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, . � <br /> � . <br /> l <br /> � <br /> �- n .. � ' °. . _. ., ... . _.... .. <br /> ' • � oZ-tt-tg88 DEED O�'TRU�T 9����Q� �ape s ,. <br /> , loan No (Cmnt�nuod) � �� <br /> � — �.----.�.__�--.—_�. --_------- � . <br /> �8�to c3xcrcf�o tho povrer of mb; <br /> ' (b) Commoneo on uotlon to iorcctoso this Ocad ot Trust no o mortg3go,appofnt a rcoolvt7r w spoclitcaliy ontorco ony ot th�eovonanta <br /> , ne�o�r,a�a <br /> � 1 (o) Douva to Truatpe a wdtton do¢I�rntfon ot doleutt nnd dnmand for sato and a�ntton notao ot dotuNt und atoeUan to causo Ywstor'o .. <br /> I Int�rest ln B�e Proporly to bo sWd,whlch noN,ao Trustea ahuil ceu�..o to ba duty fitpd tor rcicqr0ln tho eppropdmte oittcos ot Iha Counly tn � <br /> � whkh tR�PrO�orty Is Iocalod:nnd � <br /> (d) WtQh rospect to NI or any pnrt of tho Personel Properry,Londer ahatl hpvo ull tho dphts and ramadtos af a eoaured party un�or tho �`� �� <br /> Nebraske Un14qrm ComtnurCtal Codo. <br /> •� �"" ForR�loaureb�PoLV�f ot SatO. If Londor olCCts ta foroctoso by oxarc�=o ot tho FowQr ot St�s horoui contninod.londor ohalt�ollty Trustae und � <br /> shail�aposlt v1Jh T�ustop this 08ad of T�ust ttnd the Note und auch rec�sipb and evtdantso of expandilures mado nrtd socurod by thts Qesd o4 "'.•„`' <br /> Truat tis Trusit�e mt►y requlre. , .� <br /> (a)Upcn r�tipt o!suoh noUco(rom Len�ar,Tru,too ehall cnwe to bo rocordod,pubtfsACrd snd dalivorad to Tnr.ator auoh Notluo ot Dofautt : M !�. <br /> and Na4ioa at Sa1e as then re u6od by k�v�artd by lhis Daad ot Tn�f. Tn�s2�shall,+�ilhaut domartd on Tr�a4or,nftnr suoD tlme ea may <br /> 4a q � � <br /> thon b� roqutred by taw and afta�rt�coMadon o!suoh Notiroo of Datault and nftm Notbo ot�hnving boon gtvon as requlroa by Inw,seu � v y-°;- <br /> 0 <br /> thn Prcperly nt tho tlmn nrt�p;aao af salo t1�sd by it In sucA No9ce ot Sule,oither ns a whala, qr In Qapnreto lots or parcels a Items as �`��.-`•;'•°dc <br /> '� Tn�stec� shan deom oxQs�lant,and in such ader es tt may dotermine,at pubilo euaTion tq tho hlgha:st btdda for cash in Iav+rtui money ot • `��"-:''.��� <br /> the UnitFSd St�ites a !n at tha dme af saFn.T�usteo ehell dalver to euch urchusw a purctmssrs thereof 1b good and autltclent deed w � ��''''-- <br /> �• s pyAb P •:;t+'.. <br /> dtie6s comeyinp the properiy so so1d,but without any covenant or wartar�ty,express or lmplbd. Thfe reeitnb in such deed o}any mtttere •�� . <br /> � or Incts sA�ll bp conctustve proot ot the trulhfulnoss fharoof. My pereon,tneiuding wilhqul IlmftaHon Tntstor.Trustpe.a CendBr,may ; ;:?�:��.- <br /> .� purchesea►suahsate. � '�'r�`'. <br /> (b)As ln9y De pafmtttod by l81Y,uttar deducUnp aq cosSs,f98s nnd nxpenses of Tnrste9 a�0 a1 ihis Trost.inctuding eosb ot evldoeoe of :�•13..y��R,' <br /> tlUe In conne�tlon wlih sa1n,Trusteo shall rspply ttre proosads ot ealo to aymeM of (i)dt sumu oxportdod undor ihv t�res of tivs OeeJ ot '`- <br /> Yn�t or w�ar lhe terma ot tt�a Note�ot thsn ropeid,including but�ot Iimfted to acaue4 fnt2rest 8nd late ehsrpos, (il)a0 othor sums thon '}�,i:;. <br /> . Sea�Bd taeby.artd (liq tho romnind3r,if any,to Iha person or porsons le8elly ontlded then3ta �.A. <br /> •:F.•w_ <br /> .. � ,�n:. _ <br /> �'�. , ' (c)Tcusl�m�ay In the mannor provido6 t�q!nw postpona sala of ell or any portlon ot lhp Property. ..:;t+�r_� <br /> •��� � Rem�les f�Lot Occtuetve. Tnistae and Londer.and esch ot tAem,st�ett bo erUUOd to enforoe payirtent and podamance of any Irtdebtedness <br /> � � � or obttgotlons bocured by tRi�Qsed of Trust and to ezorcise atl dehb and powors under ihts Deed ot Trust,under tAe Noto,under un ot the ���,'�'°, <br /> :��:t;,`. y <br /> ��.�„ Reiated Oocumants,or undtrr any other egresment a any tuwa now or hereafter in to�ce;notwlthstanding,some or ell of such indebtedness '- �-- <br /> and oblqaUem s�cnred by Yids Deed of Trust may now a hereafter be othenvise secured,whaUar by�nortgage, deod ot M�st,ptodgEL 11ea, `+��� <br /> assipnment azr oih�wise. Netther the eocepffinoe of tNS Oeed of T�ust aor Its enforcement.whc�t0er by court ucUon or pursuant to the pawer of ;���`- - <br /> � - �' Ge1B Os Olhp7 omvfXS contslnsd In this Deed of Trust,shaA pre1udioe or in any rrtanncu attect Tiustae's ar Lendo�'e dght to tsalfna upon ot ��{�� <br /> eMor�ce any oU�r 5ecudty now or heroaftar 1tt31d by Trustee er bsing agreed thel Trustee and Londer,and each of them,shall be - �•� <br /> ;i, entiUed to erHaoo this Qeed ot Trust and ary othor securiry now or hereattcir heid by Lender�r Trustc�e In such ordor artd mannor as they or �__,_ <br /> °��• �' ofther ot them ma►y in tirefr abSOtuto dfscratlon de2ermfrto. tda rertrody conferted upon or re�NOd to Trostee or Lortda,ka Intend9d to be <br /> __."�•i - 1' a�rNu.dva o! ea�othat mmo6y In thb Dsed ot Ttu�!ur bV lew provfded ot petmlltOd,but eecn s�1 bo cumutanve and chan be in addluon to � '- <br /> +n�-- <br /> ��`` �`� every o1Aer remedy given in th�s Oeed of Trust or now a Aereaftar e�ds11rt8 at inw or in equHy oT�byal�tut0. Evory power o►romed�r pivan b�r uw � <br /> ' Plote or a�ny d tho Retated Oxumenb to Trustee or Lender or tu whbh otther ot them may bo otherwtse eaUUod,m8y bt�ex���� ��� <br /> �� " '' ' concurrentty� a�ndependentt�r,from tlr�to tlme and as alton as may be deemed ex�odient by 7ruetoe er Lender,ond ettl�er ot them may <br /> pwsua Incon�stard remedles. NotNng U thb Oc,ud of Trust shail be construr�d as prahibiting Londor trom seekirq a dBfk�eacy IvdQmsnt <br /> ,_:;,�, � , : � eg4►nst Ihe Y'neror to the o�nt suah ectlon is pormtttod by Isw. f k —,-.- <br /> ;i�_i;, Reqtteat Foa AbtTse. Tnisttu.on bohatt ot Trustor and Lender,horebY�equssb that a capY�Nc1be ot Deffittit a�ed e eopy af w�y Nottoe ,�:., <br /> ot Seb unGx Cils Deed o!Trust bo maAed to thsm et 1hs eddreisses set forth in tho fl�st paragrsqam ot thle 4eod of Tn�sl. r���!°�` <br /> r sses ...:�-. <br /> • " '� WWert E7sx'Bon ot Remedtes. A watvar by any puty of a breach of a prau�Jan ot 4t�b Doe�i o!Tn�t aha0 rtot consUtute a wNvar e?or <br /> prejudbe ttc�peit�l's dphta othe�wtse to domnnd sbict complianoe wilh that paaVistcn or nny other proNsion. Elod�on by I.ortder to purnue any <br /> � ° reme�y providod!n this Deed o!Tnut,the Note,in any fietated Dooument,or provldod by iaw shstt not e�w�tudo p�BUft ot e.ny other remodY� <br /> snd en etection to mNce�o ndlturos or to tnke¢cti0n to prufam�nn abligatlon ot Trustor unda this Oeed of Tnist nfter fariure af Tnator to _ <br /> porbrm ahntl not nHeet Lender°s dght to decl�re a dafault and to oxerclsu nny ot Its romodtos. �`- <br /> � �',�Y <br />- Atto+meya'�ees; �enses. If Lender ir�stitutes any suR a ac'uIIn to erNoroe uny ot tho terma ot fhts Desd of Tr�t,tsnda shaU bo eMitled to =... <br /> recavar suc�tum ns the eourt may adJuOp�rensonabte as attomeys'tees ut trfal nnd an any appont. WRelAer a not any court acUOn ts � <br /> � ' �• ` �1t� Invotvod,ap �eas�nnbla expenses tacurred by LaMdt+r whtch tn Londtits opinlon are neoossery nt any Uma tor t1�e O��on ot Ib interest or tt�9 �_ <br /> � � � ontoroomunt d itE dghts ahall bocortre u part of tho Indebtednes�payabls on demand artd ehnd Dear Intarest t�t the Note rete from ths dn'�o oi _� <br /> e�eadlure unfii repatd. F�er�es covored by thb pnrapmpA tndude.without Iimitntlon.however subJect to eny Qmib un9er app'�babls taw• <br /> .I�j}�; ..� Lendere attaneys'tees wlmther or not thero b a tswsutt.indudirtp attomnys'Wes tor 4nnlu�t�QU,Y Pr000edinps pncludln0 oHab W rrto�ity ar �:�r,._ <br /> ';,•�` vaaate any aubmauo st�y er InJuncttoa), nppeals tnd any anUdpated post-�udpment oau�9on swvk�s. the e�cst ot seerahin8 roeads. � °, <br /> obtatntnp tiva roparts(tndvdit�toradosure reports)�eanreyors'repor�s.eAPralsal tees.titb l�c�urtnao�and foe9 tOr tri� the axtert ��•:i : <br /> �k['v}�: <br /> . permltted by aDptknble law. Trusta atso will pay aay court casts.ln additlon to afi other avn���sr�lded by Iflw. m.�_.- <br /> ' RI�t4o!�"tarsttca.Trustee shatl havo all of the dghts artd duUas af Lortda oa soi tcrlh In tAb soc�on. --�-- <br />-= POWERS A11D 061JC�ATION3�F?RUBTEE. The tWtorAng provk�Jons nnfatlng to tho O�ve�s ead obCga9oas ot Tn�tee aro purt o!tAfs Ooed ot — <br /> :,; '. <br /> "�'�'�� F*a'.."�ta aff?t�fc�. in nd�fPd'on tu eli puwa+�at Trust�ar�^.,+np���itsx oF 4s.r.T�useae c;�t�R tr.4a t:.y p��,r:o��:ha S�o�l�� _- <br /> ., ��� wIM respoct ro tRe rtopExly upoo ttre mnroo�aquasi of Landst and Tru�cr: (al Iclrt in prap�nr'sa end Ri:+g s m^p 4r plgt ot tM���Y� - .___ <br /> Inctudinp the de�icatlon af aUeeb a othar dge�b Io tta publlo: (b)Jofn in granttng any eascimont a�eatlnp any r�tricuor on tho RetU Properly: <br /> " � ' �'c':1;+ and (u)Jotrs lanny subadinatlon or olhor agreament uttaaU�zg this QeaO ot Trtat or!ho intac�t of I.ertdm undtsr tNg Qesd ot Tr��st. �---- <br /> ' � b TNStee. Trustea she!1 rnunt eU QueliticaUOrw requlrad ter Trustoe under oppRcabio inw. in pddidon to Ihe dghls and remedtes so!fodh thsvo. -- <br /> •rj;�•..'� �` wilfi oeapect W ap or amr 4�ot the Propery.tho Ttustov SAali h3vo thp dght to torodoso Dy a�o1f08 Bn0 Sti1B,end Lendor eh8li haw tho Aght t0 ��-_�:-� <br /> }<:�,;,;,• .�, trxacloso by Judiciat eilher cnso tn¢ccadunoo with and to tho tutl extont pravldad by uppllcubio law. �•:"=.=vv_ <br /> . o j;, <br /> �lr.•,� Succe�aos Ttust�e. LanOer,nt Lendors option,may trom tlmo to Umo appoiM a sucwssa Trudoe to ur►y Trusteo eppointod Mueundt:r by Cn .';�.T..,_ <br /> �;i`. irabvmant�eCUtfld and ncknowtadgod by Lendnr and recordod in tAo aNico ot tho rocardor of Flt�ti County.NoQ�ioska. Tho�nstruma�sl�rii <br /> `� •S4; contal4 tn adb�t�n to ell othot maUers requ(red by etate law,tha narttas ot theo�Bfnnt Londer,Trusteo.nnd Tntsta,tho book and�t� _ __ <br /> computa sy�mie rotorone�►)whare this Doad of Trust 1��ded.and the name nnd address o!th9 ouoC�sor Uu".,Lco�c�nd tho ir�strumont�veafl . <br /> - bo E�oeeutod�nd ndcnoul�dved by NI the boneflctades�rtfli+t tho Doad ot 7nist or thntr as:xassae In fntorest.Tho euoo�sa trustee.wflRIIt.�! �;r; . <br /> � convoyanpa d Iho Prop�4y,sP�ali suoCeud to GII the tlllo.aa�u.r,nnd dutlos contomad u�n C�nn Tn[stee tn thls�ot Tncs!and by eppllCeblo f y�<•;;;,;���• <br /> , � � tnw. '[liis araoeduro for substltuHon ot trustee shn►1 govom tc the exduslon ot uU othor prau�isrss lor ttub3tttutton. ��r"•�i,', �' <br /> � NOTlCk$TO 7�iU3TOA 11t�OYlieR PAAYtz�. Any aofiae under thu Osad ot Tnr.�chaA Da tn nrttlng,msy bo 59nt by teiai�es�milg(unlDSs <br /> othawiseraqt�d by law),and shsll be sRecf.'um�rtan aciunlN�vROn dtsposited wlth a natlort�Cy c�cogrtlxcd ovomipht aou�r.�r.Ct � : ". <br />' ma[��.st�6o dmre�mf nftacUwn whnn d�asimd tn thn Urtifad States matl Nst ct�s.oatlflod or�stewd meil.Pas4ugo P�eRald�directed to 9ri9 •'., <br /> -- --- <br /> - - -- - -- • • <br /> eddrenos ohown nsar tho 0eg'.nntnp of Mki Oeed ot Tnni. Ar�r party may chango Ib uddross for rto9oes urtOC+r tfit�voao ar mui uf►Sm�e iom'�° � . � <br /> wrttten nofbo ta!la o2har parttes.spoclMng thst the purposo ot tho rtotico ts to ahango tho pmtf/s gd�ross.AII coAfes of notk;es ot torectosure trom ��„�; , <br /> . tho hotdar ot nny 8an whicb has prloflty owr this Oood ot Tn�.st shait bo sent W land�a sddresa a�sAOwn nc�u tho ba�InNrtg of this Oood of Tnut. ;�,_:� <br />-- � For notk�purqos2�,Trusta ag�ous to koop landor flnd Trust¢o tMormod at oA Umos ot Trustar's curtent address. <br /> _ ., �. <br /> . MI6CELLANE�L9 PROYI&IOt13.Yho follotving mt.,oettanoous provi54ona a�n parf of this Duod o!Trusr <br /> Amen6m�te.ThI�Ooad of Trust,togathar wlth uny Rolatod OocumonTS,comtttutos tha onHro undastnnding Md agroomont of lhe p�as <br /> �� M th0 m84hM 6ot tOtth in ihis DOOd Ot Ttust. No nttcmrion of or emortdment to thls Oood af Trust chau b�oHoctivt�unlass gtvon ln wrtiing ertd <br /> '� rJgnod Dy ttw paMr or paRios sought to bo chargod a bound b�the Nteratlon a amondmoM. <br /> � � Mnuet RCpat�. If tRe Property Is used tor puraosc�s oth�r Ma�Trusta's residonco,Tn�stor 5hs11 tumtah fo Lortdor,upon roquest,a oerHflOd , • <br /> � ' ' etatnment of not operatl�ineome n3cehrad fram tho Properly durlreg Tnrstor's provlous Ilscat Ysar�n such form artd dotnit ns lendor QAaO <br /> roquf% "ri!cl oRBrotlng trtcomo•shaU maan n0 cn3h mcotpts hom tho ProPartY►e�+W cash Qxnondjturos ma�o N conncscUOn wlth tho�UOn <br /> of tt�Pto�ry. <br /> � • <br />