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<br /> ° � 1'OOBTH�12 WI'ft�ull the impmvemcnta now or hereaRer erecte0 on the propeny.and ull ea.semen�s, uppurtenunces,uad :
<br /> " ""�+� Cxturea now or hereniter a part of tha property. AU replacements und udditiona rhntl also be cc�vered by thiw Security �;
<br /> ., � Instrument.Alt of the foregnin�irs rofam9d to in thiR Security Instrument us tho"Praperty.' =
<br /> ` Q' BOItltUWBIt COV�NANTS thnt Borruwer is lawfully Reised af tha estnte hereby conveycd and hauthc dght t�i amnt urtd
<br /> � � convey the Property a�x! thut the Praperty ie unencumbered,except for encumbrancex of record. Borrower wurrantx und will _
<br /> `�� 7 defend generaUy the title to tha Fmpcny against nll cl�ims and demands,subject to any encumbrwtces of recard.
<br /> ���� THIS SECURITY iNSTRUMF.NT cambines uniform cavenunts far nutionat use and nan•uniform w�snanta with limited �
<br /> �,���� vuriatfons by judsdictton to constitute o uniform Fecurity instrument caverin�real proporty, � _:
<br /> UNIFORM COVBNANTS.Borrower und i,cnder covenant and aprc�as followa:
<br /> 1. Fuyment of Pr1�c1pal and Interest; I'eepayment und I.ate Cho�e�. Bonowcr sholl promptly puy when due the �
<br /> �t,..`�►� principal of and interest on the debt svidence�by the Note und any prepayment and lute charg�s due under the N�te. _
<br /> ' .. 2, Fnnds for Taxes t�nd Insurartce.Subject to applicable law oc to u wrltten waiver by Lender.Borrower ahnll pay to � -
<br /> ; Lender on tha de�y monthly paycnents uca due urtder the Note,until the Note is paid in full,a sum("Furtds') for:(a)yeurly tex�.w �
<br /> �� �;� and assessmxuts wh{ch may attain pdodty over this Security Instniment as n lien on the Property;(b)yc=uuty Ieasehold pAymonus � _.
<br /> � or gmund rents on the Pmperty.lf any;(c)yearly hazard or property insurnncs premiums;(d)yearly flood insuronce premium.9.
<br /> � jf any;(e)yearly mort�ga insurunce premiuma.if uny: and(� uny aums payable by 13orrowcr to Lender. in accordnnce with _
<br /> the provisions of paraIIraph 8. in Iteu of the payment of mortguge insurance premtuma. These itemsere callod"Escmw Items."
<br />,:,s%.'. ;, •,., [,ender muy. nt eny ticne, collect and hold Funds in an amount nut ro cxcexd the maximum amount u lendcr for a federnlly
<br /> :--;;'.t:,.::'� related mortgage toan may mquire for Borrov�er's escrow account under the federal Real Estate Setdement Procedures Act of
<br /> 1974 es emende�i from�imc to time, 12 U.S.C. Section 2801 et seq. ("ltBSPA"). unless another law tliat applies to tha Funds
<br /> � � .`s: sets a lesser umount. IF ro, I.ender may. ut any dnes.colicat and hoid Funds in an amount not to ex.cee� tha lesur amouat.
<br /> - � ���`�� Lendcr may estimate the asr�ua�nt of Funds due on the�asis of current data and reasonable estlmates otexpenditures of ftiture
<br /> •� `A Escrow Items or otherwise�n accordance�vith applicuble law.
<br /> �-°����"�"<<' ThB Fun�s shall be held fn an icistitution whose deposits are insured by a federal agxncy,i�atrumentslity, or entlty
<br /> �.--�;,�q�
<br /> :';iF';"( (irtcluding Lender.if Lender is such an insdtution}or in any Federal Hume L.oan Bank. Lertd�r shall upply the Funds to pay the
<br />- Escrow Items. I.ender m�not char�e Borrower for holdinII and applyln�the Funde,�U�ty�ty�►�8��escroW aeco�c.or
<br /> �°r�� ver�fying tho Escrow Items,unless C.ender pays Horrower intemst on ttte Funds und applicablc inw permits ss�nder to muke such
<br /> _' ,s�
<br />.,.�J rAli"'i,�k
<br />,;:t,z-;;;_,�4;;.�,, a charge. Fi�wever, Lender may requir�e Borrower to pay a one-time char�e for an independent real estate t�reporting se oe
<br /> _:-�r�;„� ussd by Len�cr in connectIon with thls loun. unless applicable law provides otherwise. Unless an agreement is m�.�o or
<br /> -- --- applicaisle law requires intertst w ba pflid,Lendet shall not be requined to pay Borrower any interest ar casmings on the�nds.
<br /> ��.�� �rrower and I.cnder mAy aR[c�e in wrltinR.however,that interest�,hall be paid on the Funds.Lender shaA9 giva W Borrower.
<br />'-"x�.»r� without charge, an annuul accountIng af the Funds, showing eredtts and debits to tha Fueeds and the pu�ose for wiuch each
<br /> --`"`''�'�-
<br />