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<br /> � ' 'fQi3BTH�R WITH cill the lmpmvera:nta now or ltcreafter erected on the propPrty,and ull eusementa.appurte�i�nccs,urtd =-
<br /> .. � �' tixtures naw aa hereafter n part of the prupeety. All replacementa nnd additions ehall ulso be covered by this��cudry -
<br /> ''r Instrument.Ail of the foregainII is rcfcrred to in this Secudty Instrument As the'Property,"
<br /> BOf2ROWEit CQV�NANTS thut Borrov er ia lawfully sefseit of th�estate hereby canveyed urtd hu.r the rl�ht to gtant urcd
<br /> . :, convey tha Property end that the ProRerty le unencumbered. except for encuenbn�nces of record. Bonaver warrunts ucc�will
<br /> defend IIencrally the title ta the Property agAinst all clnims nnd demunda,subject to any encumbrances of recard.
<br /> " ��`' THIS S�CURITY It�STItUMBNT combines uniform cavenants far nutional use und non-unifurm rnvennntx with Iimited --.
<br /> ' . variada»s by jueisJictian to canstiiute u uniCumi secueity inatnunei►t�wveri��g r�l prupeny. � `
<br /> UNIFOFiM COVEiNANTS.Bomawer nnd Lender covenunt and ogree us follows:
<br /> ;.r.:y-, 1. Paymeflt of Prirtcipttll nnd Inter�t= Prepnyment and I.nte Char6es. Bunnwer sh�ll prompdy pay when duo the -
<br />;,'"- pd�eciptsl af and interest on the debt ovidenced by the Nute und any prepuyment und lnte chruges due under the Note.
<br /> � '" 2. Tunds for Taxes and Insuroiece. Subject to upplicahle!aw or to a wdtten walver by Lender.Borrower shall pay to -
<br /> � Lendor on tho dc�y manthly paymenGS urc due under the Note.untll the Note is patd in full,u sum("Funds")for. (a)yearly texes �:
<br /> t+ad ass�,meats which muy att�in prlorlty over tttis Security lnstrunient as A lien on t!►e Property;(b)yr,arly leasehald payments `
<br /> . ' or�mun�rents on the Pnoperty.if nny;(c)yearly hazAM or pmperry insurnnce premiums;(d)yearly fload insurance prenaiums.
<br /> � if�iy;(e?yeurly mortgage insurance premlums, if eny;and(�any sums payuble by Borrower to Lender. in accordanoe with
<br /> �' tha provisions of parnarciph 8.!n lieu of the puyment of mortgage insurnnce pmmiums.17�ese ltems are culled"Escro�v Items."
<br /> `°'�� I.�� Lender m�y.nt any time. collect and hold Funds in w►amoant not to exceed the mtucimum amount s lender fnr a federally
<br />:�',::����y�` related mnrtgoge los�n muy require for Borrower'n escrow uccount under the federal Real Estute Settlement Procalures Act of
<br />-'.;�;�;��' 19T4 os amende�from ume to time, !2 U.S.C. S$ction 2(s0! et se�3. ("R�SPA"), unless another Iaw that applies to the Furzda
<br /> ,'-;;��:,;:; r,ets a tasser runoum.!f so. L,ender may,ut any time. collect u.n�l h�ld �unds in an amount not to exceed the lesser amount. �
<br />-;".�w�.�; Lemier may estim�:r,the amoiu►t of Funds due on the basis of current data nnd�sonable estimates of expenditures of futuee
<br />. ."•�� Fsemw Itc�ms or othrm-ise in uccordance with applicable law.
<br /> . ,
<br />_ __�;;�:�:�.=.__ 7't�e Funds sh�li be hetd in an insdtutton whose deposits are insurc� by a federal ugency, instrumentality. ar entity
<br /> : ,�:�� (includin�Lender,if Lender is such an �nstttudan)or In siny Foderal Home Luan Bank. l.cnder shnll apply the Funds to�n:�ly the
<br /> '•_' Ss�.�row Gc�ms.I.ertder muy not ch�;e Borcower far holding und upplyin� the Funds.n�uiuelly analyzin�the escrow accomnt,or
<br /> _,.�r:�� veritying tho Escmw Items.unless I.eRder pnys Borrower interest on the Funds ond applicnble law permits Lender to rnake suCh --
<br /> _ .,�,� u charge. However. l.ender may require Borrower to pay a one-dme cher�e for an independent real estate tax reporting service
<br />�'"='-'=----- �sed by I.ender in cannectlon with this loan, unless upplicuble law provides otherwlse. Unless an agrcemPnt is mada or
<br /> -°;='`"'�*�'� npplic�3►10 law requires intene.vt to be pald,Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any int�rest or eamings on tha Funds.
<br /> `""— 8orrowea tmd i.ender muy agra�in wriQn�.however.tFtat interest shall be paid on the Funds. i.ender shull give to Borrowar.
<br /> wi�finui enarge, un annuaI uccounting oi the�unds. showing credlts and debits to the Furtds and the purpose for wdiCh each �
<br /> -:.�;� debit to the Funds wAS made.Tite�unds are pledged as addttional secudty fer all sums socunad by thts Secur�ty instn�nent.
<br /> tP the Funds held by Lender exceed th�amounts permitted to be held by Applicuble taw.Lender sh�ll accaunt to Bormwer
<br /> ; for tho Gn�ess Fwrds In accordaace with the requirements oP upplicable luw.If the amount of the Funds held by Lercder et any
<br /> .i draa is mos aofficient to pay the�scrow Items when due.Lende?may so notify Bormwer in writing.and.in such cese Bor.rower
<br /> - shnli p�y Za Lender the amaunt neccxsary to muke up the deficiency. Borrower sh�ll make np the deflcinnoy in no�nore tha�n
<br /> r tvrelva rtconthly paymente,ut L,�nder's sols discretion. •
<br /> � Upon payment in fii{I of all sums aecured by thia Security [rtsuwnent, Lender shull promptly ect�nd to 9otaower any
<br /> ___ � FuQds hqld by I..ender.If.undee parngraph 21.Lender 9ha11 ncquire or sell the Property.Lender.pr�or to the acquieiatun ar sale
<br /> __- = of th�:6'snpaxty. shall npply nny Funda held by L.ender at thc ttme of acquisition or sale as u credit against tho sums�cxurcd by
<br /> ; thie Socuti��.Ipstn►ment.
<br /> • 3.ApplicaRta�p Ya9 Paym�nts.Unlesa appl{cublE Inw provides oihenvise,all puyments c+c;ceIved by Lender under psuagraphs
<br /> 1 and 2 shall be applied: first.ta any prepayment churges due under the Note;second, to amounts payuble under puragraph 2;
<br /> —�------ ,, tGtod.to intemst due:fourth,to pr�ncipa!due;and last.to uny lutc charges due under the Note.
<br /> —, 4.Chmgesi Lte»s. Borrovier shsll psty ull wxes,nssessrnenu. char�Gcs,fines and impositfons uttributable to the Pr.reperty
<br /> — .? whlcS�rnc�y nttain prlar�ty oveti�this Security Insteument. sind IEUSehold paymenta or gr�nund rents. if any. Borrower s�nii pay
<br /> __ , thaso ubiigudons in the msinner pmvided in pumamph 2.or if not putd in thut n�nnner,BonowPr shall pay them on timedirectly
<br /> _--== to tho persmi o�ved payment.Bornower shall promptly fumish ta Lend�er ull nodees of amounSs�o be ptivd urtder thia pamgraph. - -
<br /> _ ��' If Borrower makes these payments directly, 8orrower shnl!prompt(y�fumish to I.ender receipts evldenctng the puymer�ts.
<br /> —.. , 8o�c+ower shWl promgtly discharge nny lien which hus prioriry over thts Security Instrument unless Bomawer:(aD egrees in � _
<br /> _ �_,=;' � w�i�:�s;tcs shc gaymrat oi thc otrtigation uturecs hy�iie ben u�ti tun,u►ei�t«Yptabte tu i,���drr.fb)wntesta in good iaixathe iien
<br /> ..._..
<br /> _-=--=—-� • �
<br /> � by. or defanda agninst enforcement of the lten in. les�l procecdings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prieve�t the
<br /> "� enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures fmm the holder of the lien un agreement satisfuctory to Lertder subondinstting ehe lien tn
<br /> � thi»Security Instrurnent. If Lender determtnes that stny part of the Properry is subject to n lien which mny attnin prinety over
<br /> ---s.:t thls�c+,mty Instrument. Lend¢r may�ive Borrower u notice identifying the licn.Borcower shull satisfy the lien or wlte ane or �
<br /> --- mom utahe aetIons set forth ahave within t0 days of tho givin�of notlx.
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