laa�ehold paymenu or ground rents.if any.Borrower ahW pay �;
<br />,�"'�;� ';�:,,, � . r;' the�o obli�adons in U�e msnner provided in pu�egraph 2,or if not p�id in Wat msnner. Borrower shdl p�y �hem on Ume �_
<br /> ".,,�. ` �rw•:^�-k; diroaUy to ths penon owed paymrnw Borrower shW prompdy Ibmi�h to Londor all noticef of unounu to be p�id undor It�i� �:
<br /> � w � h If Borrower mNces ihaa � an4 dlrootl Borrovv�r shdl promp0y liirnich to l.ender reeelptt evidendn�tho �•-
<br /> �.�•; i�t�sa�."p?�':,'��• �'^ P 8r P • P Ym Y�
<br /> ,�.,�. ,.�,4j�,,�.a�,s�.;�'�t�fi p�yments. �_
<br />:��:�,-' .� ' �'�';..r �,�ti�� Borroaar shdl promptly dfuharge any lim whlch hs�priority over this Security Insvument unla: Bortower:(a)A�rea in _
<br /> - ,,r '��,�'�•;;;;lr�?y,� wriling to the paymer►t of the obUg�don tecured by�he Iirn in a menner accepu►ble to Lender:(b)contals in good falth the lien �,
<br /> .• ti �,1''' by�or defendt agalnet enforcement of the lien in,IaYal proceading� which in the Lender's opinion operata to prevent d�e
<br /> A�""'�''� enforoement of the Ilen;or(c)tecures from the holder of the lien an a eement:adsfaeta to Lrndor subordinndn the Nrn to =
<br />_�'",��� ����.;°�;��' Sr �S' 6 �
<br /> "'� � .� ' thit Securlty Instrumen�If Lrnder detmnina Wet any part of the Property it�ubf ect to a Ilen wfiich msy anain priority over ��
<br /> -�x,;�,. Y,qi�,S►�i' �;'-.:- [ .
<br /> ,,r+�; � ��� • -. thb Socurity Inswmm4 Lender mey give Borrower a nodce identil�+ing the Uen.Borroaa shW wdN�r U►e Um or ukt oa�or .
<br /> - - L� ✓. "'., .` . �,'..
<br />-�.r`{ �,�:� �,:•�.. moro of the actiom�et forth above within 10 dey�of the giving of notice. �`
<br />:;,:� •. . �h�'t. »�r��
<br />_ r.r�;:° � ,�d�;;-�t'41'��'a�r ,� S.Hasud or Propa�ty Inwrsinee.Borrower�hall keep the improvemrnu now euiidng or hercafter erected oa tlw Piroperty d
<br /> .' • y� . ,ia?ql .
<br /> ,�y'�a. . iruund againsl loi�by lire,haz�rds ine�uded within the trnn 'e:tended coverage'and any other h�z�rdt,including Aoods or
<br />'.a 4_,�, �.�..,. �ti;•,• . � �
<br /> . _ M flooding.for which Lender rcquires insurance.This insurance �hell be mafnteined fn the amounb and fo�1ho period� thst �
<br /> '.��"��' • �� ,' '�;�"-'Y«,�"�:'' Lender requires.The i�uurance carrla providir►�1he huurence ehell bo chosen by Borrower wbjeet to Lendar�approvU =
<br /> .
<br />- :;��i>�i ;-
<br /> ,.s ,: y•�'„�..,;��.,. =
<br /> - <':.�-._r,.rr�,:ru• ;-`;
<br /> t x- - �
<br /> ' �'°,! ' �..i4��;. .�
<br /> _�.; � �� . JT:w:..^,'`''� SNqN FamNY FNWIrtNLYC IIIIIPORM IN�Tt1UM8NT FOiIY i0➢� OWrO(Pp��of�Payn) f
<br />::�,_ �' M�� EpNI Rw OIIOH�1
<br />-'.5�,±�'... y.f•• � . , . .�-.•,�_--„' ... ._ T ..._. . . . - ...� v�+Kr.r.p-•�`TI^�'�7�".'i��-T_ . ....� i�. ! .
<br /> ���� � ,� ,,t' - , .. ' • r� ., � , �_ . . .
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<br /> _ ._- .. , . ,� .
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